

单词 券商

券商noun, plural




deal in securities
share dealing

See also:



deed (i.e. title deeds)
bond (esp. document split in two, with each party holding one half)

External sources (not reviewed)

(8) 作为资本家、融资人、特许权分授人、投资公司、基金经理及商人经营业务;
[...] 承办及经营及执行各类财务、商业、顾问、贸易及其他业务;及向适当之人 士按适当之条款垫付、存入、借出及借入款项、 财产;贴现、 买入、卖出及买卖货币(即期或远期)、黄金、票据、债权证、认股权证、息 [...]
参与权(包括合营企业、合夥企业及有限合夥企业)及各类证券及文件(包 括但不限於信用状、提货单、汇票及承兑票据)。
(8) To carry on business as capitalists, financiers, concessionaires, investment houses, fund managers and merchants, and to undertake and carry on and execute all kinds of financial, commercial, advisory, trading and other operations,
and to advance, deposit, lend
[...] and borrow money, securities,commodities andproperty to and [...]
with such persons and on such
terms as may seem expedient; to discount, buy, sell and deal in currencies (spot or forward), bullion, bills, notes, debentures, warrants, coupons, stocks, shares, options, unit in unit trust and all forms of investments or participation rights in investments and investment vehicles, including joint ventures, partnerships and limited partnerships and all forms of securities and documents, including without limitation letters of credit, bills of lading, bills of exchange and promissory notes.
(10) 行使及强制行使任何有关股份、股票、债权证、债股权证、债券、票据、债 务及其他 其他投资之拥有权所赋予或附带之所有权利及权力, 包括(在不损害前述事项之一般性原则下)因本公司於其已发行或面额中持 [...]
款为或就任何本公司目前或可能拥有其权益之公司提供支援、管理及任何行 政、督导及顾问服务。
(10) To exercise and enforce all rights and powers conferred by or incident to the ownership of any such shares, stock, debentures,
debenture stock, bonds, notes,
[...] obligationsand othersecurities, commodities and other investments [...]
including without prejudice
to the generality of the foregoing all such powers of veto or control as may be conferred by virtue of the holding by the Company of some special proportion of the issued or nominal amount thereof and to provide supporting, managerial and any executive, supervisory and consultant services for or in relation to any company in which the Company is or may become interested in any way upon such terms as may be thought fit.
阁下对本通函或应采取之行动如有任何疑问,应谘询 阁下之持牌他注册 券商行经理、律师、专业会计师或其他专业顾问。
If you are in any doubt about this circular or as to the action to be taken,
you should consult your
[...] licensed securities dealer or other registered dealer in securities, bankmanager, [...]
solicitor, professional
accountant or other professional adviser.
(f) 按其认为适宜的条款借款予该等人士或公司,尤其是与本公司有业务 往来的客户及其他人士,并担保该等任何人士或公司履约,及╱或按所
[...] 安排的条款就任何年期或概况的土地、楼宇、可继承产及物业、股份、其他财产作抵押的垫款及借款,尤其是使任何贷款(包括 [...]
(f) To lend money to such persons or companies and on such terms as may seem expedient, and in particular to customers and others having dealings with the Company, and to guarantee the performance of contracts by any such persons or companies, and/or to advance and lend money on the security of land, buildings, hereditaments and
premises of any tenure or
[...] description,shares,securities,merchandise and other property [...]
upon such terms as may be arranged,
and in particular so that any loan including interest thereon may by made repayable by monthly or quarterly instalments or otherwise.
[...] 好地理解这一影响,并提前做了充分准备,而受影响度较弱的银行 券商/商理解程 度较低,准备工作也不充分。
The CSDs and large custodians that will be affected most are most aware
and advanced in their preparations: the
[...] banks and broker/dealersthatwill be [...]
impacted to a lesser extent are not as aware or as advanced.
(B)* 如未有按照上文(A)段委任管理人,该客户兹授权交易商接受及遵照该客户任何人的指 示,管理及运作户口,付款及交收资金、 其他财产,而交易商无须调查该 客户各人在户口中的个别权益,或从户口中调走的财产或资金的用途。
(B)* If a Manager has not been nominated pursuant to Paragraph (A) above, the Clients hereby authorize PT to accept and follow the instructions of any of the Clients in all matters relating to the administration and operation of any account opened on the Clients’ behalf and to make payments to and to deliver and receive funds, securities, commodities or other property to or from any of the Clients.
13.1 在不损害敦沛依照法律或本客户协议有权享有的一般留置权、抵销权或相类似权利及本条款项下的权利为
[...] 额外附加权利前提下,对於阁下交由敦沛持有或在敦沛存放之所有应收帐、以任何货币款项 及其他财产的权益(由阁下个别地或与其他人共同地拥有),敦沛均享有一般留置权,作为持续的抵押,用 [...][...]
13.1 In addition and without prejudice to any general liens, right of set-off or other similar rights to which Tanrich is
entitled under law or this
[...] Client Agreement,all Securities, Commodities, receivables, monies [...]
(in any currency) and other
property of you (held by you individually or jointly with others) held by or in possession of Tanrich at any time shall be subject to a general lien in favour of Tanrich as continuing security to offset and discharge all of the your obligation, arising from the Transactions or otherwise, to Tanrich.
13.5 在执行吾等的留置权时,吾等有权决定出售何种投资及/或财产以及结算哪些合约的决定权, 并将出售取得的收益(在扣除所有费用之後)用於抵偿阁下对吾等负有的任何债务。
13.5 In enforcing our lien, we shall have the right
[...] to determine whichSecurities, Commodities, otherInvestment and/or [...]
properties are to be sold
and which contracts are to be closed, and to apply the proceeds of sale, after deduction of all costs and expenses, to satisfy any liabilities, indebtedness and/or obligations owed by you to us.
依 前 行 政 院 金 融 监 督 管
理 委 员 会 ( 以 下 简 称 金 管 会 ) 规 定 , 股 票 於
[...] 证 券 交 易 所 上 市 或 於券 商处 所 买 卖 之 公 开 发 [...]
行 股 票 公 司 , 应 自 民 国 102 年 会 计 年 度 开 始 日
起 , 依 金 管 会 认 可 之 国 际 财 务 报 导 准 则 、 国 际 会 计 准 则 、 解 释 及 解 释 公 告 (IFRSs) 及 预 计 於 民 国 102 年 适 用 之 「 证 券 发 行 人 财 务 报 告 编 制 准 则 」 编 制 财 务 报 告 。
Pursuant to the regulations of the Financial Supervisory Commission, Executive Yuan, R.O.C., effective January 1, 2013, a public company whose stock is listed on the
Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation or
[...] traded in the GreTaiSecurities Market should prepare [...]
financial statements in accordance
with the International Financial Reporting Standards (“IFRSs”), International Accounting Standards (“IASs”), and relevant interpretations and interpretative bulletins that are ratified by the Financial Supervisory Commission.
监於环球金融市场逐渐走向一 体化,加上高度发展及瞬息万变的营商环境,客户对投资 其他市场的认知及兴趣日益增加,因此集团其中一项策略
[...] 便是分别与美国、俄罗斯、新加坡、台湾、马来西亚、日 本及韩国的券商资公司合作,让投资者可涉足海外 金融市场,尽享一站式之投资服务。
Globalization, combined with an increasingly sophisticated and fast-moving business environment, has resulted in clients’ awareness of, and interest in, various products from other markets; therefore, one aspect
of the Group’s
[...] strategy is to team with securities firms andinvestment [...]
companies from the United States, Russia, Singapore, Taiwan, Malaysia, Japan and Korea to addadditional overseas products,
in a move to offer a one-stop-shop service.
首先,你 存款的投资金额 在您的帐户券商
First of all, you deposits the amount to be invested in your account at the brokerage.
[...] 现金及约当现金包括现金、用途不受限制之银行存款及自投资日 起三个月内到期或清偿之国票及银行承兑汇票等。
Cash and cash equivalents include cash on hand,
unrestricted deposits, and treasury bills, banker’s
[...] acceptances, andcommercial papers with maturities [...]
of three months or less.
10.7 虽如上所述,如本公司股票在券商 处所交易,股份得经由台湾集中保管结算所 (下称「台湾集保」)以帐簿登记转让及移转。
10.7 Notwithstanding the above, in the event that the Company's shares are listedon the Over-the-Counter Markets, the transfer and transmission of shares of the Company may be effected through the book-entry system of the Taiwan Depository & Clearing Corporation.
平和亦将有权拨用或使用该等资金以及卖出该等其他财産或任何部分财産(且平和经授权采取与拨款 或卖出交易相关之的措施)以及运用资金和该等卖出交易之收益以抵销和清偿客户所欠平和或平和任何关联公司之全部 或任何债务,不管任何其他人士是否对该等资金或该等其他财産(或卖出之收益)享有权益,且不管平和 是否就该等其他财産卖出或买入已垫付款项或分担任何费用,亦不管客户在平和处开立有多少户口。
PEACE TOWN shall also have the right to
appropriate, apply such
[...] funds and tosellsuch securities, Commodities,orother property or any part or parts thereof (and PEACE TOWN is authorised to do all such things necessary in connection with appropriation or such sale) and utilize the funds and the proceeds of such sale to offset and discharge all or any of the obligations of the Customer to PEACE TOWN or to any associated company of PEACE TOWN, regardless of whether or not any other person has any interest in such funds or suchsecurities, Commodities or other property (or the proceeds of sale thereof) and regardless of whether or not PEACE TOWN has made any advances or any contribution of whatsoever nature in connection with the sale and purchase of such securities, Commodities orother property, [...]
and also regardless of
the number of accounts the Customer may have opened with PEACE TOWN.
而在人民币产品方面,海 通国际是香港第一个人民币固定收益基金的发行者,也是 率先推出RQFII产品券商
In respect of RMB products, Haitong
International was the first issuer of RMB fixed income
[...] fund andthe firstsecurities firmto launch a [...]
RQFII product in Hong Kong.
直 接 投 资 业 务 主 要 办 理 直 接 投 资 、 股 权 相 关 之 金 融 商 品 投 资 及 交 易 业 务 ; 金 融 市 场 业 务 主 要 办 理 资 金 调 度 、 金 融 债 券 发 行 与 货 币 、 外 汇 、股 权 及 其 他 金 融 市 场 相 关 产 品 暨 其 衍 生 性 产 品 之 交 易 与 销 售 ; 企 业 金 融 业 务 主 要 办 理 存 款 与 汇 兑 暨 授 信 业 务 。
Direct investment business includes principal investments, equity-related financial product investments and trading business. Financial market business includes fund dispatch, issuance of bank debentures, money market, foreign exchange, bondmarket, products, equity, other financial markets related products and transactions and sales of derivative products; and corporate banking business includes deposits, remittance and corporate lending.
Hand-carry important documents, such as
[...] negotiable papers, securities, businessdocuments, [...]
passports and other identification documents, etc.
ICS Associates, its affiliates, officers, directors, and employees, including persons involved in the preparation or issuance of this material;(a) from time to time, may have long or
short positions in, and
[...] buy or sell thesecurities/commodities or derivatives thereof, mentioned here in; (b) be engaged in any other transaction involving such securities/commodities or derivatives and [...]
earn brokerage or other
compensation; (c) may have any other potential conflict of interest with respect to any recommendation and related information and opinions.
Positive net cash flows are assumed to be reinvested in a mix
[...] of corporate bonds, commercial mortgages and [...]
limited partnerships.
於本公司之股票於券商处所交易之期间内,在不违反本章程之情况下,於本公司股东 [...]
会使用或徵求委托书时,应适用现行有效之『中华民国公开发行公司出席股东会使用委托书 规则』之相关规定。
Subject to these Articles, so long as
[...] the shares are listedandtraded on [...]
Over-the-Counter Markets, the use and solicitation
of proxies at general meetings of the Company shall be in accordance with the Regulations Governing the Use of Proxies for Attendance at Shareholder Meetings of Public Companies of the Republic of China, as from time to time amended.
[...] [...] 所有资金,证券,货币,和其他财产的交易,AXISCapital或其联属公司可随时为交易或可在任何时间,在其管有或控制,或进行其书为任何目的,包括妥善保管,将持有AXISCapital安全性和普通留置权及负债的操盘手AXISCapital的是否或不AXISCapital的进步与该等货币或其他财产,不论在数量设置权交易账户可能与AXISCapital。
Collateral Terms: All funds, securities, currencies, and other property of Trader which AXISCapital or its affiliates may at any time be carrying for Trader or which may at any time be in its possession or control or carried on its books for any purpose, including safekeeping, are to be held by AXISCapital as security and subject to a general lien and right of set-off for liabilities of Trader to AXISCapital whether or not
AXISCapital has made advances in
[...] connectionwithsuch securities, commodities, currenciesor other [...]
property, and irrespective
of the number of accounts Trader may have with AXISCapital.
依金融控股公司法第 4
[...] 条之规定,金融控股公司需同时对银行、 保险公司或券商制性持股。
According to Article 4 of the ROC Financial Holding Company
Act, a financial holding company should hold controlling interests in a bank, an
[...] insurance company or a securitieshouse.
Shenzhen a brokers electronic industry analysts inacceptthe securities times reporter to [...]
interview points out, this planning
highlighted the policy guidance of localization, both equipment and chip, including backlighting and street lamps and other products, will help, optoelectronics, and other MOCVD manufacturers, ntu photoelectric and high purity metal organic source (MO source) manufacturers, and backlight enterprise ruifeng photoelectric, street light leading enterprises frequently on photoelectric, domestic chip leading company three Ann photoelectric and DE hao embellish of related the development of the enterprise.
我已经收到了许多问题多少投资初期,如果您需要每月存款到您的帐户 券商果你能离开经纪账户中的钱坐在不购买任何行动的情况下。
I have received many questions about how much to invest initially, if you need to make monthly deposits into your account at the brokerage and if you can leave the money sitting in the brokerage account without buying any action.
依 本 会 计 师 之 意 见 , 第 一 段 所 述 合 并 财 务 报 表 在 所 有 重 大 方 面 系 依 照 公 开 发 行 银 行 财 务 报 告 编 制 准 则 、券 商报 告 编 制 准 则 、 期 货 商 财 务 报 告 编 制 准 则 及 一 般 公 认 会 计 原 则 编 制 , 足 以 允 当 表 达 大 众 银 行 及 其 子 公 司 民 国 九 十 九 年 及 九 十 八 年 十 二 月 三 十 一 日 合 并 之 财 务 状 况 , 暨 民 国 九 十 九 及 九 十 八 年 度 合 并 之 经 营 成 果 与 现 金 流 量 。
In our opinion, the consolidated financial statements referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, the consolidatedfinancial position of the Bank and its subsidiaries as of December 31, 2009 and 2008, and the consolidated results of their operations and their cash flows for the years then ended, in conformity with the Regulations Governing the Preparation of Financial Reports by Public Banks, Criteria Governing the Preparation of Financial Reports by Securities Firms, Criteria Governing the Preparation of Financial Reports by Futures Commission Merchants and accounting principles generally accepted in the Republic of China.
阁 下 如 已 将 名 下 Vision Values Holdings Limited 之 股 份 全 部 售
出 或 转 让 , 应 立 即 将 本 通 函 连 同 随附之代表 委 任 表 格 送 交 买 主 或承让 人 或 经 手
[...] 买卖或 转 让 之 银 行 、 持 牌券 商他代理 商 , 以 便 转 交 [...]
买 主 或承让 人 。
If you have sold or transferred all your shares in Vision Values Holdings Limited, you should at once hand this circular together with the accompanying form of proxy to
the purchaser or transferee or to the
[...] bank,licensed securitiesdealeror other agent [...]
through whom the sale or transfer
was effected for transmission to the purchaser or transferee.
[...] Capital Partners LLC,一家私有的商人银行券商金融顾问公司,为处于成熟期的未上市公司以及中小型上市公司提供业务及金融顾问服务。
Prior to starting AUS, Mr. Leo
founded Venture Capital Partners LLC, a
[...] private merchant banking, securitiestrading, and consulting [...]
firm which provided business
and financial advisory services to late-stage private companies and small to mid-sized public companies.




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