

单词 券化


证券化 n

securitisationBE n


securitization ratio

See also:


voucher n
certificate n
contract n

deed (i.e. title deeds)
bond (esp. document split in two, with each party holding one half)

External sources (not reviewed)

[...] 詢問,政府當局會否考慮檢討分拆計劃,以及擱置進一步將政 府資產出售及券化的計劃。
Given that the Government's financial position had improved as a result of economic recovery, Mr FANG enquired whether the Administration would consider
conducting a review of the divestment programme and withhold plans for
[...] further sale and securitization of government assets.
例 如,保留的風險可按財務
[...] 工具類型呈列(例如擔保, 看漲或看跌期權),或按轉 移的類型(例如計入應收款 項、券化或證券借貸)。
For example, the retained exposure could be presented by type of financial instrument (such as guarantees,
call or put options), or by type of transfer (such as factoring of
[...] receivables, securitisations or securities lending).
因此,还认为必须考虑与电子可转移记录的 券化 有 关 的要 求。
In this line, the necessity to
take into consideration the requirements
[...] related to the securitization of electronic transferable [...]
records was also expressed.
(b) 在 五 隧一橋 交
[...] 易中,海底隧道的隧道費收入佔 券化隧 橋整 體 隧 橋 費 收入淨額約 60%。
(b) The toll revenue generated by CHT currently
accounts for some 60% of the total net toll
[...] revenue of the securitised facilities [...]
under the Hong Kong Link transaction.
現行使《 借 款條例》第 3(1)條 所 賦 的權力 ,議決 授權政府為根據《公 共 財政條例》(第 2 章)第 29 條 通過的 決 議 所 設 立的基本 工 程 儲 備 基 金 的 目 的,藉 著 可 從 附 表 指明的任 何 或 所有橋 樑 及 隧 道 的 橋 樑 使 用 費 及 隧 道 費 收取的政府收入 及財政司司長指明的可 從 任 何 或 所有該 等 橋 樑 及 隧 道收取的 其他政 府收入 的券 化 , 借 入 總 額 不 超 過 $6,000,000,000 或 同等款 額 的 一 筆 或 多於一筆 款 項。
RESOLVED, in exercise of the powers conferred by section 3(1) of the Loans Ordinance, that the Government be authorized to borrow, for the purposes of the Capital Works Reserve Fund established by resolutions passed under section 29 of the Public Finance Ordinance (Cap. 2), a sum or sums not exceeding in total $6,000,000,000 or equivalent by way of securitizing Government revenue receivable from the tolls on any or all of the bridges and tunnels specified in the Schedule and such other Government revenue receivable from any or all of those bridges and tunnels as specified by the Financial Secretary.
[...] 全球金融危机的冲击;它们的银行避免了发放大量的次级贷款,并有更严格的关 于举债及券化的规定。
The Canadian financial system escaped from the global financial crisis relatively well; their banks
had avoided making extensive subprime-type loans and had faced stricter regulations
[...] regarding leverage and securitization.
捐助国和国际金融机构可以发挥重要作用,提供担保和政治风险保险, 帮助确定金融工具的风险评级并提供咨询意见,例如汇款和其他未来流动应 收款的券化。
Donors and international financial institutions can play an important role by furnishing guarantees, political risk insurance, help in establishing ratings and
supplying advice on financial
[...] instruments, such as the securitization of remittances [...]
and other future-flow receivables.
在加入 GSO Capital 之前,Chhim
[...] 女士曾担任瑞生律师事务所银行及结构融资与 券化 实 践 部门经理,并曾借调至瑞士信贷的资产管理部门工作一次。
Before joining GSO Capital, Ms. Chhim worked at Latham & Watkins LLP as an
associate in the banking and
[...] structured finance and securitization practice groups [...]
and completed a secondment at Credit
Suisse in the asset management division.
[...] 方式都属于创新性发展筹资,范围从上述的机制,例如把官方发展援助的承诺券化、国 际征税和新的特别提款权分配,到所有“其他创新”,例如当地货币债 [...]
The lack of a precise definition has caused many studies to offer a broad interpretation and consider all types of non-conventional forms of finance under the rubric of innovative development financing,
ranging from the mechanisms mentioned
[...] earlier, such as securitization of ODA commitments, [...]
international taxes and new SDR
allocations, to all kinds of “other innovations”, such as local currency bonds and currency hedges, gross domestic product (GDP)-linked bonds, incentives to channel worker remittances to developmental investments and publicly guaranteed weather insurance mechanisms.
此外,对银行交易活动、复杂的券化和衍 生工具也会有较高的资本收费。
In addition, there will be higher capital charges related to bank trading
[...] activities, complex securitizations and derivatives.
在歐洲,信貸風險的風險加權資產下跌 79 億美元,主要是環球銀行及資本市場業務 的風險下降所致,當中包括因大企業借款減少
[...] 而令風險加權資產下跌 43 億美元,以及券 化風險加權資產減少 26 億美元。
In Europe, credit risk RWAs fell by US$7.9bn, mainly in GB&M. This included a reduction
of US$4.3bn in RWAs due to a decline in borrowing by large corporates and a reduction
[...] of US$2.6bn in securitisation RWAs.
(1) 不動產券化之會 計處理係依據中華民國會計研究發展基金會發佈(93)基 秘字第 141 號函「不動產券化之會計處理」及(95)基秘字第 023 號函「不 動產券化會計處理疑義」辦理。
Cathay Life has adopted “Accounting Treatment under Real Estate Securitization” with the Accounting Research and Development Foundation.
我们投资从实际资产到公司债券到未 券化 的 现金流的一切事物。
We invest in everything from real
[...] assets to corporate securities to unsecuritized [...]
streams of cash flows.
[...] Revolution中,StatPro的客户现在可以访问280多万个固定收益债券的评估价格数据,包括投资级和高收益企业与主权 券 、 证 券化 债 券 以 及美国市政债券。
By integrating Interactive Data's extensive award winning fixed income evaluations data into StatPro Revolution, StatPro's cloud-based portfolio analysis platform, StatPro clients can now access evaluated prices for approximately 2.8m fixed income securities including
investment grade and high yield corporate and sovereign
[...] securities, securitised securities and U.S. municipal securities.
在土耳其,正在实施一 个汇款券化计划 ,即发行债券,以通过信托帐户流入的预期未来境外汇款流 量为支持。
In Turkey, a
[...] remittances securitization scheme was being implemented which consisted of issuing bonds backed by [...]
expected future flows
of offshore remittances flowing through a trust account.
在将这些贷款与其他贷款捆绑、 并通过一种称 为券化的程序卖给二 级 市场投 资人之 [...]
前,发放者仅在很短时间内 拥有这些贷款(通常为 60 至 90 天),从而使发放者能够付还其债权人。
Originators only briefly owned the loans (typically for 60 to 90
[...] days) before they were bundled with other [...]
loans and sold to secondary market investors
in a process called securitization, allowing the originators to repay their creditors.
股市或者,更确切地说,在公共财政资金的Mobililiários证券市场(不被混淆与不动产 券化 , 对 于外行可能听起来很奇怪,但仅此而已)。
The Stock Market or, more correctly, Mobililiários
Securities Market (not to be confused
[...] with real estate securities, for the layman [...]
might sound strange, but that's it) is
one in respect of public financial funding.
发展金融流可以被构造,以便通过国际免疫金融便利(International Finance Facility for Immunization,它绑定长期ODA约束,并将其 券化 从 而 产生资金立刻使用)等机制获得使用。
Development-finance flows could be restructured, so that they are channeled through mechanisms like the International Finance Facility for Immunization, which binds ODA commitments over a long period and securitizes them in order to generate funds for immediate use.
就多项价值数百万以至千万美元的贷款及资产 券化 项 目提供法律意见。
Advising on various
[...] multimillion-dollar loan and securitization projects.
这些政策和 措施可包括:(一) 向移徙者和收款人提供财务教育和金融包容性;(二) 设计和营销
[...] 金融产品(例如,储蓄和保险产品);(三) 汇款和金融服务方面的技术培训;(四) 移 徙者创业培训;(五) 协助中小企业;(六) 汇款券化(例如通过侨民债券)。
These may include (i) financial education and financial inclusion, both for migrants and for recipients of remittances; (ii) the design and marketing of financial products (e.g. savings and insurance products); (iii) technical training in money transfer and financial services; (iv) migrant
entrepreneurship training; (v) assistance to
[...] SMEs; and (vi) the securitization of remittances (e.g. through diaspora bonds).
如果這套資料庫系統能應用在亞洲其它經 濟體 藉由收集 分析信用資料 準確評量同 領域內個別中小企業信用風險
[...] 如此一來中小 企業不但能向銀行融資 還能透過清盤與券 化的方式從債務市場獲得融資機會
If such kind of systems could be established in other parts of Asia to accumulate and analyze credit risk data and measure each SME’s credit risk accurately under the same criteria, SMEs will be not only able to raise funding
from the banking sector but also gain access to the debt market through
[...] liquidation and securitization of their claims.
於二零一一年六月三十日,券化的 貿 易應收款項總額為717百萬美元(二零一零 年:2,349百萬美元),而己收取並分類為即期借款的額度為659百萬美元(二零一零年:1,950百萬美元)。
(2010: $ 2,349 million) and proceeds received and classified as current borrowings amounted to $ 659 million (2010: $ 1,950 million).
依金融資產券化條例 ,採行特殊目的信託方式,將持有之部份 房屋貸款債權、信用卡應收帳款債權及相關權益信託移轉受託機構, [...]
According to the Statute for
[...] Financial Asset Securitization, mortgage loans, [...]
credit cards receivable and their related rights
owned by original institution can be transferred to a specific purpose trust for issuing beneficiary certificates and funds raised from such issuance should be transferred to the original institution.
2006 年,本组织创始人——联合国人居奖获得者——逝世,由于金融衰退及其对 全世界住房发展券化方案 的影响,造成了大规模改组。
In 2006, the founder of the organization, a recipient of the Habitat Scroll of Honour, passed away, and an extended reorganization
ensued owing to the financial recession and its
[...] impact on the securitization programmes for [...]
housing developments worldwide.
債券擔保券化債券債權 (Collateralized Bond Obligation)乃是將多筆債券群組起來,透過法律架構、現金流量、及信評機制的安排,加以包裝組合後,發行受益證券給投資人。
Collateralized Bond Obligation (CBO)
is a grouping of multiple accounts of
[...] bonds issued as securities to investors after [...]
repackaging through arrangements of
legal structure, cash flow, and credit rating mechanisms.
惟若於該不動產投資信託受益證券發行日後三個月內所購 入之受益證券已超過發行在外總數之百分之二十時,應視為 券化 不動 產之移轉係部份未出售,而將發起人所持有之不動產投資信託受益證券 部份之不動產出售損益予以遞延。
However, if the originator and its related parties subsequently acquire the REIT beneficiary securities over 20% of its outstanding shares within three months after the issue date, the subsequently acquired portion is not deemed a sale and therefore gain or loss on disposal of real estate for the originator related to the subsequently acquired portion shall be deferred.
[...] 際上亦擔心非經常帳目的赤字:財政司司長於是推出了出售和 券化 公共資産的計劃,今後五年總值一千一百一十二億元。
Moreover, because of the shortfall in land revenue after the nine measures of November 2002, the government is actually worried about the capital account
as well: that is why Mr. Leung
[...] projects the sale and securitisation of public assets [...]
to the tune of HK$112 billion in the next five years.
該 修 訂 將 加 強 轉 讓 交 易 報 告 的 透 明 度,並 有 助 於 使 用 者 瞭 解 金 融 資 產 轉 讓 的 風 險 以 及 此 等 風 險 對 主 體 財
[...] 務 狀 況 的 影 響,尤 其 是 涉 及 金 融 資 產券 化 的 風 險。
This amendment will promote transparency in the reporting of transfer transactions and improve users’ understanding of the risk exposures relating to transfers of financial assets and the
effect of those risks on an entity’s financial position, particularly
[...] those involving securitisation of financial assets.
學術研究十分活躍,經常撰寫教學案例,內容涉及銀行業和金融機構管理 以及國際金融和券化。
He participated in founding China’s first business school, the National Center for Industrial Science and Technology Management at Dalian in 1980 and subsequently worked in banking and consulting in Hong Kong for seven years.




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