

单词 制度

External sources (not reviewed)

你是否贊成以定額罰制度而非 傳票方式執行停車熄匙規定?
Do you accept that the ban be implemented by fixed penalty system rather than summons?
既然我們建議採納 食品法典委員會訂定的最高殘餘限量,作為本港食物中殘餘除害劑最高 殘餘限量的主要骨幹,為確保相關的最高殘餘限量是與食物分類兼容 的,我們建議在制定新規管方案的分 制度 時 , 亦參照食品法典委員會 的食物分類方法。
As it is proposed to adopt Codex MRLs as the backbone of the local set of MRLs for pesticide residues in food, to ensure compatibility, it is also proposed to make reference to Codex when developing such classification system under the new regulatory framework.
牌照委員會的職能是按情況就 (a)發牌;(b)豁免;或(c)暫時免責的申請作出決定,而在作出決定 時會考慮所有相關因素,包括是否符合各項規管要求、由相關界別 提出的專業意見,以及公眾利益的考慮因素,例如骨灰龕位的整體 供求情況、區內居民的意見,以及購買了在發 制度 推 行 前已經存 在的骨灰龕位的人士的權益。
The functions of the Licensing Board are to decide on the merits of applications for (a) a licence; (b) an exemption; or (c) temporary suspension of liability, having regard to all relevant factors which include, among other things, compliance with various regulatory requirements, professional input from relevant disciplines and public interest considerations such as the overall supply of and demand for columbarium niches, views of residents in the district, as well as the interest of patrons of columbaria which came into existence before the introduction of the licensing scheme.
儘管如此,我們 會繼續專注為該制度的實 施展開準備工作。
Despite this uncertainty we remain focused on preparing for
[...] implementation of the new regime.
i. 首席助理秘書長(2)負責有關區議會及立法會選舉的 政策和立法事宜;就有關選制度的 司 法覆核及選舉 呈請個案作政策上的回應;選舉管理委員會和選舉事 務處的內務管理支援;以及與區議會組成方式有關的 事宜。
i. PAS(CMA)2 is responsible for policies and legislations relating to District Councils and Legislative Council elections; policy response in relation to judicial review cases concerning election systems and election petition cases; housekeeping of the Electoral Affairs Commission and the Registration and Electoral Office; and matters relating to the composition of District Councils.
如國內之程序法,設有對第三人通知制度者, 其對人應為之第三人通知,得由主要訴訟所繫屬之法院為之。
If the national procedural law establishes [...]
a system of third-party notice, a person may be subject to a thirdparty notice
in the court seised with the main proceedings.
h) 有業界代表建議包括營養資料標 制度 實 施 之前和之後市場上附有營養聲稱 的產品數目,以找出可能因營養標籤規例生效而在市場上消失的產品數目。
market before and after the implementation of the NL scheme, to find out the number of products that might be eliminated from the market after the NL regulation taking effect.
在這方面,當局所關注的是該等 辭職和以補選再度爭取當選對選 制度 和 公 眾的 負面影響。
In this regard, the Administration is concerned with the adverse impact such resignations and seeking to be re-elected through by-elections will have on the electoral system and on the public.
約半數就標準專制度發表 意見的成員,贊同在香港設立「原授 專利制度,當 中有成員認為此舉有利於培育創意,吸引更多海 外企業在香港就其發明申請專利,以及推動香港發展成為區內創 新科技樞紐。
Some consider that it would have the benefits of nurturing creativity, attracting more overseas enterprises to apply for patents for their inventions in Hong Kong and developing Hong Kong into a regional innovation and technology hub.
發言人補充,在規制度方面 ,主要的修訂建議包括提高升降機 及自動梯工程師註冊的資歷要求、為業界工人引入註 制度 及 提 高在 條例下違例事項的罰則水平。
On the regulatory regime, the major amendment proposals included the upgrading of qualification requirements for lift and escalator engineers, introduction of registration [...]
system for workers in the
industry, and the increase in the penalty level of offences under the Ordinance, the spokesman said.
成員備悉文件編號CIC/ENT/P/001/09,並就香港綠色建築 議會對評審樓宇環保表現的評制度 的 持 續發展,以 及合資格專業人士的相關認可及註冊方面,討論其日 後可擔當的角色。
Members took note of the Paper CIC/ENT/P/001/09 and discussed the possible roles of the future Hong Kong Green Building Council in the continued development of a rating system for the assessment of the environmental performance of buildings in Hong Kong, and the associated accreditation and registration of qualified professionals.
制度將給 予建築 專業人士更大彈性,提出替代和創新的設計,而同時能符合安全和衞生成效的要 求。
The new system will provide [...]
greater flexibility for building professionals to propose alternative and innovative designs
to comply with the relevant safety and health performance requirements.
我們 指出,若政府對工資議題的態度依然是不聞不問,只會進一步迫使僱員接受勞動市場中不公 平及不合理的工制度,使其及家人生活長期處於家庭經濟危機之中。
We would like to point out that if the Government still remains indifferent to the wage issue, employees will be further forced to accept an unfair and unreasonable wage system in the labour market, throwing the employees and their families into a long-term financial crisis.
審核委員會之主要職責包括審閱向股東呈報之財務及其他資料、檢討內部監 制度 、 風 險管理及審核程序之有 效性及客觀性。
The primary responsibilities of the Audit Committee include reviewing the reporting of financial and other information of shareholders, systems of internal controls, risk management and the effectiveness and objectivity of the audit process.
76. 強積制度實行將屆 10 年,流弊叢生,特區政府宜作出徹底檢討,但有關 檢討只能收局部改善之效,設立全民退休 制度 才 能 正本清源,故特區政府 應擴大檢討範圍並制訂全民養老金計劃。
A  pension  system  covering  the  whole  population  is  regarded  as  the  right  medicine  and  therefore  should  be  included  in  the  upcoming review.
Actions to exclude a candidate or influence an election on the basis that the rotation system should be upheld is not permissible.
還有回應者認為,教育和宣制度優 化 的原因,以及制訂促使行為改變的措 拖,均對紓緩氣候變化具重要的作用。
Education and promotion on the reasons and methods of systemic enhancement as well as adopting measures that facilitate behaviour change play an important role in combating climate change.
就營運風險而言,我們認為本集團在投資營運、應對交易對手風險及變革管理方面實力雄厚,讓我們能夠在必要情況下 完成向歐元區制度的過渡。
In respect of operational risks, we believe we have strong investment operations, counterparty risk and change
management capabilities that enable us to manage the transition to
[...] a new Eurozone regime if events require [...]
it to do so.
香港在管制戰略物品貿易方面,必須維持最高的國際水平, 以增強貿易伙伴對我們制制度的信 心,我們方能繼續接觸 到本地經濟發展所需的尖端科技。
Such controls are essential in maintaining the confidence of our trading partners in our system so that we may have continued access to the advanced technologies we need to sustain our economic development.
stc.tid.gov.hk 目的 設立公開表揚和獎勵制度,以 鼓勵及推動私營機構尤其是中小型企業應用資訊科 技。
To encourage and promote the use of IT across the private sector, especially in small and medium size d enterprises, by es tabli shing public recognition and award mechanisms.
考評局曾與不少海外大學接觸,他們對香港中學文憑考試獲 UCAS 納入分數對制度表示歡迎,認為可增加他們對新考試程度的認識,有助制定收生政 策。
In our meetings with overseas universities, they
indicated that they welcome the inclusion of
[...] HKDSE into the UCAS tariff point system, [...]
for this will enable them to better
understand the standards of the new examination and to develop admission policies.
資料豐富 新的資歷和相關的評核及考制度應 為 不同人士提供有用的資訊。
The new qualification and the associated assessment and examinations system should provide useful information to all parties.
我们亦在《政制发展绿皮书》中表明,就个别司法管辖区而言,在符合国 际上对“普选”概念的一般理解之余,也可因应人民的特别需要和诉求,社会经 济的独特情况,以及有关地方的历史现实而发展其选 制度。
We have also stated in the Green Paper on Constitutional Development that as far as an individual jurisdiction is concerned, while conforming to the general international understanding of universal suffrage, it can also develop its electoral system having regard to the particular needs and aspirations of its people, the uniqueness of its socio-economic situation, and its historical realities.
(b) 所有新的質素保證和質素提升政策都已應用於修課式研究課程,包括經過
[...] 效)、課程檢討(二零零九至二零一零年度起生效,請參閲贊同五)、經 修訂的校外主制度程序 和機制(二零一零至二零一一年度起生效)以及 [...]
政策的實施須通過教務委員會屬下的教與學質素委員會(其職能一直以來 與各學院的教與學質素委員會互相配合)監察。
(b) All new QA and QE policies have been
applied to TPg curricula, i.e. the revamped
[...] outcomes-based SETL (w.e.f. 2009-10), [...]
curriculum reviews (w.e.f. 2009-10, Affirmation
5 refers), the revised procedures and processes for the EE system (w.e.f. 2010-11), and monitoring the implementation of these policies through Senate’s TLQC which has all along been functionally aligned with the FTLQC.
刪除監察人 之文字,增列 董事選任採 候選人提制度。
Delete the wording related to the supervisors, and add that the election of directors is adopted by the
[...] candidate nomination system.
公開發行公司規則” 指相關主管機關隨時針對公開發行公司或任何股份在臺灣之 證券交易所或證券市場交易之公司訂定之中華民國法律、規 則和規章(包括但不限於公司法、證券交易法、金融監督管理 委員會(以下簡稱「金管會」)發布之法令規章,或財團法人 證券櫃檯買賣中心(以下簡稱「櫃買中心」)發布之規制 度),而 經相關主管機關要求應適用本公司者。
(ii) Applicable Public Company Rules the ROC laws, rules and regulations (including, without limitation, the Company Act, the Securities and Exchange Law, the rules and regulations promulgated by the FSC and rules and regulations promulgated by the GTSM, as amended from time to time) affecting the public reporting companies or companies listed on any ROC stock exchange or securities market that from time to time are required by the relevant regulator as applicable to the Company
成員獲環境保護署(環保署)簡介在私營界別推廣使 用管理拆建物料的運載記錄制度,並 備悉文件編號 CIC/ENT/P/005/09。
Protection Department (EPD) on promoting the adoption of Trip Ticket System in private sector and took note of the Paper CIC/ENT/P/005/09.
A1.2 爲此,港大已重組一些負有教與學責任(包括關於專題式研究生教育)的中央和 學院層面之委員會,使委員會架構更爲一致,在中央和學院層面之間的溝通和報制度更爲 精簡、有效,有關詳情見建議二。
A1.2 To this end, the University has reorganized central and Faculty committees with responsibility for teaching and learning, including those for RPg education, resulting in a better aligned committee structure and more streamlined and effective communication and reporting between the central and Faculty levels.
爲實現這一目標,從今年開始,要按照建立現代企 制度 的 要求,分步對國有獨 資商業銀行進行綜合改革。
To achieve this objective, beginning this year, China will initiate a comprehensive reform of the wholly state-owned commercial banks on a step-by-step basis according to the requirement of establishing the system of modern enterprises.
自民國八十七年度兩稅合制度實施 後,本公司當年度依稅法規定調整之稅後盈 餘於次年度股東會決議未作分配者,該未分配盈餘應加徵10%營利事業所得稅,列為 股東會決議年度之所得稅費用。
The 10% surtax on undistributed earnings is expensed in the year when the shareholders approved not to distribute the earnings, which is the year subsequent to the year when the earnings are incurred.




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