单词 | 刹 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | Examples:手刹n—handbraken 手刹车—handbrake 刹住v—stopv
此外,推 广良好驾驶行为,例如适当使用刹车器或转弯时减慢车速,亦可有助减少 [...] 交通噪音,从而改善乘客及司机的舒适程度。 devb.gov.hk | Further, promulgation of good driving practice, e.g. [...] to apply thebrake properly, or [...]to slow down while negotiating bends, would [...]also help reduce traffic noise and hence improve the comfort for both passengers and drivers. devb.gov.hk |
如脚踏车刹车把手、断电器、网拍颈 箍、农机工具外壳。 npc.com.tw | For example, brake lever of bicycle, [...] breaker, yoke, hand tools housing, etc. npc.com.tw |
高刚性与高韧性同时要求的零件,如 脚踏车刹车把手、溜冰鞋底座、脚踏 车轮框。 npc.com.tw | For example, brake lever of bicycle, [...] road roller frame, wheel frame, etc. npc.com.tw |
铁路公司在世界范围内使用刹车联动灌木丛飞格立公司塑料 一个将发挥重要的安全功能。 zh-tw.developmentscout.com | Railway companies [...] worldwide useBrake linkagebushes [...]from Faigle plastics one that will play a central security function. en.developmentscout.com |
在我职业生涯的众多回忆中,最令人惊喜的时刻可能是公元2000年在日本铃鹿(Suzuka)大赛中跨过终点线的那一刹那。 audemarspiguet.com | Among the many memories of my career, the most astounding is probably the moment when I crossed the Suzuka 2000 finish line, winning not only the Japanese GP, but more importantly, the world champion title for Ferrari. audemarspiguet.com |
此外,掉头隧道的作用是在列车超越车 站月台位置时提供额外的刹车距离,因此适宜铺设较为 平直的路轨。 devb.gov.hk | The purpose of overrun tunnel is to provide additional braking distance beyond the station platform in case trains overshoot. devb.gov.hk |
尖叫 – [...] 过度的尖叫声,尖叫,呻吟,喋喋不休,哒或爆炸,意味着你的刹车需要严重关注。 hkcarworld.com | SQUEAL – Excessive squeals, screech, groaning, chatter, clatter or [...] bang, meansyour brakesneed serious [...]attention. hkcarworld.com |
提高能源效益的方式包括我们熟悉的AMG专用、优化磨擦力的双丝镀层气缸壁,以及按需提供、经MAP优化的供油及智能发电机管理系统:在引擎超速阶段及刹车时,动能将被用於充电而不会发热费掉。 mercedes-benz.com.hk | Efficiency-enhancing measures include the familiar AMG-exclusive, friction-optimised twin-wire arc-sprayed coating on the cylinder walls as well as the on-demand, map-optimised oil supply and intelligent generator management: during the engine's overrun phases, kinetic energy is used to charge the battery rather than being wasted by simply generating heat. mercedes-benz.com.hk |
在您按下快门的刹那,若拍摄的人物眨眼时,马上会在萤幕中显示询问是否保留或删除此张照片,这时您 可以依据各人喜好挑选满意的照片做储存或删除的动作,快速、方便的功能,可以帮您省下不少挑照片的时间。 benq.com.tw | The Blink Detector function alerts you when a subject has blinked, allowing the shot to be retaken immediately or saved according to your preference. benq.com.ph |
刹车警示灯 – 停车制动器是启动,或液压严重下降。 hkcarworld.com | BRAKE WARNING LIGHT – The parking brake is on or there [...] is a serious drop in hydraulic pressure. hkcarworld.com |
他引述菲律宾民族独立英雄黎刹的话,指出种树者尽管知道未能一睹十年树木之成果,但仍努力为未来的孩子们默默种植,进而指出,教育事业就是在每个年轻生命中播下「希望与勇气的种子」,为人类遥远未来种植宏大的「和平繁荣树林」的挑战。 daisakuikeda.org | Describing the sentiment of Filipino independence hero José Rizal that those who plant trees for the sake of the children of the future do so in the knowledge that they will not see the end results of their efforts, Mr. Ikeda shared his belief that education is a challenge to plant seeds of hope and courage in the life of each young person, to cultivate magnificent forests of peace and prosperity in humanity's far distant future. daisakuikeda.org |
FERRARI F1技术的F1-Trac牵引力控制系统;BREMBO碳纤维陶瓷复合刹车系统;车体出色的空力设计,在时速200公里下可带来达70公斤的下压力,让CALIFORNIA在拥有高速的同时,行车表现仍然稳定。 think-silly.com | With Ferrari F1 technology F1-Trac traction control system, and Brembo [...] carbon-ceramic brake system, the [...]model delivers downforce values of 70kg at 200km/h [...]providing powerful stability in fierce speed. think-silly.com |
同样地,池田的着作也让日本创价学会会员得知菲律宾独立建国英雄──荷西‧黎刹(José Rizal),并学习这位品格高尚,身兼医师、文学家与人道主义者等职衔之人的精神,以及为菲律宾独立所展开的奋斗。 daisakuikeda.org | Similarly, thanks to Ikeda's frequent references, members of the SGI in Japan know José Rizal, the hero of Philippine independence, as the heroic, virtuous figure that he was: a medical doctor, literary genius and humanitarian who inspired the Philippine independence movement and died in his early 30s. daisakuikeda.org |
前轮轴上直径 380 毫米且带有凹槽的内部通风式钢质刹车转子,由六活塞铝合金刹车卡钳负责制动,後轮则采用四活塞卡钳。 pap.porsche.com | The 380 millimetre slotted and inner-vented steel brakerotors at the front axle are decelerated by six-piston aluminium fixed callipers. pap.porsche.com |
IR模拟集成电路和先进电路器件更获佳士拿 (Daimler-Chrysler)、福特 (Ford) 及宝马 [...] (BMW) 汽车所选用,用於电子刹车系统、直接燃油喷注系统、电子悬架及全新引擎预热系统。 ipress.com.hk | Analog ICs and advanced circuit devices from IR were selected for upcoming [...] Daimler-Chrysler, Ford, and BMW vehicles to power [...] electronic braking systems, direct [...]fuel injection systems, electronic suspension [...]and new engine preheat systems. ipress.com.hk |
将橡胶盖(F – 图 7)塞回刹把前面的洞 campagnolo.com | Replace cap (F – [...] Fig. 7) into the brake leverhole. campagnolo.com |
但属发动 37 [...] 机之故障或受损,而其损害仅限於发动机、发动机护罩或其配件;或损害仅及螺 旋桨、翼尖、天线、輪胎、刹車、整流罩或航空器表面小凹陷、穿孔者,不在此 限。 asc.gov.tw | Engine failure or damage limited to an engine if only one engine fails or is damaged, bent fairings or cowling, dented skin, small puncture holes in the skin or fabric, ground damage to rotor or propeller [...] blades, and damage to landing gear, [...] wheels, tires, flaps, engine accessories,brakes,or wingtips [...]are not considered “substantial [...]damage” for the purpose of this part. asc.gov.tw |
塑胶中空(吹出)成型 / 回转成型, 流动厕所及配件, 汽车扰流板 / 保险杆/刹车油箱..., 道路防眩板, 伸缩置物箱, 开新模具服务, 各式容器. trade-taiwan.org | Plastic Blow Molded / Plastic Rotation Molded, Portable Toilet and accessories, Car Spoiler / Bumper / Oil Container..., Anti Glare Plate, Flexible Container, Mold Service, Containers. trade-taiwan.org |
随着一场雨,大家各自离开了…散发着淡淡的愁,镇上的老人们像那副老墙般,看着它随着那刹那的阳光偷偷闪过,青春就好像当年你我共同为之迷恋的那首诗歌一样。 dddhouse.com | With the rain, we each left ... exudes a touch of melancholy, the old town wall of people as old as askew, looking at it as the moment that the sun flashed secretly, as if the year of youth whom you and I together That poem, like obsessive. dddhouse.com |
无磨损,不受磁场和绝对可靠的,系统也可以加装到现有的刹车。 zh-tw.developmentscout.com | Wear-free, insensitive to magnetic fields and absolutely reliable, the system can also be [...] retrofitted into existing brakes. en.developmentscout.com |
要从外表办别出AMG [...] 高性能套装配备,可见於引擎罩下钛灰色的可变吸气歧管、AMG高效能刹车系统的复合材料前制动碟、全红漆的煞车卡钳、行李箱盖上的碳物料扰流器唇、和采用软羊皮革和Alcantara [...]®把手的AMG Performance軚盘。 mercedes-benz.com.hk | This reduces inertia and enhances the agility and responsiveness of the high-revving, eight-cylinder naturally-aspirated engine. Visually, the AMG Performance package can be identified by the variable intake manifold in [...] titanium grey under the bonnet, the AMG [...] high-performance braking system with [...]composite front discs and red painted brake [...]callipers all round, the carbon-fibre spoiler lip on the boot lid and the AMG Performance steering wheel in nappa leather with an Alcantara® grip area. mercedes-benz.com.hk |
如果驾驶者没有作出适当的反应, 紧急刹车将自动启动。 osram-os.net | If there is no appropriate [...] reaction, an emergency brake will be automatically [...]activated. osram-os.net |
在您按下快门的刹那,若拍摄的人物眨眼时,马上会在萤幕中显示询问是否保留或删除此张照片。 benq.com.tw | Ever discovered later that an otherwise perfect shot of somebody was spoiled because she blinked at the crucial moment? benq.com |
马达心轴应加工 8mm +0 –0.08 ,要将六角轴套固定时,打进插梢时,插梢要比六角轴套平面深0.5mm内,或平行注意插梢不可高出六角轴套平面,或安装刹车时会因插梢高出六角轴套而装不进去,如太用力或木槌槌打安装进去,则会产生来令片弯曲。 chaintail.com | The center shaft of the motor should be ground to 8mm +/-0.08. When fixing the hexagonal shaft sleeve in place, insert the cotter pin so that it is within 0.5mm below or flush with the surface of the hexagonal shaft sleeve it must not protrude above the surface or it will interfere wit the installation of the brake. chaintail.com |
用於半导体、避雷针、电路元件、高温应用、紫外光侦检器、结构材料、天文、碟刹、离合器、柴油微粒滤清器、细丝高温计、陶瓷薄膜、裁切工具、加热元件、核燃料、珠宝、钢、护具、触媒担体等领域。 trade-taiwan.org | Mostly used on the following field: semi-conductor, lightning rods, electric circuit components, High temperature [...] application, UV detector, Structural Material, [...] Astronomy,Disc Brake, clunch, diesel [...]particulate filter, filament pyrometer, ceramic [...]film, cutting tools, heating element, nuclear fuel, jewelery, steel, protective gear, Catalyst Tam body etc... trade-taiwan.org |
太空垃圾3D」将带领观众冲上太空,见证日益拥挤的地球轨道,以及极具爆炸性的太空垃圾碰撞场面;然後再与观众返回地球,前往美国亚利桑那州温斯洛附近,观察陨石坑的惊人深度,感受一颗陨石从太空高速撞向地球的刹那所产生的超强冲击力。 msc.org.mo | The film will then bring audiences back to the Earth for the stunning depth of the Meteor Crater, caused by the incredibly powerful and destructive impact of a meteor that come hurtling throughspace. msc.org.mo |
重要声明- 关於性能、安全性及保固 - Campagnolo® 9速、10速和11速的传动系统、刹车系统、轮圈、踏板等零件及其它全部Campagnolo® 的产品皆是以单一整合系统 的概念所设计。 campagnolo.com | Important PERFORMANCE, SAFETY and WARRANTY Notice - The parts and components of Campagnolo® 9s, 10s, 11s drivetrains, brakingsystems, rims, pedals and all other Campagnolo® products, are designed as a single integrated system. campagnolo.com |