单词 | 刷牙 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 刷牙 verb —brush v刷牙 —brush one's teeth牙刷 noun —toothbrushes pl牙刷 noun, plural —razors plSee also:刷—skip class (of students) • paste up • fire from a job • daub 牙 n—tooth n 牙—ivory
例如,在万圣节后,我会让我的女儿在固定的时间内想吃多少糖果就吃多少糖果,只要她吃后立 即 刷牙 就 行。 beijing.ufh.com.cn | For example, after Halloween, I [...] will let my daughter eat however much candy she wants in a set amount of [...] time as long as she brushes immediately afterward. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
但是我覺得這樣也不錯,至少早晚 刷牙 和 洗 臉可以在房間裡進行。 4tern.com | I think it is great to have a [...] sink, you can brush teeth and wash your [...]face, without having to go out of the room. 4tern.com |
即使您在睡觉期间没有吃东西,在早 晨 刷牙 也 是 非常重要的,这能帮您摆脱夜晚在您口腔中繁殖的厌氧菌(无需氧气就能生存的细菌)。 beijing.ufh.com.cn | Even though you don’t eat [...] while you sleep, brushing in the morning is [...]extremely important to get rid of the anaerobic bacteria [...](bacteria that don’t require oxygen) that flourished in your mouth overnight. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
我認為在前面興建 樓宇的發展商真的是沒陰功,因為完全可以看到人家 在 刷牙。 legco.gov.hk | I think it is indeed very inhumane for [...] developers to construct buildings in this way, whereby residents can see clearly when [...] their neighbours are brushing teeth. legco.gov.hk |
即使是刷牙,總 是使用瓶裝或煮沸的水。 nyc.gov | Always use bottled or [...] boiled water, even to brush your teeth. nyc.gov |
寶寶學習適應刷牙的感覺訓練,柔軟刷毛,令幼兒習 慣 牙刷 的 刺 激。 combi.com.hk | Soft and safe brush head enhance baby to develop teeth brushing habit at early stage. combi.com.hk |
免疫力削弱的人士應飲用蒸餾水或煮沸的水,使用蒸餾水或煮沸的 水 刷牙 和 口 腔沖洗,並避免使用加霧器。 hsbc.com.hk | People with weakened immunity are [...] advised to use distilled or boiled [...] water for drinking, brushing their teeth and mouth [...]rinsing, and avoid using humidifiers. hsbc.com.hk |
超软牙刷,牙仔饼 和磨牙玩具是由多个不同的制造商提供,包括知名的Munchkin和 iPlay Inc公司。 cn.iherb.com | Extra soft toothbrushes, teething biscuits and teething toys are [...] offered by several different manufacturers, including Munchkin and iPlay Inc. iherb.com |
採用鮮艷顏色及特別形狀設計,吸引幼 兒 刷牙 的 興 趣。 combi.com.hk | Attractive shape and color could arouse [...] baby's interest to use toothbrush. combi.com.hk |
調查顯示68%受訪者承認進食後有需要 刷牙 , 但 87%受訪者表示不會每次吃東西後 均 刷牙 , 主 要因不便及麻煩(49%),其次表示無此習慣(30%)。 hkupop.hku.hk | Survey shows 68% respondents feel there [...] is a need to brush their teeth after meals or snacks, but 87% say they do not brush their teeth after every [...]meal or snack. hkupop.hku.hk |
在刷牙或喝水時會出現垂涎的情況。 hsbc.com.hk | There is problem in chewing food. The patient may [...] have drooling when brushing the teeth or drinking. hsbc.com.hk |
它變成了一個迷戀的夢想,其缺陷 刷牙 和 拋 光原料困擾的部分或掛起不可挽回的其他,但它忽略了冷漠 zh.horloger-paris.com | It becomes an obsessive dream, [...] its imperfection brushing and polishing raw [...]bothers some or hangs irretrievably other, but it ignores the indifference! en.horloger-paris.com |
就像刷牙和沖澡一樣,靜心應該要成為你日常生活中的一部分,它並不是件特別和宗教性的事,它就是平日的生活。 osho.com | Just as one brushes the teeth and takes a bath, [...] meditation should become just a part of your daily life, not something special [...]and religious, but just ordinary. osho.com |
居家護理可以做的是每天至少用含氟 牙 膏 刷牙 兩 次 並使用牙線,進餐的時候飲用水或是不含糖的飲料,吃無糖薄荷糖或嚼口香糖來刺激唾液流動以及盡量不用嘴呼吸。 colgate.com.tw | Home remedies may include brushing the teeth at least twice daily with a fluoride toothpaste, flossing [...] daily, drinking water [...]or unsweetened fluids with meals, using sugar-free mints or gum to stimulate saliva flow and trying not to mouth breathe. colgate.ca |
使用刷毛柔软的牙刷刷牙,以 免弄伤牙龈。 breastcancersingapore.com | Brush your teeth with a soft bristled toothbrush to prevent injury to the gums. breastcancersingapore.com |
早上刷牙,晚上睡覺前刷牙並使 用牙線。 care1st.com | Brush in the morning and brush and floss before bedtime. care1st.com |
在刷牙激励者从MOTIVETRIX引导和促进 刷牙。 cn.moba-app.com | The Tooth Brushing Motivator from MOTIVETRIX guides and motivates tooth brushing. moba-app.com |
幼儿的牙齿健康是父母的责任, 健康的牙齿不是自然而来的, 第一颗牙表示幼儿发育 的新阶段, 做好良好饮食和刷牙习惯很重要。 tannvern.no | It is quite normal that children’s gums are irritated when the teeth are breaking through and they often like putting objects in their mouths. tannvern.no |
刷牙面食 从她的嘴和舌头烧伤的痛苦刺痛 , 刷牙 后 ,他的嘴唇开始烤。 cn.badgood.info | Brush your teeth this pasta was agony from her burns of the mouth and tongue sting, and after brushing his lips begin to bake. en.badgood.info |
更應及早幫助寶寶建立良好的刷牙習 慣。 hksh.com | Help your baby build up good cleaning habits early. hksh.com |
放疗期间,张口、保持腺体的分泌和 刷牙 都 有困难,应试着做温和的伸展练习,喝冰镇饮料,经常冲洗并用软 的 牙刷 , 用 温和有效的漱口液,试用芦苔汁或凉春黄菊茶,争取增加腺体分泌消除口干。 asiancancer.com | During radiotherapy, mouth open, secretion of [...] gland and teeth brushing, all these have difficulties, so patients should try to do gentle stretching exercises and often flush the mouth with soft toothbrush and moderate [...]effective gargle. asiancancer.com |
共享食物、杯子、吸管或牙刷會傳 染導致蛀 牙的細菌。 care1st.com | Sharing food, [...] cups, straws or toothbrushes spreads cavity germs. care1st.com |
切勿與人共用喝水的玻璃杯、用具、 牙刷 、 水 壺、香煙 、唇膏或其他接觸您嘴巴的用品。 nyc.gov | Don’t share drinking [...] glasses, utensils, toothbrushes, water bottles, [...]cigarettes, lip balms or other items that touch your mouth. nyc.gov |
(2) 為醫護人員提供培訓,以長遠應付智障人士及老人痴 (3) 資助智障人士購買如電動牙刷等工具,以幫助他們改 善口腔衛生狀況。 communitycarefund.hk | (2) To provide training for healthcare workers to cope with the [...] long-term demand for dental services from the [...]mentally handicapped and patients of Alzheimer’s disease. communitycarefund.hk |
每種類型的微笑都可以用的牙刷,設計的時候就考慮到舒適性和效果。 colgate.com.tw | A toothbrush for every type of smile, [...] designed with comfort and results in mind. colgate.ca |
审查期间,跨部门平台取得的主要成就包括,出版英语、法语和西 班 牙 语 版 本的 印刷 版《联合国教科文组织世界濒危语言图集》,以及升级在线互动版面。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The main results achieved by the Intersectoral Platform during the period under [...] consideration include the publication of the [...] English, French and Spanish languages version of [...]the printed UNESCO Atlas of the World’s [...]Languages in Danger, as well as the update of the online interactive version. unesdoc.unesco.org |
生 署 透 過 轄 下的健康教育 活動,發 布有關 預防感染血液及 體 液 [...] 傳染病的 資料,當中包括不要與 人 共 用 剃刀、牙刷、剪刀或 針筒; 亦 提 醒 市 民 要 確 保 所有用於針灸、紋 [...]身 和 穿耳的儀器 經 已 徹 底 消 毒。 legco.gov.hk | As part of its health education programme, the Department of Health (DH) disseminates information on the prevention of diseases transmitted by [...] blood or body fluids, including not [...] sharing razors, tooth brushes, scissors or needles, [...]and reminding the public to ensure [...]all the instruments for acupuncture, tattoo, and body piercing are disinfected. legco.gov.hk |
山都平™热塑性硫化弹性体(TPV)具有触感柔软的特点,在剃刀 、 牙刷 、 理 发产品和其它个人护理用品的手柄中添加这种材料,可以提高用户舒适度并使产品具有时尚的外观。 exxonmobilchemical.com | Adding soft-touch Santoprene™ [...] thermoplastic vulcanizates (TPVs) to grips and [...] handles of razors, toothbrushes, hair care products [...]and other personal care items contributes [...]to user comfort and stylish product appearance. exxonmobilchemical.com |
添加软接触山都平™热塑性硫化弹性体(TPVs)到剃须刀 、 牙刷 、 头 发护理产品或其它个人护理产品的抓手和手柄,可提高用户的舒适度,呈现时尚的产品外观,以及在潮湿环境中做到安全无滑控制。 exxonmobilchemical.com | Adding soft-touch Santoprene™ thermoplastic [...] vulcanizates (TPVs) to the grips and [...] handles of razors, toothbrushes, hair care products [...]and other personal care items contributes [...]to user comfort, stylish product appearance and safer nonslip control in wet environments. exxonmobilchemical.com |