

单词 大解



be at a loss [idiom.]


the treaty of 1923 normalizing relations between the Soviet Union and the Northern Warlord government of China

External sources (not reviewed)

艾滋病毒/艾滋病仍然是 一个持续的威胁,Pauktuutit 是加大解决因 努伊特人具体问题和干预措施的唯 一一家全国性组织。
HIV/AIDS remains a constant threat, and Pauktuutit is the only national organization in Canada addressing Inuit-specific issues and interventions.
適合小型至中型企業組織的大解決 方 案,可讓您隨處以輕鬆且易於管理的方式對檔案、遠端桌面等進行遠端存取。
Powerful solutions for small- to midsized [...]
organizations give you simple, easy-to-manage remote access to files, remote desktops and more, anywhere.
另外,其他的原因如:摄影机的移动,不佳的对焦,烟雾等,也会降低 大解 像 力
In addition, other factors such as camera movement, poor focus, haze, etc., also
[...] decrease maximum resolution.
为了在网络能源和环境优化技术业务 大解 决 方案产品,除了资金内部增长计划外,我们还进行了两项战略收购。
In addition to funding internal growth
programs, we acquired two strategic businesses
[...] to expand our solutions offerings in [...]
Network Power and Climate Technologies.
既然新任財政司司長大解慳囊 ,回饋市民,提出多項稅務優惠,作為 大企業的港鐵公司在剛好新成立的時候,也應該好好學習財政司司長,慷慨 [...]
Since the new
[...] Financial Secretary has loosened his purse [...]
strings to return wealth to the people by offering a number of
tax concessions, the MTRCL, as a newly-established large corporation, should also learn properly from the Financial Secretary by offering actual fare concessions to the public generously, so as to ease the misery of the public in the face of inflation.
在讨论中还有代表提 出,下个 C/5 应大解决使更多人喝上安全饮用水这一问题的力度,并优先解决缺水国家的问题。
The discussion also revealed that the challenge of increasing the number of people with access to safe drinking water would need to be addressed more vigorously in the next C/5 document, targeting primarily countries experiencing water scarcity problems.
这些目标包括:第一,支持非盟打击上帝军区 域合作倡议的正式运作和充分执行;第二,加大促 进保护平民工作的力度;第三, 大解 除 武 装、复 员、遣返、重新安置和重返社会(复员遣返方案) 的活动,使其在所有受上帝军影响的地区实施;第 四,促进在所有受上帝军影响地区,协调一致地应 对人道主义和保护儿童问题;以及,最后,在建设 和平、人权、法治和发展领域,支持受上帝军影响 各国的政府,使其能够在其领土全境行使国家权 力。
They include, first, support for the operationalization and full implementation of the African Union regional cooperation initiative against the LRA; secondly, enhancing efforts to promote the protection of civilians; thirdly, expanding disarmament, demobilization, repatriation, resettlement and reintegration (DDRRR) activities to cover all LRA-affected areas; fourthly, promoting a coordinated humanitarian and child protection response in all LRA-affected areas and; lastly, supporting LRA-affected Governments in the At this juncture, allow me to acknowledge the enormous support and commitment the European Union has demonstrated towards the Regional Cooperation Initiative on the LRA.
执行中,扫描默认设置为黑白、300 dpi,PDFwriter打印默认设置统一为大、 解 像 度 150 dpi、jpeg高质压缩,其他设置为缺省值。
Implementation, the default settings for scanning black-and-white, 300 dpi, PDFwriter unified print the original default settings, and resolution 150 dpi, jpeg compression quality, the other is set to default values.
针对这一评估,BDTI的重点是使用两类分解 方法解大规模联立线性方程: 多通道 Cholesky矩阵分解以及使用Gram-Schmidt过程 [...]
For this evaluation,
[...] BDTI focused on solving a large set of simultaneous [...]
linear equations using two types of decompositions:
a multichannel Cholesky matrix decomposition and the QR decomposition using the Gram-Schmidt process.
另一份答复意见还提到大 会第三十一届会议记录(第 I
[...] 卷载有所通过的各项决议和各委员会的报告)的编制方式是一 大进步,更便于解大会作 了哪些决定和总干事将哪些意见吸收进了文件 31 C/5。
Another answer also mentioned that the presentation of the Records of the 31st session of the General Conference (Volume I containing both the resolutions adopted and the reports of commissions and
committees) was a significant
[...] improvement for the proper understanding of what had been [...]
decided by the Conference and reflected
by the Director-General in document 31 C/5.
大多数程序员可能遇到的问题开始混乱而转换或多个不同类型的系统彼此在试图 解大 会 制 度层面的编程语言时使用的二进制数和十六制是必要的.
Probably most of the beginning programmers encounter the problem or confusion while
converting different type of number
[...] systems to one another when attempting to learn assembly language [...]
based system level programming
and when the use of the binary and hexadecimal number systems is must.
为了确定编纂和逐渐发展关于保护大气层的国际法活动的定义、范围和目 标,并且为了确定大气层法律地位的性质,首先必须 解大 气 层的物理结构和特 征。
In order to determine the definition, scope and objective of the exercise for codification and progressive development of international law on the protection of the atmosphere, as well as to characterize the
legal status of the atmosphere, it is
[...] first necessary to understand the physical structure [...]
and characteristics of the atmosphere.
與 大 陸 被 投 資 公 司 直 接 或 間 接
由 第 三 地 區 所 發 生 下 列 之 重 大 交 易 事 項 , 暨 其 價 格 、 付 款 條 件 、 未 實 現
[...] 損 益 及 其 他 有 助 於解 大 陸 投 資 對 財 務 報 表 影 [...]
響 之 有 關 資 料 : 無 。
2) Significant direct or indirect transactions with the investee company, its prices and terms of payment, unrealized gain or
loss, and other related information which
[...] is helpful to understand the impact of [...]
investment in Mainland China on financial reports: None.
2010年西部兽医大会与会者将在业内首次使用WVC-Connect,该移动和web应用套件可提供多媒体访问,包括通过智能电话 解大 会 安 排和会议活动并与参展商进行在线联系。
WVC 2010 attendees were the first in the industry to use WVC-Connect, a suite of mobile and Web-based applications that provided multimedia access, including onsite connection via smartphone, to conference programming, exhibitors and events.
意大利 表 示希望重 新开 始 关于死刑问题的全国辩 论,并 且 争取整 个民间 社会参加,政府让公众解大会于 2007 年和 2008 年通过的有关死刑的决议。
Italy expressed the hope that the national debate on the death penalty would be reopened and involve all civil society, and that the Government would educate the general public on the resolutions adopted by the General Assembly on the death penalty in 2007 and 2008.
Gartner encourages businesses to understand vendor road maps for big data technologies [...]
and to consider private and public
cloud infrastructures, as they offer many of the characteristics required by big data use cases.
敦促所有国家和相关非政府组织及其他组织配合高级专员办事处,本着 国际团结、分担重负和共担责任的精神,相互合作并调动资源,以增强容留国的 能力,特别是已收容大批难民和寻求庇护者的容留国的能力,减轻这些国家的沉 重负担,此外吁请办事处继续发挥促进作用,动员国际社会提供援助,以解决发 展中国家,尤其是最不发达国家和经济转型国家境内难民众多的根本原因,同时解大量难 民人口对经济、环境和社会的影响
Urges all States and relevant non-governmental and other organizations, in conjunction with the Office of the High Commissioner, in a spirit of international solidarity and burden- and responsibility-sharing, to cooperate and to mobilize resources with a view to enhancing the capacity of and reducing the heavy burden borne by host countries, in particular those that have received large numbers of refugees and asylum-seekers, and calls upon the Office to continue to play its catalytic role in mobilizing assistance from the international community to address the root causes as well as the economic, environmental and social impact of large-scale refugee populations in developing countries, in particular the least developed countries, and countries with economies in transition
关于安理会对“基 地”组织与塔利班之间的联系的解 , 大 家 表 达了各种各样的观点。
A variety of views were expressed on
[...] the Council’s understanding of the linkages [...]
between Al-Qaida and the Taliban.
敦促所有国家和相关非政府组织及其他组织与高级专员办事处一起,本 着国际团结、分担重负和共担责任的精神,相互合作并调动资源,以增强容留国 的能力,特别是已收容大批难民和寻求庇护者的容留国的能力,减轻这些国家的 沉重负担,这些国家的慷慨精神非常可嘉;吁请高级专员办事处继续发挥促进作 用,动员国际社会提供援助,以解决发展中国家,尤其是最不发达国家和经济转 型国家境内难民众多的根本原因,同时 解大 量 难 民人口对经济、环境和社会的 影响;表示感谢那些为改善仍属于社会中弱势者的难民所处状况而作出贡献的捐 助国、捐助组织与捐助个人
all States and relevant non-governmental and other organizations, in conjunction with the Office of the High Commissioner, in a spirit of international solidarity and burden- and responsibility-sharing, to cooperate and to mobilize resources with a view to enhancing the capacity of and reducing the heavy burden borne by host countries, whose generosity is appreciated, in particular those that have received large numbers of refugees and asylum-seekers, calls upon the Office to continue to play its catalytic role in mobilizing assistance from the international community to address the root causes as well as the economic, environmental and social impact of large-scale refugee populations in developing countries, in particular the least developed countries, and countries with economies in transition, and notes with appreciation those donor States, organizations and individuals who contribute to improving the condition of refugees who remain vulnerable members of society
相应 地,为了更好地解大学的 课程设置和科研,来自用人单 位的代表也可以选择在大学这样的学术环境中生活一段时 间。
Conversely, the industry representative
could spend time in the academic
[...] environment to gain an understanding of the coursework [...]
and research performed at the university.
企业在确定使用大数据的原因和方式之前,解决方案提供商在设计能够满足企业需求的 技术之前,应解大数据 是什么、大数据是怎么产生的,以及大数据为何重要。
Before enterprises can determine why and how to use Big Data, and before solution providers can begin to devise
technology that meet enterprise needs, it is
[...] important to understand what Big Data [...]
is, how it came about, and why it is important.
迄今取得的成功在很大程度上归功 于两大因素,一是科学家为国际社会 解大 气 和 臭氧层奠定了基础,二是各国 政府认识到需要快速采取行动,防止臭氧层变薄对环境和公众健康可能产生灾 难性的影响。
The success to date had largely been achieved because scientists had laid the
foundations of the
[...] international community’s understanding of the atmosphere and the ozone layer and Governments had understood the need to [...]
act quickly to offset
the possible disastrous effects of the thinning of the ozone layer on the environment and public health.
分子量与本特性粘度的关系是解大 分 子 特性的关键。
The relationship of molecular weight to intrinsic viscosity
[...] is central to the understanding of macromolecular [...]
为数众多的倡议得以启动,其中我要强 调的是,现已召开一次全国和平与 解大 会 , 全国各 利益攸关方都汇聚到了一起。
A large number of initiatives have been launched, among which I
wish to highlight the holding of a
[...] national peace and reconciliation conference that [...]
brought together all of the country’s stakeholders.
该司通 过其本国人员和国际工作人员与公众的互动,以及应用超越技术或语言能力的举 措和技能时,以理解和同情的方式进行沟通的能力,以及他们对该地区历史和文 化的解,大量依 靠容易接触公众的便利。
The Division relies strongly on easy access to the public through its national and international staff, their capacity to communicate with understanding and empathy, and their knowledge of the history and the culture of the region, as they interact and apply initiative and skills that go beyond technical or linguistic ability.
该集团将要求进一步解大会第 62/246 号决议 的实施,包括联检组的建议的落实情况。
The Group would seek further information on the implementation of General Assembly resolution 62/246, including the decision to implement a system of follow-up to the Unit’s recommendations.
除了解,大法官还分析法规适用如何影响社会不同成员的处境,向国家机 构和感兴趣的人员提供适用平等原则和待遇平等原则的信息,提出修正法律法规 [...]
的建议,为了确保平等原则和待遇平等原则发展个人与法人之间的合作,本人与 其他人合作宣扬这些原则。
In addition to conciliation proceedings, the [...]
Chancellor of Justice analyses how application of legislation affects the situation
of different members of society, informs state agencies and interested persons about the application of the principles of equality and equal treatment, makes proposals for amending legislation, develops cooperation between individuals and legal persons in the interests of ensuring the principles of equality and equal treatment, and himself or herself promotes these principles in cooperation with other persons.
我相 信我們十分解 大 家 對減低 交 通費的 期 望 , 所以, 在 過去的 一 年 半 期間, 我們的 部 門 一直積極與各公 共 交 通 營 辦 商商討 , 鼓勵他們因應各自 的 營 運 情況, 盡量調低票價及提供 乘 車 優 惠 。
So for the past year and a half, our department has been discussing with the transport operators and encourage them to make every possible attempt to reduce fares and to offer concessions taking account of their respective situations.
許多STM32開發板沒有考慮到網口這塊以及無線2.4G(WIFI)和315M通信的例程,隨著嵌入式設備在網絡方面日益普及,以太網以及無線網都是嵌入式設備中必不可 少的一個環節,就算有的嵌入式設備不需要網口,但是做為提供開發板的設計,不可不考慮加強網口這塊的例程,代碼,講解,為各個開發愛好者做一個提前準備
[...] 和設計,而這些接口神舟系列有已經直接運行的代碼以及詳細的 解 , 大 家 獲 得相關資料,相互參考一下。
Many STM32 development board does not take into account this network port and wireless 2.4G (WIFI) and 315M communication routines, with the increasing popularity of embedded devices in the network, Ethernet and wireless networks are the essential embedded devices less a part of, even if some embedded device does not require a network port, but as the design of the development board must consider strengthen routine piece of network port, code, explain, prepare in advance for various development enthusiasts and design,
these interfaces Shenzhou series has directly run the code as
[...] well as a detailed explanation of all relevant information, [...]
refer to each other.
[...] 这些问题包括:第三方在支持执行联合安全机制协议方面的作用,来自北方的苏解大量部 队的未来,以及青尼罗州和南科尔多凡州的联合整编部队的问题。
A few key issues require further consideration at the most senior level, including: the role of a third party in supporting the implementation of the agreement on
joint security mechanisms; the future
[...] of the large contingent of SPLA of Northern origin; [...]
and the Joint Integrated Units in
Blue Nile and Southern Kordofan States.




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