

单词 卡普里

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everywhere adv

External sources (not reviewed)

报告提到去年 12 月 26 日拉卡-普里兹伦及整 个科索沃和梅托希亚主教 [...]
Teodosije 的加冕仪式以及 不到两个星期后在同一教堂举行东正教圣诞庆祝活 动。
The report refers both to the 26
December enthronement of His Grace Teodosije
[...] as Bishop of Raška-Prizren and all of Kosovo [...]
and Metohija, as well as to the fact
that the Orthodox Christmas Day liturgy took place in the same church less than a fortnight later.
4 月 13 日,拉卡-普里兹伦及全科索沃和梅托 希亚 Teodosije [...]
主教就最近发生的大规模盗窃教堂铅 顶问题写信给秘书长特别代表赞尼尔。
On 13 April, Bishop
[...] Teodosije of Raška-Prizren and of all of [...]
Kosovo and Metohija wrote a letter to Special Representative
of the Secretary-General Zannier in connection with the most recent large-scale theft of the shrine’s led roof.
在纳米比卡普里维自 然动物保护园,可持续的棕 榈植物采收技术使当地妇女能够通过向游客出售编 织好的棕榈篮子来补充家庭收入。
In Caprivi Game Park, Namibia, sustainable harvesting techniques of palms enabled local women to supplement household incomes by selling woven palm baskets to tourists.
探访古老的地中海历史名城, 如威尼斯卡普里、雅 典;或是一同前往发现魅力的南非。
To step aboard MSC Cruises luxury ship MSC Sinfonia is to embark on a voyage back in time as you travel in elegant
Italian style to ancient Mediterranean cruise destinations
[...] such as Venice, Capri and Athens or to [...]
beautiful South Africa.
此次拍卖所得款项将全部捐献给国际绿十字会,豪雅通过品牌代言人莱昂纳多 · 迪 卡普里 奥 (Leonardo di Caprio)鼎力赞助该组织。
All proceeds from its sale will be donated to Green Cross International - an organisation closely supported by TAG Heuer through their brand ambassador Leonardo di Caprio.
如果您想选择其它航线,请点卡普里 — 那不勒斯(Capri - Napoli)替代链接。
If you’d prefer a different route, then please click on one of the Capri Napoli alternative links.
美国驻中国大使詹•亨茨曼,美国礼宾总 卡普里 西 亚 •佩纳维克•马歇尔,以及中国驻美国大使张业遂于2010年8月25日出席在华盛顿 DC 举行的美中商业圆桌会议。
U.S. Ambassador to China Jon Huntsman, U.S. Chief of Protocol Capricia Penavic Marshall, and Chinese Ambassador to the U.S. Zhang Yesui participate in the U.S. China Business Roundtable in Washington DC on August 25, 2010.
1948年,家具制造商伊佛卡普里诺(Ivo Caprino)开始在他的起居室中试验制作木偶电影,并迅速成为挪威的动画片大王。
In 1948, furniture maker Ivo Caprino began experimenting with film and puppets in his living room.
8月25日周三,美国礼宾总卡普里西 娅 •佩纳维克•马歇尔大使与美国驻中华人民共和国尊敬的洪博培大使,中华人民共和国驻美国大使张业遂阁下,中美商界领袖,及其他奥巴马政府的高级成员举办了美中商业圆桌讨论会。
On Wednesday August 25th, U.S. Chief of Protocol Ambassador Capricia Penavic Marshall hosted a U.S.-China business roundtable discussion with The Honorable Jon Huntsman, Ambassador of the United States to the People's Republic of China, His Excellency Zhang Yesui, Ambassador of the People's Republic of China to the United States, Chinese and American business leaders and other senior members of the Obama Administration.
当罗杰在1137年第二,把块的那不勒斯公国 卡普里 岛 也 有其与围困和强攻的小城堡,当时称为“巴巴罗萨”,对斜坡的Monte [...]
When Roger II in 1137, put the block to the
[...] Duchy of Naples, Capri also had its episode [...]
of war with the siege and the storming
of the little castle, then called "Barbarossa", perched on the slopes of Monte Solaro.
同时在 3 月 17 日纪念 2004 年 3 月暴乱 8 周年的纪念仪式上,拉卡-普 里兹伦 教区的 Teodosije 主教发出呼吁,赞成完成这些修复工作。
Meanwhile, on 17 March, at a service in commemoration of the eighth anniversary of the March 2004 riots, Bishop Teodosije of Raška and Prizren made an appeal in favour of the completion of such restoration works.
买牛仔裤,ECKO品牌“上丁方卡普里 ” 的第三个赛季,他们是完全穿不褪色,在太阳zastiryvayutsya,在洗其他衣服,不脱落,不舒展而不是其他品牌。
Is the third season of
[...] buying jeans, Ecko brand "Asscher Capri", they are perfectly [...]
worn not fade in the sun zastiryvayutsya,
do not shed on the other clothes in the wash and do not stretch as opposed to other brands.
德国注意到人权事务委员会2004 年报告的案件积压问题,请求提供关于卡普里维审判”进展情况的最新信息,以及何时能够作出法院判决。
Germany noted the backlog of cases reported by the Human Rights Committee in 2004 and requested an update on progress in the Caprivi trial and when a court ruling was expected.
[...] Babin先生的場合,在舞台上的演員萊昂納多 · 迪 卡普里 奧 , 客人的榮譽和環保活動家的原因,最早的“摩納哥24的Calibre [...]
For the occasion, Jean-Christophe Babin presented on stage the
[...] actor Leonardo DiCaprio, guest of honor [...]
and environmentalist activist for the cause,
one of the earliest copies of the "Monaco 24 Calibre 36".
1906年期间对酒店Quisisana扩建工程,被发现由医生和自然纳齐奥西隆 Ce r i o 卡普里 属 于旧石器时代下,如犀牛默克公司,在亚洲象primigenius(猛犸),连同熊属spelaeus动物的武器仍然进攻和防御作为燧石打制和沉没在粘土和古湖盆地是山谷的黄绿赤泥混合石英岩型chella尖。
In 1906 during the extension work of the Hotel Quisisana, were
found by the physician and naturalist
[...] Ignazio Cerio Capri remains of animals belonging [...]
to the Lower Paleolithic, such as
Rhino Merck, the Elephas primigenius (mammoth), along with the weapons of Ursus spelaeus offense and defense as cusps of chipped flint and quartzite type chella sunk in clay and mixed in the red mud of the ancient lake basin that was the valley of the Chartreuse.
这是希腊人的岛屿,以及自然之美,在公元前29带来屋大维奥古斯都,尚未,删 卡普里 到 伊 斯基亚和那不勒斯误依赖它鼓励私人领域,如苏埃托尼乌斯告诉我们,即使是一个长期和干elce,迎接他的到来突然开花,他认为是一个好兆头。
It was the Greeks of the island, as well as natural beauty, to bring in 29
BC Octavian Augustus, not yet, to remove
[...] dependencies from Capri to Ischia and Naples [...]
mistaking it encouraged a private domain,
as Suetonius tells us, even by the sudden flowering of a long-standing and dry elce that greeted his arrival and that he considered as a good omen .
2000年12月卡普里(意 大利)举行的欧洲-地中海论坛 探讨了科学技术领域欧洲-地中海合作的新模式。
New modalities of Euro-Mediterranean cooperation in science and technology were addressed at the Euro-Med Forum in Capri (Italy) in December 2000.
而原始人自青铜时代的存在,表现在材料收集, 卡普里 , 在 镇上游行,Petrara,提比略,Tragara,奥古斯都公园,高尔夫球和皮斯科,在Anacapri的一面,在Campitello一起,由纳齐奥西隆Cerio [...]
The presence of primitive man since the
Bronze Age, is demonstrated by the
[...] material collected, in Capri, in the town parades, [...]
Petrara, Tiberius, Tragara, Augustus
Park, Golf and Pisco, on the side of Anacapri, Campitello, combined with that recovered by Ignazio Cerio Rellini and Buchner in the Cave of Ferns, which can be considered one of the most important prehistoric Italian.
[...] Eliseo封地,和大将军的计数贾科莫Arcucci美国祖先,女王焦万娜我安久的秘书在1371及Carthusian寺创始人,中世纪 卡普里 岛 最 显着的丰碑。
Under Frederick II of Swabia, the island became a fief of Arcucci Eliseo, and Grand Admiral of the United ancestor of Count Giacomo Arcucci, secretary of Queen
Giovanna I of Anjou in 1371 and founder of the Carthusian Monastery, the most
[...] notable monument of the Middle Ages Capri .
正值叙利亚危机进入第三个年头之际,联合国儿童基金会通讯 普里 扬 卡.普 鲁 第 报道愈演愈烈的悲剧致使叙利亚濒临即将因战争失去一代人的边缘。
As crisis in the Syrian Arab Republic enters its third year,
[...] UNICEF correspodent Priyanka Pruthi reports on [...]
the growing tragedy that has put a country
at the brink of losing a generation to war.
威尼斯办事处联络点直接参与到行动规划:所建立的萨拉热窝联络点,以及在 地拉那、卡拉和斯科普里新建 立的项目联络点,主要是落实千年发展目标基金联合计划的 [...]
The Venice Office antennas were directly involved into the action planning: the established Sarajevo antenna, as well as
the newly established project
[...] antennas in Tirana, Ankara, and Skopje which are mainly [...]
implementing MDG-F Joint Programme activities.
从地理上看,罗马为代表克莱门特和黑马;波 卡普 写 道 士麦那, 里 还 派了七个伊格书信,他说,从安提阿途中经过小亚细亚,四名;帕皮亚是希拉波利斯主教在phrygia;在埃及的十二使徒遗训书面或叙利亚,在亚历山德里亚的巴拿巴信。
Geographically, Rome is represented by Clement and Hermas; Polycarp wrote from Smyrna, whence also Ignatius sent four of the seven epistles which he wrote on his way from Antioch through Asia Minor; Papias was Bishop of Hierapolis in Phrygia; the Didache was written in Egypt or Syria; the letter of Barnabas in Alexandria.
在奥卡里托泻湖(Okarito Lagoon)探寻稀少的白苍鹭;在 普里卡 湖 ( Lake Mapourika)和马瑟森湖(Lake Matheson)欣赏倒映在湖面上的周围的森林和远处白雪皑皑的群山。
Look for the rare white herons at nearby Okarito Lagoon and take picture perfect mirror image photos at the lakes of Mapourika and Matheson.
同年,103 名移民在事 前被用氟哌丁苯使之冷静的情况下,离开一些官员喜称的 卡普 奇 诺 斯旅馆”, 被用五架军用飞机运至里、塞内加尔、喀麦隆和几内亚科纳克里。
In the same year, 103 immigrants, after being tranquillized with haloperidol, left “Hotel Capuchinos”, as some officials liked to call it, and were flown in five military aircraft to Mali, Senegal, Cameroon and Guinea Conakry.
该组织现有 11 个地区性办公室(分别为比什凯 克、波哥大、开罗、卡、伊 斯兰堡、伊斯坦布 尔、雅加达、内罗毕普里什蒂 纳、首尔和第比利 斯),并在另外 16 个地区设有代表处(阿布贾、巴 库、曼谷、贝鲁特、贝尔格莱德、科伦坡、大马士 [...]
The organisation currently operates eleven regional offices (in
Bishkek, Bogotá, Cairo,
[...] Dakar, Islamabad, Istanbul, Jakarta, Nairobi, Pristina, Seoul and Tbilisi) and has local field representation [...]
in sixteen
additional locations (Abuja, Baku, Bangkok, Beirut, Belgrade, Colombo, Damascus, Dili, Dushanbe, Jerusalem, Kabul, Kathmandu, Kinshasa, Port-au-Prince, Pretoria and Tehran).
世界各地区定期要求教科文组织支持必要的辩论,以便更好地确定以相互承认多样性 价值观和对话美德为基础的文化政策(例如关于各种文化对话的法语国家高峰会议,贝鲁 特,2002 年 10 月;国际文化政策网(RIPC)的文化部长年会, 卡普 , 2002 年 10 月;欧 洲委员会负责文化事务的欧洲部长讨论会,斯特拉斯堡,2003 年 1 月;世界社会论坛,阿雷里港, 2003 年 1 月;教科文组织/非洲发展新伙伴关系国际研讨会,瓦加杜古,2003 年 3 月,“斯德哥尔摩+5”专家会议,斯德哥尔摩,2003 年 5 月;南方共同市场文化部长论 坛,亚松森,2003 年 5 月;第三届“文化与发展”国际大会,哈瓦那,2003 年 6 月。
UNESCO has regularly been called upon in all regions of the world to contribute to a debate to define more clearly cultural policies based on mutual recognition of the values of diversity and the virtues of dialogue (for example, the Summit of the Francophonie on the dialogue of cultures, in Beirut, October 2002; the annual meeting of the Ministers of Culture of the International Network on Cultural Policy (INCP) Cape Town, October 2002; the symposium of the European Ministers responsible for Cultural Affairs of the Council of Europe, Strasbourg, January 2003; the World Social Forum, Porto Alegre, January 2003; the UNESCO-NEPAD International Seminar, Ouagadougou, March 2003; the “Stockholm+5” meeting of experts, Stockholm, May 2003; the Forum of Ministers of Culture of MERCOSUR, Asunción, May 2003; the Third International Congress on Culture and Development, Havana, June 2003).
下列专 题小组成员发了言:巴西经济和技术事务副秘书长佩德罗·路易 斯 · 卡 内 罗 ·德 门东萨、孟加拉国常驻联合国日内瓦办事处代表兼贸发会议贸易和发展理事会主 席德普里亚·巴 塔查里亚、伊比利亚-美洲秘书处伊美合作事务秘书米格尔·哈 基姆、非洲经济委员会执行秘书阿卜杜利奇·詹纳、中国常驻世界贸易组织大使 孙振宇以及芬兰外交和发展事务部长帕沃·韦于吕宁。
Statements were made by the panellists: Pedro Luis Carneiro de Mendonca, Under-Secretary-General for Economic and Technological Affairs of Brazil; Debapriya Bhattacharya, [...]
Permanent Representative of Bangladesh
to the United Nations at Geneva and President of the Trade and Development Board of UNCTAD; Miguel Hakim, Secretary for Iberoamerican Cooperation, Iberoamerican Secretariat; Abdoulie Janneh, Executive Secretary of the Economic Commission for Africa; Sun Zhenyu, Ambassador of China to the World Trade Organization; and Paavo Väyrynen, Minister for Foreign Trade and Development of Finland.
她补充说,鉴于其案件的诉讼程序没有效力和受到拖延,11 根据在里兰卡普 遍缺 乏申诉人可以利用的国内补救办法12 ,绝不可能启动任何可信的程序。
She adds that it is highly unlikely that any credible proceedings will be initiated, in light of the lack of effectiveness and delays in the proceedings in her case,11 assessed in light of the general lack of domestic remedies12 available to the complainant to be exhausted in Sri Lanka.
Cap Ferrat的东侧,蟠龙从尼斯机场仅六 里 , 随着自由城SUR MER和圣卡普费拉 形成一个在世界上最豪华的住宅飞地。
On the eastern side of Cap Ferrat,
[...] Beaulieu is only six miles from Nice Airport and along with Villefranche sur Mer and St Jean Cap Ferrat forms one of [...]
the most exclusive residential enclaves in the World.




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