单词 | 下雨 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 下雨 noun —rain n下雨 adjective —raining adjExamples:汗如雨下—sweating like a pig • sweating like rain (idiom); perspire profusely 雨泽下注—rainfall 泪如雨下—tears falling like rain [idiom.] See also:雨 n—rain n • rainwater n 雨—precipitate • (of rain, snow etc) fall
风雨无阻不管是下雨、雨夹雪 还是下雪,您从未停止过锻炼。 jabra.cn | A little rain never stopped youRain, sleet, [...] snow; your workout doesn’t wait for good weather. jabra.com |
弗林特通知,将食物开始下雨,庞 大的数量,但市长(现为病态肥胖)把它看作一个更好的结果,他和城市。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Flint notices that the [...] food is beginning to rain in massive quantities, [...]but the Mayor (now morbidly obese) sees it as a [...]better outcome for him and the city. seekcartoon.com |
每个人都会,以及,直到Tim不能以答谢他的儿子的人(包括市长)的事实,开始贪婪地要求食品弗林 特 下雨。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Everyone is going well until Tim fails to show [...] appreciation for his son including the fact that the people (including the Mayor) start greedily [...] requesting food for Flint to rain. seekcartoon.com |
在過去的四個月內,你的居住的地方是否 有 下雨 呢? 4tern.com | For the past four months, did the place [...] that you are staying rain? 4tern.com |
海面呈现紫色,一边正在下雨,另 一边却露出了太阳:乘客的胃口异常得好 - 如果这种情况持续下去,等我们到达纽约时,每个人都将患有痛风。 voith.com | Sea is purple, half rain, half sun: the passengers [...] develop an enormous appetite - if it goes on like this, everybody will [...]be suffering from gout by the time we arrive in New York. voith.com |
当然还有遭受新的自然灾害即下雨、飓 风甚至今后再发生地震的风险。 daccess-ods.un.org | And of course there is the risk of new [...] natural disasters: rains, hurricanes or even [...]future earthquakes. daccess-ods.un.org |
她告诉我们,“下雨时, 到处一片泥泞,我们都被雨淋透了。 unicef.org | When it rains, the whole place becomes [...] muddy, and we get all wet. unicef.org |
無論下雨、陽光普照還是下雪,你也 需要保護皮膚。 cancer-asian.com | This skin damage – which can lead to skin cancer – remains even after your tan fades. cancer-asian.com |
為此,有可能出現下述情況:在下雨 時,上空的煙羽會隨風飄至深圳水塘( 東江水經此水塘輸送到 [...] 香港) 、萬宜水庫和船灣淡水湖,而在這些水塘所積聚的輻射 物質,會導致香港所有食水供應來源受到污染。 legco.gov.hk | There was a possibility [...] that in case of raining, the wind would [...]carry the plume over the Shenzhen Reservoir (through which [...]water from Dongjiang would be delivered to Hong Kong), the High Island Reservoir and the Plover Cove Reservoir and the depositing of the radioactive substances in these reservoirs would result in contamination of all sources of water supply to Hong Kong. legco.gov.hk |
下雨或出 太阳一点点小风雨根本不能阻碍您锻炼 - 为何您的耳机能够做到这一点? jabra.cn | Rain or shineA little rain or wind never [...] stopped your workout - why should your headset? jabra.com |
在这种情况下 雨水存 储相对成本较低,一般是最为划算的方法。 wrdmap.org | Rainwater storage in such situations [...] is relatively cost, and it is often the most cost-effective solution. wrdmap.org |
经济、社会、文化权利委员会认为,包括农村地区劳动者在内的所有人都 拥有住房权,这一权利确保在任何时候可提供住房使用权的最低法律保障,包括 免遭强迫驱逐;提供基本的服务、材料、设备和基础设施,包括提供安全饮用水 [...] 和卫生设施;通过住房补贴的形式,向包括最贫困者在内的租户提供保护,使其 免受不合理租金水平或租金上涨的影响;提供适于居住的住房,包括向住户提供 [...] 保护,使他们免受严寒、潮湿、炎热、刮 风 下雨 或 其 他健康威胁;向处境不利的 群体,包括老年人、儿童、残疾人和自然灾害受害者提供住房机会;适当的居住 [...] 地点,即远离污染源和可就近就学和享受医疗服务的地点。 daccess-ods.un.org | According to the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, every person, including those working in rural areas, has a right to housing, which guarantees at all times the minimum conditions of legal security of tenure, including protection against forced eviction; availability of essential services, materials, facilities and infrastructure, including access to safe drinking water and sanitation; affordability, including for the poorest, through housing subsidies, protection against unreasonable rent levels or rent increases; [...] habitability, including protection [...] from cold, damp, heat, rain, wind or other threats [...]to health; accessibility for disadvantaged [...]groups, including the elderly, children, the physically disabled and victims of natural disasters; and a suitable location, far from sources of pollution while close to schools and health-care services.76 48. daccess-ods.un.org |
由于这几天以来一直下雨,搞 到河水混浊,根本都不碧藍。 4tern.com | Due to the rainy days, it made the [...] river became muddy. 4tern.com |
我不知道在非常非常冷或者外面下雨 的 时候,你如何把衣服挂起来,弄干。 embassyusa.cn | I don’t know how you hang it out and dry clothes when it’s [...] very very cold or raining outside. eng.embassyusa.cn |
所收集的雨水质量取决 于屋顶的建筑材料及其冲洗装置,这种装置用于 在 下雨 之 初 清除冲刷屋项 上灰尘和废物的水流。 icrc.org | The quality of the water harvested will depend on the type of roofing material and the system installed to discard the initial flush of water, which rinses the roof and washes off dust and debris. icrc.org |
十一月至二月間是下雨的季節,温度低至攝氏10度。 homeandaway.hsbc.com | Expect rain between November and February, [...] and the thermometer may nudge 10ºC. homeandaway.hsbc.com |
去年年景很差,很晚才下雨,而且下 得 又 少,全国严重歉收。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Last year was a [...] bad year in which the rains came very late and in [...]insufficient quantities culminating in severe crop failure throughout the country. unesdoc.unesco.org |
(4) 若下雨导致 球赛半途终止,则交由主办单位做最后的决定。 chinesechamber.org.my | (4) If the championship ends [...] halfway due to raining, the Organizer [...]reserves any rights to make the final decision. chinesechamber.org.my |
它能胜任拥挤的奶牛流向,即使在刮 风 下雨 的 恶 劣环境中也能良好工作。 delaval.cn | It withstands heavy cow traffic and operates well even [...] in harsh environments with wind and rain. delaval.co.za |
我們拍到一半就開始下雨﹐絕 技車也停了不動 (為了不讓氣車死火﹐我不得不持續踏下油門 [...] - 是我學駕我的第一輛車時學會秘訣。 tc.alivenotdead.com | It rained halfway through, the stunt [...] car stopped working (I had to keep pressing the gas pedal to prevent the car from stalling-a [...]trick I learnt driving my first car. alivenotdead.com |
4 月份特别的干燥,而5月份几乎整月都 在 下雨 ,比 长期以来的平均状况要冷得多。 barthhaasgroup.com | April was an unusually dry month, [...] whereas May was rainy almost throughout [...]and was significantly cooler than the longterm average. barthhaasgroup.com |
國家氣象局預估,舊金山從週六晚間一直到周日早上都 會 下雨。 ktsf.com | The National Weather [...] Service forecasts rain in San Francisco [...]Saturday night through Sunday morning. ktsf.com |
我確信在未來百年內,南非開普敦的「開普平原區」(Cape [...] Flats)發展情況會愈來愈高,可能經過規劃,也可能混亂蔓生,在巴西里約熱內盧的貧民窟,民眾將簡陋木屋的屋頂賣給他人,他人搭起木屋後,再把屋頂空間賣給其他人,結果便形成好幾層樓的貧民窟聚落,但地基極不穩固,只 要 下雨 就 可能崩塌壓死人。 thisbigcity.net | The result is multi-story slum-cities built on sacks for foundations that [...] collapse when the rains come, killing people. thisbigcity.net |
翠鸟威胁河蚌说:‘你这样夹住我,你也跑不了,如果今天 不 下雨 , 明天 不 下雨 , 就 会干死你。 chinesestoryonline.com | If today it doesn't rain, and tomorrow it doesn't rain, you will [...] be a dead clam. chinesestoryonline.com |
卡塔的防雨罩可保护您的设备免受 下雨 、 灰 尘和日照所带来的损害。 kata-bags.cn | Kata’s Rain and Element Covers protect your equipment from rain, dust and sun. kata-bags.us |
不過,由於時間不足,集會又因下雨 而 草 草收場,我們只收集了中後場區的數據,而前場區則援用去年的數字,即平方米人口密度為2.81人,亦與我們今年錄得中間場區的數字2.83吻合。 hkupop.hku.hk | The average is very close to the density we obtained from the fourth pitch this year, 2.83 persons per square meter. hkupop.hku.hk |
開始下雨了, 我們的帳篷是不防水的,所以我們開始尋找一個睡覺的地方,多得到一份詳細的地圖和各種其他機構,這是不 povilas.panavas.lt | Began to rain, and our tent is not waterproof, so we started searching [...] for a place for overnight stay, a much to get a detailed [...]map and all kinds of other bodies, which is not povilas.panavas.lt |
因下雨而延 误的2012年赫灵汉姆马球公开赛终于开赛,虽然Magual马球队阵容更为强大,但Pilará Piaget马球队开场即先发制人,以3比1掌握了控制权,更在中场休息前将比分优势扩大至13比6。 piaget.com.cn | Pilará Piaget jumped out to an early 3-1 lead on its way to a commanding 13-6 halftime lead over an out-gunned Magual lineup as play in the 2012 Hurlingham Open championship got underway after rain delays. en.piaget.com |
因下雨而延 誤的2012年赫靈漢姆馬球公開賽終於開賽,雖然Magual馬球隊陣容更為強大,但Pilará Piaget馬球隊開場即先發制人,以3比1掌握了控制權,更在中場休息前將比分優勢擴大至13比6。 piaget.com.hk | Pilará Piaget jumped out to an early 3-1 lead on its way to a commanding 13-6 halftime lead over an out-gunned Magual lineup as play in the 2012 Hurlingham Open championship got underway after rain delays. piaget.com |
新式塗料運用相同原理,故只要一場 下雨 , 即可沖掉牆面任何塵埃,不僅隨時讓建築物煥然一新,還能降低維護費用,同時減少使用清潔劑造成的化學污染。 thisbigcity.net | The rough surfaces of its leaves, whose cells are arranged in extensive folds with tiny wax crystals jutting out, cause water droplets to form little balls which attract dirt particles as they roll to the ground, nudged along by microscopic pockets of air. thisbigcity.net |