单词 | 别出心裁 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 别出心裁 —adopt an original approachless common: hit on sth new (idiom); to display originality
除此之外,Oris为推出二款全新动感腕表,上周在德国的RUF车厂举办了一 场 别出心裁 的 预 览发表会。 oris.ch | A special preview event to launch the two new watches was held at the RUF Factory in Germany last week. oris.ch |
Caravelle [...] 手表还针对运动爱好者推出了多款外观更为粗犷的运动手表,同时 还 别出心裁 地 打造出更为精致典雅的服饰腕表。 hk.ashford.com | Caravelle watches also offer various sports watches with a [...] more rugged look for the active men in our lives as well as more sleek dress [...] timepieces for their professional alter egos. ashford.com |
别出心裁、贵 气十足的色调及造型搭配,让无瑕的美钻与深邃的缟玛瑙相得益彰。 piaget.com.cn | This original [...] and luxurious mix of colours [...]and shapes blends the purity of diamonds with the deep black of onyx. en.piaget.com |
虽然该跑车在 1970 年日内瓦车展上以别出心裁的方式进行发布,但它并没有得到汽车发烧友的强烈反响。 lamborghini.com | Despite its chic launch at the 1970 Geneva [...] Motor Show, however, it failed to make the right impression on car buffs. lamborghini.com |
一个令人百思不得其解的现象仍然是,很多国家 能够经常变出数十亿美元,几乎是一时冲动就发起可 打可不打的战争和进行单方面军事干预,但在发展援 [...] 助方面却陷入停滞,不充分兑现承诺,并编造各 种别 出心裁的理由或是空喊口号, 而这些对于发展中国 [...]家的境遇不会起到任何作用。 daccess-ods.un.org | It remains a constant source of amazement that many States can regularly conjure up billions of dollars to prosecute discretionary wars and unilateral military interventions, almost [...] on a whim, while developmental assistance [...] stagnates, falls short of commitments and [...]is subject to all forms of creative accounting [...]or empty sloganeering that have no impact on the bottom lines of developing States. daccess-ods.un.org |
这雪屋客栈的制作,藉由当地的艺术大学「东北艺术工科大学」的学生们的参与,家 家 别出心裁 , 风 格独具。 cn.tohokukanko.jp | Each inn of snow is designed elaborately, as students of Tohoku University of Art & Design, local art school, helped the production. en.tohokukanko.jp |
大中国区人事主管Cissy及华北区销售经理Constock为此次相聚准备了别开生面的交流会 , 别出心裁 的 将 生产车间作为会议场所,在幽默轻松的气氛当中,与两位有着丰富经验的集团执行官进行面对面的交流。 ixmation.com | According to R. Michael Farrell, Vice President of Sales and Marketing for ixmation NORTH AMERICA, “This is a continuation of our corporate strategy to leverage nearly 45 years of automation experience and apply that expertise to the renewable energy industry. ixmation.com |
Hamilton Khaki Aviation 手表系列以其现代化的计时技术和 别出心裁 的 动力学系统展现了美国式传奇所具有的开拓精神。 hk.ashford.com | The Hamilton Khaki Aviation Watches line portrays the ground-breaking spirit of American lore with its modern timekeeping technology and inventive dynamics. ashford.com |
在日内瓦国际高档钟表沙龙中,万宝龙首 次 别出心裁 地 展 示了非古董级的藏品—来自14位先锋艺术家的作品。 wthejournal.com | At the SIHH, Montblanc unveiled its collection for the first time outside its own walls, with the presentation of [...] “Cutting Edge”, the work of 14 artists [...] whose work and personality influence today’s [...]art and who are on the brink of achieving international recognition. wthejournal.com |
Rodrigo Otazu 的五大系列作品分别是:以深色调打造颓废美感的 [...] Midnight Queen系列 项链﹔别出心裁、晶莹剔透的 Comet系列 [...] 项链﹔展现华丽歌特风的 Gala系列 手镯和项链﹔镶嵌了红宝石色、海军蓝和大地色仿水晶元素的Precious [...]Flower系列 耳环、戒指和项链,以时尚的手法演绎了大自然与花朵的魅力,﹔Rock Star系列 项链、戒指和手链,将大量的金属元素与棕褐色褶襉皮革相互交织,而大颗仿水晶元素的镶嵌则营造出作品的中性色调,别有一番韵味在其中。 brand.swarovski.com | Rodrigo Otazu presents five stories: two [...] necklaces – the darkly decadent Midnight Queen necklace and the intricately clear-crystal [...]Comet necklace; the gothic splendor of his Gala cuff and necklace; Precious Flower’s nature-inspired floral tribute of stylish earrings, ring and necklace in ruby, navy and earth-toned crystals; and the aptly named Rock Star necklace, ring and bracelet in heavy gold interwoven with plaited tan leather and studded with statement crystals in neutral tones. brand.swarovski.com |
不得不说这是一款别出心裁的好作品,出彩的并不是他的外表,而是独具匠心的设计,这是一款性爱时放进阴道内使用的G点按摩器。 bloomnine.com | In between, the ultra thin flex arm gently hugs her contours to hold the We-Vibe comfortably in place — while leaving plenty of room for him to slide inside and share the pleasure. bloomnine.com |
无论是表盘上的首字母缩写或数字、设计师绘制的装饰图案,或 是 别出心裁 的 图 纹,雕刻工艺大师都必需对细节一丝不苟,以全神贯注的精神和巧夺天工的技艺进行雕刻。 audemarspiguet.com | From engraving initials, numbers on the face, or decorations drawn by a designer to the ad-hoc [...] creation of a motif, the work of this [...] goldsmith demands patience, dexterity, attention [...]to detail and an aesthetic sensibility. audemarspiguet.com |
颁奖宴会在幸运抽奖环节被推向了高潮,本次球会的赛事 组 别出心裁 的 设 计了独特的互动桌奖的抽奖方式,奖项卡被秘密的贴在椅子下面,客人们随机的选择座位进行抽奖,最终有10位幸运之星诞生,获得了希尔顿酒店餐券及Adams推杆等丰厚的奖品。 silport.com.cn | The club also made another special lucky plan for [...] the whole members named as ¡°Chair Lucky Draw¡± and all the members chose [...]the chairs themselves freely and then checked if there was a lucky card under the chair and 10 winners awarded with the big prizes as the Hiltons Hotel coupons and the Adams putters. silport.com.cn |
最初,这里是路易十四的浴室的八角室,是太阳王 最 别出心裁 的 创 造之一,它的大理石、雕塑和绘画的丰富程度,甚至超过了大居室。 zh.chateauversailles.fr | Originally, it was [...] the octagon chamber of Louis XIV’s Bath apartment, one of the Sun King’s most original creations, whose wealth of marble, sculptures and paintings, [...]exceeded that of the State Apartment. en.chateauversailles.fr |
这款计时码表别出心裁地采 用瑞士国旗的颜色:以红色为底色,搭配白色计时器和时标。 audemarspiguet.com | The Chronograph reflects the colors of the Swiss flag: red with white counters and hour markers. audemarspiguet.com |
在本公司介绍手册中,我们详列了设计师过去曾经负责的骄人项目。从中可见,HLA的设计师所设计出的酒店及消防建筑 军 别出心裁 、 享 誉国际,其中包括酒店及度假村、会议中心、特色娱乐设施、餐厅、会所、零售商场、美食广场、邮船、酒店式服务住宅甚至皇室宫殿等等。 chateau-glory.com | In the brochure, we list the wonderful projects of every designer in detail, from which we can see that the hotels and hydration construction [...] designed by HLA has its own features and enjoy global honor, including hotels, resorts, [...] conference center, special entertainment [...]facilities, dining hall, [...]meeting space, retail store, delicacy square, postal ship, hotel-style service houses and even royal palaces. chateau-glory.com |
除了这项别出心裁的设 计,SOM还提出要改建公共空间,增加连接中央车站与周边人流热点处的步行走廊。 vantageshanghai.com | Along with this more elaborate idea, SOM also propose the restructuring of public spaces, creating pedestrian corridors that connect Grand Central to other nearby places of interest. vantageshanghai.com |
他还进行了一些别出心裁的创 新意念,包括U形摆轮,他于1821年取得U形摆轮的专利,更重要的是,他与他的前任托马斯Thomas [...] Prest)一起发明了无匙发条系统,于1820年获得专利,他们的这项专利比阿德里安菲利普(Adrien Philippe)的发明整整早了25年。 arnoldandson.com | He also invented some outstanding innovations, including [...] a U-shaped balance, which he patented in 1821, and, more importantly, [...]a keyless winding system, developed with his foreman Thomas Prest and patented in 1820, 25 years prior to that of Adrien Philippe. arnoldandson.com |
在此系列的设计过程中,品牌与日内瓦巴尔比耶 - 穆埃勒博物馆(Musée [...] Barbier-Müller)积极合作,采用微型浮雕的手法,在表盘上完美重现古老的面具图案, 以 别出心裁 的 方 式向曾活跃在世界四大洲(非洲、亚洲、美洲和欧洲)的原始部落艺术致敬,让人们感受到失落文明的魅力。 wthejournal.com | Designed in partnership with Geneva’s Musée Barbier-Müller, this stunning [...] collection pays special tribute to the primitive [...]arts of four large regions of the [...]world (Africa Asia, the Americas and Europe) by reproducing masks from vanished civilizations in miniature and in relief. wthejournal.com |
以摩登手法诠释经典元素的 Icon系列,共有两款设计供选择︰一款缀有四排光彩夺目的黑色仿水晶珍珠,正面配以精致小巧的金色饰链 , 别出心裁 的 设 计彰显大方自信的气质﹔另一款则将奶白色仿水晶珍珠与银色饰链结合,巧妙地展现天真无邪的可爱美态。 brand.swarovski.com | Icon is a modern classic in two styles: one has four rows of glittering jet black pearls with a front detail of small, looped golden chains, suggesting knowing sophistication; the other has creamy white pearls and silver chains, suggesting innocent prettiness. brand.swarovski.com |
委员会还建议缔约国采取措施确保将急救车服务毫无例外地扩大到 罗姆人和老年人,并设立一个特别的 中 心 , 以 便就提供救护车的服务情况 提 出投 诉。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Committee also recommends that the State party take measures to ensure that emergency ambulance services are extended to Roma and [...] older persons, [...] without exception, and establish a special centre for the submission of complaints regarding [...]the provision of such services. daccess-ods.un.org |
成立了一个由来自世界各地区的著名专家和决策 者组成的国际顾问委员会,负责就成功的候选者的最后选定提出建议,并就所获结果的质量 和本计划项下鉴别出来的 消除贫困最佳做法 作 出裁 定。 unesdoc.unesco.org | An International Advisory Committee composed of eminent experts and a number of policy-makers from different regions of the world was set up to advise on the final selection of successful candidates, to adjudicate on the quality of research results produced and on the good practices in poverty eradication identified under this programme. unesdoc.unesco.org |
特别报告 员认为,提倡合理的反对符合保留者和反对者的利益; 此外,这样的反对,像有关保留引起其他反应那样,可能在某些情况下构成第三 方应要求对保留的有效性作出裁定的 一个因素。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Special Rapporteur was of the view that the formulation of a reasoned objection was in the interest of both the author of the reservation and the author of the objection; furthermore, such an objection, like the other reactions elicited by the reservation in question, might constitute an element that could be used in certain cases by third parties called upon to rule on the validity [...] of the reservation. daccess-ods.un.org |
给被判处短期监禁(不 [...] 超过一年)或获假释的被软禁囚犯佩带电子脚环的项目正等待执行,因为联邦政 府计划对联邦刑事立法和执行刑事制 裁 特 别 法 提 出 的 修 正案目前尚待通过。 daccess-ods.un.org | The project of introducing electronic bracelets for house imprisonment of persons sentenced to short terms (up to one year) or for conditional release is on stand-by, since the amendments planned by the [...] Federation Government to Federation criminal legislation [...] and to the special law on execution of criminal sanctions are pending. daccess-ods.un.org |
9.1 条约成员国已认识到地方及本土社区和全世界各地区农民 做 出 的 巨 大贡献 , 特 别 是在 起源中心和作 物多样性方面,他们已经并将继续致力于保持和发展植物基因资源, [...] 在世界范围内建立了食品和农业生产的基础。 iprcommission.org | 9.1 The Contracting Parties recognize the enormous contribution that the local and indigenous communities [...] and farmers of all [...] regions of the world, particularly those in the centres of origin and crop diversity, [...]have made and will [...]continue to make for the conservation and development of plant genetic resources which constitute the basis of food and agriculture production throughout the world. iprcommission.org |