单词 | 拉 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 拉noun, plural—saladsplExamples:拉票v—canvassv 沙拉pl—saladspl
但拉丁美洲的贷款减值准备增 加,尤以巴西的升幅最大,抵销了以上因素的 部分影响。 hsbc.com.tw | These factors were partly offset by higher loan impairment charges in Latin America, notably in Brazil. hsbc.com.tw |
检查接缝的伸延度可沿接缝兩边拉开,如线张力太大、不平均针 步或每英寸针數不足都会令接缝伸延时断线。 huameithread.com | If the thread tensions are too tight or unbalanced, or if you are not using enough stitches per inch, the threads will rupture as stress is applied on the seam. huameithread.com |
余下的一条松垂缆索则没有被拉断。 devb.gov.hk | The remaining one rope which was loose was not broken. devb.gov.hk |
2) 所谓竞选、拉票或助选系指以任何方式之宣传、攻击、支持或反对候选人之直接或间接的行为,包括但不限於 请求选票或要求在未來选举中支持、分发文件或文宣资料,或其他任何具有促进当选扶輪选举职位之效果的活 动。 rotary2000.org | 2) Campaigning, canvassing or electioneering is any action seeking to promote, attack, support, or oppose a candidate, either directly or indirectly, in any medium, including, but not limited to, any action seeking votes, requesting support in a forthcoming election, distribution of literature or promotional materials or other overt actions intended to promote one’s candidacy for an elected Rotary office. rotary2000.org |
请先勾选「档案 分割」,再从下拉选单中选择适当的尺 寸,那麽錄制的档案将不会超出所设定 的档案大小。 avermedia.eu | Select the Split File Size option and select the appropriate video file size from the drop-down list so that each video file will not exceed the limit. avermedia.eu |
伊拉克、伊朗和中东不在此定义范围内。 sopasia.com | Iraq, Iran and the Middle East are not included in this definition. sopasia.com |
检验结果显示断裂表面一般 呈现过度应力下拉力损毁的特徵。 devb.gov.hk | The examination revealed that the fracture surfaces generally had the characteristics of overstressing tensile failure. devb.gov.hk |
注意 要取下直流电缆連接器之前,请确保电源线已经拔下,然後抓住箭头处的連接器并将其直接拉出。 bixolon.com | To remove the DC cable connector, [...] make sure that the power supply’s power cord is unplugged; then grasp [...] the connector at thearrow and [...]pull it straight out. bixolon.com |
但拉丁美洲的利率下调、美国较 早期和票息较高的债务到期并清偿,以及欧洲 的同业拆息率和回购融资率下跌,令资金成本 下降,抵销了以上各项因素的部分影响。 hsbc.com.tw | These factors were partially offset by a lower cost of funds which was driven by a combination of lower interest rates in Latin America, maturity and repayment of older debt at higher coupons in the US and lower interbank and repo funding rates in Europe. hsbc.com.tw |
紧记,这样会减 低接缝拉力,因这样的话拉力将依赖在底线上而不再是针线。 huameithread.com | Remember, however, [...] that the resulting seam strength will be much less and will [...]be determined by the strength of the bobbin [...]thread and not the needle thread. huameithread.com |
将滑杆一直往左拉,直到您之前观赏的片段出现,然後放开滑鼠,程式就 会从该片段开始播放。 avermedia.eu | Click and drag the slider tab to the left until you see the part of the show you wish to watch or listen to, then release the mouse button. avermedia.eu |
照顾学生 学习差異,并不是强要拉近学生之间的差距,而是要充 分利用学生的不同禀赋,并视之为促进有效学与教的宝 贵资源。 334.edb.hkedcity.net | Catering for learning differences does not mean rigidly reducing the distance between the learners in terms of progress and development but making full use of their different talents as invaluable resources to facilitate learning and teaching. 334.edb.hkedcity.net |
勿在砧板上调制毋须煮熟的即食食物,如冻肉、乳酪(芝士)和沙拉。 bccdc.ca | Do not use the block to prepare ready-to-eat food that will not be cooked such as cold [...] cuts, cheese and salads. bccdc.ca |
由图中可发现此四个观测点的位移变化非常小,因此对 於影像量测仪器的准确度而言有待考量,因没考虑到螺丝被拉拔出來的效应,螺丝若被拉拔出來,对於位移变化会有很大的影响, 除此之外若 C 型钢架在实验架设过程中有歪掉,则也会对变形产 生很大的影响,且兩者间的差異较大,观测点上的數值模拟位移 [...][...] 与实验數值中的平均值法可得知实验与數值模拟分析结果较为接 近。 ncree.org | The investigations included geological surveys, drilling, analysis of soil characteristics, PS-logging measurements, etc. ncree.org |
例子包括预烤的碎牛肉饼、鹅肝酱及肉/肝酱(pates)、碎肉冻 (brawn and head cheese)、腌制熟碎肉、以豉油沸煮的碎肉(tsukudani)、罐头 咸牛肉、午餐肉、肉糊、煮熟的碎肉饼、煮熟的沙樂美類制品、煮熟的碎 肉丸、史特拉斯堡小香肠、早餐香肠、加热即食香肠,以及terrines(一种煮 熟的碎肉混合物)。 cfs.gov.hk | Examples include: pre-grilled beef patties; foie gras and pates; brawn and head cheese; cooked, cured chopped meat; chopped meat boiled in soy sauce (tsukudani); canned corned beef; luncheon meats; meat pastes; cooked meat patties; cooked salami-type products; cooked meatballs; saucises de strasbourg; breakfast sausages; brown-and-serve sausages; and terrines (a cooked chopped meat mixture). cfs.gov.hk |
拉丁美洲共有兩个城市名列十大,包括圣地牙哥及墨西哥城;而巴西亦有五个城市列入了 前五十位新兴城市。 mastercard.com | Latin American cities held two of the top ten spots (Santiago and Mexico City), and five Brazilian cities placed among the top 50. mastercard.com |
考生必须将其他个人物品放入一个细小而附有拉鍊或钮扣 的手提包内,并将手提包放在座位的椅下。 cwstudent.vtc.edu.hk | Candidates must put all their personal belongings in small bags that can be properly closed with a zip / buckle and the bags must be placed under their chairs. cwstudent.vtc.edu.hk |
缩小虚线框或提高 「显示比例」,以拉近主题。 site.theimportsworld.com | Zoom in on the subject by minimizing the marquee box or by increasing the Zoom ratio. site.theimportsworld.com |
在加入怡安之前,包先生曾於渣打银行(香港)有限公司工作8年,时任渣打於香港、阿拉伯聯合酋长国及阿曼、菲律宾的个人银行业务主管。 aon.com | Prior to Aon, Owen spent 8 years with Standard Chartered Bank, where he held the Head of Consumer Banking positions in Hong Kong, UAE/Oman and the Philippines. aon.com |
同时,曼谷、 吉隆坡、新加坡或马尼拉等地的证券交易量几乎与华人在人口中所占的比例成正比,因爲华 人比较喜欢做证券投机。 wcec-secretariat.org | Also the volume of transactions in the stock exchanges of Bangkok, Kuala Lumpur, Singapore or Manilawere almost in direct proportion to the percentage of Chinese in the population as the ethnic Chinese are more inclined to play the market. wcec-secretariat.org |
灵活的I/O 适合不同的可编辑能力,包括上拉,下拉或者唤醒使AX2210 符合市场上不同的I.O 要求。 appotech.com | Flexible I/O with different programmable capabilities like pull-up, pull-downor wake-up allows AX2210 to suit different I/O requirements in the market. appotech.com |
若超过 25 公斤重,则须使用经核可之悬吊钩具直接連接 上方结构体作支撑;悬吊钩具所需抗拉强度,应以实际设备物重 量计算,取安全系數 3.0,且至少需为 90 公斤重。 ncree.org | Equipment weighing more than 25 kgf should be supported directly from the structure above using approved hangers that can support a design load not less than 90 kgf or the actual load, whichever is greater, with a safety factor of 3. ncree.org |
我们主张,新一輪多边贸易谈判,应有利於消除南北差距, 建立公正合理的国际经济新秩序;应有利於促进世界经济发展,促进投资贸易自由化和便利 化;应对发展中成员的利益予以特别关注,增强他们的发言权;发达国家应切履行乌拉圭回合协定中承諾的义务,改进发展中成员的市场进入环境;选择谈判议题应经过广泛磋商,确 保谈判结果体现各方利益的总体平衡。 wcec-secretariat.org | The new round should pay special attention to the interests of developing members and increase their voice in global economic affairs, while the developed countries should genuinely implement their committed obligations under the Uruguay Round Agreements and improve market access for developing members. Last but not least, the agenda of the new round should be based on extensive consultations in order to ensure that any results achieved from the round will reflect a general balance of all interests. wcec-secretariat.org |
这是世界动物保护协会(WSPA)所提出 的呼吁!在本报告中,WSPA 竭力警示世界卫生组织 (WHO) 及其他公共健康机构「采取 即时措施,遏止工业化畜牧业的发展,尤其是在亚洲、拉丁美洲、美洲等已成为主导的地 区更为紧迫」。 wspa.org.cn | is a call for attention from the World Society for Protection of Animals (WSPA). With this document, WSPA seeks to alert the World Health Organization (WHO) and other public health institutes to, “take immediate steps to reverse the growth of industrial animal agriculture, especially in regions where this production is set to dominate”, (i.e. Asia, Latin America and Africa). wspa.se |
国际扶輪之所有职位的提名委员会,包括总监提名委员会,在秘密讨論後应就提名委员会之所知,以书面向秘书 长报告所有提名人均未违反国际扶輪章程细节内之竞选、拉票或助选规定,而且所有提名委员会的报告应包含全 体出席委员会之委员的姓名和签名,并应将该报告連同提名委员会名称递交予秘书长。 rotary2000.org | After confidential discussion in committee, all nominating committees for RI offices, including nominating committees for governor, shall state in writing on official reports to the general secretary that the selected nominee, to the best of the committee’s knowledge, has not violated any of the rules against campaigning, electioneering or canvassing in the RI Bylaws. rotary2000.org |
例子包括格蘭諾拉燕麦卷 類 (granola-type)早餐谷類食品、即溶燕麦片、谷粉、粟米片、膨化小麦或爆 米花、含多种谷粒(例如大米、小麦及粟米)的早餐谷類食品、以大豆或糠制 成的早餐谷類食品,以及以谷粒面粉或粉末制成的挤压類(extruded-type)早 餐谷物食品。 cfs.gov.hk | Examples include: granola-type breakfast cereals,instant oatmeal, farina, corn flakes, puffed wheat or rice, multi-grain (e.g. rice, wheat and corn) breakfast cereals, breakfast cereals made from soy or bran, and extruded-type breakfast cereals made from grain flour or powder. cfs.gov.hk |
校正根据 BS EN 10002-3 : 1995 第 6.4.2 章,在校正测力计 的每一种操作模式(拉力或压力),向测力计施加四个系列 的校正力值。 itc.gov.hk | Calibration is based on clause 6.4.2 of BS EN 10002-3 : 1995, such that four series of calibration forces are applied to the force measuring instrument for each operation mode (i.e. tension or compression). itc.gov.hk |