单词 | 低油 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 低油 noun —low fuel n
进油口 (回油路)应位于油箱中液压油的最 低油 位 以 下并尽可能远离出油口。 sauer-danfoss.com | Place the reservoir inlet [...] (return lines) below the lowest expected fluid level, [...]as far away from the outlet as possible. sauer-danfoss.com |
由於進口油價仍然不穩定,油公司進一步減低運作成本 的空間亦有限,陳議員促請政府考慮 減 低油 站 用 地的地 價及車用燃油稅項。 legco.gov.hk | As prices for imported oil remained volatile and the oil companies had limited room in reducing their operating costs further, [...] Mr CHAN urged that the Government [...] should consider lowering the land premium for PFS sites and [...]the duties on auto-fuels. legco.gov.hk |
加上7G-TRONIC PLUS七前速自動波箱,令全新SL系列達致最佳舒適度及 最 低油 耗 表 現。 mercedes-benz.com.hk | The 7G-TRONIC PLUS automatic transmission, which [...] has been optimised in relation to fuel consumption and comfort, also [...] contributes to the exemplary, low fuel consumption. mercedes-benz.com.hk |
在维护时要降低油面(放油约 7 升),可以在管接头 S 或 Q 中空闲的一个接上一根带油门的管子,置于变压器侧 [...] 面,便于油门操作的高度。 highvolt.de | To lower the oil level during maintenance [...] (approx. 7 l), a pipe can be connected to one of the free connections S or Q which [...]ends with a drain valve on the side of the transformer tank at operator height. highvolt.de |
堅固耐用的 Cat ACERT 引擎與電控變速箱,以低油耗提 供高生產力。 taiwan.cat.com | No operator interaction is required. The strong, durable Cat ACERT™ engines with the Tier 2/Stage II exhaust emission [...] solution and electronically controlled smooth shifting transmissions deliver [...] high productivity with low fuel consumption. rossiya.cat.com |
您可盡情發揮引擎無限潛力,征服不同路況,卻依然保持 極 低油 耗。 mercedes-benz.com.hk | You can fully exploit your engine’s potential in different driving [...] conditions and still use less fuel. mercedes-benz.com.hk |
因此,织机运转温度较低, 降低油耗及减少油雾。 groz-beckert.pl | As a result of this, the knitting machine runs [...] cooler, the oil consumption decreases and the oil fogging is minimized. groz-beckert.pl |
我們建議採取一系列措施促 進競爭,包括簡化 現行規劃 及其他審批程 序,使 有 意 [...] 加入市場者能更快進入市場;減少對提供非 燃油服務的限制 以 鼓勵創 新;以及採用具透 明度的拍賣方式以減低油站用 地的地價。 legco.gov.hk | We have made recommendations to further promote competition by streamlining planning and other approvals processes to facilitate more rapid market entry, reducing restrictions on non-fuel [...] activities to encourage innovation, and using a transparent auction [...] process to facilitate lower premiums for PFS sites. legco.gov.hk |
对于专业驾驶员的优势:出色的驾驶舒适性 和 低油 耗。 voith.com | Advantages for the professional: outstanding [...] driving comfort and low fuel consumption. voith.com |
作为全新一代ES的最新成员,ES [...] [...] 300h是豪华品牌同级别车型中唯一一款完全油电混合动力车型,采用LEXUS雷克萨斯Hybrid全混动科技,搭载2.5升阿特金森循环汽油发动机和电动机,可达到相当于3.0升汽油发动机的动力,同时配备双智能正时可变气门控制系统(VVT-i),以及电子无级变速系统,带来151千瓦的最大功率和213牛•米的峰值扭矩,不仅能够产生源源不断的充沛动力,更能实现百公里5.4升的 超 低油 耗。 lexus.com.cn | Empowered by Lexus Hybrid Drive technologies, ES 300h features a 2.5-liter, four-cylinder Atkinson cycle engine, on par with a 3.0 L gasoline engine. With the support of Variable Valve Timing with intelligence (VVT-i) and Electronically-controlled Continuously Variable Transmission (ECVT), ES can generate a maximum power of 151 kw and a peak torque of [...] 213 N•m. While producing an inexhaustible source of [...] tractions, the fuel consumption of ES 300h is as low as 5.4 L/100 km. lexus.com.cn |
在分接开关储油柜里的油太少,会导致有载分接开关 受损! 在分接开关储油柜里的油太少的情况下,继续操作有 载分接开关会导致有载分接开关受损! 一定要确保有载分接开关储油柜内最 低油 位 信 号接点 接入断路器的跳闸回路中,只要储油柜 内 油 位 低 于最 低油位,断路器立刻切断变压器。 highvolt.de | Make sure that the contact for signaling the falling below the minimum oil level in the on-load tapchanger’s oil conservator was looped through to the tripping circuit of the [...] circuit-breaker and that the [...] circuit-breaker will immediately de-energize the transformer when the oil has fallen below this minimum oil level in the oil conservator. highvolt.de |
根据自2005年起的销售数据和到2017年的预测数据,JATCO公司的Shinji [...] Morihiro指出,自2009年以来,全球对双踏板操作的前轮驱动汽车的需求一直在稳步上升,而被他归 为 低油 耗 变 速器的无级变速器、双离合变速器和多级自动变速器增幅最为显著。 cn.drivelinenews.com | Pointing to sales data from 2005 and forecasts running to 2017, Shinji Morihiro of JATCO Ltd noted that global demand for front-drive cars with two-pedal operation had risen steadily since 2009, and [...] that CVT, DCT and multi-step ATs – which he [...] categorized as fuel-economy transmissions [...]– were the ones increasing most significantly. drivelinenews.com |
不过,新技术不再只是通过单个系统或部件 降 低油 耗 、 减少 CO2 排放和节约成本。 digikey.cn | However it is not just improvements in individual systems and components that are [...] helping reduce fuel consumption, CO2 emissions and costs. digikey.cn |
倍耐力「綠色性能」CINTURATO系列所採用的科技能協助 降 低油 耗 ,將環境衝擊減至最輕,且因採用生態友善材料,使輪胎壽命增長,駕馭更安靜。 pirelli.com | The technology used in Pirelli’s “Green Performance” Cinturato [...] range helps reduce fuel consumption, minimise [...]environmental impact, due to the use of [...]eco-friendly materials, gives the tire a longer life and ensures a quieter ride. pirelli.com |
ABB IRB5400 是设计提供精确喷涂、长工作时间、 低油 漆 消 耗、短周期的成功结合。 eurobots.cn | The ABB IRB 5400 is engineered to offer precise [...] painting, high uptime, low paint utilization, [...]short cycle times for successful integration. eurobots.jp |
完全油电混合动力配合多重驾驶模式,提高动力且有效 降 低油 耗 , 成为城市SUV之典范。 lexus.com.cn | Full Hybrid with Driving Mode Selector, More [...] Power with Less Fuel Consumption, An [...]Ideal Urban SUV. lexus.com.cn |
原则上,水在油液中是有害的污染物,它会 降 低油 液的 寿命,同时会影响液压元件的寿命。 sauer-danfoss.com | In principle water is a harmful contaminant, reducing the life of the hydraulic fluid and the mechanical components. sauer-danfoss.com |
这些以非常快的速度在增加,因此 [对我们来说]中国是最重要 的 低油 耗 变 速器市场。 cn.drivelinenews.com | These are increasing at a very fast rate, so [for us] China is the most [...] important market for fuel-economy transmissions,” [...]he commented. drivelinenews.com |
現時,香港與其他國家現時均沒有具體法規,規管食物中丙烯酰胺 含量。中心曾就如何減低油條和炸芋片的丙烯酰胺含量進行研究,並建 議食物業界採取一些措施,減低食物的丙烯酰胺含量。 cfs.gov.hk | The acrylamide levels in fried fritters were found to increase with both frying temperature and time, whereas battering could help reducing the acrylamide level in deep-fried food. cfs.gov.hk |
无论选择的是哪种型号发动机,都具有斯堪尼亚众所周知的一贯优势,比 如 低油 耗 、 低 运 营周期成本以及久经考验的品质。 scania.com.cn | Whichever engine you choose it [...] has the same well-known Scania [...] advantages - like low fuel consumption, low life cycle [...]costs and tried and tested quality. en.scania.az |
全新 911 [...] 硬頂車型在全新鋁鋼複合車身方面的研發成果,延續在 Cabriolet 敞篷車型的全新獨特頂篷結構上發揚光大:智慧型輕量化設計,甚至將鎂合金運用至頂篷材料中,以減輕重量並提升運動風格、 降 低油 耗 及 提高舒適性。 pap.porsche.com | What the Coupé began with the new aluminium-steel body, the Cabriolet continues with the all-new, unique hood: intelligent lightweight design, even [...] including the use of [...] magnesium in the hood, ensures less weight and more sportiness, lower fuel consumption [...]and greater comfort. pap.porsche.com |
Cayenne Diesel 搭載 3.0 升 V6 [...] 柴油引擎,是款適合長途跋涉的車型,一直以來即以出色性能與高度效率著稱,能夠在展現強大扭力的同時又持續保 時 低油 耗 的 表現。 pap.porsche.com | The Cayenne Diesel is an ideal car to travel long distances with its 3.0-litre V6 diesel engine, which has been known for [...] its outstanding performance and high efficiency; while displaying pow-erful [...] torques, it maintains low fuel consumption. pap.porsche.com |
噪音低、油耗少 、工作可靠、使用寿命长。 sdlg.cn | ZH4102G14-A type engine of Weichai Huafeng has the [...] characteristics of low noise, low fuel consumption, reliable [...]operation and long service life. sdlg.cn |
进气口分离瓶可防止颗粒或者液滴进入泵内而导致的缩短维护间隔,甚至缩短泵的寿命或 降 低油 封 旋 片泵的操作性能等问题。 vacuubrand.com | Separators at the inlet protect pumps from particulates and droplets which [...] may shorten service intervals and even reduce the lifetime and the [...] operating performance of oil-sealed rotary vane pumps. vacuubrand.com |
有小麦、大麦、双低油菜籽的定标。 foss.cn | It is pre-calibrated for wheat, barley, and canola. foss.us |
博世汽车技术在全球25个国家 [...] 柴油技术几乎在世界的每一个角落都为 降 低油 耗 从 而减少二氧化 碳的排放做出着巨大的贡献。 bosch.com.cn | In nearly every part of the world, it can make a huge [...] contribution to cutting fuel consumption and [...]thus reducing carbon dioxide emissions. bosch.com.cn |
工作动力”—我们的宣传语中包括了斯堪尼亚发动机享誉世界的所有特点,尽管使用地点和方式有所不同, 但 低油 耗 、 高可靠性、高出勤率和卓越的寿命运营经济性完全一致。 scania.com.cn | Power at work” includes all the hallmarks that have made Scania engines renowned [...] among operators, no matter where and how [...] they are used – low fuel consumption, high [...]reliability and uptime, and excellent overall economy. scania.co.th |
CROWN 63系列船采用了韩国斗山主机公司的新型低速2冲程电喷柴油机,其配备的电喷系统能够更为精确地控制喷油时间,具有燃烧充分、做功时间长的特点,在 降 低油 耗 的同时也有效缩减了氮化物排放。 sinopacificshipbuilding.com | CROWN 63 adopts low-speed two-stroke electronic injection diesel engine from Doosan Engine. Its electronic injection system provides higher precision in fuel injection, features sufficient [...] combustion and long working time, which turns out to be efficient [...] in reducing the fuel consumption as [...]well as NOx emission. sinopacificshipbuilding.com |
(d) 空运,改变联科行动的机队构成,将 2 架固定翼飞机更换成小飞机(见 上文第 46 段)(14 285 100 美元);通过规划每月例行军事飞行,在可行的情况 下将飞机的进场/转场与每周定期航班相结合,提高燃料管理,从而 降 低油耗 (542 000 美元) daccess-ods.un.org | (d) Air transportation, through a change in the composition of the Operation’s aircraft fleet with the replacement of two fixed-wing aircraft with smaller aircraft (see para. 46 above) ($14,285,100); the reduction of fuel consumption owing to improved fuel management through the monthly planning of routine military flights so that the positioning/repositioning of the aircraft is combined with weekly scheduled flights, wherever feasible ($542,000) daccess-ods.un.org |