

单词 甚感诧异

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不过,考虑到某些世界上最恶劣的侵犯人权行为者在 人权理事会任职而且在很多时候主宰着它的议程,这 也不应该有什么让感到诧异了。
That should, however, come as no surprise, considering that some of the world’s worst human rights violators sit on the Council and, all too often, dictate its proceedings.
很多訂用「無限」用量計 劃的客甚至感到不 忿,認為供應商不應對其施行公平使用 [...]
Many customers who have subscribed to
[...] “unlimited” usage plan even feel aggrieved and [...]
consider that FUP should not be applied to
them as by so doing their service can no longer be called “unlimited”.
事实上,导致艾滋病感染率 上升的因素因国家异,甚至在 一个国家内部也不尽相同。
It is a fact that the factors that contribute to an increase
[...] in prevalence can vary from country to country, and even within countries.
我必须说,今天下午在先前一个发言中听到“不 人为设定最后期限”的警告时,感 到 有 点 诧异。
I was a bit surprised, I must say, when I heard in an earlier statement this afternoon a warning note that said, “no artificial deadlines”.
鑒於 2002 年亞洲電信展的海 外參展商對數碼甚感興趣 ,因此,當局對數碼港日後的租用率表示樂觀。
Given the enormous interest shown by overseas participants of TELECOM Asia 2002 in the Cyberport, the Administration was optimistic about the tenancy take-up rate in future.
有人却继续蓄意且毫无益处 地把叙利亚内部事件与该决议赋予秘书长在第 1701(2006)号决议的执 行方面的具体任务混为一谈,这令叙利 感 到 诧异。
Syria is taken aback by that continued, deliberate and unhelpful confusion between internal events in Syria and the specific mandate that was awarded to the Secretary-General by resolution 1701 (2006) with regard to the implementation of that resolution.
踏入 1960 年代,當時有一隊怡和隊,那是由於怡和的 KESWICK 兄弟 兩人對足甚感興趣 ,因此組織起很具代表性的怡和隊來。
There was a representative Jardine Matheson team in the 1960s organized by the KESWICK brothers from Jardine Matheson with a zest for football.
诧异而又感到可 悲的是,那个时期一个小小的新鲜事物就可以牵着整个民族 的鼻子走,大家有同样的头脑,同样的思维方式,同样的性格;还好,衣服的样式已 经开始不同了。
The surprising and sad thing is that during that period of time a very slight innovation was able to provide direction for the whole country, giving all people the same mind, the same thinking mode and the same character.
但是,与此同样重要的是,需进行有效的民意咨询,并进行开放式信息共享 —— 这将帮助缓解公众感,甚至完 全防止它们。
But equal to the importance of this is the necessity of effective public
consultation, and of open information sharing – which help to mitigate
[...] public reactions, or even forestall them completely.
诧异的是,协调能源和水资源这一议题作为第六届世界水论坛的 [...]
12 个 重点议题之一和本区域最迫切的问题之一,在会议组织者制定活动方案时则完全 被忽略。
It is surprising that the very [...]
topic of harmonizing energy and water, one of the 12 key priorities of the Sixth World Water
Forum and one of the most pressing issues for the region, was completely ignored by the conference organizers when drawing up the programme of activities.
鉴于这些都是十分容易查证的事实,所 以也令诧异的是 监察组为什么依然要在报告中声称此人是对外情报领域的厄 立特里亚军官。
Given that these are easily verifiable facts, it is puzzling why the Monitoring Group claimed in its report that he is an Eritrean officer in external intelligence.
目 前的决议草案规定了接受候选国为正式成员的程 序,白俄罗斯代表团对甚感鼓舞 ,并坚信这一过 程的完成将有助于提高辐射科委的权威及其活动的 有效性。
His delegation was encouraged that the current draft resolution set out a procedure for the acceptance of candidate countries as full members and was convinced that the completion of the process would help to enhance the Scientific Committee’s authority and the effectiveness of its activities.
因此令诧异的是 ,他并没有提出要举行一次 会议来讨论这一重要问题——尤其是考虑到以色列定居活动的升级及其对被占 城市耶路撒冷及其他地区巴勒斯坦公民的圣地、财产和自由的攻击。
It is therefore strange that he has not requested a single meeting to discuss that important issue — the most important item on the agenda of the United Nations since its establishment — especially in view of the escalation in Israeli settlement activities and attacks on the holy sites, possessions and liberties of Palestinian citizens in the occupied city of Jerusalem and elsewhere.
这些性能的测定也是对竞争性产品、配方 异 , 甚 至 是 添加剂相互作用的效果进行比较的最 [...]
The measurements of these rheological properties are also the
most accurate method of comparing competitive products,
[...] formulation variation, and even effects of additive [...]
解决冲突暴力机制的 内化、男子日积月累得不到解决的无能和挫败感,因妇女在冲突期间进入政治视 野,导致男性对妇女赋权产生的焦 感 , 甚 至 仅 仅是妇女的脆弱性加重,都可能 使妇女在宣布正式和平或民主后成为更严重暴力行为的对象。
Internalization of violent mechanisms of conflict resolution, accumulated and unresolved feelings of male impotence and frustration, male anxiety around the empowerment of women who have become politically visible during the conflict or simply the increased vulnerability of women may be some of the reasons that make women the targets of rising levels of violence after official peace or democracy has been declared.
诧地注 意到,在拟议方案预算第五款 (A/64/6(Sect.5))的提议中,秘书处意图把对黎巴嫩 [...]
观察员小组和戈兰观察员小组的大多数行政和后勤 支助分别并入联合国驻黎巴嫩临时部队(联黎部队) 和联合国脱离接触观察员部队(观察员部队),而咨
询委员会曾在大会上两届会议提出同样的建议,但 未得到会员国的支持。
He was surprised to note, in [...]
the proposals under section 5 of the proposed programme budget (A/64/6 (Sect. 5)), that the
Secretariat sought to integrate most of the administrative and logistical support for the Observer Group Lebanon and the Observer Group Golan into the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) and United Nations Disengagement Observer Force (UNDOF), respectively, when the same recommendation had been made by the Advisory Committee at the previous two sessions of the General Assembly but had not won the support of the membership.
艾滋病毒和艾滋感染者 甚至在 他们因病丧失工作能力之前,就因污名和歧视而在寻找和保持工作方面遇 [...]
People living with HIV/AIDS experience considerable barriers in finding
[...] and keeping a job, even before the disease [...]
renders them incapacitated because of stigma and discrimination.
令人诧的是 ,联合王国说阿根廷拒绝合作,而其实正是该国本身的上述单 方面活动妨碍了继续这一合作。
It is surprising that the United Kingdom claims in its note that Argentina has withdrawn from cooperation when it was that country’s own unilateral activities referred to above that prevented the continuation of the said cooperation.
令人诧的是 ,世界上最伟大的墙体,中国的长 城,并未能把掠夺者挡在外面很长时间,但肯定却将 很多人挡在了墙内,他们无法逃避很多帝国的暴行。
Amazingly, the greatest wall in the world, the Great Wall of China, could not keep the marauders out for too long, but certainly kept a lot of people in who could not escape the vicious practices of many empires.
更加令人诧的是 ,委员会 受理的绝大多数指控均来自于所谓的非政府组织,其总部位于“第一世界”的首 都,它们手持放大镜审视发展中国家,却对自己周围发生的事情视而不见,正所 谓“只见邻人眼中的稻草,而不见自己眼中的大梁”。
Even more surprising is that the overwhelming majority of the allegations which the Committee receives comes from so-called nongovernmental organizations based in the capitals of the First World, which scrutinize developing countries, and do not see what is going on in their immediate environment.
我希望楊局長不感 到 不 忿 , 因為只 要這保 障制度 繼續發 [...]
展 下 去 , 我 們 會 很 欣 賞 楊局長和 政 府為我 們 的 老 人家所付出的 努 力 。
I hope the Secretary
[...] will not feel aggrieved because of [...]
the motion, for if only this social security system will continue
to develop, we will appreciate the efforts made by the Secretary and the Government for our elderly people.
它们需要考虑价格甚 至产品差异 化之外的因素,以便找到独特的价值定位—可以是卓越的客户服务、 [...]
快 速 可 靠 的 配 送 、通 过 精 准 的 营 销 提 升 转 化 率 、高 效 的 购 物 体 验 、定 制 商 品 ,或 是 便捷的退货等等。
They will need to think
[...] beyond price and even product differentiation to [...]
find a unique value proposition—be it superior
customer service, fast and reliable delivery, targeted marketing to increase conversion, streamlined shopping experience, customized offerings, easy returns, or something else.
在后一种情况下,请求方甚至异议 方 均没有机会在将该 事项提交指定机构以前向指定机构和仲裁庭发表意见,也没有机会让仲裁庭就 [...]
It also appears that in the latter
instance, there is no opportunity for the
[...] requesting party or indeed the objecting party [...]
to make submissions to both the appointing
authority and the arbitral tribunal before the matter has been referred to the appointing authority nor is any opportunity given to the arbitral tribunal to comment on the recommendations of the appointing authority as to the appropriateness of such deposits as supplementary deposits.
由于各种原因,包括不同税种和税率,各国汽车燃料的零售价格 异 很 大, 最甚至相 差 8 倍。18 农用车和机械,以及大多数卡车、公共汽车和商业车辆通 常使用柴油燃料,其税收和价格往往低于汽油。
Retail prices for motor fuels differ
considerably from country
[...] to country, even up to a factor of eight, for various reasons, including different types and levels [...]
of taxation.18 Agricultural
vehicles and machinery, as well as most trucks, buses and commercial vehicles, commonly use diesel fuel, which is often taxed and priced at lower levels than gasoline.
為了營造一個最合適車主的跑車駕駛空間,平治提供了不同物料予車主作選擇;車廂可以用上最頂尖的皮革、甚至以磨砂金屬面或是科 感甚 重 的 碳纖板作中控台檯面,創造一個與別不同的專屬駕駛艙。
The finest leather, matt-finished solid metal
or optional, real carbon-fibre trim create an exclusive ambience and correspond with
[...] the authentic feel of the cockpit.
高级专员在述及《奥林匹克宪章》和《世界人权宣言》时强调,体育与人权 共享许多基本的价值观和宗旨,然而却指出,尽管如此,令人 诧 的 是 ,迄今为 止人权运动、机制和体制与世界体育赛事之间却几乎并不形成互动。
In reference to the Olympic Charter and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the High Commissioner underlined the fact that sport and human rights share many fundamental values and objectives, but noted, nevertheless that it was surprising how little interaction there had been to date between the human rights movement, mechanisms and institutions and the world of sports.
令人诧的还 有,联合王国照会提到 29 年前发生的一次冲突,而阿根廷共 和国重申邀请联合王国恢复谈判,并将和平解决主权争端的任务写入了本国宪 法。
It is also surprising that the British letter includes references to a conflict which took place 29 years ago, when the Argentine Republic has reiterated its invitation to the United Kingdom to resume negotiations and has included in its National Constitution a mandate to settle the sovereignty dispute by peaceful means.
如果基督教不存在于所有在上埃及,公元150之前,那么我们就必须降下来的德米特里版本尽早日期,但如果像更容易,基督教传播的手段尼罗河立即开始鼓吹在亚历山德里亚,并已成 感 染 邪 教和 异 教 迷 信,在第二个世纪,我们可能会暂时结束Sahidic版本,这是当时的性格“(”科普特版本在南方方言的新约圣经“,三,牛津大学,1911年,第398页)。
If Christianity did not exist at all in Upper Egypt before AD 150, then we must come down to the date of Demetrius as the earliest possible date of the version; but if, as is more likely, the Christian religion had spread by means of the Nile immediately after it began to be
preached in Alexandria, and had
[...] already become infected by heretical and semi-pagan superstitions [...]
in the second century, we
may provisionally conclude from the character of the Sahidic version that it was made at that time" ("The Coptic Version of the New Testament in the Southern Dialect", III, Oxford, 1911, p. 398).




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