

单词 追诉



within the statute of limitation
period during which one can prosecute or sue sb

See also:

chase after
musical instrument (old)
do one's utmost to seek or procure sth.

External sources (not reviewed)

本法还规定,如果提起诉讼,则民 追诉 时 效 直到做出最终判决一年之后才 会结束。
The Law further stipulates that if an indictment was filed, the civil limitation period will not end until one year had passed after a conclusive verdict was delivered.
他注意到, 委员会处理放弃对裁决提追诉的方 式,也就是将 该问题移至示范仲裁条款下,实际上提供了此类弃 [...]
权的一个秘诀;但是,这只会对少数国家造成影响, 收效甚微。
He noted that the Committee’s approach to
[...] the waiver of recourse against an award, [...]
by displacing the problem to the model
arbitration clause, actually provided a recipe for such a waiver; as, however, it would affect only a limited number of countries, it was of little consequence.
这方面,委员会强调,即使建立了过渡司法系 统,也不能取消对严重侵犯人权行为的刑 追诉。
In this connection, the Committee emphasizes that the establishment of a
transitional system of justice cannot serve to dispense
[...] with the criminal prosecution of serious human [...]
rights violations.
颁布国如果规定对采购实体的决定只进行 司法复议,必须建立有效的首次申请和上诉制度,确保按照《反腐败公约》的 要求[**超级链接** ],在本法规定的采购规则和程序未得到遵守的情况下提供适 当的法追诉和救济。
Enacting States that provide only for judicial review of the decisions of the procuring entity are required to put in place an effective system for first instance applications and appeals, to ensure adequate legal recourse and remedies in the event that the procurement rules and procedures of this Law are not followed, in order to be compliant with the requirements of the Convention against Corruption [** hyperlink**].
综上所述,现对第 34(2)条案文第三句提出以下建议:“只要根据仲裁地法各方
[...] 当事人可以有效为之,其即可对所作裁决放弃向任何法院或其他主管机构任何 形式的上诉、复议追诉权利 ,但请求撤消裁决的申请除外。
All this leads to the following proposal for the text of article 34 (2), third sentence: “Insofar as the parties may validly do so under the law of the place of arbitration,
they waive their right to any form of
[...] appeal, review or recourse against an award [...]
to any court or other competent authority
except for an application for the setting aside of an award.
缔约国应确保构成酷刑的行为没有任 追诉 时 效 限制。
The State party should ensure that acts amounting to torture are not subject to any statute of limitations.
此外,根据第 7 条第 1 款的规定,普遍刑事管辖权适用于《刑法》具体列出 的罪行,包括不适追诉时效法的种族灭绝罪(见表 1),第 7 条第 2 至 11 款还补 充了有关其他罪行的规定(见表 1)。
Moreover, under the provisions of paragraph 1, universal criminal jurisdiction is applied to the crimes specified under the Code, including genocide, to which no statute of limitations applies (see table 1), while paragraphs 2 to 11 of article 7 set forth additional crimes (see table 1).
委员会敦促缔约国立即与希腊当局联系,以求及时设立一个有效机制调查这些案 件,以确定失踪儿童的下落,并且与两国的监察员及相关民间社会组织合作,追诉期期 满之前确定所涉人员的行政和刑事责任。
The Committee urges the State party to immediately engage with the Greek authorities with a view to promptly creating an effective mechanism to investigate these cases in order to establish the whereabouts of the missing children, in cooperation with the Ombudsmen of both countries and relevant civil society organizations, and identify disciplinary and criminal responsibilities of those involved, before the charges may become time-barred.
[...] 人即对所作裁决放弃向任何法院或其他主管机构 [提起 ]任何形式的上诉 [或] 复议[或追诉]的权利 [,但请求撤销裁决的申请和关于实施和强制执行裁决 [...]
Insofar as they may validly do so by adopting these Rules, the parties waive their
right to [initiate] any form of appeal,
[...] [or] review [or recourse] against an [...]
award to any court or other competent authority
[, except for an application requesting the setting aside of an award, and proceedings regarding execution and enforcement of an award].
各方当事人放弃根据适用法律可以放弃的对所作裁决向任何法院或其他主管 机构提出任何形式上诉、复议追诉 的 权利,这种放弃无需有一项专门的协 [...]
The parties waive their right to any form of appeal, review or recourse against an award to any court or other
competent authority that may be waived under
[...] the applicable law, and the waiver [...]
of which does not require a specific agreement.
如果违法行为系 15 岁以上、非 亲属或责任人所为的追诉时效 自未成年人年满 18 岁开始。
If the offenses were committed by a person above the age of fifteen who is not a relative, or responsible for the minor, the limitation period shall begin when the minor reaches the age of eighteen.
这种规定的效果是,各方 当事人将无法使用当事人可以自由放弃的这些类型 追诉 ( 例如,在有些法域 就某个法律问题提出上诉),但并不排除对裁决提出异议(例如,所涉及的事项 包括缺乏管辖权,违反正当程序,或是《贸易法委员会国际商事仲裁示范法》 第 34 条列明的撤销裁决的其他任何理由等),只要当事人不能通过合同排除这 些异议就可以。
The effect of that provision would be to make it impossible for parties to use those types of recourse that could be freely waived by the parties (for example, in some jurisdictions, an appeal on a point of law), but not to exclude challenges to the award (for example, on matters such as lack of jurisdiction, violation of due process or any other ground for setting aside the award as set out under article 34 of the UNCITRAL Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration), insofar as the parties could not exclude them by contract.
这种程序不能被视作上诉、复议 追诉 的 形式,因此不 必作为这方面放弃权利可能性的一个例外。
This kind of procedures cannot be considered as forms of
[...] appeal, review or recourse, so there is [...]
no need for an exception to the possibility of waiver in this respect.
(a) 出于“迫切的安全理由”60和(b) 出于刑追 诉的需要。
Civilians may be detained by an occupying power under very strict
conditions, namely (a) if such detention is “necessary for imperative reasons of
[...] security”60 and (b) for penal prosecutions.
十三–裁决的形式和效力:放弃诉 或 追诉 权 : 对于关于裁决终局性的第 34 条 草案第 2 款,我们同意下述规定:各方当事人“采用本《规则》后”,即对裁决 放弃提起任何形式的诉或追诉的权 利,但请求撤销裁决的申请和关于实施和 强制执行裁决的程序除外,因为这一放弃是诉诸仲裁有别于诉诸国家法院的基 本特征之一,且保护仲裁裁决除撤销裁决的申请和关于实施裁决的程序之外不 受诉或追诉。
XIII-Form and effect of the award:
[...] waiver of right to appeal or recourse: As for paragraph 2 of the draft article 34 on the finality of the awards, we agree on the provision that the parties, “insofar as they may validly do so by adopting these Rules”, waive their right to initiate any form of appeal or recourse against the award except for the application for setting aside such award and proceedings regarding execution and enforcement thereof, for the reason that this waiver constitutes one of the basic characteristics which distinguishes recourse to arbitration from that to the national courts and protects the arbitral awards from any appeal or recourse other than an application [...]
for setting aside or proceedings regarding their enforcement.
美 国提议在“合同中的示范仲裁条款草案”标题及随
[...] 后的案文之后,单独增列一个关于可能或可选择放 弃对仲裁裁决追诉的标题。
The United States proposed that the heading “Draft model arbitration clause for contracts” and subsequent text should be followed
by an additional and separate heading, referring to a possible or
[...] optional waiver of recourse against the arbitral award.
葡萄牙特别 确认,该国将对在特定条件下豁免权被放弃的联合国官员和特派专家在葡萄牙境 内或境外实施的行为进行刑追诉。
It confirmed, in particular, that it would criminally prosecute a United Nations official or an expert on mission, whose immunity had been waived, for acts committed in or outside the Portuguese territory, under specified conditions.
突出的内容是以下限制:“各方当事人通 过采用本《规则》而可以有效地这么做的”;此后的具体词语(“ 诉 ” 、 “复 查”、追诉”)则没那么重要。
The salient element is the limitation “insofar as they may validly do
so by adopting these Rules”; the particular form of
[...] words thereafter (“appeal”, “review”, “recourse”) is less important.
除此之外将视情节另外给追诉民事 或是刑事处罚责任,例如对相关人员提出赔偿和索赔等。
Furthermore, any such acts may result in criminal charges against and/or civil liability (such as indemnity or damage claims) against such person.
委员会还感到关切的是,按照《刑法》第83至85 条和第312 条将酷刑行 为定为犯罪之后,酷刑罪追诉时效 限定为五年。
(9) The Committee is also concerned that, as a result of criminalizing acts of torture pursuant to articles 83–85 and 312 of the Criminal Code, the statute of limitations with respect to offences that would amount to torture is limited to five years.
政治或非司法 因素不应免除任何人不受他所犯下的罪行 追诉。
Political or other non-judicial considerations should not
[...] exonerate anybody from prosecution for the crimes committed.
在实践中,非商业性、非专属的近海土著产权,致使在其海国开展的活动(包 括商业性捕捞和石油勘探等重大的自然资源开发)如涉及行使普通法和国际法承
[...] 认的公共或国际权利,或有法律准予的许可证或当局的支持,则土著产权持有人 无法对其施加影响,或对其进追诉。
In practice, non-commercial and non-exclusive offshore native title rights entail native title holders being unable to influence or have recourse against activities conducted in their sea country (including major natural resource developments such as commercial fishing and petroleum exploration), where such activities involve the exercise of the public or
international rights recognized at common law
[...] and international law, or where such activities [...]
are sanctioned by licences or authorities granted under legislation.
不知情的读者并不怀疑在大多数法律制度中不得放追诉权, 或在少数可以放弃这一权利的法律制度中,必须达到各种要求这一 [...]
The uninformed reader does not
[...] suspect that recourse may not be waived [...]
in most of the legal systems or that, in the few
systems where a waiver is possible, various requirements have to be met for the waiver to be valid.
计划将可判处三年以下监禁的犯 追诉 时 效 期限延长至五年,将可判 处三年以上监禁的犯追诉时效 期限延长至七年。
Plan to extend the limitation period from three to five years for offences punishable by less than three years’ imprisonment, and from three to seven years for offences punishable by more than three years’ imprisonment.
当事人或其律师往往不十分熟悉《纽约公约》和 《示范法》这样的法律文书或其他适用法的适用性,因此,如果《贸易法委员 会仲裁规则》完全按这种方式拟订这条规则而不作任何限定,他们很有可能以 为无法使用任何不服裁决追诉权。
All too often parties or their counsel are not sufficiently conversant with the applicability of legal instruments such as the New York Convention, the Model Law, or other applicable law, and might well believe that they have no recourse whatever against an award if the UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules say precisely that without qualification of any kind.
她建议拟议案文保持不变,然后加入如下单 独注释:“如果当事方想要排除可能根据适用法律 对仲裁裁决提出追诉,可 考虑添加文字,大意如 下文所提议,但须考虑到此种排除的效力和条件取 决于适用法律”。
She suggested that the proposed text should remain unchanged and that the following separate note should be added: “If the parties wish to exclude recourse against the arbitral award that may be available under the applicable law, they may consider adding language to that effect, as suggested below, considering however that the effectiveness and conditions of such an exclusion depend on the applicable law”.
本法修改后规定,未成年人责任人对其实施 违法行为的追诉时效自他/她年满 28 岁开始。
Currently, the Law stipulates that in the case of offenses committed against a minor by a person responsible for the minor, the limitation period shall begin when he/she reaches the age of twenty eight.




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