

单词 炉火纯青的


(技艺)炉火纯青的 adj

mature adj

See also:


the fire of a stove

火炉 n

fireplace n

纯的 adj

pure adj

External sources (not reviewed)

伯爵制表工坊以炉火纯青的超薄 制表技艺而雄踞行业领先地位。
The Manufacture de Haute Horlogerie Piaget’s other field of undeniable historical legitimacy lies in its mastery of ultra-thin watchmaking.
先进的项目管理培训重点是大幅度提高自然能力 炉火纯青的 技 巧 ,以便帮助您达到您的目标。
The focus of advanced project managment training is to hone natural ability into perfected skill in order to help you to reach your goals.
今年,爱彼再谱新章,为1993年推出的皇家橡树离岸型腕表搭载前所未见的卓越机芯,大胆融合数个前所未见的复杂功能,呈 炉火纯青的 制 表 成就。
While the first Grande Complication models were introduced in 1882, the Royal Oak Offshore – the ultimate sports watch launched in 1993 by this company still in the hands of its founding families – has been equipped this year with an exceptional movement combining some of the most amazing mechanical developments ever produced by watchmakers.
日复一日,妇女和儿童过多地地 吸入室炉火高浓度的毒素,引起一系列慢性病和严 重健康问题,每年造成 [...]
190 万人过早死亡。
Day after day, women and children suffer disproportionately from
exposure to concentrations of toxins
[...] from indoor cooking fires, which contribute to [...]
a range of chronic illnesses and acute
health problems and result in 1.9 million premature deaths annually.
我们还参 加了各种类型的维和行动,从监督 火 到 目 前 纯 粹的 建设和平活动等不一而足。
We have also participated in every type of peacekeeping operation, from truce supervision to the
[...] current generation of purely peacebuilding initiatives.
我还访问了斯德罗特,与长期以来一直遭 受不青红皂白的火箭弹 和迫击炮袭击的以色 列南部平民见了面。
And I visited Sderot, to meet with the civilians of southern Israel who have been exposed to
[...] indiscriminate rocket and mortar fire for too long.
我们的驻店调酒专家 Anthony Evangelista ——在纽约 The Plaza, A Fairmont-managed 令自的技艺变得炉火纯青——将与其训练有素的团队共同指导每两周一次的培训班。
Our resident mixology expert, Anthony Evangelista - who perfected his trade at The Plaza, A Fairmont-managed property in New York – leads the bi-weekly classes with the help of his well-trained team.
自1990年以来,林德已为轧机和锻造店以及 退 火炉 提 供 了115个 REBOX纯氧燃 烧解决方案,用于批量和连续加热炉。
Since 1990, Linde has supplied 115 REBOX
oxyfuel based solutions to
[...] batch and continuous reheat furnaces for rolling mills and forge [...]
shops as well as for annealing furnaces.
[...] 技术将监测和控制 Hitachi Zosen 燃煤式垃圾焚炉和产自青岛的蒸汽 轮机 (2x30 兆瓦)。
At the Laogang facility, Ovation
technology will monitor and control the Hitachi Zosen stoker-fired
[...] incineration boilers and Qingdao steam turbines (2x30 MW).
娇韵诗强的纯植物 萃取精华,蕴含有 青 香 蕉、柠檬百里香、酸枝和燕麦醣,能够重建肌肤内部骨胶原、弹力蛋白和细胞之间的合成密度——层层强化肌肤的组织结构,从而达到紧致提拉、均匀肤色的功效。
Clarins’ powerful plants extracts of organic Green Banana, Lemon Thyme, [...]
Bocoa and Oat Sugars rebuild the bonds between collagen,
elastin and cells—strengthening skin’s architecture to firm, lift and tone on every level.
皮克青年旅舍邻火车站 、巴士站和岛际(Interislander)渡轮码头,是探索新西兰南北岛完 的 交 通 枢纽。
Close to
[...] the train and bus stations and Interislander ferry terminal YHA Picton Wedgwood House is the perfect hub for exploring the North and South Islands [...]
of New Zealand.
(1)文化和教育方的挑 战,有必要激青年对纯净体 育产生强烈追求; (2)法律和标准制定方面的挑战,有必要在反对在 体育运动中使用兴奋剂方面进行协调;以及 (3)实施方面的挑战。
He underlined three major
[...] challenges for the future: (1) cultural and educational challenges, with the need to inculcate in youth the desire for clean [...]
sport; (2) legal and
standard-setting challenges with the need for harmonization in the fight against doping in sport; and (3) the challenge of implementation.
从结构紧的淬火炉到配 备流程记录和传输装 置的全自动化设备,我们一定能找到适合您需要的个性 化方案。
From the
[...] compact hardening furnace to fully-automatic systems with conveying [...]
technology and process documentation – we certainly
will find a solution tailored to your application.
空气的神,因陀罗,像火星,同时,战争的全能的神,谁设置从云蛇安比(或Vritra),加快雨免费;楼陀罗,后来被称为湿婆众所周知,世尊,神破坏性的雷暴,恐惧对象的恶人,而是一个好的朋友,烈火,火之神,朋友和人,在他们居 的 恩 人 火炉 , 同 时向神祈祷和祭祀;索玛,那个神秘的植物,其inebriating汁是如此亲爱的神和人的神,抵挡疾病,传授实力和确保不死。
the god of the air, Indra, like Mars, also, the mighty god of war, who set free from the cloud-serpent Ahi (or Vritra), the quickening rain; Rudra, later known as Siva, the blessed one, the god of the destructive thunderstorm, an object of dread to evil-doers,
but a friend to the
[...] good; Agni, the fire-god, the friend and benefactor of man, dwelling on their hearths, and bearing to the [...]
gods their prayers and
sacrificial offerings; Soma, the god of that mysterious plant whose inebriating juice was so dear to the gods and to man, warding off disease, imparting strength and securing immortality.
当时户主的主要职责是排练,他的妻子,婚姻,神 的 壁 炉火 维 修 的 选 择 ,祭祀神灵,节日到他离开亲人好客运动。
Then the chief duties of the householder are rehearsed, his
choice of a wife, marriage,
[...] maintenance of the sacred hearth-fire, sacrifices to the [...]
gods, feasts to his departed relatives exercise of hospitality.
在那个时代匹萨在烤箱中烘烤,然后在Naples的街道上出售; 男孩头上顶着典型的“stufa”(为匹萨保 的 锡 火炉 ) , 以特殊的叫唤声沿街叫卖,吸引人们的注意力,然后直接把已经加上各种调味品的匹萨送到顾客的手中。
At these times pizza was baked in ovens and then sold in the streets of Naples: a boy, who balanced on his head the typical "stufa" (a tin stove to keep pizza warm), brings directly to his customers the pizza, already made with different seasonings, after attracting their attention with his loud and typical calls.
在青年党 2010
[...] 年8月和 9 月间于摩加迪沙展开“斋月攻势”期间,监 察组收到了关于涉嫌青年党空运 火的 具 体 可信报告。
During Al-Shabaab’s Mogadishu Ramadan offensive of
August/September 2010, the Monitoring Group received specific and credible
[...] reports of alleged arms deliveries by air to Al-Shabaab.
遗憾的是,那些建议强调一些与真正的人权无 的 问 题 , 纯 粹 是 出于对朝鲜 的敌视。
Regrettably, those recommendations focused on
issues that were extraneous to genuine human
[...] rights issues and were purely put forward out of [...]
hostility towards the country.
(b) 举办了“古巴邮政火箭、传统和天文学”活动,以促进对古巴邮政火
[...] 箭的了解和研究,建立天文学与邮政和集邮领域的联系,并使古 的 邮 政 火箭 在儿童青年和成年人的记忆中成为本国邮政和集邮传统的一部分。
(b) The “Cuban postal rocket, heritage and astronomy” event was held to promote knowledge and study of the Cuban postal rocket, establish a link between astronomy and the postal and
philatelic fields and fix the
[...] memory of the Cuban postal rocket as part of the country’s [...]
postal and philatelic heritage
in the minds of children, young people and adults.
这使他的纯 收入 下降,妨碍了他们获得社会服务或工作的机会,并使他们过度暴露在腐败和 [...]
This reduces their net income, obstructs [...]
their access to social services or job opportunities and exposes them disproportionately
to corruption and exploitation.
因此,要減少吸的禍害 ,其實必須集 火 力,青少年在小時候因出於好奇而嘗試吸食第一口煙。
Therefore, to minimize the hazards of
smoking, attention must be
[...] focused on prevention, preventing teenagers from attempting to take the first [...]
puff out of curiosity at early age.
The glow
[...] from a smithy’s furnace lights up the winter [...]
gloom in St Thomas market.
考虑到污染预的原则,锅炉或火炉 及 有 关排放废气的烟囱设置,应考虑到避免对 附近易受影响的地方(如住宅楼宇等)和居民构成影响。
According to the principles of pollution prevention, suitable [...]
approaches should be done to avoid possible conflicts with
existing places (such as residential buildings) and sensitive receptors (such as residents) prior to the establishment of the stove or oven and of the chimney discharging waste gases.
这项培训不仅具纯粹的学习 价值,它还为总 部和总部外办事处的同事们提供了一个相互交流经验和进行团队建设的良好机会,从而加强 [...]
Beyond the purely learning value, this [...]
training provided an excellent opportunity for experience sharing and team-building
among colleagues from both Headquarters and field offices, thus strengthening human networking and improving communication between Headquarters and the field.
说所有当事方有权对条约 提出保留,并不意味这个权利是无限的,更不要说这样提出的一切保留,因为条 约内列入纯的一般性条款,就在第 21 条第 1 款起首部分的意义上“成立”。
To say that all the parties have the right to formulate reservations to the treaty cannot imply that this right is unlimited, still less that all reservations so formulated are, by virtue of the simple general clause included in the treaty, “established” within the meaning of the chapeau to article 21, paragraph 1.
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这事实上使我们拥 有了更大的空间,可让斯里兰的每 个 政治阶层,包括那些因 火 协 议 ――这纯粹政府与猛虎组织之的协议 ――而置身之外的政治阶层都来参与,共同寻求 这一目标。
In fact, it gives us broader space to pursue this goal in a manner that involves all sections of the Sri Lankan polity, which remained sidelined due to the CFA, an agreement solely between the Government and the LTTE.
至于菜单,您可以选择从土耳其美食广泛的选择(被认为是世界三大美食之一),其中包括 火 烧 烤 ,羊肉串烤肉,新鲜 炉的 土 耳 其比萨,新鲜粉扑PIDE面包,美味的和不可抗拒的热& 冷开胃菜,包括甜点 [...]
果仁蜜饼文化的最爱& kadayif,新鲜水果和蔬菜
& 饮料,日常食物的选择,多种点菜菜单选择,为您提供良好和充足的选择......我们提供传统的土耳其茶,咖啡 & Ayran。
As for the menu, you can choose from a wide selection of Turkish cuisine (considered to
be one of the three
[...] main cuisines in the world) that includes charcoal grilled Barbeques, Doner Kebab, [...]
freshly baked Turkish
pizza, fresh puff & pide Bread, delicious and irresistible Hot & Cold Appetizers, Desserts including cultural favorites baklava & kadayif, Fresh Fruits & Drinks, Daily Food Choices, and a variety of selections from Ala Carte Menu offers you good and plentiful choices... We serve Traditional Turkish Tea, Coffee & Ayran.




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