

单词 神不守舍

See also:


reluctant part with (sth or sb)
unwilling let go of

External sources (not reviewed)

做生意在很大的程度上,必须具有锲 不舍 、 努 力 不 懈 的 创业 守 业 精 神。
To a very large extent, doing business entails sheer perseverance and hard work, whether it is in the initial start-up phase or in maintaining business operations.
[...] 约)缔约国的义务,以及对该条约序言和 11 条所载的 三大支柱系统的守,是神圣不可违 背的。
Nigeria considers the obligations of States parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of
Nuclear Weapons (NPT) and respect for the three-pillar system contained in
[...] its preamble and 11 articles to be sacrosanct.
我們將本 着 鍥不舍 的 精神, 繼 續 爭 取 提 出這項 修訂, 直至我們達 到 [...]
成 立一個 獨 立的投 訴 警 方 機 制的目標為止。
In the spirit of perseverance, we will keep on [...]
proposing this amendment until our goal of establishing an independent mechanism
for complaints against the police is achieved.
家庭法典》第二部分 X 标题第 328 条 规 定:“当一个未成年人的健康、安全、神 或教育,由于父 母或 监护人的不 道 德或无能, 遭 到 破坏或者未得到足够 保护时, 或 由于未成年人的不 端行为不守 纪 律,使 父 母或 监护人极 为不 满 或者使 他 们无 法履行指 导 职责时, 少年事务法官 按规定,或 在公共部长的要求 下 、 或者在 父母 或 监护人的要求 下, 可以决定让 该 未成年人在一定时期内(这个时间不可以超过其成年的时间),接受社会助理的定期 到访,或者接受监视自由制度的管理”。
Section II, title X, article 328 of the Family Code states: “When the health, safety, morality or education of a minor are jeopardized or insufficiently protected owing to the immoral behaviour or disability of the father and mother or of the person accorded the right of guardianship, or when, owing to misconduct or unruly behaviour, a minor gives these individuals cause for very serious dissatisfaction or renders them incapable of exercising guidance, the juvenile judge may on his own initiative, at the behest of the public prosecutor or at the behest of the father, mother or guardian, rule that the minor shall, for a period not to extend beyond the date of his coming of age, be visited regularly by a social worker or placed on probation.
此外, 充 分 發 揮舍 守 望相助的神,其實 亦 有 助 減 低 家 庭 慘 劇 的發 生 。
Besides, giving full play to the spirit of mutual help and support among neighbours can reduce the incidence of family tragedies.
[...] 問題,除了增加社工㆟手外,政府更應該給予㆒些年紀較輕的老㆟簡單的訓練和足夠 的津貼,使他們發揮舍守望的精神 , 協 助㆒ 不 能 照顧自己的老㆟家。
In order to solve this problem, apart from increasing the number of social workers, the Government should give some simple training and a sufficient amount of allowance to those who are
not too old so that they can look after those elderly
[...] people in their neighbourhood who cannot take care of themselves.
29F.35 本次级方案预计能实现目标和预期成绩,前提是:(a) 航空业和燃料价格的变化依然不影响通 过谈判获得有利的旅行票价(即,不会因为燃料附加税或恶意行为而导致航空成本大幅上升); (b) 工作人员致力于合作并促进开展无纸化通信和电子文件存档;(c) 工作人员守既定办公舍标准并参加维也纳国际中心的环保行动;(d) 采购需求量和复杂程度的增不会超 过合理 预期,市场条不发生重大变化。
29F.35 The subprogramme is expected to achieve its objectives and expected accomplishments on the assumption that: (a) developments in the airline business and fuel pricing will continue to enable the negotiation of favourable travel fares (i.e. no major increase in airline costs due to fuel surcharges or malicious acts will occur); (b) staff members are committed to cooperating in and contributing to a paperless flow of communications and electronic
filing of documents; (c)
[...] staff members comply with the given office accommodation standards and participate in environmental initiatives at the Vienna International Centre; and (d) the volume and complexity of procurement requirements will not increase beyond reasonable expectations and market conditions will not change significantly.
考 慮到這類家舍規模細小及以家庭模式運作,我們建議靈活處 理,豁免這類家舍實行住客年齡分類的規定,而 不 論 其住 客屬哪一個殘疾類別,只劃一界定為「低度照顧」 舍 ( 《守則》擬稿第 2.1.3 段)。
Having considered their small size and domestic set-up, we propose that flexibility be allowed for small group homes to be
exempted from the age demarcation
[...] requirement, and be categorised as “low-care-level” irrespective of the disability types of the residents (para 2.1.3 of the draft Code).
舍舍利不遵守法庭 命令,所以需要对 其进行持续监测,以确保对证人的保护,这造成了法庭资源的消耗,给法庭的有 [...]
Šešelj’s lack of compliance with court orders [...]
required continuous monitoring to ensure the protection of witnesses, constituted
a drain on the Tribunal’s resources, and presented a challenge for the Tribunal’s effective functioning.
(二) 為了鼓勵及協助被虐長者舉報個案及尋求協助、加深公眾對虐待 長者問題的認識、倡導尊敬長者的風氣,以及宣揚 舍守 望 相助 的神,以下措施會繼續推行
(b) To encourage and assist victims to report their cases and seek help, to enhance community awareness, to cultivate an environment to respect the elders and promote neighbourhoodliness, the following measures will continue to be implemented
Maria 激励 Stephanie 的理念是一种简单的自律、决心和奉献 神: “ 要想成功,你就要在训练中保持自律并锲 不舍。
Maria’s philosophy to motivate Stephanie is a simple one of discipline, determination and dedication: “To succeed, you need to stay disciplined and persevere in your training.
他們指責政府不守舍,建制派缺席投票,導致臨時撥款決議案未能獲得通過,這 種論述其實亦是十分荒唐可笑。
They accused the Government of falling into a trance and the pro-establishment camp of absence from the vote, resulting in the Vote on Account Resolution being negatived.
鑒於近期在院舍發生 1 宗涉及隔離安排的事件,社 署已承諾對上述舍守則和 現行的隔離安排進行全面檢討。
In the light of a recent incident regarding segregation practices in a Home, the SWD has undertaken to conduct a comprehensive review of the Manual and the existing practice of segregation.
我曾在9月初與特首會面, 反映業界的訴求,但在施政報告中,只針對長者和殘疾人士 舍 及 精神 健康 服務作出小修小補的回應;對於一些核心問題,例如業界最關心的 長者政策、社會福利規劃、檢討服務投標制、18歲以上弱智人士接受教 育的機會、落實多項國際公約等卻隻 不 提。
However, minor and piecemeal responses are made in the
policy address on residential care homes for the elderly and persons with
[...] disabilities and mental health services. On certain core issues, such as the policy on the elderly, social welfare planning, a review of the service tendering system, education opportunities for persons with intellectual disability aged above 18 and the implementation of a number of international conventions, and so on, the policy address is completely silent.
其次 ,政府在 地 區 層 面上,應推 廣舍 守 望 相 助的神 , 協 助 市 民 建 立 完善的 互 助 網 絡 。
Secondly, at the district level the Government should put in efforts to promote the spirit of mutual help among neighbours and assist the public in setting up a complete mutual help network.
2.5.9 在住宿服務方面,社署現正計劃在未來3年提供更多資 助宿位、支援非政府機構發展自負盈虧的宿舍,以及引入殘疾 人士(包括神病患)院舍買位 先導計劃22 ,從而解決有關服不足的問題。
2.5.9 With regard to residential services, SWD is planning to meet the shortfall in services by providing more subvented residential care places in the next three years,
supporting NGOs to develop
[...] self-financing hostels, and introducing a pilot bought place scheme22 for residential care homes for persons with disabilities, [...]
including mentally ill persons.
在马拉维的千年村里,在贝宁的桑海社区, 我看到了创新,看到了综合项目,看到了锲 不舍的 精神。
At the Millennium Village of Mwandama in Malawi and at the Songhai community in Benin, I saw innovation, integrated projects and a great deal of perseverance.
香港大學民意研究計劃今日在《港大民意網站》(http://hkupop.hku.hk)刊登新一則「編者的話」,題為「專業 神不 容 有失」,民意研究計劃主任鍾庭耀在當中強調維護科學精神和專業 守 的 重 要性。
The Public Opinion Programme (POP) at the University of Hong Kong today releases on schedule via the "HKU POP SITE" (http://hkupop.hku.hk) a new
passage "From the Editor",
[...] entitled "Professionalism allows no compromise", whereby the Director of POP, Robert Ting-Yiu Chung, asserts the importance of professional ethics and the spirit [...]
of science.
60 2008 年出炉的 GPA 本可能成为走向新道路的一个 契机。然不久后,很显不均衡 的权力分享安排 的神没有被遵守,改 革遭到反对,对权力的滥用 还在继续。
Neither the government, nor SADC have publicly taken
notice of these moves, and
[...] ZANU-PF has not acknowledged calibration as option, maintaining instead that sanctions are illegitimate in their entirety so must be lifted completely and unconditionally.60 The 2008 GPA could have been an opportunity for a new approach, but it soon became evident that the spirit of that uneven power-sharing arrangement was not being adhered to, reforms [...]
were being resisted, and abuses were continuing.
我们要求伊朗本着完全透明的神, 遵守 原子 能机构的各项决定,答复关于提供信息介绍其 核方案的请求,并根据安全理事会相关决议,保不谋求 拥有核武器,而且这种保证应当可以核实。
That country was required, in a fully
[...] transparent spirit, to comply with IAEA decisions, respond to requests for information about its nuclear programme and give verifiable assurances, in accordance with relevant Security Council resolutions that it would not seek to possess [...]
nuclear weapons.
實務守則》 一旦公布,便會成為法守則, 所有殘疾人士 舍 均 須符 合 守則 內訂明的最低服務標準。
The Code of Practice, once promulgated, would serve as a
[...] statutory code on the minimum standard of service to be complied with by all RCHDs.
(g) 社署署長認為必要的任何其他改善工程,以符合《條 例草案》通過後所頒布的《殘疾人士院舍規例》及《殘 疾人士舍實務守則》
(g) any other improvement works that are considered necessary by the Director of Social Welfare for compliance with the Residential Care
Homes (Persons with Disabilities)
[...] Regulation and the Code of Practice for RCHDs, which [...]
will be promulgated upon enactment of the Bill.
最后,德国代表团要与其他国家代表团一道感谢 消除危地马拉国内有罪不罚现象国际委员会前任专 员卡洛斯·卡斯特雷萨纳及其协作者在极其危险的环 境中所表现出的无畏勇气和锲不舍 的 精 神。
In conclusion, Germany would like to join other delegations in thanking former Commissioner Carlos Castresana and his collaborators for their courage and uncompromising engagement in an extremely dangerous environment.
津助殘疾人 士舍除須遵守《實務守則》 的規定外,亦須履行與社署簽 訂的《津貼及服務協議》內的條款。
While subvented RCHDs will have to comply with this Code, they will also have to comply with the terms and conditions of the Funding and Service Agreement as mutually agreed with SWD.
总部委员会为会员国代表堪称表率的合作 神 感 到欣慰,他们在所有会议上都忠于守,不惜任 何努力来争取使每次会议的工作都能取得积极的和协商一致的结果。
The Headquarters Committee has expressed its satisfaction with the exemplary cooperation of the representatives of the Member States who, throughout its meetings, have performed their duties with devotion and spared no effort, thus enabling the Committee on each occasion to conclude its work in a constructive and consensual manner.
(f) 加强服 务 费 收 缴 管 理 和使用的有效 性和透 明度,按照财 务 程序收 费, 收费 原则旨 在提高服务质量,并鼓励工作人员 以负责神和职 业行守则履行职责; (g) 按照治 疗准则和协议加强药 品销售和使用管理,最 大程度地避 免药 品库存过量和流不畅
(f) Enhancing the effective and
[...] transparent management and use of the revenue which is collected from the service fee in compliance with the financial procedures and principles aiming to improve the service quality and [...]
to encourage
the staff in performing their works in the spirit of responsibility and respect of the professionalism code of conducts
我們亦會基於社工堅持的信念及鍥 不舍 的 精 神 繼 續 爭取我們的 雙普選,而這亦是社會六成選民的訴求。
Based on the firm beliefs of social workers and their perseverance, we will continue to strive for the implementation of dual universal suffrage, which is also the aspiration of 60% of the electors in society.
[...] 相对于家庭购买力而言, 产妇保健费用太高,㈡ 有关人员缺乏专业神和操守,㈢ 有关产科急诊护理的 设不足,㈣ 卫生设施的材料及基本设备不足,㈤ 对各项活动和财务资源协调 [...]
The challenges are even more evident at the sector level and include: (i) the prohibitive cost of maternal health care in
terms of household
[...] purchasing power; (ii) a lack of professionalism and ethics among workers; (iii) a dearth [...]
of facilities offering
emergency obstetric care; (iv) a lack of basic materials and equipment at health facilities; (v) inadequate coordination of actions and financial resources.
就照顧癡呆症患者補助金而言,參加 改善買位計劃的私營安老院舍的合資格個案數目,是參考在資 助安老舍獲老人精神科小 組評估和確認為合資格個案的數目 而推算得出。
The number of qualified cases for dementia supplement in private RCHEs participating in Enhanced Bought Place Scheme was derived by making reference to the number of qualified cases as assessed and confirmed by Psychogeriatric Teams in the subvented RCHEs.
[...] 舍的法定發牌計劃時,社署亦成立了工作小組以制定實務 守則,供殘疾人士舍遵守,工 作小組的成員包括殘疾人 士代表和家長組織。
In preparation for the introduction of a statutory licensing scheme for RCHDs, SWD also set up a Working Group comprising, amongst others, representatives of persons with
disabilities and parent groups to formulate proposals for
[...] inclusion in a Code of Practice for future compliance by RCHDs.




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