

单词 生命迹象

See also:

生命 n

life n
lives pl
living n



生命 adj

biological adj

External sources (not reviewed)

Makhdoom Amin Fahim 回忆说,布托女 士重重地跌倒,且跌倒后就没有任 生命迹象。
Makhdoom Amin Fahim recalled that Ms. Bhutto fell heavily and showed no sign of life after falling.
在这座自从两年多前叙利亚爆发危机以来,经历了无数死亡和巨大破坏的城市,人行道上长满了野草,几乎没 生命 的 迹象。
Grass grows on the sidewalks, a rare sign of life in a city that has been the scene of so much death and destruction since the Syrian crisis began more than two years ago.
当怀疑年轻的男孩需要一个非同寻常的火车车程,到北极,他开始自我发现的旅程,显示了 生命 的 奇 迹 , 永 不褪色的那些相信的人。
When a doubting young boy takes an extraordinary train ride to the North Pole, he embarks on a journey of self-discovery that shows him that the wonder of life never fades for those who believe.
特别是由于它是波斯的影响力,这个世界之间的反差,在这种邪恶,死亡和罪恶盛行,和未来世界“,这是完全好”(Tamid立法会),是如此强烈地强调,和流行的观点认为从一个过渡到其他可以通过一个巨大的危机带来了约,仅仅是一个垂死的世界 生 育 的 一个新的阵痛衰退 迹象 将 迎 来成立。
It was particularly owing to Persian influence that the contrast between this world, in which evil, death, and sin prevail, and the future world, "which is altogether good" (Tamid lc), was so strongly emphasized, and the view prevailed that the transition from the one to the other could be brought about only through a great crisis, the signs of decay of a dying world and the birth-throes of a new one to be ushered into existence.
(h) 加紧迫害未得到承认的宗教少数群体,尤其是巴哈教徒,包括利用国营 新闻媒体等手段,攻击巴哈教徒;有越来越多 迹象 表 明国家在竭力查找、监 视和任意拘留巴哈教徒,不让巴哈教徒上大学和 生 ; 没收和毁坏其财产;破 坏其墓地;屡次剥夺七名巴哈教领导人受到宪法保障的适当法律程序权利,包 括及时、充分地接触自选的法律代理人及得到公正、公开审判的权利,将他们 [...]
(h) Increased incidents of persecution against unrecognized religious minorities, particularly members of the Baha’i faith, including attacks on Baha’is, including in State-sponsored media, increasing evidence of efforts by the State to identify, monitor and arbitrarily detain
Baha’is, preventing
[...] members of the Baha’i faith from attending university and from sustaining themselves economically, the confiscation and destruction of their [...]
property, the vandalizing
of their cemeteries and the sentencing of seven Baha’i leaders to ten years’ imprisonment despite being repeatedly denied the due process of law that they are constitutionally guaranteed, including the right to timely and adequate access to legal representation of their choice and to a fair and open trial
100.为促进儿童自我认同的意识,应在儿童的参与下保存一本生活手册,收入适 当信息、照片、个人物品和与儿 生命 中 每一 足 迹 相 关 的纪念物,伴随其整个成 长过程。
100. To promote the child’s sense of self-identity, a life story book comprising appropriate information, pictures, personal objects and mementoes regarding each step of the child’s life should be maintained with the child’s participation and made available to the child throughout his/her life.
很自然,人们往往集中关注军事行动中造成的 生命和财产损失,却对非国家行为者对平民目标发动 自杀式袭击造成大生命损失的现象 认 识 不足。
Quite often and quite naturally, the focus on civilian casualties is centred on the loss of life and property damage caused in military operations, whilst
insufficient consideration is given to the
[...] thousands of lives lost in suicide attacks on civilian targets by non-State actors.
它呼吁政府将创造就业机会的方 案列为当务之急,以防止流离失所和 象 环 生 的 迁 移,敦促政府尊重言论和表达 自由,保护新闻工作者生命,打击腐败,结束有罪不罚和促进善政。
It called on the Government to prioritize programmes creating employment opportunities so as to prevent displacement and risky migration, and urged it to respect the rights to freedom of speech and expression, protection of the life of journalists, fighting corruption, ending impunity and the promotion of good governance.
这或者是因为我们没有建立起预 警机制,或者是因为我们未能对即将 生 敌 对 行为 迹象 作 出 有效的反应。
Early warning mechanisms either do not exist, or we have not been able to respond effectively to indications of impending hostilities.
审计小组由一名技术顾问和一名会计组成,他们在审计时遵循 的程序与前几年进行核查时遵循的程序相同,但他们也留意是否存 迹象 和 信 号,使他们 相信已经永远停止氟氯化生产。
While the team, which consisted of a technical consultant and an accountant, conducted the audit following the same procedures as they had when carrying out the verifications in the
previous years, they also
[...] looked for signs and indicators that could convince them of the permanent cessation of CFC production.
(2) 衞生主任須將有命令的 文本,以面交或郵遞方式,送達命令的對象;但不論命令的 文本有否送達, 命 令 一 經作出,立 生 效。
(2) A health officer shall serve a copy of the order on the subject of the order, either personally or by post, but whether or not it is served, the order comes into force immediately on being made.
这些团体完全无视人生命的劣迹罄 竹难书,而且,它们继续对国家各地儿童所面临的危 险负有绝大部分责任。
Their complete disregard for human life is well documented, and they continue to bear overwhelming responsibility for the danger to children across the country.
民间社会组织和学术界,以提高意识、拟订手段(例 生命 周 分 析和 迹 )、 促进消费者带头的行动或核发证书方案(例如森林和海洋管理理事会所发证书或 公平贸易证书)并参加地方行动和实际解决办法等方式,对可持续消费和生产发 挥了重大作用。
Civil society organizations and the academic community have played an important role on sustainable consumption and production in raising awareness, developing tools (such as life-cycle analysis and footprinting), facilitating consumer-led initiatives or certification programmes (e.g., by Forest and Marine Stewardship Councils or on Fair Trade), and participating local actions and practical solutions.
加沙已出现复迹象,实际国生产 总值 2010 年增长15.1%,2011 年第一季度增长17.9%。
A nascent recovery is under way in Gaza, with real GDP growth of 15.1 per cent in 2010 and 17.9 per cent in the first quarter of 2011.
Fate has given her a chance.
国家多民族玻利维亚承认,尽管经济封锁对古巴造成重大损失,但古巴仍努 力与玻利维亚人民开展合作,下列数字就是明证:3 700 多万次免费医疗;拯救 33 000 多生命;在“奇迹行动 ”中免费做了 514 000 多次眼科手术,使不论任 何出身或社会地位的玻利维亚人恢复或提高视力。
The Plurinational State of Bolivia acknowledges the effort made by Cuba to cooperate with the Bolivian people, in spite of the significant harm caused by the embargo to its economy.
即使是在海滩拍摄或捕获的浮潜 迹生命 , 而 海洋。
Even for shots at the beach or capturing the wonder of marine life while snorkeling.
正如人权事务高级专员在其关于气候变化与人权的关系的报告18 中所说,
[...] “对人权的影响可能是直接的,如极端天气 象 对 生命 权 的 可能威胁,但往往也 可能间接和逐渐对人权产生影响,如对卫生系统日益增加的压力和对与气候变化 [...]
As the High Commissioner for Human Rights mentioned in her report dedicated on the relationship between climate change and
[...] rights,18“the effects on human rights can be of a [...]
direct nature, such as the threat extreme weather events may pose to the right to life, but will often
have an indirect and gradual effect on human rights, such as increasing stress on health systems and vulnerabilities related to climate change-induced migration.
尽管世界仍在遭受着源于发达国家的 2008 年经 济和金融危机的影响,但某迹象表 明全 球 生 产 和 贸 易正在复苏,这一部分可以归功于最近取消了各国政 府为应对危机所采用的限制性措施,以及加强了金融 [...]
While the world was still suffering from the effects of the 2008 economic and financial crisis that had originated
in developed countries,
[...] there were some signs of recovery in global production and trade that [...]
could be partially attributed
to the recent dismantling of restrictive measures applied by Governments in response to the crisis, and to the greater regulation and stabilization of financial markets.
我们看到,地震和海啸给世界上我们最亲密的友邦和盟国之一造成了难以 象 的 生命 和 财 产损失。
We’ve seen an earthquake and tsunami render unimaginable -- an unimaginable toll of death and destruction on one of our closest friends and allies in the world.
从防范虐待的角度来看,这会引起 人们对已经显示紧迹象的系 统严重关注。
From the standpoint of preventing ill-treatment, this raises serious concerns for a system already showing signs of stress.
还有报告指出警察局生酷刑 行为,监察员 办公室在处理这些案件时也遵循同一程序,包括召开监察员办公室代表现场会 议、对显示酷迹象的被 拘留者进行访谈,并随后向主管机构转递申诉,使其能 够对此事项进行调查。
Acts of torture in police stations have also been reported, and the Office of the Ombudsman followed the same procedure in dealing with these cases, which consisted of organizing an on-site meeting of representatives of the Office of the Ombudsman, conducting an interview with the detained person who showed signs of torture [...]
and subsequently transmitting
the complaint to the competent body so that it could conduct an investigation into the matter.
已经有一些改善的切迹象,见 之于土著人民、暴力受害者和以往的侵 权行为,以及从体制入手增进该国的权利等方面。
Real signs of improvement had been [...]
seen in the conditions of indigenous peoples, victims of violence and past abuses, and
the institutional promotion of human rights in the country.
迹象表明 对联合国维持治安的需求将有所削弱。
There is no indication that the demand for United Nations policing will diminish.
一項金融資產或 一組金融資產僅在資產初始確認後發生一個或多個事件導致出現客觀減 迹象 ( 已 發 生 「 損 失事件」),且損 失事件對該項金融資產或該組金融資產的預估未來現金流產生的影響能可靠地估計的情況下,才會被視為 減值。
A financial asset or a group of financial assets is deemed to be impaired if, and only if, there is objective evidence of impairment as a result of one or more events that occurred after the initial recognition of the asset (an incurred “loss event”) and that loss event has an impact on the estimated future cash flows of the financial asset or the group of financial assets that can be reliably estimated.
现在,科学家们第一次收集了一系列大量看起来“超越表面”的研究来探寻在生命开始之前,经历是如何并且为什么与生物学相互作用以影 生命 的 轨 迹 的。
Now, for the first time, scientists have amassed a large collection of research that looks
"under the skin", to examine how and why experiences interact with biology starting
[...] before birth to affect a life course.
然而秘书长的报告中没有 任迹象表明 ,如果大会维持目前的服务条款和条件,已经超过或即将 超过 3 年期限的审案法官会在其案件审结前辞职。
The report of the Secretary-General, however, contains no indication that, if the General Assembly were to retain the current terms and conditions of service, ad litem judges who have exceeded or will soon exceed the three-year period would resign before the completion of their cases.




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