


ripe (of fruit)
cooked (of food)
mature (of seeds)

stagnant water








External sources (not reviewed)

拟议编列 661 700 美元,用作进行下列特派团规划/评估/咨询活动的差旅
[...] 费:向同行了解外地行动支助服务问题况访问,并使部队派遣国了解联 合国的行动医疗概念;评估和审查特派团的后勤业务,包括新维和特派团的物资 [...]
动和航空安全、区域航空安全方案,建制特遣队执行维和行动所分配角色的支助 能力,总部和外地行动之间的运输和调度事务。
An amount of $661,700 is proposed for travel to undertake the following
mission planning/assessment/consultation
[...] activities: familiarization visits with [...]
counterparts on support service issues in
field operations and to acquaint the troopcontributing countries with the United Nations medical concept of operations; assessments and reviews of the missions’ logistical operations, including material resource plans for new peacekeeping missions, the composition and utilization of strategic deployment stocks, the availability of standard medical care for peacekeepers, air operations and aviation safety, the regional aviation safety programme, the support capabilities of the formed contingents for assigned roles in peacekeeping operations, transportation and movement services between Headquarters and the field operations.
在整个国际社会面临挑战之际,即使 是最小的社区,其需求也应该讨论,这是 至关重要的。
At a time of challenges for the international community, it was essential that the needs of the very smallest communities should be known and discussed.
金 融 工 具 不 存 在 活 跃 市 场 的,本 集 团 采 用 估 值 技 术 确 定 其 公 允 价 值,估 值 技 术 包 括 参况 并 自 愿 交 易 的 各 方 最 近 进 行 的 市 场 交 易 中 使 用 的 价 格、参 照 实 质 上 相 同 的 其 他 金 融 工 具 的 当 前 公 允 价 值、现 金 流 量 折 现 法 和 期 权 定 价 模 型 等。
Valuation techniques include reference to most recent market prices used by knowledgeable and willingness parties, reference to current fair value of other financial instrument with similar nature, discounted cash flow method and option valuation models.
由于国际性法院的具体性质,所产生的另一个挑战是需要将不同的法官组合 成一个新的整体,其中每个人都有着不同的文化和法律背景:一些法官来自英美
[...] 法系国家,其他法官来自罗马日耳曼法系或其他传统的国家;一些法官是刑事律 师,其他人则主际法;一些人以前有过司法经验,其他人则没有。
Another challenge arising from the specific nature of international courts is the need to amalgamate various judges in order to establish a new whole, made up of individuals with different cultural and legal backgrounds: some judges come from common-law countries, others from States with Romano-Germanic or other
traditions; some judges are criminal lawyers,
[...] while others arefamiliar primarily with [...]
international law; some have previous judicial
experience, while others do not.
最后,我们承认必须进一步努力在武装冲突中保 护平民,但我们也认为,对于安全理事会内部建立任 何新机制的问题应深然后再作出决定,以免 出现行动和体制上的重叠以及消极的财政影响。
Finally, while recognizing the need for further efforts to protect civilians in armed conflict, we hold the view that the establishment of any new mechanism within the Security Council should be carefully considered and studied in depth before a decision is made in order to avoid operational and institutional overlapping, as well as negative financial implications.
特别委员会确认,维持和平行动可以发挥积极作用,促进进行对性别问题 敏感的安全部门改革,发展能更好地满足妇女需求的安全服务,例如,可通过以 下途径发挥这种作用:部署女性维和人员,这可以鼓励更多妇女到东道国政府改 革后的安全部门工作;提别问题的专门人才,支持安全部门改革进程; 将性别观点纳入安全部门改革方案。
The Special Committee recognizes the positive role that peacekeeping operations can play in promoting gender-sensitive security sector reform and the development of security services that better respond to women’s needs, such as through, for example, the deployment of female peacekeeping personnel which can be a means of encouraging more women to serve in the reformed security sector of the host Government, through the provision of gender expertise in support of security sector reform processes, and through the incorporation of gender perspectives in security sector reform programmes.
这对建筑木工的技能标 准与培训课程正在接受同行审查,瓦工技术标准也在制定之中,其目的是为抗震建筑提供更 好动力。
Skills standards and training curricula for building carpentry is undergoing peer review and the skills standards for block masonry are being developed to produce a better-skilled labour force for earthquake-resistant building purposes.
[...] 律咨询科需要建立一个机构法律资料库,以向律师提供法律咨询,目的是弥补律 师可能对所适用法律中某一实体或程序领域的并将辩护律师置于与检察 官办公室平等的基础上。
It is therefore necessary that the Legal Advisory Section create an institutional legal repository to provide
legal advice to counsel, in order to
[...] compensatefor anyunfamiliarity that counsel may [...]
have with a substantive or procedural
area of applicable law and to place defence counsel on an equal footing with the Office of the Prosecutor.
这两个小组由非政府组织的代表组成,他们有权不受限制地进入警察拘留设 施以及监狱机构,里的情况,会晤被剥夺自由的人以及在监狱机构管制 [...]
The groups are comprised of representatives of nongovernmental organizations who are authorized to unimpeded access to police holding
facilities and penitentiary institutions
[...] and bodies, to familiarize themselves with [...]
the situation, to meet with persons deprived
of liberty and those under the control of penitentiary bodies, and to submit relevant reports.
这些食物可以是未经烹 煮或已经烫热或冰冻的,且无须再经加热处理( 包括翻热) 便可食 用。
It could be raw or cooked, hot or chilled, and can be consumed without further heat-treatment including re-heating.
在此基础上起草了一份包括 50 个主题的能力
建设规划,目的是加深全国委员会对联合国教科文组织主要工作领域的认识,并且在许多具 体能力方面提供培训,尤其是:(i) 重大计划活动,(ii)
[...] 扩大教科文组织影响所需的交流技 能,包利用教科文组织的门户网站,(iii) 新的管理手段以及(iv) [...]
建立合作伙伴关 系。
As a result, a capacity-building plan has been drawn up comprising over 50 themes, aiming to deepen Commissions’ knowledge of key areas of UNESCO’s work and to provide training in a number of specific skills, particularly: (i) key programme issues; (ii)
communication skills for enhancing UNESCO’s
[...] visibility, including conversance with theUNESCO [...]
Portal; (iii) new management tools; and
(iv) forging alliances with partners.
咨询委员 会认为可以有进一步的改善,为此在以下各段中提出一些建议,认为这些建议可
[...] 以帮助对预算提案的审议,使提案能很容易地为那些民署日常业务的读 者所阅读。
It believes that further improvements could be made, and offers in the paragraphs below some suggestions that, in its view, could facilitate consideration of the budgetary
proposals and render them more easily accessible to audiences
[...] that are notfamiliar with the day-to-day [...]
operations of UNHCR.
有几位成员支持该建议草案,但其他成员表示担心与氟氯烃替代品相关的风险,以 及第 5 条国家没有经过必要的培训来使用或者议的替代品。
Several members supported the draft recommendation, but others expressed concern that there were risks associated with the alternatives to HCFCs and that Article 5
countries did not have the necessary training required to use,
[...] and were not familiar with,the alternatives [...]
being proposed.
抱 此 立 场 的 人 认 为 , 保 持 缄 默 的
[...] 权 利 能 为 弱 者 、 不和 有 所 不 足 的 人 [...]
提 供 基 本 保 障,因 为 取 消 这 权 利 会 增 加 挨 不 住 警 方 诘 问 的 人 作 出
虚 假 供 认 的 风 险 。
The right of silence is seen by those who take
this position as an essential safeguard for
[...] the weak, theimmature and theinadequate, [...]
since its removal could increase the
risk of false confessions by those unable to withstand police interrogation.
反恐署最好能有一握阿拉伯语的职员来跟踪一些主要的基地组织 网站,并同中东反恐同行合作,将可能影响战略 战术的萨拉菲圣战思想的转变(例如,何人何事 被定义为“敌人”)通报给印尼同事。
Ideally the new agency could have a fluent Arabic speaker who could monitor some of the major al-Qaeda websites and, in cooperation with Middle Eastern counterparts, alert Indonesian colleagues to changes in salafi jihadi thinking that might affect, for example, who or what is defined as the “enemy”.
东盟经济共同体旨在通过货物、服务、投资工的自由流动以及 减少对资本流动的限制,建设一个单一的市场和生产基地。
The ASEAN Economic Community was aimed at building a single market and production base through the free movement of goods, services, investment and skilled labour, and through less restrictive capital flows.
[...] 中等教育,因为假定修学课程的学者都达到了某个
There are certain professions, specialties or occupations where vocational secondary education can only be acquired
on the basis of general secondary education, as entrants to the course are presumed to have
[...] reachedcertain agematurity.
由于许多会议与会者可能并出席一次无纸型会 议所需要的具体硬件和软件,因此此种示范可帮助他们确保会议顺 利进行。
As many meeting participants may be unfamiliar with the hardware and software required for a paperless meeting, such a demonstration can help ensure that the meeting goes smoothly.
XOOPS 作为一个站建设管理工具,可以方便地建设管理各类网站:内容管理与界面风格分离,便于方便灵活的设计切换不同的表现风格;能模块化机制,有各种丰富多样的模块可供选择定制,比如新闻发布、文章管理、论坛、相册、资源下载、广告黄页、电子商务、博客和知识库等;具有完善的权限管理机制,可以针对不同用户群组设置不同的访问、编辑等权限。
XOOPS websiteasa matureconstructionmanagement tool , you can easily manage all kinds of construction sites : separation of content management and interface style , designed to facilitate convenient and flexible switch between different styles of performance; Maturefunctionalmodular [...]
system , a variety of
modules to choose from variety of custom , such as press releases, article management , forums , photo albums , resources, downloads , advertising, yellow pages , e-commerce , blog and knowledge base ; with complete authority management mechanism , you can set for different user groups different access and editing rights.
世界银行指出,选用碳氢化合物技术的依据如下:替代技术应该为业界普 遍接受;当地市场上的发泡剂供应数量充足,价格也合理;以及根据中国政府减轻气候影 [...]
响的核心政策目标,优先采用低碳解决方案(这也符合缔约方的第 XIX/6 号决定)。
The World Bank indicated that the selection of hydrocarbon technology was
based on the following: the substitute
[...] technology should be mature and generally accepted [...]
by the industry; the blowing agent
should be available in sufficient quantities and at a reasonable price on the local market; and, in line with the central policy objective of the Government of China to mitigate climate impacts, a low carbon solution takes priority (which is also in line with decision XIX/6 of the Parties).
As your time in Australia continues, you’ll find yourself
[...] becomingmore familiar andcomfortable [...]
with aspects of Australian culture that
may have initially confused you.
电信网络质量的 改善、配套基础设施的发展、以及技工的市场条件,能够支持企业搬迁 到低收入和中等收入国家。
Improvements in the quality of telecommunication networks, the development of supporting infrastructure, and market conditions for technically skilled employees can support the relocation of firms to low- and middleincome countries.
长期以来,高技术行业占国际贸易的份额持续增加,比起其 他产业类别――如初级产品和中低级技术产品――增长更迅速。6 尽管技术较低的行业扩大出口份额没有高科技产业那样快,但采用更先进的工艺技术, 尤其是在使用信通技术作为通用技术的情况下,也为提高生产率和质量创造机 会。
High-technology industries have enjoyed a sustained increase in the share of international trade for a prolonged period, growing more rapidly than other industrial classes such as primary products and low- and medium-technology products.6 Even though industries at lower levels of technological sophistication have expanded their share of exports less rapidly than high-technology industries, the deployment of more advanced process technologies, particularly when they involve the use of ICTs as general-purpose technologies, also creates opportunities for improving productivity and quality.
在一项对6个大陆上的41种主要农作物所做的大规模的国际性研究中, Lucas
[...] Garibaldi及其同事发现,野生昆虫对这些农作物的授粉比那些受到管理的蜜蜂的授粉更为有效,从而产生比蜜蜂多两倍的座果(即那些可发育成为或种子的花朵)。
In a massive international study of 41 major crops on six continents, Lucas Garibaldi and colleagues found that wild insects pollinate these crops more effectively than
managed honeybees, leading to twice as much fruit set (flowers
[...] that developinto maturefruits orseeds) [...]
than the bees.
[...] 食典委介绍了有关国际葡萄及葡萄酒组织食用葡萄最低求标准的决议内容,该 标准与食典委上届会议通过的食典食用葡萄标准进行了交叉援引,观察员还特别介绍了 [...]
The Observer especially drew the attention of the
Commission to the resolution on the OIV
[...] standardon minimum maturity requirements for [...]
table grapes which cross referenced the
Codex Standard on Table Grapes adopted at the last session of the Commission and other food safety related work on additives, contaminants and pesticides.
如果这短暂的犹太法典草图至于其halakic contentsbe的声明补充说几个亚摩兰以及他们同时代和院校的成员,反对的意见,无论是教师还是学生,经常在连接与记录该讨论的院校,一对犹太法典的性质进行更全面的了解和其形式可能是更好的概念报告获得。
If this brief sketch of the Talmud as regards its halakic contentsbe supplemented by the statement that the sayings of the several amoraim as well as the opposing views of their contemporaries and the members of the academies, whether teachers or pupils, are frequently recorded in connection with the report of the discussions of the academies, a more complete view of the nature of the Talmud and a better conception of its form may be gained.




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