

单词 港务局



surname Gang

External sources (not reviewed)

彼自一 九八六年三月至一九八八年十二月间出任为天港务局局理。
He had been the assistant to the
[...] head of TianjinPort AuthorityfromMarch 1986 [...]
to December 1988.
由一九八八年十二月起出任天港务局长,一九 九六年七月起任常务副局长及二零零二年六月起任天港务 局局
He had been the deputy head
[...] of theTianjin Port Authority since December 1988, the executive deputy head since July 1996 and the head of Tianjin PortAuthoritysince June 2002.
(Group), Liaoning Province Society of Naval Architects & Marine Engineers, Dalian Xinghai Convention & Exhibition Centre, Business & Industrial Trade Fairs Ltd.
本集团的其他非流动资产主要指预付经营租赁的款项,包括与希腊比雷埃夫港港务局(Piraeus Port Authority S.A.) [...]
就希腊比雷埃夫斯港 2 号及 3 号码头为期 35 年的特许经营权 (「特 许权」) 而订立的特许经营权协议有关的未摊销首笔特许权费。
Other non-current assets of the Group mainly represent prepaid operating lease payments, which included the unamortised upfront concession fee incurred
in respect of the concession agreement
[...] with PiraeusPort AuthorityS.A. for the [...]
concession of Piers 2 and 3 of the Piraeus
Port in Greece for a term of 35 years (the “Concession”).
(iv) 倘有关税务责任或申索因在生效日期後生效之法律、规则及规例或务局国税务机关或任何其他有关机关(不论位於香港、中国或 全球任何其他地方)对有关法律、规则或规例的诠释或惯例之任何追溯 [...]
变动而产生或招致者,或因在生效日期後具追溯效力之税率或申索增 加而增加所致者;或
(iv) to the extent that such taxation liabilities or claims arise or is incurred as a consequence of any retrospective change in
law, rules and
[...] regulation or the interpretationor practice thereof bythe Hong Kong Inland Revenue Department or the taxation [...]
authority of
the PRC, or any other relevant authority (whether in Hong Kong or the PRC or any other part of the world) coming into force after the Effective Date or to the extent that such taxation or claim arises or is increased by an increase in rates of taxation or claim after the Effective Date with retrospective effect; or
有关税务 详情,请参阅行政区政府 务局的公布。
For further details on tax issues,
[...] please refer to the latest announcements of the Inland Revenue Department [...]
of the Government of the Hong Kong SAR.
所以公司资料是公开的,任何人仕可通过注册处及 务局有关讯息。
All this information is a
[...] matter of public record inHong Kong, i.e.anyone can search [...]
for and find the information.
[...] 决定可接受的相关组织、政府部门/各局或教育机构的登记证明,例如由政府务局的商业登记证书副本一份,由香港公司注册处签发的海外公司登记证副本一份, [...]
(c) a copy of the Business Registration Certificate issued by the Inland Revenue Department, HKSARG, the Certificate
of Registration of Overseas
[...] Companies issuedby the CompanyRegistry of Hong Kong, the Certificate [...]
of Registration of a
School or any official document evidencing the registration of the organisation, government department or bureau, or educational institution, that HKIRC deems in its sole discretion to be acceptable evidence of registration of the relevant organisation, government department or bureau, or educational institution.
(v) 本集团任何成员公司因赔偿契诺日期之後任何时间未能履行其根据遗 产税条例第42(1)节向务局局根据 任何司法权区相等法 律向有关之相等机关提供资料之任何责任而根据遗产税条例第42节或 [...]
(v) for any penalty imposed on any member of the Group under section 42 of the Estate Duty Ordinance or the
equivalent thereof under the laws of
[...] any juridiction outside Hong Kong by reason of any member [...]
of the Group defaulting, at any
time after the date of the deed of indemnity, in any obligation to give information to the Commissioner under section 42(1) of the Estate Duty Ordinance or the equivalent authority thereof under the laws of any jurisdiction outside Hong Kong.
另一方面,民政务局与广 东省人民政府文化局合作,聯络潮汕地区的剧团,安排每年 一次的节盛会唱戏表演。
Furthermore, HAB should
[...] collaborate with theBureau of Culture under the Guangzhou Municipal People’s Government in liaising with the opera troupes in Chaozhou and Shantau areas to arrange for singing and performing activities in the annual YunLan Festival.
Runway 11 及 Runway Suites系列的揭幕仪式於今天举行,由旅游事务助理专员冯浩贤先生担任主礼嘉宾,而亚洲国际博览馆管理有限公司首席营运总监刘克华先生、亚洲国际博览馆管理有限公司首席王乔治先生、香港展览会议业协会会长张伟雄先生、香港展览会议业协会永远名誉主席朱裕伦先生、 游发展览及邮轮总经理黄卓雄先生和万豪酒店销售薛伟琤生亦出席仪式。
With Mr Vincent Fung, Assistant Commissioner for Tourism, as the officiating guest of the launch ceremony of Runway 11 and Runway Suites series today, Mr H.W. Lau, Chief Operating Officer, AsiaWorld-Expo Management Limited; Mr
George Wang, Chief Commercial Officer, AsiaWorld-Expo Management Limited;
[...] Mr Daniel Cheung, Chairman of HKECIA; Mr Stanley Chu, Honorary Life President of HKECIA; Mr Kenneth Wong, General Manager for MICE & Cruise, HongKong Tourism Board; and Mr PeterSih, Director of Sales & Marketing, Hong Kong SkyCity Marriot Hotel also attended the ceremony.
(i) 如以邮寄方式发出或提供,应视该通知、文件或
[...] 之其他时间由该人士收迄,且在证明此等送达时         载有该通知、文件或资料之信封或封套已妥为预 付邮资(就寄往航空邮件达之地址而言,则为已预付航空邮资)、注明地址并 已於 即为充分证明,而由公司秘书或董 事会指定之其他人员签署之书面证明(内容证明 载有该通知、文件或资料之信封或封套已妥为预 [...]
付邮资、注明地址并已於邮局投寄)即为最终证 据
(i) if sent or supplied by post, be regarded as being received by that other person at the time at which the notice, document or information would be delivered in the ordinary course of post, or otherwise in accordance with the Ordinance, and in proving such service it shall be sufficient to prove that the envelope or
wrapper containing the
[...] notice, document or information was properly prepaid (and in the case of an address outside Hong Kongwhereairmail service can be extended [...]
thereto airmail
postage prepaid), addressed and put into such post office and a certificate in writing signed by the Secretary or other person appointed by the Board that the envelope or wrapper containing the notice, document or information was so properly prepaid, addressed and put into such post office shall be conclusive evidence thereof
1.6.3 本报告参照房屋及规划地政局和环境运输及 务局《保护》的第 1∕04 号通告的要求而编写,以供 考虑湾仔发展计划第二期的填海建议。
1.6.3 The reporthas been prepared with reference to the requirements of Housing, Planning and Lands Bureau (HPLB) and Environment, Transport
[...] and Works Bureau (ETWB) Circular No. 1/04 on Protectionof the HarbourOrdinance, for [...]
the consideration of the
reclamation proposals of the WDII project.
信德物业管理有限公司(「信德物业管理」)於1985年成立,是信德集团旗下的附属公司,亦为首家同时 务港地,并荣获香港品质保国际认可ISO9001认证的物业管理公司。
It is the first property management company to serve both Hong Kong and Macau and be awarded the internationally recognized quality management certificate ISO 9001 by the HKQAA.
税项支出增加除因为较高的递延税项支出外,亦因就中国物业销售收 益而作出的中华人民共和国(「中国」)入息税及土地增值税准备增加,以及就与 务局干利息扣减税务纠纷所作出额外准亿三千六百万元所致。
Apart from this higher deferred tax charge, the increase in taxation was also attributable to increase in the People’s Republic of China (“PRC”) income tax and land appreciation tax (“LAT”) charged against the profit from sales of China properties
and the making of
[...] an additional provisionof HK$336million in respect of certain tax cases concerning interest [...]
deductibility under
dispute with the Inland Revenue Department.
[...] 并同意任何政府部门(包括但并不限於土地注册处、入境事务处、 务局)/私营机构或有关雇主,将其拥有关於本人的 [...]
I hereby authorize the HA, HD and HS to approach other government departments or any public/private organizations or any employers concerned for verification and matching of data, and I expressly agree that the government departments (including but not
limited to the Land Registry, Immigration
[...] Department,and Inland Revenue Department) [...]
or public/private organizations or any
employers concerned may allow the HA, HD and HS access to my personal data in their possession for the purpose of comparing and matching them with the data provided in this application form.
指本协议任何订约方(除政府外)将來单独或与其他 人聯合成立的任何公司、合资企业或合夥业务,用以 经营发电、输电、配电或售电的 满足力需求。
means any future companies, joint ventures or partnerships that may be formed by any of the parties to this Agreement (except the Government) alone or in conjunction with
others so as to carry on
[...] the businessof generation, transmission, distribution, or sale of electricity for satisfying the demand for electricityin Hong Kong.




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