

单词 傅科摆

See also:

a pendulum
move to and fro


arrange v

External sources (not reviewed)

专家组认为,上一个专家组所作的政治评估(见 S/2009/521,第 26-44 段) 仍然是科特迪瓦摆脱危 机的障碍的正确评价。
The Group believes that the political assessment provided by the previous Group of
Experts (see S/2009/521, paras. 26-44) remains a valid evaluation of the
[...] impediments to Côte d’Ivoire’s recovery from crisis.
如果出现这种情况,不傅氏科普威 这类中小企业将私有化,可能还有一两家大公司,以及尚德电力(Suntech)等新能源大公司,也将进行私有化。
As that happens, look for not only small firms like Copperweld to privatize, but perhaps 1 or 2 big names as well like some of the major alternate energy companies like Suntech (NYSE: STP).
在他的指导下,这些应对危机负责之人于 2007 年 3 月 4 日签 署了一项全面政治协议,该协议科 特 迪 瓦 摆 脱 这 场危机铺平了道路。
Under his guidance, those involved in the crisis signed a comprehensive political agreement on 4 March 2007, which has set a path for emerging from the crisis in Côte d’Ivoire.
中非共和国 确信,非洲的智慧将使科特迪瓦摆脱 困 境。
It remained convinced that African wisdom would allow Côte d’Ivoire to prevail.
我们的产品组合包括专科学教育目的开发的布鲁 傅 立 叶 变换红外、NMR、XRD、XRF、质谱分析法和气相色谱分析 (GC) 系统等。
Our portfolio includes Bruker FT-IR, NMR, XRD, XRF, mass spectrometry and Gas Chromatography (GC) systems specially developed for scientific education purposes.
Clínica do Leite中央牛奶测试实验室领导着巴西的牛奶测试方式,其使用的是巴西最先进 傅 立 叶 变换红外光谱进行分析。
Central milk testing laboratory, Clínica do Leite is leading the way for milk testing in Brazil with the use of state-of-the-art Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) analysis.
中国海洋石总 公司主席兼首席执行傅成玉试图缓解美国的种种担 忧,但 7 月 20 日,优科公司接受了雪佛龙公司加价 之后(仍低于中海油)的报价,8 月 2 日,中海油宣布 退出收购优尼科,称“竞购交易宣布后,在美国出现了 前所未有的政治上的反对声音,甚至要取消或更改美国 外国投资委员会多年来行之有效的程序……这种非常遗 憾的政治环境使我们很难准确评估成功的几率,对我们 完成交易形成了很高的不确定性和无法接受的风险。
CNOOC’s chairman and CEO Fu Chengyu tried to assuage anxieties, but Unocal accepted a higher, but still financially inferior offer from Chevron on 20 July, and by 2 August CNOOC withdrew its offer stating, “the unprecedented political opposition that followed the announcement of our proposed transaction, attempting to replace or amend the CFIUS [Committee on Foreign Investment in the U.S.] process that has been successfully in operation for decades, was regrettable and unjustified”.
显然,使科索沃省摆脱其 经济社会崩溃 状况并非易事,但准国家地位只是加剧了问题。
It is clear that it will not be easy to extricate the province from its socio-economic collapse, but quasi-statehood has only exacerbated the problems.
在我继续发言之前,请允许我赞扬法国独角兽部 队提供的极有帮助的合作,包括该部队在危机的不同 时刻向联合国科特迪瓦行动(联科行动)总部提供的
[...] 重要保护,以及及时恢复阿比让供水系统的运转,使 被围困的科行动总部摆脱了 10 天断水的困境。
Before I proceed, let me pay tribute to the French Licorne Force for its most helpful cooperation, including its crucial protection of the headquarters of the United Nations Operation in Côte d’Ivoire (UNOCI) at various moments during the crisis, as well as for its timely restoration of the functioning of the
water distribution system in Abidjan, which relieved
[...] the besieged UNOCI headquarters from 10 days of [...]
water deprivation.
大家都了解历史,知道波兰和法国是如何从纳粹 统治下获得解放的,知科威特是如 摆 脱 萨 达姆统 治的。
We all know history. We all know how Poland and France were liberated
[...] from Nazism, and how Kuwait rid itself of Saddam [...]
钟表傅可透过调摆轮轴 榫加以修复。
Watchmakers can correct this fault by slightly flattening the ends of the balance pivots to increase friction and thus reduce the balance arc, or by weighting the balance to increase its moment of inertia.
該修車傅可能已涉及向顧客施加不當 影響和/或威迫手段。
The mechanic could be liable for exercising undue influence and / or coercion on the consumer.
涡流也可称为,傅科电流 是因为随时间变化的磁场与导体相 对切割或导体在磁场中运动,切割磁力线而产生的电流。
Growth was swift; much of it driven by ELVA’s ability to deliver the benefits of transistorized converter technology in customized solutions.
今天,在傳統和卓越的承諾下,“Debauve et Gallais”只挑選最高品質的原料,並經由我們專業的巧克力 傅 進 行加工,以實現最高品質的需求,呈現最好的“法式黑巧克力”給美食鑑賞家們。
Today, in its commitment to tradition and excellence, “Debauve et Gallais” exclusively using the highest quality raw materials processed by our chocolate masters to achieve the highest standard of quality and offer to connoisseurs the best of “French Dark Chocolate”.
[...] 火星快车飞行任务,其中意大利航天局搭载了两个仪器:表层下探测雷达测高 仪 MARSIS 及行傅立叶光谱仪。
The first was the ESA Mars Express mission,
where ASI embarked two instruments: the Subsurface Sounding Radar Altimeter MARSIS and
[...] the Planetary Fourier Spectrometer.
因 此,《瓦加杜古协议》应继续成为促 科 特 迪 瓦 摆 脱 危 机的框架。
The Ouagadougou agreements should therefore continue to provide the framework for taking Côte d’Ivoire out of the crisis.
[...] 最弱势群体的教育、保护促进可持续发展的文化和自然遗产、普及利用信息, 让最贫困的人从隔绝状态摆脱出 来, 使 科 技 及 创新为包容的知识社会服务的 工作中,本组织将继续把消除贫困问题作为其行动的重点,并努力为实现千年 [...]
By working for the education of the most vulnerable groups, the safeguarding of the cultural and natural heritage for sustainable development, and access to information to break the isolation
of the most underprivileged, and by
[...] promoting the use of science, technology and innovation [...]
in support of inclusive knowledge
societies, the Organization will continue to make the fight against poverty the main focus of its action and will strive to make a practical contribution to the achievement of the Millennium Goals.
这一项目的目标是建议共同享有撒哈拉沙漠的会员国采取跨 科 方 式 摆 脱 贫 困,为此 鼓励当地居民参与旨在保护文化遗产和增强其对旅游者的吸引力的活动。
346. The objective of this project is to recommend to
Member States who share the Sahara desert
[...] to adopt an interdisciplinary approach in [...]
view of fighting poverty by way of making
the local population participate in activities aimed at safeguarding the cultural heritage and enhancing its attractiveness to tourists.
在推廣本地傳統手工藝方面,自 2010 年開始,康文 署娛樂節目辦事處均透過文化博物館,邀請本地扎作 傅以 傳統的手法製作各式節慶紙藝扎作,包括花燈、龍獅及麒麟 等,在康文署主辦的中秋及元宵兩個綵燈會之中展出,並透 過扎作示範,向市民及來自外地的旅客推廣本地的傳統手工 藝。
In respect of promoting local traditional craftsmanship, the HKHM has been inviting local paper-craft masters to produce traditional hand-made festive paper crafts, including lanterns and paper effigies of dragon, lion and unicorn for display in the Mid-Autumn and Lunar New Year lantern carnivals organised by the Entertainment Office of the LCSD since 2010.
摆脱了 民族主义色彩的世界人类遗产概念将在冲突后的管理方面 发挥特定作用,西巴尔干的经验就表明了这一点。
The concept of the universal heritage of humanity, which was free of nationalist aspects, played a specific role in post-conflict management, as demonstrated by the experience of the western Balkans.
本賽季圍繞主角阿昂和他的朋友們卡塔拉和Sokka北極之旅找到一個Waterbending的的 傅 教 Aang和卡塔拉。
The season revolves around the protagonist Aang and his friends Katara and Sokka and their journey to the North Pole to find a Waterbending master to teach Aang and Katara.
一个拥有某人和物的人;拥有对人和物决定权的人;主人, 傅 , 君王;是某物的所有者 和处理者;所有者;拥有对某人控制权的人;老板。
He to whom a person or thing belongs; [...]
about which he has power of deciding; master; lord; the possessor and disposer of
a thing; the owner; one who has control of the person; the master.
香港大學公共衛生學院得傅德蔭 基金有限公司及ADM Capital Foundation的贊助,並在思匯政策研究所作項目管理的幫助下於2008年創立了「達理指數」。
The HEI was originally established by the School of Public Health, HKU in 2008 with funding from the Fu Tak Iam Foundation and ADM Capital Foundation and project management from Civic Exchange.
我有两个女儿的头发非洲的头发和一个超光滑的的头发光滑科不知道还能做些什么 摆 脱 J A 科 所 做 的一切,直到可乐度过了她的头吸烟和其他的东西,我被教导的虱子最后说会员她虱子死者,谁最终有没有想过柯甚至更多的血是甜的PQ她的妹妹quaze没有处理虱内服JA科,我说更多的TBM影响的儿童非常。
I have two daughters a hair african hair and a hyper smooth the
hair smooth ke not know what else to
[...] do to get rid of the lice ja ke did everything [...]
I was taught until Coke spent her head
smoking and other things finally say she has louse deceased who end up not ever think ke has even more blood is sweet pq to her sister quaze not handle the lice medicine orally ja ke I say more tbm affect the child goes very much.
一些会员国赞成减少“展 望和哲学”这项“次”优先事项的资金,但是,有一个会员国认为,支持哲学思考 摆 在最 优先的位置。
A few Member States favoured a decrease in resources for the “other” priority on “foresight and philosophy”, while one Member State considered that support to philosophical reflection should be given the highest priority.
我们和安理会许多成员一样,怀疑叙利亚政府是 否会致力于遵守特使建议的所有六点内容——叙利 亚政府对这些内容作出了承诺——但我们认为最好 的行动方针是,宁愿相信政府和反对派成员会这样
[...] 做,相信联合国观察员的实地存在将真正提升联合国 和阿拉伯国家联盟帮摆脱这 场危机的能力。
While we share the scepticism expressed by various members of the Council regarding the commitment of the Government of Syria to complying with all six points in the Special Envoy’s proposal — points that the Government has committed to — we believe that the best course of action is to give the Government and the members of the opposition the benefit of the doubt, and to trust that the presence of United Nations observers on the ground will make a
genuine difference to the capacity of the United Nations and the League of Arab
[...] States to help find a way out of [...]
this crisis.
鉴于请联合国支持诸如苏丹科特迪瓦 等摆脱冲 突国家的要求不断增多,本次辩论为我们 重申我们对提高联合国建设和平工作效力的承诺提 [...]
Given the mounting demands on the United Nations to
support countries emerging from
[...] conflict, such as the Sudan and Côte d’Ivoire, this debate [...]
provides a timely opportunity to reaffirm
our commitment to improve the effectiveness of the United Nations in peacebuilding.
关于这两个项目,大会面前现摆着 一 份作为文 件 A/64/L.72 印发的决议草案,提及所附的大会第六 十五届会议高级别全体会议成果文件草案。
In connection with these two items, the General Assembly now has before it a draft resolution issued as document A/64/L.72, referring the annexed draft outcome document to the High-level Plenary Meeting of the sixty-fifth session of the General Assembly.
12月7日,天津和睦家医院科傅宏娜 医生,护士River,以及和睦家儿童医疗基金会的工作人员一道前往河南省焦作孤儿院看望那里的孩子们,当天完成了给36名孩子的体检,总结了需要进一步检查或跟进的名单,和睦家儿童医疗基金会继续跟进后面的安排。
On December 7th, Dr. Fu HongNa and nurse Jiang Li RN went to Jiaozui with UFCH (United Foundation for Children's Health) to help disabled children in the orphanage.




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