单词 | 傍 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 傍adverb—nearadv傍—depend on approaching (slang) have an intimate relationship with sb. Examples:傍晚n—eveningn late afternoonn nightfalln 傍亮—daybreak dawn 傍午—towards noon around midday
大多数人都爱在傍晚时分来这里品嚐咖啡和观赏夕阳。 4tern.com | Most of the people would love to come here in the evening for a sip of coffee while enjoying the sunset. 4tern.com |
当日傍晚,他们三人和 Balma 小姐被转移至阿加美镇(阿比让) [...] 宪兵队。 daccess-ods.un.org | That evening, they were transferred [...] with Ms. Balma to the gendarmerie in the Adjamé neighbourhood of Abidjan. daccess-ods.un.org |
一个重要的牺牲留在自己手中 - 热牛奶,黄油和粮食早上和傍晚提供上的壁炉,这是神圣的烈火火,被关一直在燃烧。 mb-soft.com | One important sacrifice remained in his own hands--the morning and evening offering of hot milk, butter, and grain to the fire on the hearth, which was sacred to Agni, and was kept always burning. mb-soft.com |
鉴于这种事件,无国界医师组织和儿基会最近指出患有应激障碍的儿童的数 字猛增,也就无甚奇怪了。41 联合国加沙冲突实况调查团(其报告通常被称为“戈 德斯通报告”)的成员Desmond [...] Travers上校在最近一次访谈中指出:“如果英国 [...] 在对待向他们投掷石块的儿童时采用成为以色列安全部队在西岸的规范行为的 方式,即在傍晚把儿童赶到一起并带往拘留所,被蒙面、殴打并在某些情况下受 [...]到酷刑,那么北爱尔兰问题今天就不会得到解决。 daccess-ods.un.org | It is little wonder in view of such incidents that both Médecins Sans Frontières and UNICEF have recently said that the number of children suffering from stress disorder has greatly increased.41 Colonel Desmond Travers, a member of the United Nations Fact-Finding Mission on the Gaza Conflict (whose report is generally known as the “Goldstone Report”) said in a recent interview: “If the British had behaved toward children who threw stones at them in the manner that is the norm on the West Bank for [...] Israeli security forces — whereby children are [...] rounded upin the evening and taken [...]to places of detention, hooded, beaten, and [...]in some cases tortured — the Northern Ireland problem would not be resolved today. daccess-ods.un.org |
我们还有特地为儿童准备的活动项目,这些项目从早上一直持续到傍晚,而且都是免费的。 msccruises.com.cn | We have an exceptional programme of activities for children, which run from early morning to early evening. msccruises.com.eg |
此外,湾仔北傍晚繁忙时间的交通挤塞情况自 2003 年初已开始 恶化,主要原因是告士打道东行方向交通挤塞, [...] 使车辆改用湾仔北的道路,例如会议道、夏慤道 及鸿兴道。 devb.gov.hk | Moreover, it is observed that the traffic condition [...] in Wan Chai Northduring evening peak hours [...]has worsened since early 2003, mainly [...]due to congestion along GR eastbound that leads to redistribution of through traffic into the local roads in Wan Chai North such as Convention Avenue, Harbour Road and Hung Hing Road. devb.gov.hk |
用可致命事物伤人:今天傍晚6:45在5400段的Rosemead大道上发生了一起用可致命事物 伤人事件。 templecity.us | Assault with a Deadly Weapon: An assault with a deadly weapon occurred at 6:45pm, in the 5400 block of Rosemead Boulevard. templecity.us |
总务委员会提请大会注意,根据第 57/301 号决议和第 64/555 号决定,大会 第六十五届会议一般性辩论应从 2010 年 9 月 23 日星期四上午 9 时开始继续到 9 月 25 日星期六,并从 9 月 27 日星期一到 9 月 30 日星期四;9 [...] 月 24 日星期五的 一般性辩论会议将从上午 11 时 30 分到下午 2 时,从下午 3 时到晚上 9 时;9 月 25 日星期六的会议将从上午 9 [...] 时到下午 1 时,从下午 3 时到傍晚6时,但此种安 排绝不应对今后届会构成先例。 daccess-ods.un.org | The General Committee draws to the attention of the General Assembly that, pursuant to resolution 57/301 and decision 64/555, the general debate for the sixty-fifth session shall begin at 9 a.m. on Thursday, 23 September, and continue to Saturday, 25 September and from Monday, 27 September to Thursday, 30 September 2010; that the meetings for the general debate on Friday, 24 September will be held from 11.30 a.m. to 2 p.m. and from 3 p.m. to 9 p.m. and the meetings on Saturday, 25 September will be held from 9 a.m. [...] to 1 p.m. and from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m.; and that these [...] arrangements shallin nowaycreate a precedent [...]for future sessions. daccess-ods.un.org |
还是在加沙,星期一傍晚,以色列大炮猛轰加沙市 Al-Zaitoun 居民区的 Abu Eisha 一家,打死了全家人。 daccess-ods.un.org | Also in Gaza, Israeli artillery fire rained down on the Abu Eisha family in Gaza City’s Al-Zaitoun neighbourhood on Monday evening, killing the entire family. daccess-ods.un.org |
广州香格里拉大酒店位于城中新商业区的中心地带,傍依风光秀丽的珠江之滨,毗邻广州国际会展中心以及保利世界贸易中心,距离琶洲地铁站仅举步之遥。 shangri-la.com | Shangri-La Hotel, Guangzhou is strategically located in the heart of the new business district of Guangzhou, adjacent to the Guangzhou International Convention and Exhibition Centre and across from Poly World Trade Expo Center. shangri-la.com |
在中区填海第三期工程中,9 号和 10 号码头一共 会有 12 组重置的公众登岸梯级,这些设施全都邻接中 区海傍的码头群,以便乘客享用附近的交通基建设施。 devb.gov.hk | A total of 12 sets of landing steps will be reprovisioned within CRIII through Piers No. 9 and 10 adjacent to the pier cluster in the Central Waterfront so that users may benefit from the transport infrastructure in the vicinity. devb.gov.hk |
(2) y 搬迁天星小輪码头到近永安广场、新尖东巴士总站和尖东港铁站的海傍,及把天星小輪码头改建成海港或小輪博物馆。 forum.gov.hk | (2) 10 y Relocate the Star Ferry Pier to the waterfront near the Wing On Square, new TSTE bus terminal and TSTE MTR station, and change the Star Ferry building into a museum of the harbour or ferry. forum.gov.hk |
7 月 30 日至 8 月 2 日卢民主力量和玛伊-玛伊民 兵分子在瓦利卡莱县发动袭击(见第 8 段)后,联刚稳定团除加强其通常例行活动(傍晚和夜间巡逻、随机和查点巡逻以及有系统地与民众互动)外,也着手采取 一些实际措施,如“商店橱窗行动”,以处理该地区不稳定的根源(见上文第 10 段)。 daccess-ods.un.org | Following the attacks of 30 July to 2 August by FDLR and MayiMayi Cheka elements in Walikale territory (see para. 8), the Mission, in addition to increasing its usual routine activities(eveningand night patrols, random and spotcheck patrols and systematic interaction with the population), initiated proactive measures such as Operation Shop Window to deal with the causes of insecurity in the area (see para. 10 above). daccess-ods.un.org |
研究进一步指出若海傍容许宠物、摊贩进入、进行游 戏和其他活动等,应会广受多居民和游客的欢迎。 harbourfront.org.hk | The study further says that allowing pets, games, street vendors, and other activities will help waterfrontsbecome more popular among both residents and visitors. harbourfront.org.hk |
傍晚时分各种交易活动就越发活跃起来。 shangri-la.com | Inthe evening the area is a hive of activity. shangri-la.com |
或者,你也可以坐在“岩石号”游艇的观光甲板上放松,尽情享受无限的自然景色;在醉人的傍晚愉快地喝上一杯。 cn.yha.co.nz | Alternatively you can just sit back and enjoy the abundance of nature viewed from the Rock’s observation decks and enjoy a drink in the glorious sunset. yha.co.nz |
行楼梯或用脚尖站立时感疼痛,日间及至傍晚痛楚加剧。 hsbc.com.hk | Pain experienced when climbing stairs or standing on tiptoe. hsbc.com.hk |
每个海傍区的总评分为所得星的數目总和。 harbourfront.org.hk | The overall ranking of each waterfront is based on its total number of stars. harbourfront.org.hk |
等我返回到水面后,我的其中一位同伴便会即刻下潜,继续进行我未完的工作,然后我们以轮流替换的方式进行工作项目,直到约莫傍晚6点,才结束一天工作时间。 oris.ch | Then we’ll take the work in turns until the end of our shift at around 6pm. oris.ch |
这样您就可以酌减喷水量,比如在宁静的傍晚。 oase-livingwater.com | Thus you can reduce the brisk splashing, if for example in deference to the tranquility of theevening. oase-livingwater.com |
一名中国制衣厂工人告诉维泰团队,由于生产线的工作非常繁忙,他过去整整一个月内 没有一天休假,工人甚至加班至半夜3、4点。但在维泰进行审核前,厂方透过厂内的 [...] 广播系统指导员工,要向维泰审核员的提问给予标准答案,就是从来都没有很多加班, 下班时间约在傍晚7时。 verite.org | A worker at a garment factory in China told the Verité team that he did not have a day off for the whole month because the line was extremely busy, and the section even worked overtime until 3:00 or 4:00 a.m. Before the Verité audit, workers were told by the factory’s public address system to [...] give standard answers to our auditors, saying they never work lots of overtime, and [...] that they end work around 7:00 p.m. verite.org |
家暴:警方今天傍晚6:00在5100段的Sereno街因涉嫌家暴而逮捕了一名27岁墨裔男子。 templecity.us | Domestic Violence: A domestic violence arrest of a MH/27 was made at 6:00pm, in the 5100 block of Sereno Drive. templecity.us |
细化的模型,已近傍晚,CHIFFRE ROUGE I02,白K金,I03,金黄色,展示完美的制表理念家里。 zh.horloger-paris.com | As for the [...] models refined, almost evening, the [...]Chiffre Rouge I02, white gold, and I03, yellow gold, demonstrate perfectly [...]the watchmaking philosophy home. en.horloger-paris.com |
9)Tamid(不断牺牲),关于每天早晨和傍晚的牺牲和一般寺庙。 mb-soft.com | (9) Tamid (continual sacrifice), concerning the daily morning and evening sacrifice and the temple in general. mb-soft.com |
1912年第一次在这个地区的居民中发现它,ARARAS之洞被认为是一个巨大的自然的蓝色和红色金刚鹦鹉的栖息地,它们居住在这个地方使得它成为洞上真正的飞的物种,主要在早餐和傍晚。 biosferabrasil.com | The name Hole of Araras appeared in reason of the great number of these macaws that inhabit the place making a true spectacle flying over the Hole, mainly in the start of the morning and in the end of the afternoon. biosferabrasil.com |
在2006年10月10日的星期二傍晚,50位VIP嘉宾应邀出席于伦敦Knightsbridge举行的一个鸡尾酒会,庆祝江诗丹顿推出Overseas纵横四海系列腕表和纽约的朱美拉艾塞克斯酒店(Jumeirah Essex House)开业10周年纪念,体现两者所表达的旅游精神。 vacheron-constantin.com | In thelate afternoon of Tuesday, 10 October 2006, 50 VIP’s gathered in Knightsbridge, London, in response to a very exclusive invitation to celebrate the spirit of travel with the 10th anniversary of the Overseas collection and the opening of Jumeirah Essex House in New York. vacheron-constantin.com |
12 月 27 日傍晚在利亚卡特公园外发生爆炸后不久,市警察局长 [...] Saud Aziz 就离开犯罪现场前往拉瓦尔品第总医院;稍后不久高级警司 Yaseen Farooq 也来 到医院。 daccess-ods.un.org | Soon after the blast outside [...] Liaquat Baghon the evening of 27 December, [...]CPO Saud Aziz left the crime scene for Rawalpindi [...]General Hospital; Senior Superintendent of Police Yaseen Farooq followed shortly thereafter. daccess-ods.un.org |
为免B女再受痛苦煎熬,中心3个负责人在8月27日傍晚到医院替她换上一件红色波波裙、陪伴着他们挚爱之B女走完她世上的一生,送她返回伊甸园与离世之狗友团聚,重享喜乐。 hk-aac.com | To avoid B Nui died under torture, HugoMom, Maggie and Samson ~ the 3 person in-charge of HKAAC attended the clinic in the evening of 27/8, dressed B Nui in a pretty red dress interspersed with white balls then accompanied her to finish her life. hk-aac.com |