

单词 民主党

民主党 noun ()

Democrat Party n



a Democratic party member


Liberal Democratic Party


Social Democratic Party

See also:

民主 n

democracy n
freedom n
pro-democracy n

民党 n

Kuomintang n


party n
society n
association n

surname Dang

External sources (not reviewed)

然而,申诉人直至现在才提供了 民民主 党的报 告,据其所述,该报告证实了其对袭击事件的描述。
However, the complainant had not provided until now
[...] the People’s Democracy Party (HADEP) report [...]
which, according to him, confirms his version of the attack.
[...] 压倒性胜利可能边缘化议会中的三股重要的选举势 力:巩发党代表的旧政治精英、少数民族政党及非 民民主党派。
An NLD landslide risks marginalising three important constituencies in the
legislatures: the old political elite, in the form of the USDP; the ethnic political parties;
[...] and the non-NLD democratic parties.
2006 年选举的最大赢家是民民主党,赢得 81 个议席,其次是捷克社民 主党以及 波希米亚和摩拉维亚共产党,分别获得 74 个议席和 26 个议席。
In the 2006 elections, the winner was
[...] The Civic Democratic Party (ODS) with 81 seats, followed by The Czech Social-Democratic Party (ČSSD) [...]
with 74 mandates,
the Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia (KSČM) with 26 mandates.
今年 2 月 23 日,众议院农业委员会主席、众议员科林·彼得森(明尼苏达民主党)连同 其他 38 个共同提案者,提出了 HR 4645 号法案,允许自由到古巴旅行, 修改预先支付的概念,并允许美国金融机构使用预先支付进行农产品销售交易。
On 23 February 2010, Representative Collin
[...] Peterson (Democrat-Minnesota), Chairman of the House Committee on Agriculture, together with 38 other co-sponsors, introduced HR 4645, which would allow people to travel [...]
freely to Cuba, amend
the policy of payment in cash in advance and allow the use of United States financial institutions for agricultural sales transactions.
EL-KAFFASS 博士是最高政策理事会/国民主党( 埃 及的多数党)政策秘书处的成 员。
Dr El-Kaffass is a member of the Supreme Policies Council/the Policies Secretariat
[...] of the National Democratic Party – the [...]
majority party of Egypt.
2002 年选举后,捷克社民主党(ČSSD)赢得最多议席(70 席),其次是民 民主党(ODS 58 席)、波希米亚和摩拉维亚共产党(KSČM 41 席),最后是基督教 民主同盟-捷克斯洛伐克人民党(KDU-ČSL)以及自由同盟-民主同盟(US-DEU) [...]
结成的政党联盟,获得 31 个议席。
In 2002 elections, The
[...] Czech Social-Democratic Party (ČSSD) received the highest amount of seats (70), followed by The Civic Democratic Party (ODS) with [...]
58 mandates, the Communist
Party of Bohemia and Moravia (KSČM) with 41 seats and the last was the coalition of the Christian and Democratic Union – The Czechoslovak People’s Party and The Freedom Union – The Democratic Union (KDU-ČSL US-DEU) with 31 mandates.
导致其支持率每况愈下的主要原因似乎是其过度的 民族主义运动和民主党的猛烈抨击。
Going overboard with its nationalist
campaign and fierce attack
[...] against the Democrat Party appears to have been a major cause for [...]
the PAD’s declining popularity.
主张自由邦的民民主党和主 张独立的波多黎各独立党的 领袖都说,此举表示布什总统没有认真打算在不久的未来就波多黎各的政治地位 [...]
采取行动,而主张建州的新进步党则予以欢迎,认为这项宣告表示在哥伦比亚特 区华盛顿的美国政府有意在波多黎各和美国 2004
年 11 月大选后处理这个问题。
Leaders of both the pro-Commonwealth PPD and the pro-independence [...]
PIP have said that the move did not indicate any serious
intention on the part of President Bush to take action on the political status of Puerto Rico in the near future, while the pro-statehood PNP welcomed the announcement as a sign that Washington, D.C., was interested in dealing with the issue after the Puerto Rico and United States elections in November 2004.
科索沃阿族的两大政党,科索 民主党 和 科民盟,略微提高了其在选民中的 支持率,而反对党达尔达尼亚民主联盟和新科索沃联盟则失去了一部分人的支 持;科索沃前途联盟的支持者人数增加了一倍。
The two leading
[...] Kosovo Albanian parties, PDK and LDK, slightly improved their electoral support, while the opposition Democratic League [...]
of Dardania and
New Kosovo Alliance parties lost some of their support; the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) doubled the number of its supporters.
申请加入EB-5方案的一部分,本公司被密苏里州的共 党 和 民主党 的 大 使,其他州政府官员及当地官员支持。
As part of its EB-5 application process, Polymer-Wood was
[...] supported by both Democrat and Republican U.S. [...]
Senators from Missouri and other state
and local officials, who submitted letters requesting the company’s application be expedited by USCIS.
国际职务:民主制度和人权办公室 (民主人权办)/欧安组织(莫斯科机制,专家 登记册),2006-2009
[...] 年;明日全球领袖(世界经济论坛),2001-2004;欧洲自民主党人理事会,1995 年。
International assignments: Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR)/OSCE (Moscow Mechanism, register for experts)
2006-2009; Global Leaders of Tomorrow (World Economic Forum), 2001-2004;
[...] European Liberal Democrats (ELDR) Council, 1995.
[...] 是否符合国际人权法,同时邀请作为反对派 民主党 派 和 族裔群体充分参与,这 是因为考虑到,为起草宪法制定的程序实际上排除了反对派团体的参与; [...]
履行缅甸当局早些时候对特别报告员作出的关于开始就司法改革进行对话的承 诺
Calls upon the Government of Myanmar to undertake a transparent, inclusive and comprehensive review of compliance of all national legislation with
international human rights law, while fully
[...] engaging with democratic opposition and [...]
ethnic groups, recalling that the procedures
established for the drafting of the Constitution resulted in a de facto exclusion of opposition groups from the process
他们的目标是在 2016
[...] 年赢得西班牙裔的选票,他们认为西班牙裔人天生就趋向于保守,也正是他们的选票最终 使 民主党 赢 得了 2012 年的大选。
Their goal for 2016 is to win the
Hispanic vote, which they believe has a naturally conservative orientation and
[...] which put the Democrats over the top [...]
in 2012.
民主党人态 度突然逆转,提出一项有力计划,旨在使美国在 2020 年以前实现不再依赖中东石油进口。
In a surprise reversal the Democrats sponsor a vigorous [...]
program to make the United States independent of Middle East oil imports before 2020.
2003年6月,他被任命为塞尔维亚和黑山国家联盟国防部长的外交事务顾问,并于2004年2月被任命 民主党 外 交 委员会主席。
In June 2003, he was appointed Adviser for Foreign Affairs to the Minister of Defence of the State Union of Serbia
and Montenegro, and in February 2004, he was appointed Chairman of the Foreign
[...] Affairs Committee of the Democratic Party.
1997年,新选出的工党政府做出令人吃惊的改变,当戈登.布朗一天一天的将利率的控制权移交给英格兰银行(这个政策最早由自 民主党 提 出 )。
In 1997, the newly-elected Labour government made a surprising move when Gordon Brown handed over
day-to-day control of interest rates to the Bank of England (a policy that had initially been
[...] proposed by the Liberal Democrats).
From 1997 to 2006, central committee
[...] representatives of the democratic parties spoke (including [...]
handing in written speeches) 370 times
at meetings of the CPPCC National Committee, addressing a series of significant issues relating to reform, development and social stability, such as accelerating the optimization and upgrading of industrial structures, promoting the development of cyclic economy, paying due attention to the management of disasters and the establishment of an emergency response system, safeguarding and guaranteeing the legitimate rights of migrant workers, improving the social security system, strengthening cultural construction in rural areas, securing inputs into education, especially basic education, proactively promoting education run by private sectors, accelerating the construction of the public health system, promoting reunification of the motherland and opposing secession, and developing cross-Straits economic and trade exchanges.
施密特先生于 1946 年加入社民主党 (SPD)。
Mr. Schmidt
[...] joined the Social Democratic Party (SPD) in 1946.
申诉人要求法院宣布 2006 年 7 月 13 日进行的 KKL 新董事选举无效, 因为选举程序存在根本性缺陷,他还要求法院宣布选举
[...] Radi Sfori 先生(以色列阿 拉伯人)为以色列权民主党代表无效。
The petitioners requested the Court to annul the election of new directors to KKL which had taken place on July 13, 2006, due to fundamental
deficiencies in the process, and the election of Mr. Radi Sfori, an Israeli Arab elected as
[...] a representative of the Meretz Party.
国会拒绝给布什一张空白支票对抗危机 -
[...] “这将提供前所未有的700亿美元,几乎是一个人没有任何形式的监督,透明度和问责制,网络接受记者采访时说: 民主党 人 , 参议院银行委员会主席多德(Christopher Dodd),电视“CBS”。
Congress refuses to give Bush a blank check to fight crisis - "It would give unprecedented U.S. $ 700 billion to virtually an individual without any kind of
oversight, transparency and
[...] accountability," said Democrat Christopher Dodd, chairman of the Senate [...]
Banking Committee, in an interview with Network TV "CBS".
政治活动人士、地下宗教信徒、反复上访者、被取缔的中 民主党党 员 和法轮功分子都被关进此类机构中。
Political activists, underground religious believers, persons who repeatedly
petitioned the government, members of the
[...] banned China Democratic Party (CDP), and [...]
Falun Gong adherents reportedly were incarcerated
in such facilities during the year.
一组固定的大小决定,民主党计划 在高水平格式格式的硬盘驱动.
The cluster size is decided and fixed by the DOS FORMAT program during the high level formatting of the hard disk drive.
中共中央同民主党派中央政治协商的主要程序是:中共中央根据年度工作重点,研究提出全年政治协商规划;协商的议题提前通知 民主党 派 中 央、无党派人士,并提供相关材料; 民主党 派 中央组织相关人员阅读文件,调查研究,对协商议题进行集体研究后,提出意见和建议;在协商过程中充分发扬民主,广泛听取意见,求同存异;中共中央认真研 民主党 派 中央、无党派人士提出的意见和建议,对重要意见和建议的采纳情况及时进行反馈。
Their political consultation proceeds in
[...] the following steps: The CPC Central Committee brings forward an annual plan for political consultation according to the priorities of work of that year; the central committees of democratic parties and personages without party affiliation are informed of the topics for consultation and are provided with relevant materials in advance; the central committees of democratic parties make arrangements for relevant people to read the documents, conduct surveys and research, discuss the topics and bring up suggestions and proposals; democracy is fully exercised in the course of consultation, suggestions and proposals widely solicited, and common ground sought while reserving differences; and the CPC Central Committee studies the collected suggestions and proposals carefully, and gives prompt feedback to the central committees of democratic parties and personages [...]
without party affiliation
about the follow-up actions on their suggestions and proposals.
在他的政治生涯中,他担任过许多行政职位:前西德联邦议会议员 (1953-1961、1965-1987)、社民主党联邦执行委员会委员 (1958-1983)、汉堡内务部部长 (1961-1965)、社民主党议会党主席 (1967-1969)、联邦国防部长 (1969-1972)、联邦经济和财政部长、稍后,担任联邦财政部长 [...]
(1972-1974)、德国联邦总理 (1974-1982)。
During his political career, he held numerous executive positions: Member of the German Bundestag (1953–1961, 1965-1987), Member of the SPD Federal
Executive (1958–1983),
[...] Minister of Domestic Affairs in Hamburg (1961–1965), Chairman of the SPD Parliamentary Party (1967–1969), Federal Minister of Defence (1969–1972), [...]
Federal Minister
of Economics and Finance, then Federal Minister of Finance (1972–1974), Federal Chancellor of Germany (1974–1982).
2012 年 3 月 26 日更新:参议员 Charles Schumer(民主党-纽约 )最近加入他的同僚 Blumenthal,要求美国平等就业机会委员会和美国法务部调查雇主强制要求应征者提供个人网络密码,是否违法联邦法律。
Update 3/26/12: Senator Charles Schumer (D-NY) recently joined his colleague Blumenthal in asking the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and the U.S. Department of Justice to investigate if federal laws are being violated by employers coercing prospective hires into revealing their personal online passwords.
由于政府已经开始摇晃野田,有声音,从2015年10月开始的税收抵免福利的问题,在一次例行新闻发布会上,副部长,部财务文彦五十岚反正“民主,自 民主党 在 国会。你认为我们必须有包装在帐单上我的电话号码的地方,有一个限制倒数第一,无论在时间上永远做到这一点(的准备和设计)的计划,公明我拒绝说为“有是需要建立在早期阶段,所以我也并不认为那里是一个很大的差异这么多的双方,和(3)考虑在该领域的法律应走起来很快。
Since the government has begun to wobble Noda, for that there are voices that question with the start of the tax credit benefits from October 2015, the occasion of regular press conference, Deputy Minister of the Ministry
of Finance Fumihiko Igarashi anyway ”
[...] Democratic, Liberal Democratic Party, in the Diet. you [...]
think that we must have packed
the place on the bill my number, there is a limit last first, is whether in time forever do it (the preparation and design) plans, Komei I decline to say as “There is a need to establish at an early stage, so I do not think there is a big difference so much to both parties, and (3) considering a law in the field should go up quickly. preparation period when the time comes.
经吉尔吉斯共和国社民主党团的 倡 议,在吉尔吉斯共和国议会内组织了有关在筹备普遍定期审议框架下保护人的权 利和自由的立法问题的听证会。
During the elaboration of the universal periodic review, the Parliament of the Kyrgyz Republic conducted a hearing, at the initiative of the Kyrgyz Social Democratic Party parliamentary group, on compliance with the law and protection of human rights and freedoms.
奥巴马说,他准备大胆的计划,以刺激经济 -
[...] “如果我们不迅速采取行动,大胆,大多数专家都知道,我们可能会失去数以百万计的就业机会,明年,”奥巴马说,在一次演讲中公布 民主党 每 周 广播和视频。
Obama says he prepares audacious plan to stimulate the economy - "If we do not act swiftly and boldly, most experts know that we
could lose millions of jobs next year," Obama said in a speech to weekly radio and
[...] video released by the Democratic Party.
本年度仍有许多政治犯关押在监狱中,或以其他形式遭到拘留,其中包括维权活动人士胡佳;记者师涛;网络作家杨子立和Xu Wei;劳工活动人士姚福信、Mu
[...] [...] Mingjun、胡石根、黄相微、孔佑平、宁先华、李建峰、李信涛、林顺安(音译)、岳天祥、张善光、高洪明、查建国、李旺阳、佘万宝;中 民主党 创 办 人之一秦永敏;计划生育问题的揭发者陈光诚;苏志民;基督教活动人士张荣亮;维吾尔族人拖乎提·吐尼雅孜和迪力克斯·铁力瓦尔地;西藏人晋美嘉措、丹增德勒和根敦确吉尼玛。
Many political prisoners remained in prison or under other forms of detention at year's end, including rights activist Hu Jia; journalist Shi Tao; Internet writers Yang Zili and Xu Wei; labor activists Yao Fuxin, Mu Mingjun, Hu Shigen, Huang Xiangwei, Kong Youping, Ning Xianhua, Li Jianfeng, Li Xintao, Lin Shun'an, Yue Tianxiang, Zhang Shanguang, Gao
Hongming, Zha Jianguo, Li Wangyang, and She
[...] Wanbao; China Democracy Party cofounder Qin Yongmin; [...]
family planning whistleblower
Chen Guangcheng; Su Zhimin; Christian activist Zhang Rongliang; Uighurs Tohti Tunyaz and Dilkex Tilivaldi; and Tibetans Jigme Gyatso, Tenzin Deleg, and Gendun Choekyi Nyima.




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