单词 | 想像力 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 想像力—imagination(often used)less common: conception 想像力noun—imaginationsplSee also:想像—imagination imagine visualize conceive of
但我还是期望,全国各地许多地区能发挥想像力,改造传统封闭的购物中心,帮助环境、大众健康与社区活力。 thisbigcity.net | But hope I shall, for the many [...] other sites across the country that [...] have a chance to re-imaginethe traditional enclosed [...]shopping center into something [...]much better for the environment, public health, and the vibrancy of communities. thisbigcity.net |
当前的经济危机给所有国家提出的挑战要求,要 采取一系列有抱负、有想像力的对策,提供持久而有 效的解决办法。 daccess-ods.un.org | The challenges posed to all nations [...] by the current economic crisis require an [...] ambitious and imaginative range of responses [...]that provide effective and lasting solutions. daccess-ods.un.org |
我们发挥我们的想像力及创造力解决各种问题;我们为我们 的客户及合作伙伴带来价值。 zjtechnologies.de | We solve problems with imaginationand creativity; [...] we bring value to our customers and partners. zjtechnologies.de |
这种风险偏好有时只有独立的小可以负担得起,ADDITI ON的想像力,将梦想变为现实时,自由的访问。 zh.horloger-paris.com | This risk appetite sometimes only the small independent can afford ADDITION leaves [...] free access to imagination to transform [...]the dream into reality. en.horloger-paris.com |
文字是一种很灵活的媒体,因为读者需要运用自己的想像力。 iwc.com | Texts are an exciting medium because readers need to make [...] use of their own imaginations. iwc.com |
诚意献给所有生活多姿多采和富想像力的女仕。 aster.com.hk | His rendering of a fragrance illustrate the universe. aster.com.hk |
教育系统必须接 纳所有的儿童,积极寻找失学的儿童,以灵活的方式适应所有学生的情况与需求,2000 [...] 年全民教育评估提出了各种方式让学校满足学生的需要,包括消除妨碍女孩上学的障碍 的赞助性行动计划,为少数民族儿童办双语教育和为未上学的儿童开展各种富有 想像力的活动。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The EFA 2000 Assessment suggests a wide range of ways in which schools can respond to the needs of their pupils, including affirmative action programmes for girls that seek to remove the obstacles to their enrolment, bilingual education [...] for the children of ethnic [...] minorities, and a range of imaginative and diverse approaches [...]to address and actively engage [...]children who are not enrolled in school. unesdoc.unesco.org |
因此,我们必须发挥我们的想像力和创 造力。 daccess-ods.un.org | We must therefore enlist ourimaginations and creativity. daccess-ods.un.org |
并且,当孩子坐在电视机前时,他们是缺少运 动和运用他们的想像力。 countdowntokindergarten.com | Also, when children sit in front of a TV, they are missing out on getting [...] exercise and using their imagination. countdowntokindergarten.com |
这一不断冲突的边界能激发想像力和创造力吗? yp.mo | Can these border arrangements result in continuous conflicts that on the [...] creative side stimulate imagination and creativity? yp.mo |
因此唯一的限制就是你的想像力实在是有限。 brandhk.com | So your imaginationisreallythe limit. brandhk.com |
维克图瓦的卡斯特拉的想像力是没有限制的,是一个恒流源技术的挑战。 zh.horloger-paris.com | Theimagination of Victoire de Castellane [...] has no limits and is a constant source of technical challenges. en.horloger-paris.com |
杨习礼曾被传媒赞誉为「具想像力,富浪漫诗情」、「把技术与音乐融为一体,擅於传达美的讯息」、「真挚情感表露无遗,演绎的深度,音色的精致脱俗,令人深受感动」,於意大利罗马国际钢琴大赛和德国博伦舒威的国际音乐节中获奖。 tomleemusic.com.hk | Esteemed by the press [...] as the pianistwith 'imagination andromancein his poetry'’, 'exquisite tone, interpretative insights and deep communicative powers',Raymond Young [...]won the First-prize Medal [...](Two Piano section) and the Silver Medal (Piano Duet section) at The International Piano Competition in Rome, Italy; and was honoured at the Braunschweig Classix Festival in Germany as a promising young artist with the 'Forderpreis'. tomleemusic.com.hk |
商场共有上下两层,一楼多为时尚品牌,每个货柜较窄的那一面正对街道,在有限空间内,如何选择货品与陈列,都考验着商家的想像力。 thisbigcity.net | The short end of each shipping [...] container faces the street, with most shops [...] having to bequite imaginative about how they [...]get a decent stock selection in such a small space. thisbigcity.net |
导演Tomas说:「这是一出将伟大文学及充满想像力的剧 情融合之余,又具有丰富娱乐性的电影。 think-silly.com | The director Tomas explains ‘We want to combine literature andimaginary tocreate an entertaining film. think-silly.com |
基督本人解释了为什么摩西准许离婚(“由你的心硬的原因”,马修19时08分);启示和立法都得到锻炼到一个奇实际和缺乏想像力的人,谁得到了更为有效的确认身份神的崇拜和服务由他报复性普罗维登斯比在地球上,他们将被而是一个更高,更全面的未来不朽与道德回报推迟学说生动的感觉。 mb-soft.com | Christ himself explains why Moses permitted divorce ("by reason of the hardness of your heart", Matthew 19:8); revelation and [...] legislation had to be [...] temperedto thecapacity of a singularly practicaland unimaginativepeople, who [...]were more effectively [...]confirmed in the worship and service of God by a vivid sense of His retributive providence here on earth than they would have been but a higher and fuller doctrine of future immortality with its postponement of moral rewards. mb-soft.com |
它最大的优点却在於富於想像力的构想。 e-yaji.com | Its greatest strength, however, lies in theimaginative conception. e-yaji.com |
这乐队以其醉人而富想像力的流行乐曲而着名,两位乐队中心人物:歌手杰西卡•拉波 (Jessika Rapo) 和鼓手亨利 •奥贾拉更是合作无间。 visitfinland.com | Distinguished by its hypnotic [...] and fanciful pop sound, Burning Hearts is a collaboration between singer Jessika Rapo and drummer Henry Ojala; Rapohas sung [...]with Le Futur Pompiste [...]and the acclaimed Magenta Skycode, while Ojala has played with indie phenom Cats on Fire. visitfinland.com |
正是这种珍贵的组合以及我们无与伦比的利益相关者范围,使我们有能力组织以投资回报为目的的敏锐、富有想像力和适时的解决方案,使客户有能力向他们的客户提供更好的医疗选择。 tipschina.gov.cn | It is this rare combination, together with our unparalleled stakeholder reach, that enables us to mobilize incisive,imaginative and timely ROI-driven solutions, empowering clients to deliver better healthcare options to their customers. tipschina.gov.cn |
他乐在其中,因为他能够以现有的图像作为他的出发点,如刻画嘴唇周围的细节、手臂等,以全新的方式运用他的想像力。 iwc.com | Because he could experience a completely new way of [...] putting his imagination to work by [...] taking the existing images ashis starting point – [...]a detail around the lips, an arm. iwc.com |
由姜汁汽水、胰岛素、Bombardier的雪上摩托车、Plante的守门员面罩、Jolly [...] Jumper的母婴用品、即冲薯蓉和草坪喷洒器以至现代塑胶垃圾袋,都是加拿大人运用丰富想像力所创造出来,且已成为了日常生活的部分。 hongkongpoststamps.hk | From Ginger Ale to insulin, from Bombardier's "Ski-doo" to Plante's goalie mask, plus the "Jolly Jumper," instant mashed potatoes, the lawn [...] sprinkler and the modern plastic garbage bag, items [...] created from Canadianimagination and insight are [...]a part of our daily lives. hongkongpoststamps.hk |
具想像力的团队,能创造出以人为本及创新的产品及服务。 philips.com.hk | A creative forceforpeople-centric [...] and innovative design of products and services philips.com |
老师常以具想像力的方法,如角色扮演和游戏等方式进行教学,有助建立学生的自信、创意和集中力。 risesmartedu.com | Teachers employimaginative teaching methods [...] such as role-plays and games to build up the students' confidence and the ability to focus and be creative. risesmartedu.com |
值得一提的事,Genius为了引起小朋友学习的乐趣,特别开发一系列可以让小朋友开心比赛游乐软体,并新增英语学习与数学游戏,富於教育学习和创造性可以加速激发孩子学习的技能,在比赛软体中建立他们的想像力,让小朋友与亲子中得到更多的乐趣。 taiwanexcellence.org | The specially developed game software helps inspire kids to accelerate their learning skills in colors, shape, math, thinking and English [...] learning, etc. Now children can express what they are thinking and [...] create theirimagination using theincluded [...]game software. taiwanexcellence.org |
Mahajan 正 确 指 出 ﹐加 富 尔 和 俾 斯 麦 两 人 皆 是「 [...] 强 权 政 治 的 卓 越 实 践 者 」 ﹐ 他 们 的 成 就 是 成 功 地 对 国 际 [...] 政 治 的 现 实 作 出具想 像 力的拿握 ﹐ 而 不 是 对 [...]事 态 的 长 远 发 展 作 出 任 何 控 制 的 尝 试 。 hkahe.com | As Mahajan correctly puts, both Bismarck and Cavour were “supreme practitioners of realpolitik”, [...] their success was to be explained more by the [...] profound and imaginativeunderstanding [...]of immediate realities of international [...]politics then by any alleged control over the long-term course of events. hkahe.com |
展览以“从东方到西方”为欣赏路线,呈现各地因应地域及生活环境而发展、具地方特色的木偶,观众从中可以了解不同种类的木偶造型,如布偶、提线木偶、杖头偶及皮影戏偶等;同时,透过欣赏结合绘画、雕塑、各种综合技法和媒材制作而成的木偶藏品,使木偶成为领略不同文化的桥梁,激发观众的创造力及想像力。 yp.mo | It introduces exhibition-goers to the various types of puppets – glove, string, rod and [...] shadow – produced through the integration of painting and sculptural techniques and using a [...] comprehensive range of materials. yp.mo |
它是《All About Me》作者Philipp [...] Keel带给读者的一本全新概念简便日记,已经为你预备好每一页的大纲,只需填上日期、从选择题选出合心意的答案、运用点点的想像力和创意,别具意义的日记便会出现。 think-silly.com | With a structure already in place, one only needs to fill in the [...] date, answer a simple list of multiple choice questions, and exercise a [...] light-hearted doseof imaginationandcreativity. think-silly.com |