

单词 圣贤书

See also:


honorific used for a person of the same or a younger generation
worthy or virtuous person


great calligraphy master

External sources (not reviewed)

吠陀教是一种以Aranyakas经文(森 林书)为依据的生活方式,这些经文是由住在森林里 圣贤 所 写 的。
Vedism is a way of life based on
[...] scriptures called Aranyakas, or forest books, which were written by sages who lived in the forest.
圣贤孰能 无过,仆人式领导也会犯错误,但他却能够从实践中不断汲取教训,在行动中做出反思,从而获得对未来行为决策的先见。
The ability to understand the lessons from the past, the realities of the present, and likely consequences of a decision for the future.
在开展德班会议的后续活动方面,教科文组织还将加强与人权委员会负责种族主 义、种族歧视、仇外情绪和相关不宽容问题特别报告员、负责德班会议后续活动政 府间工作组、有关非洲后裔居民问题工作组,以及由联合国 书 长 委任的监督《德 班宣言》和《行动纲领》落实情况的独 贤 达 人 士团4 的合作。
As part of the follow-up to the Durban Conference, UNESCO will also reinforce its cooperation with the Special Rapporteur of the Commission on Human Rights on contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance, the intergovernmental working group on the Durban follow-up, the Working Group of Experts on People of African Descent
and the group of
[...] independent eminent experts4 appointed by the Secretary-General of the United Nations to follow-up the implementation [...]
of the Durban
Declaration and Programme of Action.
如果西方着迷于此并胆敢用高人一等的语气跟这个有5000年历史 圣贤 之 国 对话,那么就可能成为中国民族主义情绪的另一个目标。
If it gets carried away and presumes to talk down to the 5,000-year-old culture of the Sages, the West could become the next object of China’s nationalist resentment.
委员会建议大会全文通过第 33 C/COM.I,II,III,IV,V/DR.1 号文件所载的决议草案(提案国:澳 大利亚、库克群岛、密克罗尼西亚联邦、斐济、印度尼西亚、基里巴斯、毛里求斯、瑙鲁、新西
[...] 议国:巴巴多斯、冰岛、牙买加(代表加勒比共同体 书 处 ) 、挪威 圣 卢 西 亚、塞舌尔以及大不 列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国),将其列入《大会纪录》第 [...]
I 卷(决议)(第 33 C/3 号决议)。
I,II,III,IV,V/DR.1 (submitted by Australia, Cook Islands, Federated States of Micronesia, Fiji, Indonesia, Kiribati, Mauritius, Nauru, New Zealand, Niue, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tokelau, Tonga, Tuvalu, Vanuatu and supported by
Barbados, Iceland, Jamaica (on
[...] behalf of CARICOM), Norway, Saint Lucia, Seychelles and United [...]
Kingdom of Great Britain and
Northern Ireland) (33 C/Resolution 3).
星之子 (Tiernapojat) 的传统,是来自圣经东方三王(又名三 贤 士 )朝 拜 圣 婴 耶 稣,和后来希律王为了消灭耶稣,下令把伯利恒一带两岁以内的男孩全部杀光的故事。
The Tiernapojat (literally, ‘star boys’) tradition, which draws on the legend of the Three Kings and the slaughter of young males, is enacted in Helsinki streets by groups of lads hoping for a coin or two.
一个重要的历史著作中撒迦利亚轶事形式组成的“Plerophoria”的,Maïuma约翰约515;故事它包含 书 面 基督 一 贤 人 迄今为止,特别是彼得的伊比利亚,他们也生活,但现在已经丢失。
An important historical work in anecdotal form in the "Plerophoria" of John of Maïuma, composed about 515; it contains stories of Monophysite worthies up to date, especially of Peter the Iberian, whose life was also written by Zacharias, but is now lost.
他利用在这项工作中依,和对伦提努和Marcionites他论战 圣书 借 自 由。
He uses Irenaeus in this work,
[...] and his polemical books against the Valentinians and the Marcionites borrow freely from that saint.
卡塔尔表示,世界各地煽动仇恨许多情形所涉及的行为包括诸如攻 圣书, 亵 渎宗教物品、礼拜场所和宗教仪式,以及以误导的方式描绘宗教和宗教法律以 [...]
Qatar indicated many instances of incitement to hatred
across the world, involving acts such
[...] as attacks against sacred books, the desecration [...]
of religious objects, places of worship
and religious rites, and the portrayal of religions and religious laws in a misleading light with a view to inciting others to engage in terrorism or to spreading feelings of hatred and intolerance.
自上次报告所述期间以来,执行秘书举行了 4
[...] 次定期会议,以进一步加强各 委员会之间的协调与合作:即 2010 年 7 月在经济和社会理事会开会期间;2010 年 11 月大会第二委员会举行对话期间;2011 年 1 月由拉加经委会执行书主持 在圣地亚哥;2011 年 2 月,在纽约。
Since the last reporting period, the Executive Secretaries held four regular meetings to further strengthen coordination and collaboration among the commissions: in July 2010, at the margins of the Economic and Social Council; in November 2010, in New York at the margins of their dialogue
with the Second
[...] Committee of the General Assembly; in January 2011, hosted by the Executive Secretary of ECLAC in Santiago; and in February [...]
2011, in New York.
各位部长表示关切对宗教的负面陈规定型、侮辱和诽谤宗教人物 圣书、 经 文和符号,这阻碍了对人权的享有,包括敬神和表现宗教而不用担心胁迫、 [...]
concern at the negative stereotyping of religions,
insults to and defamation of religious
[...] personalities, holy books, scriptures and symbols, [...]
which impede the enjoyment of human
rights including the right to worship and manifest religion without fear of coercion, violence or reprisal.
对话项目可以采用 一种神学议程,讨论分析宗圣书的 方 法,或理解不同传统的礼仪和仪式。
Dialogue projects may pursue a
theological agenda by dealing with
[...] methods of analysing sacred texts or the understanding [...]
of rites and ceremonies in different traditions.
举例来说,圣上自由阿尔勒Caesarius提请圣奥古斯丁的说教,体现在他自己的 书;圣 高 利 大在很大程度上建立在圣奥古斯丁自己;圣伊西多尔呼吁所有他的前任责任;街约翰大马士革的伟大工作是教父神学的合成。
For instance, St. Caesarius of Arles drew freely on
St. Augustine's sermons, and embodied
[...] them in collections of his own; St. Gregory [...]
the Great has largely founded himself
on St. Augustine; St. Isidore rests upon all his predecessors; St. John Damascene's great work is a synthesis of patristic theology.
一些代表团对委员会前成员玉贤策 先 生(日本)的早逝表示哀悼,并强调了 他对委员会工作的贡献。
Several delegations expressed their condolences for the untimely demise of Mr. Kensaku Tamaki (Japan), former member of the Commission, highlighting his contribution to the work of the Commission.
从新加坡任人贤的公 共行政经验、摩洛哥为地方政府发展必要的人力资本 [...]
的实例,以及开发署在帮助公务员适应地方发展方面的丰富经验(如在尼泊尔、 卢旺达、索马里、加纳和南非)中,得出以下两个结论:首先,地方治理在帮助 实现千年发展目标方面发挥了重要作用,可以名副其实地成为落实
2015 年后发 展议程的手段;其次,公民参与,包括适当和创造性地利用信息和通信战略,能 够加强地方治理,使其透明、问责和自主。
On the basis of the Singaporean [...]
experience of merit-based public administration and the Moroccan example of the necessity
of human capital development for local governance, and the many experiences of UNDP in facilitating public-service adaptation for local-level development (for example in Nepal, Rwanda, Somalia, Ghana and South Africa), two conclusions were drawn: first, that local governance has played an important role in facilitating the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals and can serve as a veritable implementation vehicle for the post-2015 development agenda; and second, that citizens’ engagement, including the appropriate and innovative use of information and communication strategies, has the power to strengthen local governance by infusing it with transparency, accountability and ownership.
Yeo 先生概述了在新加坡建立强有力的公共行政的主要治理原则:(a) 对团 体自由采取务实主义,同时注意社会和谐,在制定经济和工业政策时,采取市场 主导和国家主导两种做法;(b) 制定公共政策,鼓励建立靠雇员工资和雇主缴款 融资的多个利益攸关方储蓄计划,从而避免依赖文化;(c) 定期评价政策的宗旨 和机构的相干性;(d) 采取综合治理办法,促进机构间的协调与合作;(e) 提倡 诚实、透明和不容忍腐败的风气,减少腐败行为的诱导因素;(e) 强调开发人力 资本,为此注重任人贤和不断学习。
Mr. Yeo outlined the key principles of governance for the establishment of a strong public administration in Singapore: (a) adopting pragmatism towards group freedoms with an eye on social harmony, and the mixed use of market and State-led approaches in economic and industrial policymaking; (b) avoiding a culture of dependency through public policies that encourage multi-stakeholder saving schemes funded by employee wages and employer contributions; (c) evaluating the purpose of policy and the relevance of institutions on a regular basis; (d) embracing a holistic approach to government and promoting inter-agency coordination and cooperation; (e) promoting honesty, transparency and intolerance for corruption and reducing incentives for corrupt behaviour; and (e) emphasizing human capital development through a focus on meritocracy and continuous learning.
有了这些可能是教授缪勒相关,但其卖力的最重要的神圣的印度文以及其他东方的土地已接触到英文读者在著名的收集,“东方 圣书 ”。
With these may be associated Professor Max Müller, though whose exertions the most important sacred texts of India as well as of other
Oriental lands have been made accessible to English readers in the
[...] well-known collection, "The Sacred Books of the East".
被缔约方会议断定未履行甲基溴冻结义务的下列国家报告的 2003 年甲基溴消费数据 低于它们的基准数,似乎达到了履约要求:巴巴多斯(零 ODP 吨/0.1 ODP 吨)、喀麦隆 (9.9 ODP 吨/18.1 ODP 吨)、 埃及(238.0 ODP 吨/238.1 ODP 吨)、 海地(零 ODP 吨/ 零 ODP 吨)、巴拉圭(0.9 ODP
吨/0.9 ODP 吨)、菲律宾(7.8 ODP 吨/8.0 ODP 吨)、卡
[...] 塔尔(零 ODP 吨/零 ODP 吨,向基金书处报告)圣基茨和尼维斯(0.3 ODP 吨/0.3 ODP [...]
吨)、圣多美和普林西比、塞拉利昂(0.7 ODP 吨/2.6
ODP 吨)、索马里(零 ODP 吨/0.5 ODP 吨)和瓦努阿图(零 ODP 吨/0.2 ODP 吨)。
The following countries that were determined to be in non-compliance with the methyl bromide freeze by the Meeting of the Parties have reported 2003 methyl bromide consumption data that is below their baselines appear to be in compliance: Barbados (0 ODP tonnes/0.1 ODP tonnes), Cameroon (9.9 ODP tonnes/18.1 ODP tonnes), Egypt (238.0 ODP tonnes/238.1 ODP tonnes), Haiti (0 ODP tonnes/0 ODP tonnes), Paraguay (0.9 ODP tonnes/0.9 ODP tonnes), the Philippines (7.8 ODP tonnes/8.0 ODP tonnes),
Qatar (0 ODP tonnes/0 ODP tonnes
[...] reported to the Fund Secretariat), St. Kitts and Nevis [...]
(0.3 ODP tonnes/0.3 ODP tonnes),
Sao Tome and Principe, Sierra Leone (0.7 ODP tonnes/2.6 ODP tonnes), Somalia (0 ODP tonnes/0.5 ODP tonnes), and Vanuatu (0 ODP tonnes/0.2 ODP tonnes).
为了缓解紧张局势和促进教 徒相互容忍,6 名拉比后来访问了该清真寺并捐送新 的《古兰经》,以代替被焚毁圣书。
To defuse tension and promote inter-faith tolerance, six rabbis subsequently visited the mosque and donated new Korans to replace those damaged in the blaze.
杰出的现代Indianists是A.巴特,优秀的“印度宗教”的作者(伦敦,1882年),阁下奥尔登贝格,和G.比勒,他们的宝贵神圣的文本翻译可能会在“东 圣书 ” 中 找到。
Eminent modern Indianists are A. Barth, author of the excellent "Religions of India" (London, 1882),
H. Oldenberg, and G. Bühler, whose valuable
[...] translations of sacred texts may be found in the "Sacred Books of the East".
As recorder of the deeds of men in
[...] the heavenly books, "Enoch, the [...]
scribe of righteousness," is mentioned in Testament of Abraham, xi.
[...] 为及煽动这种行为的言行,针对他人企业、财产、文化中心和礼拜场所的此类行 为,以及攻击和亵渎任何宗教圣书 、 圣 地 和宗教标志的行为
Strongly deplores all acts of psychological and physical violence and assaults, and incitement thereto, against persons on the basis of their religion or belief, and such acts directed against their businesses, properties, cultural centres and
places of worship, as well as the targeting and
[...] desecration of holy books, holy sites and religious [...]
symbols of all religions
每位司铎每天应要腾出一些时间阅 圣书 及 默 想。
Every Priest should set aside a period of time every day for spiritual reading and meditation.
两年后,出现了一个冗长的导言教授乔治布勒的干练版本,构成卷二“东 圣书 ” 二 十五。
Two years later appeared
[...] Professor George Buhler's able version with a lengthy introduction, constituting volume xxv of the "Sacred Books of the East".
例如,我国婴儿和五岁以下幼儿每 1 000 活产死 亡率自 1990 年以来下降了 29%。同时,苏丹陛下提拔 女性担任我国社会中的众多领导职务,树立了一个任 人贤、以 基本的平等原则为基础的榜样。
For example, our mortality rates for infants and children under five per 1,000 live births have fallen by 29 per cent since 1990, while His Majesty’s promotion of women to numerous leadership positions in our society has provided a meritocratic example, founded on the basic principle of equality.
她的儿子说:“我所认为圣贤的人 ,没有超过尧、舜的,而我们都直呼尧、舜的名字;我所认为大的东西,没有大过天、地的,而我们也都直呼天、地的名字。
), and both of them are addressed by their name; of those whom I honor as greatness there is none who can match the sky and the earth, and both of them are addressed by their name.
[...] 足以下条件均被承认为宗教团体:不允许对个人进行胁迫或施暴,以历史上敬崇圣书为依 据,其团体和信念归属当今世界宗教和教会体系,不以谋利为动机, [...]
According to the Law of the Republic of Armenia “On freedom of conscience and religious organizations", a group of individuals shall be recognized as a religious organization if no coercion or violence towards an individual
is allowed, if it is based on any
[...] historically canonized holy book, belongs, with its [...]
belief, to the system of world contemporary
religious and church communities, is void of mercenary motives, is directed at spiritual fields, and includes at least 200 believers.
他们圣书,被 称为“Granth”(其原来是保存并在阿姆利则大寺庙崇敬)两部分组成:由编译后的第五个补充“阿迪Granth”,第一册或那纳克的书,大师,“Arjoon,并与随后增加后大师从下到第九,和贡献各弟子和信徒;第二,”第十届王“一书,由大师Govind星,第十和最后一个大师写的,主要是与一个灌输到该教派的好战精神的看法。
Their sacred books, called the "Granth" [...]
(the original of which is preserved and venerated in the great temple of Amritsar)
consists of two parts: "Adi Granth", the first book or book of Nanak, with later additions compiled by the fifth guru, "Arjoon, and with subsequent additions from later gurus down to the ninth, and contributions by various disciples and devotees; secondly, "The Book of the Tenth King", written by Guru Govind Sing, the tenth and last guru, chiefly with a view of instilling the warlike spirit into the sect.
学校应将周围环境布置成富有宗教艺术的信仰环境,例如安放圣像、十字架 圣书 、 海报及配上宗教音乐等,让其他非教友老师及同学得到信仰的薰陶。
Schools should be furnished so as to create a
religious artistic environment, such
[...] as placing holy statues, crosses, books, posters, accompanied [...]
by religious music, etc. in
order to edify non-Catholic teachers and students.




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