单词 | 贵远贱近 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 贵远贱近 —revere the past and despise the present [idiom.]See also:贵贱—high versus low social hierarchy of ruler people, father to son, husband to wife in Confucianism • noble and lowly 远近 n—distance n 远近—far and near
文化当然不能分高低贵贱,而 只有沟通感情的教才有助于有效地处理好这方面的冲 突。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Cultures, of course, cannot be ranked hierarchically and only education designed to foster empathy will enable conflicts in this sphere to be managed effectively. unesdoc.unesco.org |
在农村地区,学校远近和道 路质量是教育完成率的主要决定因素, 而医院远近,则 是婴幼儿死亡率和产妇死亡率的一个重要因素。 daccess-ods.un.org | In rural [...] areas, distance from schools and the quality of roads were major determinants in education completion rates, whereas distance from a hospital [...]was a significant factor [...]in infant and child mortality, as well as maternal mortality. daccess-ods.un.org |
若无高效组织,这条铁路的每英里建筑成本很可能要比那些短程铁路 不 贱 反 贵。 12manage.com | Without effective organization, additional miles of track made railroads more costly to operate. 12manage.com |
应考虑到地理位置的远近和任 何其他有关重要因素,向争议法庭的书记官处 之一提出申请。 daccess-ods.un.org | An application shall be filed at a [...] Registry of the Dispute Tribunal, taking into [...] account geographical proximity and any other [...]relevant material considerations. daccess-ods.un.org |
国内法确保所有人(无论贵贱或职 位高低)都必须对所犯罪行或其下令犯下 的罪行负责。 daccess-ods.un.org | Domestic law ensures that all persons, irrespective of quality or rank, are held daccess-ods.un.org |
开幕经文告诉具备了学习圣人Bhrigu,就是他马努是如何恭敬地 走 近远 古 时 代的10个伟大的先贤,并要求宣布他们的种姓的神圣法律,以及如何他欣然加入了他们的工作要求仔细教的神圣法律的格律机构,提供给他们这个 宝 贵 的 指 示。 mb-soft.com | The opening verses of the work tell [...] how Manu was reverently [...] approached in ancient times by the ten great sages and asked to declare to them the sacred laws of the castes and how he graciously acceded to their request by having the learned sage Bhrigu, whom he had carefully taught the metrical institutes of the sacred law, deliver to them this precious instruction. mb-soft.com |
编纂上述各条款的论据可转用于众多遭鄙视贬斥的人 们,因为偏见和尊卑贵贱之分 ,是构成成见观念的核心。 daccess-ods.un.org | The rationale of these provisions can be transferred to stigmatized groups in general, since prejudices and ideas of inferiority and superiority are central to the formation of stigma. daccess-ods.un.org |
无论您是需要炼钢流程方面的技术建议,煤炭和焦炭贸易的战略合作关系,还是对降低风险、最大化利润、提 高 贵 金 属 或 贱 金 属 开采或提炼效率的指导,我们都能随时为您提供国际服务。 sgsgroup.com.cn | Whether you need technical advice on steel manufacturing processes, a strategic partnership in coal and coke trading or guidance on risk [...] reduction, maximizing profits or [...] improving efficiencies in precious or base metal mining [...]or extraction, we are readily available [...]with an international service. sgsgroup.com.cn |
尽管有宪法条款和立法措施保护贱民 种 性和部落成员的权利,但 事实上的隔离和歧视依然存在。 daccess-ods.un.org | Despite constitutional provisions and legal measures to protect the rights of members of scheduled castes and scheduled tribes, de facto segregation and discrimination persist. daccess-ods.un.org |
收继婚俗 在早期满族社会中,一夫多妻制和氏族外婚制占据主导地位,“无 论 贵贱 , 人 有数妻”。 sypm.org.cn | received following the marriage in early Manchu society, polygamy and marriages outside the clan predominates, "high and low alike, who have several wives". sypm.org.cn |
地中海邮轮将在地中海巡游途中停靠历史悠久的港口城市阿尔戈斯托利,而喜爱这部电影和小说的游客们一定会乐意对这 座 远近 闻 名 的岛屿进行一番探索。 msccruises.com.cn | MSC’s luxury cruise ships stop at the historic port town of Argostoli along our Mediterranean cruise itinerary and fans of the book and film will surely welcome the chance to visit this renowned island. msccruises.com.au |
城市和城市地区象生态系统一样发挥职能,它们的新陈代谢依 赖 远近 的 生态 系统以及这些系统的资源与服务。 daccess-ods.un.org | Cities and urban areas function as ecosystems, with metabolisms that depend on surrounding and far-flung ecosystems, their resources and services. daccess-ods.un.org |
塞尔维亚有着坚定的欧洲愿景,同时辅之以决心 [...] 奉行悉心平衡、巧妙实施的积极外交政策,以便同世 界各地无论远近的所有国家进行交往。 daccess-ods.un.org | Serbia’s robust European vision is complemented by our strong determination to pursue a carefully [...] balanced, artfully executed and active foreign policy aimed at engagement with nations [...] throughout the world, near and far. daccess-ods.un.org |
古巴因为不能从美国市场采购而无法获得为 60 个残疾儿童治疗与运动 教室所需装设的设备,而只能从更遥 远 和 更 昂 贵 的 市 场购买。 daccess-ods.un.org | Cuba has been unable to purchase the equipment needed to equip 60 therapeutic rooms for children with motor [...] disabilities as it [...] does not have access to the United States market and has to turn to more distant and [...]costly markets. daccess-ods.un.org |
出席此次2013 特奥世界冬季运动会的贵宾包括来自全球各领域的精英中,有久经历练的体坛传奇,也有耳熟能详的商界翘楚,更 有 远近 闻 名的政治领袖等。 specialolympics.org | U.S. figure skater Michelle Kwan is among the well-known sports stars attending the World Winter Games in Korea. specialolympics.org |
美洲组织是世界上最老的区域组织,它成立于联 合国之前,在西半球的领导是远近闻 名 的。 daccess-ods.un.org | The OAS is the oldest regional [...] organization, predating the United [...]Nations, and its leadership in the western hemisphere is renowned. daccess-ods.un.org |
这 些工业企业会根据不同地方的特点进行投资 [...] (比如要考虑失业率是否高,距离消费者/ 供应商或者原材料产地远近等因素)。 paiz.gov.pl | These industrial companies invest directly in individual locations because of specific location [...] requirements (often high unemployment, high [...] availability of workers, closeness to customers [...]/ suppliers or raw materials, etc.). paiz.gov.pl |
以色列一向在被占领的东耶路撒冷采取单方面的 挑衅措施,包括在伊斯兰和基督教圣地特别是在“尊 贵禁地”附近和底 层进行挖掘;拆除民宅;阻挠巴勒 斯坦捐赠管理当局进行的工作;没收土地;驱逐阿拉 伯居民;和继续在当地制造新的现实状况、改变被占 领的东耶路撒冷的人口性质、抹灭该城的阿拉伯、伊 斯兰和基督教特征以及改变该城在以色列占领下的 法律地位。 daccess-ods.un.org | Israel has pursued its provocative unilateral measures in occupied East Jerusalem, including excavation around and underneath sacred Islamic and Christian sites, in particular the Al-Haram Al-Sharif; the demolition of homes; the obstruction of the work of the Palestinian Endowment administration; the confiscation of lands; the expulsion of Arab residents; and ongoing attempts to create new realities on the ground, to change the demographic nature of occupied East Jerusalem, to obliterate the Arab, Islamic and Christian features of the city, and to alter the legal status of the city under Israeli occupation. daccess-ods.un.org |
如果贵国政府最近向联 合国或一专门机构提出了有关载于第十三条的权利的情况报 告,你不妨指出这些报告中的有关部分,而不必在此重复这些资料。 unesdoc.unesco.org | In case your Government has recently submitted reports [...] relevant to the situation with respect to the right contained in [...]article 13 to the United Nations or a specialized agency, you may wish to refer to the relevant parts of those reports rather than repeat the information here. unesdoc.unesco.org |
例如:“我从贵公司最近的新 闻稿中看到 , 贵 公 司 正在亚洲开设新办事处。 robertwalters.cn | For example: "I saw from your latest press release that you are opening offices in Asia. robertwalters.co.kr |
第二,这一点在当今世界非常重要,健康的解决 办法不一定最昂贵;远非如此。 daccess-ods.un.org | Secondly, and this is very important in today’s world, healthy solutions are [...] not necessarily costly; far from it. daccess-ods.un.org |
各中心的回归线相对呈 水平状,表明交货位置到出货中心的距 离 远近 对 交货时间没有影响。 minitab.com | The regression line for each center is relatively flat, [...] suggesting that the proximity of a delivery [...]location to a shipping center does not affect the delivery time. minitab.com |
湖南株洲的生物技术和食品加工实力 远近 闻 名 ,而河南郑州则生产纺织品、机械和机车。 australiachina.com.au | Zhuzhou (Hunan province) is known for its biotechnology and food processing capabilities, while Zhengzhou manufactures textiles, machinery and locomotives. australiachina.com.au |
全国土著民族发展基金 会、全国妇女委员会和全国贱民委 员会也是为增进和保护土著人民、妇女 和 贱民 人权而分别成立的国家人权机构。 daccess-ods.un.org | The National Foundation for the Development of Indigenous Nationalities, National [...] Women’s Commission and [...] National Dalit Commission are also national human rights institutions established for the promotion and protection of the human rights of indigenous people, women and Dalit, respectively. daccess-ods.un.org |
从这一角度来讲,或许降低吸烟率对改进中国空气质量的效 果 远 比 一 味在 昂 贵 的 设 备上大花功夫要好得多。 beijing.ufh.com.cn | From this perspective, perhaps Chinese public health would benefit more from drastically reducing smoking rates than from focusing on expensive industrial fixes to lower ambient pollution. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
多数 难民说 其出逃 的 原 因 与 逃 往 肯尼亚的人相 同,即 索马里生活 没有安全保 障(多数人还来自摩迦 迪沙),失去家人,失去或缺乏生计, 缺乏 粮食或粮食太贵, 等等。一名 最近抵 达 的 妇女描 述 了 她 在索马里分娩 时 痛苦的状况,她告诉我, 她 一直找机会想离开家里寻求医疗帮助,但等了 70 多小时仍然无法离开家里,因为 所有这段 时 间 在 她 的 街坊里一直 发生着 激烈的 武 装 冲突。 daccess-ods.un.org | Most of the refugees gave me the same reasons for their flight as those who fled to Kenya, namely insecurity of life in Somalia (most were also from Mogadishu), loss of close family members, loss of or lack of livelihood, lack of or high cost of food etc. In describing her situation when she was in labour pain in Somalia, a woman who arrived recently told me that she had waited for an opportunity to go out of her home for medical help for more than 70 hours, but failed to do so because of raging armed conflict in her neighbourhood all that time. daccess-ods.un.org |
在本届印刷展期间,我们将向远道 来访 的 贵 客 嘉 宾介绍本公司的最新产品LITHRONE S44、LITHRONE SX29、LITHRONE S40及用于单张纸印刷的KHS-AI、KOMORI冷箔转印机,作为最新的服务工具,将推出操作员导航系统等新颖独特的专业技术。 komori.com | At IGAS, Komori will exhibit new products such as the Lithrone S44, the Lithrone SX29, the Lithrone S40 equipped with Sheetfed KHS-AI, and the Komori Cold Foil System as well as new technologies such as the Operator Navigation System, a new service tool. komori.com |
PT10工业级授时时钟利用全球定位系统(Global Positioning [...] [...] System)卫星发送的协调世界时(UTC)时间信号,为各种自动化装置用户提供的准确的时钟信号,可通过传统的工业串行接口直接接入各台需要时间服务的计算机或智能化设备,提 供 近 、 远 距 离 的两种串行连接方式,同时能为智能化设备提供全球统一的时钟同步脉冲信号(秒脉冲),特点是能安全、简洁地为多台专用计算机和工业智能设备提供时钟信息。 rfidcn.com | The PT10 technical grade time service clock uses the global positioning system (Global Positioning System) when the satellite transmission coordinated world (UTC) the time signal, the accurate clock signal which provides for each kind of automated installment user, may turn on each demand time service directly through the traditional industry serial [...] interface the computer or the [...] intellectualized equipment, near provides, the long-distance [...]range two serial connections [...]way, at the same time can provide the global unification for the intellectualized equipment the clock synchropulse signal (a second pulse), the characteristic is can be safe, succinctly provides the clock information for the multi- Taiwan special purpose computer and the industry intelligence equipment. rfidcn.com |
居民调查的结果显示,不论答复的人所属社 [...] 区有无接受联利特派团的部署,也不论这些社区距离特派 团 远近 , 都 对特派团在 和平进程中的作用持有类似的积极态度。 daccess-ods.un.org | The results of the population survey showed similar positive attitudes towards the Mission’s role in the peace process, regardless of whether [...] respondents belonged to a community that had received an UNMIL deployment, and [...] regardless of their proximity to the Mission. daccess-ods.un.org |