

单词 取其精华,去其糟粕

See also:


discard the dregs
remove the dross

External sources (not reviewed)

當然,像對待我們的傳統文化般,我們 其 中 的 孔子思想和儒學傳統, 亦要取精華,並要揚糟粕,以 切合現代社會的實際需要。
[...] in the same way as we treat our traditional culture, we also have to take the essence of Confucian thinking and the Confucian tradition and remove their ineffectual [...]
elements to meet
the actual needs of modern society.
我們應該與時並進,吸 納當中進步的學說和理論,糟粕的 地 方則應 取 批 判的態度,不可以 傳揚。
We should progress with the times and absorb the progressive principles and theories in Confucianism, and we should take a critical attitude towards the obsolete parts and refrain from promoting them.
室内装修华,环保贯穿其中的MSC诗歌号就如一个度假胜地,每天带 去 领 略 不同的风景,并时刻提醒着客人,成功就是探索发现之旅。
Widely acclaimed for its spectacular interiors and green technology, MSC Magnifica it's a luxury resort with a view [...]
of the world that’s
different every day, reminding your guests that success is a journey of discovery.
同时我们还有大量其他原因吸引您暂时离开您的M SC 豪 华 邮 轮 去 岸 上 观光。
But we have plenty of other reasons for you to leave your luxury MSC cruise liner.
但是,我必須指出,對於儒家孔子理論中 屬於封糟粕的部分,便應該取批 判 的態度。
It is worthy of promotion and support by the Government or the community. However, I
must point out that
[...] we should take a more critical attitude towards the feudalistic and obsolete parts of [...]
the Confucian theories.
其次, 當大家把資源投入中央資源這個“ 大水塘” 以供競 逐,會否出現一些院校提出增加工商管理 精 算 、工程等專業訓練學 位的建議,便可以把這些資源取去 , 以 致社會中最基本的博雅教 育、文史哲學科到最後越來越萎縮呢?
Second, when all the universities have injected resources into this "big reservoir" of the central pool of resources, will some institutions submit proposals to increase professional places in business administration or actuarial science or engineering and then take away all the resources, [...]
causing the
most fundamental liberal arts education and the disciplines of literature, history and philosophy to shrink further and further?
娇韵诗实验室其Delic ious Self Tanning Cream晒后护理霜中结合了两种可可豆萃取物:具有滋养、防脱水和抗衰老特性的可可脂不皂化物,以及一种富含具有柔肤和抗自由基活性的多酚的可可 取精华。
In Delicious Self Tanning Cream, Clarins Laboratories have combined two Cocoa bean extracts: Unsaponifiables of Cocoa Butter (the most precious part of the lipidic fraction) with nourishing, anti-dehydrating and anti-ageing properties, and a Cocoa extract rich in polyphenols with a soothing and anti-free [...]
radical action.
因此,潘國濂議員的動議及後來楊森議員就同㆒問題提出 的動議似乎都不精華糟粕,實 行全盤否定,只是採用的方法不同而已。
So both the Honourable Steven POON's motion, as well as a subsequent motion by Dr the Honourable YEUNG Sum on the same subject, do seem to us rather like throwing the baby out with the bath-water, except they do so in different directions.
去年,华为递交了6700 多份新专利申请其在各领域的专利申请数目累计达到42,500 多个。
Last year Huawei filed over 6700 new patents, bringing its accumulative [...]
total to over 42,500 patents applications across all sectors.
这种潜在的政府关系是导去年美 国禁 华 为 和 其 竞 争 对手中兴(HKEx: 763; Shenzhen: 000063)在美国销售其网络设备的主要因素。
Those kinds of potential government links
were the major factor
[...] that led Washington to ban Huawei and crosstown rival ZTE (HKEx: 763; Shenzhen: 000063) last year from selling [...]
their networking equipment in the US.
至於這個制度出現的障礙, 或工程遇㆖的阻滯,都是我們希望從制度㆗清除 糟粕 ; 因 此,我們正透過工務進度 委員會從政策層面研究現行各項工作程序,看如何能消除這些障礙,我們亦有意透過 剛進行的顧問研究加強這方面的工作。
Where there are logjams in the system, where there are frustrations, these are the hitches in the system that we intend to flush out by way of our Public Works Progress Committee looking down, from policy level, through the various procedures that are in place now and which we intend to strengthen through the consultancy which is just beginning.
取 Bowers & Wilkins 先进技术精华,定制影院系列可让您在自己的家中尽情享受逼真的私人影院体验。
Drawing on Bowers & Wilkins advanced technologies, the Custom Theatre ranges provide the authentic private [...]
cinema experience in your own home.
為何中華文化的優越物質,今時今日在香港竟然被視 糟粕 呢?
Why is it that the qualities and virtues of the Chinese culture are considered useless in Hong Kong nowadays?
[...] 范围要求委员会一方面要更好地定义它与其合作伙伴共同开展的专题辩论,以提高效率和促 进公民社会新成员参与它的工作;另一方面要本着开放 精 神 去 推 动 新《指示》的落实,其是在 世界上那些公民社会仍处于隔绝或脆弱状况的地方的落实。
The new terms of reference include, on the one hand, improvement in the Committee’s thematic debates with its partners in order to increase efficiency and the participation of new civil society stakeholders in
the Committee’s work
[...] and, on the other hand, the implementation of the new Directives in a spirit of openness, [...]
in particular, in those
parts of the world where civil society remains isolated or fragile.
可是他们面对汉诺威就没有任何借口了,汉诺威在 去 5 个 德 甲客场 取 得 了 1胜4负 糟 糕 战 绩。
But there is no excuse when they face
[...] Hannover who only got 1 win and lost 4 in their past 5 Bundesliga away [...]
20 “给予发明暂时的专有权(作为刺激发明的一种手段)是更 取 的 ,因为人们不用再 精力 去判断 该发明是否有用,发明的用处大小决定了获取回报的大小,发明的用处越大,回报也 [...]
20 “…an exclusive privilege, of temporary duration is preferable [as a means of
[...] invention]; because it leaves nothing to anyone’s discretion; because the reward conferred [...]
by it depends upon the invention’s being
found useful, and the greater the usefulness, the greater the reward; and because it is paid by the very persons to whom the service is rendered, the consumers of the commodity.
[...] EasyJWeb是基于java技术,应用于WEB应用程序快速开发的MVC框架,框架设计构思来源于国内众多项目实践,框架充分借签了当前主要流行的开源Web框架(Struts、JSF、Tapestry 、Webwork),取了其优点及精华,利用Velocity作为模板页面引擎,是一个实现了页面及代码完全分离的MVC开发框架。
Project Information: EasyJWeb is based on java technology for WEB applications quickly development of the MVC framework , framework design ideas from the practice of numerous projects , signed by the full framework of the current major popular open source Web framework
(Struts, JSF, Tapestry, Webwork),
[...] drawing on its merits and the essence of the page as a template [...]
using Velocity engine ,
is a realization of the page and on behalf of theCode completely separate MVC development framework .
現時有許多國家, 它們不能解決本身的大部份需要,須倚賴第㆔者的援助,反觀香港,我們可以感到自 豪,我們的勤勞、效率和取精神,使我們在以後的歲月得以投資於更偉大的社會, 我深信這種趨勢將會持續去。
Unlike much of the world, which finds itself dependent on third party aid and unable to meet most of its own needs, we can be proud and reflect over the fact that our hard
work, efficiency and
[...] enterprise have afforded us the opportunity to invest in a greater society in successive years — a trend I believe must be sustained.
例如,华盛顿 州西雅图,税款可通过厄立特里亚拥有的一家旅 行社缴纳。28 他们采用的方法是否具有敲诈或非法性质往往要视所在国或所在州 法律而定,取决于 收税人是外交官还是外 其 他 注 册代理商、收税人的国籍以 及收税人利用了哪类法律和行政漏洞。
In Seattle, Washington, for example, taxes can be paid through an Eritrean-owned travel agency.28 Whether or not the techniques they employ are extortive or illicit is often a matter of national or state law, and depends upon such questions as whether or not the collector [...]
is a diplomat or other registered agent of a foreign power, the nationality
of the collector and the kinds of legal and administrative loopholes employed by collectors.
然后卖给加工者,转化为大豆油、 粕 、 大 豆蛋白以 其 它 产 品。
It is then sold to a processor, which may convert it into products such as
[...] 5. soybean oil, soybean meal, soy protein, and others.
文件 166 EX/18 中向执行局提 交的文本取了政 府间理事会、五次地区性专家磋商会以及许多书面意见 精华 。 这 些书面 意见是多于 45 个会员国和 15 个国际组织根据总干事 2002 年 7 月 31 日和 11 月 26 日的两封 通函的要求而先后提出的。
The text submitted to the Executive Board in document 166 EX/18 was a distillation of the views of the Intergovernmental Council, the five regional expert consultations, and of the many written comments separately received from more than 45 Member States and 15 international organizations in response to the Director-General’s letters of 31 July and 26 November 2002.
粕亦帶來穩定貢獻,實物黃粕 銷 量 繼續增加。
Soya bean meal was also a solid contributor and our physical meal volumes continue [...]
to increase.
在饲料厂利用近红外分析的好处,举例来说,通过使蛋白更贴近目标值每吨 粕 可 至少节省2欧元。
Take advantage of NIR analysis at your feed
plant. As an example, savings of at least $2.00
[...] per tonne of soya meal can be made by matching [...]
protein targets more closely.
儿童权利委员会对少女怀孕率很高和 少龄母亲的情况特别关注,尤其是她们迟迟 去 产 前 检查诊所 其 普 遍 糟 糕 的母 乳喂养做法。
CRC was particularly concerned with the high incidence of teenage pregnancy and the situation of teenage mothers, especially in relation to their late attendance at antenatal clinics as well as their generally poor breast-feeding practices.
法院判定 申诉人可以在多哥获得所需治疗,但是法院未能核实申诉人出具的证据,例如证其创伤后的精神压力和糟糕的 健康状态的医学证明及证实其担任瑞士阿尔高州 的联盟副主席,积极参与变革力量联盟的文件。
The Court ruled that the medical treatment required by the complainant could be provided in Togo, but it failed to check the evidence produced by the complainant such as medical certificates attesting to post-traumatic stress and his poor state of health, and documents confirming his active participation in UFC as its vice-president in Aargau, Switzerland.
没有得到 维护和整修、经费不足的寄宿学校会危害健康 , 因为儿童会因种种原因而受到伤害 : 如寒冷、 潮湿或是煤烟 , 食品不足 , 教师不精心 , 以 及低质量的教学环境和不良的社会环境所导致糟糕的教育状况。
Under-funded boarding schools that are not maintained and repaired can compromise health as children suffer from cold, dampness or coal smoke fumes; insufficient or inadequate food; poor attendance of teachers; and low quality teaching/a poor social environment that leads to a poor education.
摩希不僅對市中心及中城前景樂觀,也對現有成果相當滿意,「這個社區從沒這麼興盛,無數小企業先後進駐,創 精 神 源 源不絕」,至少在這個區域,底特律房地產市場欣欣向榮,拜前述獎勵計畫之賜,目前市中心與中城房屋使用率增至95%,相較於 去 十 年 情況 糟 之 時,當地有些房屋以曾一美元拋售,市區失業率最高更曾達到30%,這項改變十分顯著,摩希也確實是目前榮景背後一大功臣。
These aren’t modest results in a city like Detroit where homes were famously being sold for $1 during the worst of the last decade and peak unemployment numbers within city limits reached an unbelievable 30%.
我希望提醒馬逢國議員,雖然功能界別要視乎選民 取 向 已糟糕,但其界別 的選民並非只有兩間公司。
I wish to remind Mr MA Fung-kwok, though it is
[...] already very bad that functional constituencies have to depend upon the electors' inclination, there are other electors [...]
in his sector, not just the two companies.




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