单词 | 熔体 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 熔体 verb —melt v熔体 noun —melts plSee also:熔—fuse • smelt
特别 适用于使用换网器情况下低粘度熔体 的 配 混。 busscorp.com | Especially suitable for low viscosity melts in combination with a screen changer. busscorp.com |
熔体冷却 后,大块的冶金级硅被投入破碎机中。 wacker.com | After the melt has cooled, [...] large chunks of metallurgical-grade silicon are taken to the crusher. wacker.com |
通过中空的混炼销钉将液体组分直 接注入熔体内。 busscorp.com | Liquid components are injected [...] directly into the melt through hollow [...]kneading teeth. busscorp.com |
Exxtral聚烯烃的高熔体流动 速率和适用于低压模塑的能力使得复杂的高流线设计成为可能。 exxonmobilchemical.com | The high melt flow rate of Exxtral polyolefins and ability to use [...] low-pressure molding allow long flow lengths for complex designs. exxonmobilchemical.com |
熔体压力 传感器安装在料筒内,测量样品的进入口模处的压力。 malvern.com.cn | A melt pressure transducer is mounted in the barrel to measure the resultant pressure [...] at the die entrance as the material is extruded. malvern.com |
这种乳液经水稀释, 在矿物熔体纤维 分离后, 立即与粘结剂和其他添加剂一起喷涂于材料表面。 wacker.com | Together with the binder and other additives, the emulsion (diluted in water) is [...] sprayed onto the molten mineral that has [...]just been spun into fibers. wacker.com |
c. 可用在钝气媒介(如氮气)中将熔体做 成球状铝粉的设备。 daccess-ods.un.org | with organization of the process in an argon-water environment; c. [...] Equipment usable for the "production" of spherical aluminium powders [...] by powdering a melt in an inert medium (e.g. [...]nitrogen). daccess-ods.un.org |
出色的熔体流动 特性使其易于加工并缩短了循环周期,从而可用于设计复杂零件。 cn.lubrizol.com | Excellent melt-flow characteristics [...] result in improved processing and reduced cycle times, allowing for the design of complex parts. lubrizol.com |
D6 型采用的技术与 SM 型类似,即选用一种合金制成的可 熔体 , 并在合金上涂上一层特殊的助熔剂,由一个陶瓷基板和保护帽覆盖。 nec-schott.co.jp | The technology behind the D6 type is similar to that of the SM type, in which a fusible alloy acts as a thermal element and is coated with a special flux covered by a ceramic base and cap. nec-schott.co.jp |
TMP 含有三个伯羟基官能 团,熔点低,以片状或热熔体两种 形式存在。 talloil.se | TMP has three primary hydroxyl groups, a [...] low melting point and is available in flaked form or as hot liquid. talloil.se |
符合食品接触法规并具有低温性能的威达美丙烯基弹性体的中 等 熔体 流 动 速率的牌号,为增强薄壁注射成型的食品应用(如冰淇淋盒)的抗冲击性和透明度提供了有效的解决方案。 exxonmobilchemical.com | Vistamaxx propylene-based [...] elastomer medium-melt-flow-rate grades [...]with food contact compliance and low-temperature performance [...]provide an effective solution for adding impact resistance and transparency in thin-walled injection-molded food applications such as ice cream containers. exxonmobilchemical.com |
压延是指将聚合物熔体(带 有用于进行热金属脱模的蜡)变成片材或薄膜的过程。 cn.lubrizol.com | The calendering process [...] converts a polymer melt (carrying a wax for hot metal release) into a sheet [...]or film. lubrizol.com |
如果浇口太小,熔体从狭 小通道流出时产 生的摩擦力将使混合物温度升高。 elastotpe.com | If the gate is small the mix temperature will rise due to the friction when the melt flows through a narrow channel. elastotpe.com |
Dynisco的在线流变仪可在线连续测量按ASTM D1238标准的熔体流速 、高/低压流速及表面粘度。 leitz-pacific.com | Dynisco’s series of on-line Rheometers can be used to measure continuous, real-time ASTM D1238 Melt Flow Rate(MFR), high/low load MFR and Apparent Viscosity. leitz-pacific.com |
从中心进料口到圈环的对称式熔体分 布 装置 truetzschler-nonwovens.de | Symetrical melt distribution from centre inlet port to ring truetzschler-nonwovens.de |
LMI 4000系列是高精度的熔体测量 装置,用于质量控制和研发领域测 量 熔体 的 流速 或 熔体 的 体 积 流 速。 leitz-pacific.com | The LMI 4000 series [...] are highly precise melt testing instruments for the measurement of melt flow rate (MFR) or melt volume rate (MVR) in [...]quality [...]control and research applications. leitz-pacific.com |
为了平稳功率和熔体热 量历史记录,圣万提创建了 Power Priority® 。 synventive.com | To smooth the power and [...] ultimately the melt heat history, [...]Synventive has created Power Priority® . synventive.com |
在正常条件下,电流会直接从一根引线流经合金制成的 可 熔体 到 达 另一根引线。 nec-schott.co.jp | Under normal conditions, the current flows directly from one lead to [...] the other through the fusible alloy. nec-schott.co.jp |
一滴熔体 (180 °C) 置于板的一侧,并使用另 外一块灰板(T- [...] 形状)进行按压。 designed-polymers.evonik.com | A drop of the melt (180 °C) is [...] placed on a side of the board and that is pressed to another grey board (T-form). adhesives-sealants.evonik.com |
供水燃气管生产线选用本公司专用HDPE(PP,ABS)管材的高性能挤出机,螺杆采用带屏障和混炼头结构,机筒采用新型开槽机筒,塑化和混炼好,挤出量大而且稳定,为HDPE(PP,ABS)大口径厚壁管材设计的蓝模头,该模头具 有 熔体 温 度低、混合性能好,模腔压力低、生产稳定的特点。 fymachinery.cn | Special design of basket die head of for HDPE(PP,ABS) large [...] diameter pipe with thick wall offer [...] lower melting temperature, good mixing, lower pressure of cavity ,and stable [...]production. fymachinery.cn |
表 1 显示了未填充聚砜牌号和对应的相对 熔体 粘 度 ,用美 国材料试验协会(ASTM)的试验方法 ASTM D1238 表 述为熔体流动速率。 solvaysites.com | Table 1 shows the grade designations of the [...] unfilled sulfone grades and the relative melt viscosities, as measured by ASTM test method ASTM D1238 expressed as melt flow rate solvaysites.com |
较高的温度有助于促 使熔体流进模具,确保在较低的注塑压力下仍能完全填充,同时,这些 条件还有助于产生均匀的表面而不会显著延长周期。 elastotpe.com | For SEBS material the mould temperature should normally be between 30 and 60°C. These higher temperatures facilitate flow into the mould, ensure complete filling at reduced injection pressures and they also facilitate a uniform surface without significant increases in the cycle time. elastotpe.com |
一站式技术我们一站式提供所有客户需要的设备,包括控制系统、喂料螺杆、片材模头 、 熔体 泵 、双复合放卷,辊式涂覆机、旋转剪床,以及带厚 [...] 度最优化控制的厚度测量系统,用于厚度从0.008英寸(0.2mm)到1英寸(25mm),甚至超过1英寸(25mm)的片材。 davis-standard.com | This includes control systems, [...] feedscrews, sheet dies, melt pumps, dual laminating [...]pay-offs, roll coaters, rotary shears, [...]and thickness measurement systems with thickness optimization control for sheet from .008 inches (0.2mm) to over 1 inch (25mm). davis-standard.com |
G8 GALILEO ONH 基于惰性气体熔融法 (IGF) 测定氧、氮和氢的含量。 bruker.com | The G8 GALILEO ONH for the determination of oxygen, nitrogen and hydrogen is based on the inert gas fusion method (IGF). bruker.com |
冰晶体在溶液中的IBPS的曝光时间被定义为形成的 晶 体 ( 熔 化 过 程的结束)的时间周期从直到周围的冰晶体(晶体突发)的突然增长。 jove.com | The exposure time of an ice crystal to the IBPs in solution is defined as the time period from the formation of the crystal (the end of the melting process) until the sudden growth of ice around the crystal (crystal burst). jove.com |
而底层延绳钓可能接触和损害海洋底层动物,使底层 物 体 位置 不规范,延绳钓渔业的确有潜力在捕鱼时不对生境造成严重损害,并按照相对节 省能源的方式进行。 fao.org | While bottom-set longlines may snag and damage benthic epifauna and irregular objects on the bottom, longline fisheries do offer the potential to conduct fishing without severe habitat damage and to do so in a relatively energy-conscious manner. fao.org |
由于故障电弧产生的高热可达摄氏 1,000 [...] 度以上,因此不仅会造成周遭的绝缘物质分解或碳化而失去绝缘的功效,同时也容易导致邻近的物质达到燃点而被点燃起火,甚至有时故障电弧会造成金属 导 体熔 化 而喷发出高热的金属颗粒,而其一旦接触到可燃物质,亦会造成严重的火灾意外。 xiyuchina.com | Because the arc fault caused by the heat up to1000 degrees Celsius, so not only can cause the surrounding insulating material decomposition or carbonization and loss of insulating effect, but also easily lead to the [...] adjacent material to [...] achieve ignition and lit on fire, and even sometimes arc fault will cause the metal conductor melting and spraying [...]from hot metal particles, [...]and the once contact the combustible material, will also cause a serious fire accident. xiyuchina.com |