

单词 作者权

See also:



External sources (not reviewed)

新法不仅覆 盖了传统意义上作者权利, 还保护相关的 权利。
The new law covers not only the protection of
[...] traditionally understood author’s rights, but also related rights.
这些活动扩大了教科文组织作为言论自由、新闻自由和新闻 作者权 利 的 重要倡导 者的影响。
All these activities have helped to
raise UNESCO’s profile as
[...] a leading promoter of the fundamental principles of freedom of expression, press freedom and the rights of journalists.
保护作者权益的 方式须符合开放、自由地参与科学文化 知识流通这一原则。
Protection of the interests of creators must occur in a [...]
way consistent with open and free participation in scientific and cultural knowledge flows.
信通技术也引起人们对于作者权益 、 隐私和数据保护的关 注,包括政府和企业能够跟踪个人活动和社会网络这一问题。
ICTs have also
[...] raised concerns about creators’ interests, privacy [...]
and data protection, including the ability of governments
and businesses to track personal activity and social networks.
在此背景之下,通过落实《关于艺术家地位的建议》(1980 年),对艺术家和作者权益的 认可将成为促进艺术家跨境流动的有力基础。
In that context, the recognition of the rights
[...] of artists and creators, through the follow-up [...]
to the Recommendation concerning
the Status of the Artist (1980), will serve as a useful foundation to strengthen the mobility of artists across borders.
教科文组织通过国际言论自由交流网(IFEX)与地区和国际媒体组织和拥护新闻自由 的团体保持着密切的联系,以便进一步加强对新闻自由和新闻 作者权 利 的 保护,。
As a further means to attain enhanced protection of press freedom and the rights of journalists, UNESCO maintained close relations with regional and international media organizations and press freedom advocacy groups, notably through the International Freedom of Expression Exchange (IFEX) network.
其它突出目标包括:尊作者权利; 打击盗版;促进图书自 由流通。
Other objectives highlighted
[...] were: respect for authors’ rights and the battle against [...]
piracy, as well as the promotion of
the free circulation of books.
[...] 文组织的帮助下,国际言论自由交流网建立了自己的网站,对世界上任何地方任何时候发生 的违反新闻自由和践踏新闻作者权 利 的 情况发出警告,传递信息。
With UNESCO’s support, IFEX has set up a website which posts alerts and transmits
information about infringement against
[...] press freedom and rights of journalists whenever and wherever [...]
it occurs in the world.
哥伦比亚提供 了有关侵犯人权捍卫者和新 闻作 者权利案件的调 查、起诉和 判罪数。
Colombia provided data on the number of investigation, persons in preventive
detention, cases being prosecuted and convictions for human rights violations
[...] against human rights defenders and journalists.
(i) 促进言论自由和新闻自由这项基本人权,宣传保护新闻 作者权 利 和 监测相 关的活动,包括贯彻与针对新闻工作者和传媒机构施暴而不受惩罚的现象进 [...]
行斗争的 29 C/29 号决议
(i) promote freedom of expression and freedom
of the press as a fundamental right, develop sensitization, the promotion of the
[...] protection of the rights of journalists and monitoring [...]
activities including
the implementation of 29 C/Resolution 29 on combating the impunity of violence against journalists and media institutions
4 例如,在早些时候为国际音像作品集体管理协会制定了 特别规定之后,中心在 2010 年应代表西班牙音像作者权利的 集体管理组织“音像 作者权 利 管 理 协会(EGEDA)”的要求,根据EGEDA权利持有人的具体需求,专门制作了《针对EGEDA的WIPO快 速仲裁规则》。
Last year the Center continued to engage with intellectual property owners and users and their representative organizations towards the establishment of alternative dispute resolution procedures specifically adapted to the particular features of recurrent disputes in their areas of
activity.4 For example,
[...] following its earlier development of special rules for the Association of International Collective Management of Audiovisual Works, the Center [...]
in 2010 developed
at the request of the "Entidad de Gestión de Derechos de los Productores Audiovisuales" (EGEDA), the collecting society that represents the interests of audiovisual producers in Spain, the WIPO Expedited Arbitration Rules for EGEDA tailored to the specific needs of EGEDA’s right holders.
人权文书所保护作者权利不 能等同于“知识产权”;在必要情况下,为 维护其他权利,知识权和作者权利 都 要受到限制。
The Special Rapporteur recalls, however, that “a number of developing countries, while attempting to implement
[...] TRIPS flexibilities to address public health concerns, have experienced pressures from developed countries and multinational pharmaceutical corporations”.67 Similar concerns have been expressed in other fields.68 She also notes that, in accordance with intellectual property treaties, States must establish “minimum standards of protection”, and that surpassing these may not always be compatible with human rights standards.
还承认有必要在有效保作者权利与 确保广大公众利益之间,尤其是与教育、研究和获得信息之间保 持平衡,而且这种平衡必须有利于视障者/阅读障碍者有效、及时地获得作品
Recognizing also the need to maintain
a balance between the effective
[...] protection of the rights of authors and the larger public [...]
interest, particularly education,
research and access to information, and that such a balance must facilitate effective and timely access to works for the benefit of persons with visual impairments/print disabilities
公约》缔约国应利用全球移徙和发展论坛等等的机会,联合推动对《公约》 的批准;(3) 应该加强对保护非正规移徙作者权 利 的 区域做法;(4) 委员会应 重新界定它在促进批准《公约》方面,包括在全球论坛内的作用。
The rapporteur for Working Group 3 presented that group’s report and the following recommendations: (1) International cooperation must not be used as a way to limit States’ international obligations in relation to the protection of the rights of migrant workers in an irregular situation; (2) States parties to the Convention should jointly push for ratification by using opportunities such as the Global Forum on Migration and Development; (3) Regional approaches to protecting the rights of irregular migrant workers should be strengthened; and (4) the Committee should redefine its role in promoting ratification of the Convention, including within the Global Forum.
1c: “自愿放弃作品版权和捐赠给公有领域的行为,应该在国内法允许的限度内 利的放弃)并在符合正式表达、作者知情并自由同意的条件下,作为一种合法行 使 作者权 和 版 权独占 性的做法而被认可。
1c: “The voluntary relinquishment of copyright in works and dedication to the public domain should be recognized as a legitimate exercise of authorship and copyright exclusivity, to the extent permitted by national laws
(possibly excluding any
[...] abandonment of moral rights) and upon the condition of a formally expressed, informed and free consent of the author.
[...] 的协定 规定,应该依据以下条件确作者权 益 : (1) 在概念和设计、数据 采集或数据分析及解释方面做出过重要贡献;(2) [...]
起草了论文, 或者曾针对重要的知识性内容,对论文进行过关键性修改; (3) 为待发表的版本进行了最终批准。
These are called the Vancouver Protocols[32] and
[...] recommend that authorship credit should [...]
be based on (1) substantial contributions
to conception and design, acquisition of data, or analysis of and interpretation of data; (2) drafting the article or revising it critically for important intellectual content; (3) final approval of the version to be published.
应指出的 是,主管外勤支助部副秘书对外地特派团 作 人 员 的采购授权的条件是被 权者 得到管理部按照 ST/SGB/2005/7 中规作出的任命。
It should be noted that the delegation of procurement authority from the Under-Secretary-General for
Field Support
[...] to personnel in the field missions is contingent upon the recipient being designated by the Department of Management under the [...]
provisions of ST/SGB/2005/7.
它迫使认可它的最不发达国家(绝大多数是 OAPI
成员国)在需要前就采用《与贸 易有关的知识产权协议》;它对强制许可证颁发的限制超出了《与贸易有关的知识产权协
[...] 议》要求的程度;它没有明确允许平行进口;它把国际植物新品种保护联盟 (UPOV) 1991 的部分内容归入该协议内并且提 作者 死后 70 年的作权期限
It obliges LDC members (the majority of OAPI members) who ratify it to apply TRIPS in advance of need; it restricts the issuance of compulsory licences to a greater extent than required by TRIPS; it does not explicitly allow parallel imports; it incorporates
the elements of UPOV 1991 in the agreement and it
[...] provides for a copyright term of 70 years after the death of the author.
保护妇女权 者尤其 重要,她们更多地面临着恐吓和暴力风险, 特别是在妇女权利领域作时。
It was particularly
[...] important to protect women defenders, who were more at risk from intimidation and violence, especially when working in the area of women’s rights.
会员国和国际组织必要时应鼓励权利拥 者 和 著 作权 保 护 及相关权利保护的各种限制 和例外规定的合法受益者确保只有在某些特殊情况下使用这种限制和例外规定,不得违反作 品的正常使用,也不得构成对权利拥有者根据知识产权组织版权条约(WCT)和知识产权 [...]
Member States and international organizations, when appropriate, should
encourage rightsholders and
[...] the lawful beneficiaries of limitations and exceptions to copyright and related rights protection to [...]
ensure that such limitations
and exceptions are applied in certain special cases that do not conflict with a normal exploitation of the work and do not unreasonably prejudice the legitimate interests of the rights-holders as required for in the WIPO Copyright Treaty (WCT) and the WIPO Performances and Phonograms Treaty (WPPT).
其中明确规定了以下权利和自由:生命权、身心健康权、个人自由、抗辩 权、迁徙自由、个人及家庭隐私权、住处不受侵犯权、通信保密权、良知自由、 言论自由、知情权、教育权、接触文化的权利、健康保护权、拥有健康环境的权 利、选举权、被选举权、集会自由、结社自由、 作权 与 劳 动社会保障权、禁止 强迫劳动、罢工权、私有财产权、经济自由、继承权、享受体面生活的权利、儿 童与青年受保护权、残疾人受保护权、请愿权、遭受公共部门侵 者 的 权 利。
The following rights and freedoms are expressly provided for: right to life, right to physical and mental integrity, individual freedom, right to defense, freedom of movement, personal and family privacy, inviolability of domicile, secrecy of correspondence, freedom of conscience, freedom of expression, right to information, right to education, access to culture, rights to protection of health, right to a healthy environment, right to vote, right to be elected, freedom of assembly, right of association, right to work and social protection of labour, prohibition of forced labour, right to strike, right of private property, economic freedom, right of inheritance, right to a decent standard of living, protection of children and young people, protection of disabled persons, right of petition, right of a person aggrieved by a public authority.
达尔富尔混合行动在全面部署方面取得重大进展,并将在 2011/12 年度期间 注重以下优先事项:(a) 保护平民,确保安全、及时和不受阻碍的人道主义准入, 确保人道主义作者和活动的安全和安保;(b) 促进和平进程及一项全面协定的 实施以及停火得以实现后的持续;(c) 法治方面的支持,包括加强司法和监狱系 统,并为此而加强权和两 性平等能力建设;(d) 为联合国国家工作队和其他人 道主义伙伴提供地区安保,协助早期恢复和重建。
UNAMID has made significant strides towards full deployment and, during the 2011/12 period, will focus on the following priorities: (a) the protection of civilians, ensuring safe, timely and unhindered humanitarian access, and ensuring the safety and security of humanitarian personnel and activities; (b) the promotion of the peace process and implementation of a comprehensive agreement and sustained
ceasefire, once achieved;
[...] (c) support related to the rule of law, including the strengthening of the judiciary and prison system, and through human rights and gender capacitybuilding; and (d) the early recovery and reconstruction assistance, through the provision of area security [...]
for the United
Nations country team and other humanitarian partners.
传播和信息,注重人权:这一战略主要是宣传言论自由是一项基本的人权和提高人们 的认识;通过协助国家、地区、国际非政府组织和专业媒体组织以及促进新闻自由团体,并 与其进行密切作,来 加强对新闻自由和 者权 利 的 保护。
CI, Emphasizing human rights: This strategy was concerned with the promotion and raising awareness of freedom of expression as a fundamental human right and enhancing protection of press freedom and
journalists’ rights through
[...] assistance and close collaboration with national, regional and international [...]
non-governmental and
professional media organizations, as well as press freedom advocacy groups.
鼓励和支持建立利益相关者之间的协调机制和公私 作 关 系,尤其是在 矿业部门发展方面,并确定可惠益各方的建设和平行动,包括社区(尊重环境、 尊重社区价值观、土地权、社会服务、地方经济发展)、青年和妇女(直接和间接 就业、尊重劳者权利)以 及矿业公司(减少与社区的紧张关系、建议解决冲突机 制、改善设施/工厂的保安)
Encourage and support the setting up of mechanisms of coordination and mutual consultation between stakeholders and a public-private partnership, in relation especially to the development of the mining sector; and identify peacebuilding actions that might benefit not only communities (respect for the environment, respect for
community values,
[...] land rights, social services, development of the local economy), but also the youth and women (direct and indirect employment, respect for workers’ rights) and mining companies (reduction of tension with communities, existence of conflict-resolution mechanisms, guarantee of greater safety of [...]
plants and facilities).
这条 规定明显适用于医药制品和毒品、赃物、放射性材料、有毒物质、爆炸 品、证券、贷款或任何其他金融工具,以及侵犯 作权 、 版 权 、 商标 权、商业秘密、任何其他 IP 权利、个权利或者第三 方数据保护权利的 客体或服务,或者违反竞争法规定的邀约。
This notably applies to medicinal products and drugs, stolen goods, radioactive materials, toxic substances, explosives, securities, loans or any other financial
instruments as well as to
[...] objects or services infringing on copyrights, patents, trademarks, trade secrets, any other IP rights, personality rights or third-party data protection rights, or offers [...]
which violate provisions under competition law.
缔约国应该设立一个机制研究委员会对个人来文 作 的 结 论,并提议缔约国为实 施委员会根据《任择议定书》提出的意见需采取的各种措施,并为侵犯受 者权 利向受害者提供有效的补救。
The State party should establish a mechanism to study the Committee’s conclusions to individual
communications, and propose measures to be
[...] taken by the State party to give effect to the Committee’s views under the Optional Protocol, and provide victims with an effective remedy for any violation of their rights.




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