单词 | 外手 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 外手 —right-hand side (passenger side) of a vehicleless common: right-hand side (of a machine) Examples:外科手术—surgery 外交手腕 adj—diplomatic adj
对于 黑 色 以 外 手 柄 、将 -BK 换为 手柄颜色符号。 swagelok.com | For kits with handles of colors other than black, replace -BK with a handle color designator. swagelok.com |
该倡议欢迎国际社 [...] 会努力通过利用公私伙伴关系打击贩卖人口,并设想将国际实施该原则作为加 强努力对贩运人口采取零容忍政策的一种 额 外手 段。 daccess-ods.un.org | That initiative welcomed the efforts of the international community to counter trafficking in persons through the use of public-private partnerships and [...] envisaged international implementation of the [...] principles as an additional means to reinforce [...]efforts to press for a zero tolerance [...]policy towards trafficking in persons. daccess-ods.un.org |
除此之外,手机对 于顾客体验的重要性也在增长。98%的智能手机用户用手机直接搜索店内商品信息。 labbrand.com | Beyond commerce, mobile’s importance in [...] the customer journey is increasing with 98% of smartphone users looking for product [...]information on their phone, often directly inside the store. labbrand.com |
利用血液和CTC检测突变也许有益于癌症患者,因为它避免了 额 外手 术 的 风险,同时提供了治疗过程中癌症可能获得的任何新突变的最新信息。 china.labmedica.com | Mutation profiling from blood and CTCs may benefit cancer patients [...] because it avoids the [...] risks of additional surgical procedures [...]while providing an up-to-date picture of any additional mutations the cancer [...]may have acquired throughout treatment. labmedica.com |
(b) 為加速處理新機場及有關工程的圖則,屋宇署已獲得 額 外 ㆟ 手 , 以 成立㆒個特別的 專責小組,成員包括㆒組測量㆟員和㆒組由總結構工程師率領的工程㆟員,此外, [...] 專責小組並獲得技術㆖的支援。 legco.gov.hk | (b) In order to expedite processing of plans for the new airport and associated [...] projects, the Buildings Department [...] has been given additional manpower to set up a dedicated [...]task force comprising a surveying [...]team and an engineering team led by a Chief Structural Engineer together with technical support. legco.gov.hk |
作出”而非“提出”是因为保留无须经过 额 外手 续 即 产生效果。 daccess-ods.un.org | Made”, not “formulated”, because they produce their effects [...] without any additional formality being required. daccess-ods.un.org |
此外,手工艺 方面计划的成功,-- 教科文组织参与了各种地区性手工艺品展览会并颁 [...] 发著名的教科文组织手工艺奖 – 表明手工艺在国家发展规划的重要性与日俱增。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Furthermore, the success of [...] the programme in the field of crafts – where UNESCO participated in various regional crafts [...]fairs and awarded the coveted UNESCO Crafts Prize – demonstrated the growing importance of crafts in national development plans. unesdoc.unesco.org |
除了目前手机上网的硬件阻碍(如屏幕太小等)因素影 响 外 , 手机 上 网“内容和应用不理想”也是影响其使用手机上网的重要因素。 apira.org | Besides hardware factor (such as small screen) for mobile access, “undesirable content and application” is also a major influential factor for mobile access. apira.org |
以下数字体现了移动习惯的日趋成熟:15至25岁的手机网民平均每周花费12个小时通过手机上网;38%的智能手机用户每天使用手机的时间超过5个小时;智能手机用户每次查看手的的时间平均为六分钟;移动商务正在以每年416%的速度呈几何式增长, 此 外 , 手 机 还 是一线城市用户观看网络视频的首选工具。 labbrand.com | The increasing sophistication of mobile habits manifests itself through the following figures: mobile netizens in the 15-25 age group spend over 12 hours per week on average on the mobile web, 38% of smartphone users use their phone for over 5 hours [...] per day, smartphone [...] users check their phones every 6 minutes on average, m-commerce is growing 416% year on year and mobile is the primary [...]decide for watching web videos in Tier 1 cities. labbrand.com |
輸入時自動把原照片備份到第二個硬碟,讓你不用 另 外手 動 備 份。 mammals.org | Automatically back up your master images to a second drive during import, freeing you from the need to [...] perform a separate, manual backup. mammals.org |
我们满意地注意到今年 5 月举行的审查会 议的结论,其中重申了 2006 年审查会议通过的各项 建议,并提出了加强《协定》各项规定的实质和执行 办法的额外手段。 daccess-ods.un.org | We note with satisfaction the conclusions of the Review Conference held in May this year, which reaffirmed the recommendations adopted by the Conference in 2006 and proposed additional means of strengthening the substance and implementation methods of the provisions of the Agreement. daccess-ods.un.org |
进行免费的Skype至Skype通话,或以低廉的费率拨打国 内 外手 机 和 座机。 skype.com | Make free Skype to Skype [...] calls or call mobiles and landlines home and abroad at low rates. skype.com |
此外,手術房設有感應式數碼控制系統,可於手術房內外的護士室進行監察,包括手術房之光暗、濕度、溫度、氣壓和電力供應等。 hksh.com | Touch activated controls are used to monitor the environmental conditions of the operating room – including lighting, humidity, temperature, air pressure and power – from within and outside at the nurse station. hksh.com |
风罩采用特制的、开细孔聚氨酯泡沫材料制成,低风速下衰减风噪声10至12分贝,适合 户 外手 持 声 学测量。 bksv.cn | The windscreen is made of specially prepared, open-pored polyurethane [...] foam attenuating wind noise 10 to 12 dB at lower wind velocities, [...] and is suited for hand-held outdoor sound measurements. bksv.es |
轴承和齿轮等一般部件在所有类型的变速器中都要承受极高的负荷,除此 以 外 , 手 动 变 速器中最重要的部件是同步器,在换挡时它要令旋转部件达到相同的转速。 cn.drivelinenews.com | Apart from general components such as bearings and gears, which are subject to high loads [...] in all transmissions, the most important [...] components in a manual transmission are [...]the synchronizers, which equalize rotating [...]component speeds during shifting. drivelinenews.com |
此外,手术部 位可能会出现持续数周的肿胀和淤青,轻柔的按摩能够帮助缓解。 beijing.ufh.com.cn | There will be bruising and some swelling for a few weeks, which can be helped by gentle massage. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
36 另外,《手册》 第 120.条规定分散了秘书处的行 政职能,这条内容已不符合项目部门的实情。 unesdoc.unesco.org | For example, questions relating to official travel by staff members now appear in five different documents, some of which have become obsolete but have not yet been withdrawn.36 Moreover, Manual Item 120 on administrative responsibility within the Secretariat no longer corresponds to the real-life situation in the programme sectors. unesdoc.unesco.org |
檔案復原清單:可匯出至 R-Studio 外、手動編輯再重新匯入的磁碟檔案清單,該清單上的檔案會自動標示以進行復原。 data-recovery-software.net | File Recovery Lists: lists of files from disks that can be exported [...] out of R-Studio, manually edited, than imported [...]back, and files from those lists [...]will be automatically marked for recovery. data-recovery-software.net |
除了鍵盤輸入之外, 手機還提供中文手寫輸入法 xplore.com.hk | Besides keyboard entry, your Smartphone also enables Chinese handwriting recognition. xplore.com.hk |
还有报道说,中国政府的安全机构“610 办公室”与多起所谓的虐待法轮功修炼者事件有关,而且依然通过一些 法 外手 段 进 行镇压。 embassyusa.cn | There were continuing reports that the Government's "610 office," a state security agency implicated in many alleged abuses of Falun Gong practitioners, continued to use extra-legal methods of repression. eng.embassyusa.cn |
目前已有许多获许人利用本公 司阅览器为各种各样的电子设备、电子平台以及 海 外手 机 运 营商提供电子书籍发送服务。 cn.bsreader.net | Already many licensees are developing E-book distribution services for various devices, platforms, and for global operators using their own company viewers. cn.bsreader.net |
四)國內外手機製造商紛紛投入3G行動 電話的研發及量產,有助於其功能加 [...] 強、品質提升及價格下降,可提升消 費者購買意願,增加其使用數據服務 之機率。 corp.taiwanmobile.com | As MNP allows consumers to port their numbers to [...] preferred operators, mobile operators with [...]sound operations have benefited. english.taiwanmobile.com |
康迪泰克公司新宣传册提供公司在中国市场取得的快速发展以及其所涉及的广大业务范围, 此 外 , 手 册 还 介绍了常熟新工厂的详细情况以及其业务部门在中国和全球范围内所提供的产品服务,您可以在此处下载中国的新宣传册。 contitech.cn | In addition to details on the new plant [...] in Changshu, the new brochure also provides information on the services of the business [...]units in China and throughout the world. contitech.cn |
線性偏光片的光線反射率大概是 6% – 9 %;AMT 低反射式觸控面板採用圓形偏光片設計,搭配位相差板以及抗反射膜結構組合而成,反射率約是 1.5%;相較於一般的標準型觸控面板 (反射率是 16% – 22%) 或是線性偏光片設計的觸控面板,反射率低很多,而 AMT 低反射觸控面板的透光率也大於 76%,非常適合應用在戶外手持式設備或筆記型電腦。 amtouch.com.tw | The light reflection rate of linear polarizer is about 6% – 9 %. AMT’s low reflective touch panel is a circular polarizer designed with adding retardation film and anti-reflective film, which the reflection rate is about 1.5%. amtouch.com.tw |
一个位移机械手外加一 个磁约束聚变机可以移动及 替换外墙梁限制盘。 powerjacks.com | A positioning manipulator used in partnership [...] with the tokamak machine has the ability to carry out key operations such [...]as removing & replacing outer wall beam limiter plates. powerjacks.cn |
6.3 最小交易量是账户初始资金的每10美元对 应 1 手外 汇 交 易。 forexball.admiralmarkets.com | 6.3 A minimum trading volume [...] of 1 round turn lot of Forex has to [...]be completed per each 10 USD of the initial account balance. forexball.admiralmarkets.com |
這些 工作除了需要發展局現有人手外,還 需要 2 名非公務員合約制人員負責推廣和宣 傳活動,預計員工開支為 70 萬元。 devb.gov.hk | Such efforts entail, in addition to the existing set-up in the Development Bureau, manpower of two officers [...] on non-civil service [...]contract terms with estimated expenditure of $0.7 million for implementing promotion and publicity activities as well as manpower in the Construction Industry Council (CIC). devb.gov.hk |
已经有一些改善的切实迹象,见之于土著人民、暴力受害者和以往的侵 权行为,以及从体制入手增进 该国的权利等方面。 daccess-ods.un.org | Real signs of improvement had been seen in the conditions of indigenous peoples, victims of violence and past abuses, and the institutional promotion of human rights in the country. daccess-ods.un.org |
鑒 於 該 等 中 心 的人力資源 十 分 緊 絀 ,有子 女 在中心接受 訓練的 家 長擔心 ,該等 中 心可能會削減人 手 、外判 支 援 服 務或縮 減 有關服 務的範 圍 ,以期達 到預定目標 。 legco.gov.hk | Given that the manpower resources in these centres were already tight, parents who had children receiving training there were worried of a possible reduction in staff establishment, or contracting out or reduction in the scope of support service in order to meet the target. legco.gov.hk |
任何人如在任何巴士或西北鐵路車輛或鐵路處所任何部分之內或之上拾獲任何物品或物 體,須在切實可行的範圍內盡快將該物品或物體交予人員;除人 員 外 , 任何人不得將遺失或遺留 在任何巴士或西北鐵路車輛或鐵路處所任何部分的財物,移離任何巴士或西北鐵路車輛或鐵路處 所任何部分,但目的為在切實可行範圍內盡快將該財物交予人員則屬 例 外 ; 而 就拾獲者與公司之 間而言,拾獲的所有物品或物體均須當作由公司所管有。 legco.gov.hk | Every person who finds any article or object in or upon any bus or vehicle of the North-west Railway or any part of the railway premises shall hand over the same to an official as soon as is practicable and no person other than an official shall remove from any bus or vehicle of the North-west Railway or any part of the railway premises any property lost or left behind therein, save for the purpose of handing over the same as soon as is practicable to an official and all articles or objects so found shall as between the finder and the Corporation be deemed to be in the possession of the Corporation. legco.gov.hk |