

单词 从事...的

See also:


engage in
deal with
go for

External sources (not reviewed)

教科文组织威尼斯办事处为确认千年发展目标基金“可持续旅游与农村发展”联合项 目从事的主要 活动做出了贡献,该项目与教科文组织指定的地点有关,这些指定地点包括 在世界旅游组织实施的项目组成部分(与世界遗产地和生物圈保护区有关的旅游)选定的地 区之内。
UNESCO Venice Office contributed to the identification of the key activities to be carried out within the MDG-F joint programme “Sustainable Tourism and Rural Development”, in relation with the UNESCO designated sites included in the areas selected by the project component to be implemented by UNWTO (tourism related to World Heritage Sites and biosphere reserves).
请提供资料,说明采取了 哪些步骤,确保对包括维护人权者在内的所有人提供保护,使其不因 从事的活 动 而遭受恐吓、不公正的监禁或暴力行为,并对这类行为进行快速、公正和有效 的调查。
Please provide information on steps taken to ensure that all persons, including those monitoring human rights, are protected from any intimidation, unjust imprisonment or violence as a result of their activities, as well as the prompt, impartial and effective investigation of such acts.
申请人如符合 以下情况,应予批准:第一,申请人及工作计划符合《海洋法公约》、《1994 年协 定》和管理局为缔结合同而颁发的细则和条例,尤其是《海洋法公约》附件三第 4 条第 6(a)至(c)款规定的义务;第二,申请人(a) 充分可靠,可以保证在“区 域从事的活动将以维护作业安全、健康、工作安全和环保需要的有序方式进行, (b) 能够提供在“区域”有序开展活动所需的资金,(c) 能够合理显示计划在“区 域”中进行的活动能够以商业规模进行。
An applicant shall be approved if, first, the applicant and the plan of work meet the preconditions of the Convention, the 1994 Agreement, and the rules and regulations issued by the Authority for the conclusion of a contract, and in particular the obligations pursuant to article 4, paragraph 6 (a) to (c), of annex III to the Convention; and second, the applicant (a) is sufficiently reliable and can guarantee that the activities in the Area will be implemented in an orderly manner which upholds the needs of operational safety, of health and safety at work and of environmental protection, (b) can provide the funding needed for an orderly execution of the activities in the Area, and (c) can show plausibly that the activities planned in the Area can be carried out on a commercial basis (section 4 of the Act).
一些会员国还欢迎贸发会议研究气候变化,认为这是一个宝贵贡献,可 协助关于气候变化和发展的全球辩论;也欢迎其 从事的 全 球金融危机和粮食安 全方面工作,而这些是其政府间机制工作的根本主题。
Several Member States also welcomed the UNCTAD research on climate change as a valuable contribution to the global debate on climate change and development; as well as its work on the global financial crises and food security, which were the underlying themes for the work of its intergovernmental machinery.
就业和等于工作的活动,意指在爱沙尼亚境 从事的 工 作 , 或像一个雇员根据雇用合同或在公共服务中奉派从爱沙尼亚前往国外;根据 雇用合同,服务合同,授权协议或义务法规定提供其他服务的合同,在爱沙 尼从事的工作 ;作为独资业主人爱沙尼亚开展的活动;如果本人的学习暂 停或已经结束,则指在教育机构的白天或全日制学习;履行应征服役义务。
The employment and activity equal to work means work performed in Estonia or as an employee sent from Estonia on assignment abroad on the basis of an employment contract or in public service; work performed in Estonia based on a contract of employment, contract for services, authorisation agreement or contract under the law of obligations for the provision of other services; activity in Estonia as a sole proprietor; daytime or full-time study in an educational institution if the person’s studies are suspended or concluded; and performance of conscript service obligation.
它包括公共机构的工作及其 结构的信息、个人可以和该机构进行交流的程序、关于该机构所拥有的信息以及其管理信息 的制度和该机从事的项目 的信息,还包括从国外机构获得的预算和资金的信息和有关招标 和竞争的具体信息。
This includes information about the work and structure of the public body, procedures by which individuals can engage with the body, information about the documents held by the body, and its system of managing information, information about the projects being undertaken by the body, financial information about budgets and funds received from foreign bodies, and detailed information on tenders and open competitions.
关于人居署,在使用这些资源方面所取得的成果包括,记录了讲法语的最不 发达国家的区域规划国家支助框架,开展能力建设努力以促进欧洲委员会在东从事的财政 援助、东南欧社会住房业务和金融工具以及坦桑尼亚联合共和国经济 适用住房的发展。
With regard to UN-Habitat, results achieved with those resources include the documentation of national support frameworks for regional planning in francophone least developed countries, capacity-building efforts for facilitating the European Commission financial assistance in Eastern Europe, social housing operational and financial instruments in South-Eastern Europe, and affordable housing development in the United Republic of Tanzania.
各国应确保非土著的第三方,特别是私营部门,不侵犯土著人民的语言和 文化权利,并理解其在土著人民的土地、领土和资源 从事的 活 动 可能对土著人 民的语言和文化造成的间接影响。
States should ensure that non-indigenous third parties, especially the private sector, do not infringe indigenous peoples’ rights to languages and culture and understand the flow-on effects that their activity on indigenous peoples’ lands, territories and resources can have on their languages and cultures.
理事会还请各基金和各方案通过其各自执行局,在其提交理事会的年度报告 中列入以下两节内容:(a) 概述为执行四年期业务活动政策审查的规定而采取的 措施;(b) 说明在业务活动部分高级别会议指定的主题范围 从事的 活 动 和采取 的措施(大会第 62/208、63/232 和 64/289 号决议,理事会第 1994/33 和 2010/23 号决议)。
The Council requested the funds and programmes, through their executive boards, to include in their annual reports to the Council: (a) a section outlining measures taken in the implementation of the provisions of the quadrennial policy review of operational activities; and (b) a section on the activities and measures undertaken within the designated theme of the high-level meeting of the operational activities segment (General Assembly resolutions 62/208, 63/232 and 64/289, and Council resolutions 1994/33 and 2010/23).
提交人 称,他从事的工作 类比于正常雇员,他与雇主的关系类比于一般劳动合同。
The author alleges that he was performing comparable work to a regular employee and that his relationship with his employer was comparable to a general labour contract.
因 此,国际社会在坚守其法律义务及追求和平与稳定目标的过程中,也必须明确地 传达其信息,那就是:要实现中东和平,就必须结束以色列长达 42 年的占领, 而要做到这一点,以色列就必须首先完全停止其在包括东耶路撒冷在内的巴勒斯 坦被占领土从事的非法殖民活动。
Accordingly, the international community, in upholding its legal obligations and in pursuit of the goal of peace and stability, must also be unequivocal in its message that peace in the Middle East will be the consequence of ending the
42-year-old Israeli occupation,
[...] which cannot happen unless Israel stops completely its illegal colonization campaign in the Occupied [...]
Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem.
大多数非正规 企业和劳动从事的是合 法的商品和服务,以半合法方式经营,并非刻意从事非 法经营。
Most informal enterprises and workers deal in legal goods and services, and operate in a semi-legal, but not deliberately illegal manner.
缔约国认为,申诉人从事的新闻 活动,甚至在他抵达挪威之后的活动,都不构 成受伊朗主管部门监测类别的活动,因为伊朗主管部门主要忙于监测流亡的伊朗 人可能对政权构成具体危险的活动。
The State party argues that the journalistic activities conducted by the complainant, even after his arrival in Norway, do not constitute the type of activities that would be subject to monitoring by the Iranian authorities, since the latter are primarily preoccupied with monitoring activities by Iranians in exile that may pose a concrete risk to the regime.
它必须强化在长期安排方面从事的工作 ,支持新近取得的成就和作出的承诺,并 对有可能取得进展的领域予以鼓励和指导。
It must reinforce work on long-standing arrangements, support recent achievements and undertakings, and provide encouragement and direction to areas of potential progress.
[...] 将以及联黎部队全体军事和文职人员在黎巴嫩南部为服务于和平而表现出的奉 献精神以从事的工作
I would like to express my appreciation to the UNIFIL Head of Mission and Force Commander, Major General Alberto Asarta Cuevas, and to all the military and civilian
personnel of UNIFIL, for their dedication and the work that
[...] they are carrying out in southern Lebanon [...]
in the service of peace.
北约希望表示关注的是,条款草案和相关评注有时似乎没有充分考虑到一个 组织的特别情况,即由于该组 从事的 活 动 或其他因素,成员国实际上拥有所有 [...]
NATO would like to express a general concern that the draft articles and associated commentary do not always appear fully to contemplate the specific situation of organizations in
which, owing to the nature of the activity
[...] in which it is engaged or other factors, [...]
the member States retain virtually all
decision-making authority and participate on a daily basis in the governance and functioning of the organization.
有关标准包括:(a) 工作人员从事的活动是 否有可能加以保护;(b) 报复或报复威胁是否确实发生;(c) [...]
是否有初步证据证 明受保护的活动是导致被指控具有报复性的行动或报复威胁的因素之一。
The criteria include (a) whether
[...] the staff member engaged in an activity [...]
for which protection would be possible; (b) whether
retaliation or a threat of retaliation took place; and (c) whether there is a prima facie case that the protected activity was a contributing factor in causing the action alleged to be retaliatory or a threat of retaliation.
国际组织一成员国按照该组织的规 从事的 行 为 本身不会对该国产生本条 所指的国际责任。
An act by a State member of an international organization done in accordance with the rules of the organization does not as such engage the international responsibility of that State under the terms of this article.
为此,将 开发信息技术工具来避免重复工作,并减少目前人 从事的 工 作 的数量。
To this end, IT tools will be developed to eliminate duplication of work
[...] and to reduce the number of functions which [...]
are currently performed manually.
在 2003 年 12 月 5 日颁布的第 1539/2003 号皇家法令中对残疾人退休年龄 做出了更明确的规定,根据其 从事的 职 业 的不同,其提前退休的年龄可按以下 方法计算:“在出具伤残程度证明大于等于 65%的情况下,可按 0.25 的消减系数 计算退休年龄”以及“在残疾程度大于等于 65%的情况下,按照 0.50 的消减系数 计算其退休年龄”。
This provision, developed in the Royal Decree No. 139/2003 of 5 December 2003, recognized that the greater effort and difficulty experienced by such workers in the performance of an occupational activity constituted grounds for lowering their retirement age without reduction of their pensions, applying the following coefficients: “0.25 in cases in which the worker has a recognized degree of impairment of 65 per cent or more” and “0.5 if the level is 65 per cent or more" and the person needs the assistance of a third person in order to perform the essential acts of everyday life.
1 月4日,一群科索沃塞族人在 Kroi i Vitakut/Brdjani 以石头猛击未经事先通知进入 该地区的科索沃阿族建筑工人,因为他们误以为这些工人正 从事的 工 程 超出了 科索沃特派团推动的谈判所商定的范围。
On 4 January, in Kroi i Vitakut/Brdjani, a group of Kosovo Serbs pelted with stones Kosovo Albanian construction workers who had come without prior notice, mistakenly suspecting that the workers were engaging in additional construction beyond what had been agreed in UNMIK-facilitated negotiations.
虽 然这一成果明确反映出一个需求较高的领域,但由于开发 从事的 工 作 主要是宣 传和政策咨询的性质,与其他成果相比所需资源较少。
While this outcome clearly represents a high area of demand, the predominantly advocacy and policy advisory nature of UNDP’s engagement requires fewer resources compared to the other outcomes.
根据国际公约和/或国家法律,他的 确 从事 了 不应 当 从事的 工作 ,这种情况不仅危及孩子自身,也危及家庭和社区减缓贫困和 可持续发展的努力。
They do work that they should not do according to international [...]
conventions and/or national legislation, and this situation
endangers not only the children themselves but also efforts at poverty alleviation and sustainable development in a larger sense for their families and communities.
犹大一米示拿的是通过同时在巴比伦和巴勒斯坦作为halakic收集出类拔萃;并在同一时间的犹太法典的发展既在Sepphoris,那里的mishnah是节录开始,在Nehardea和苏拉,在犹大的塞缪尔和Rab学 从事的 具 有 划时代意义的工作。
The Mishnah of Judah I. was adopted simultaneously in Babylon and Palestine as the halakic collection par excellence; and at the same time the development of the Talmud was begun both at Sepphoris, where the
Mishnah was redacted, and at Nehardea and Sura, where Judah's pupils
[...] Samuel and Rab engaged in their epoch-making work.
我再次呼吁安理会和会员国更广泛地尊重和促 进这种接触,不要对这种接触泼冷水,例如不要采取 某些捐助做法,因为那些做法尽管意图是好的,但实 际上却把从事的接触 以及非故意提供货物的行为 定为刑事犯罪,从而给人道主义援助造成限制。
I call once again on the Council and on Member States more widely to respect and promote this engagement and not to discourage it through, for example, donor practices which, however well intentioned, in reality criminalize contacts or the unintended provision of goods in ways which limit humanitarian assistance.
在下列领域担任职位从事活动 的人士尤其不适合担任麻管局成 员:担任政府职务并为本国政府提供有酬服务或按本国政府指示行事的人士;代 表一国政府参加关于毒品方面问题的国家或国际论坛的人士 从 事 可 能妨害秉公 履行麻管局职能的任何私人活动或公务活动、或 从事的 活 动同麻管局职能有冲 突的人士。
Positions and activities of individuals in the following areas are, in particular, incompatible with membership of the Board: persons who hold government posts, are in the paid service of their Governments or are acting under instructions from their Governments; persons who represent a Government at national or international forums on drug-related issues; and persons who are engaged in any activity, whether private or public, that might be liable to impair their impartiality in the exercise of their functions on the Board or whose activity is in conflict with the functions of the Board.
根据毒品和犯罪问题办公室所掌握的关于 2007 至 2009 年期间 10 个美洲国家杀人情况的统计数字,在杀人案件中,可归 因于由犯罪团伙或有组织犯罪集 从事的 暴 力行为所占比率在 10%到略多于 50%之间。
Based on the UNODC homicide statistics available for about 10 countries in the Americas for the period 2007-2009, the
proportion of homicides
[...] attributable to violence perpetrated by gangs or organized criminal groups varied between 10 and just over 50 per cent.
我愿重申伊斯兰合作组织对巴勒斯坦人 从事 的事业的 全力支持和声援,以便实现他们不可剥夺的 民族合法权利,包括回返家园和自决的权利和在他们 自己民族的土地上以东耶路撒冷为首都建立独立的 巴勒斯坦国的权利。
I wish to reaffirm the full support and solidarity of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation with the Palestinian people in their endeavour to regain their legitimate and inalienable national rights, including the rights of return and self-determination, and the establishment of the independent Palestinian State on its national soil, with East Jerusalem as its capital.
讲一点个人的有关经历,在我访问过的这个国家的每个角落,我们各 从事的 工 作 中几乎都能看到这些共同利益的迹象:去年访问新疆一所美国出资为HIV呈阴性的注射吸毒者设立的治疗设施时,我看到了我们共同努力预防HIV/艾滋病的成果。
To personalize this a bit, I hardly visit a corner of this country without seeing evidence of these common interests in the work that each is doing: I saw the fruits of our shared efforts on HIV/AIDS prevention when I visited a joint U.S.-China treatment facility for HIV negative injecting drug addicts in Xinjiang last year.




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