单词 | 禽舍 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 禽舍 noun —shed nSee also:禽 n—poultry n • birds pl • fowl n 禽—generic term for birds and animals • capture (old) 舍—give up • give alms • surname She
雞隻生產區有洗手設施,惟禽舍入口則未有設置洗手設 施,工人進入生產區後,無須再換衣服或手套便可在 各 禽舍之 間走動。 legco.gov.hk | Hand washing facilities are [...] available inside the production area, but not at the entrance to individual sheds and workers do not change clothing or gloves when they move from one [...]shed to another, [...]after they enter the production area. legco.gov.hk |
該禽舍門口 樹上的塵土及 沙泥,若帶有受病毒污染的糞便,便有可能在刮風時吹 入禽 舍,並在禽舍的角落積聚。 legco.gov.hk | Any dust and dirt on the trees [...] at the entrance of the affected sheds, if containing droppings contaminated with the virus, could reach the chickens inside the shed on windy days [...]and [...]accumulate in the corner of the shed. legco.gov.hk |
外出返回雞場後,所有工人在進入任 何 禽舍 前 均須 沐浴及更換衣物。 legco.gov.hk | After they come back from outside, all workers need to take a shower and change clothes [...] before they enter any chicken shed. legco.gov.hk |
6.3 該疫情爆發由多項因素引致——疫點雞場附近存在病毒、病毒 傳入雞場並在其中兩個禽舍的雞 隻中傳播。 legco.gov.hk | 6.3 The outbreak was caused by a combination of factors – presence of the virus in [...] the vicinity of the index farm, its introduction into the farm and [...] its spread among the poultry of the two sheds involved. legco.gov.hk |
然而,若雞場 人手不足,員工須進入其他禽舍協助 同事執行防疫注射的 工作。 legco.gov.hk | However, if there are manpower constraints on the farm, workers may need to enter other sheds to support other colleagues with vaccination. legco.gov.hk |
无论是需要使用负压、正压还是等压通风,为保 证 禽舍 获 得 最优的新鲜空气供给,大荷兰人公司提供不同进风系统产品供您选择:侧墙/屋顶进风窗、新鲜空气烟囱FAC或是Fumus、进风板或是分开式进风板。 bigdutchman.de | whether negative pressure, positive pressure, or equal pressure ventilation is [...] required, to ensure an optimum fresh [...] air supply into the poultry house, Big Dutchman [...]offers a wide product range of different [...]air supply systems: wall or ceiling inlets, fresh air chimneys FAC or Fumus, Baffle or Splitbaffle. bigdutchman.de |
如果該名工人在進入其他禽舍前, 沒有妥 善 清潔及消毒外層的手套或更換衣物,病毒有可能透過受污染 的手套或衣物從一間禽舍傳播 到另一間。 legco.gov.hk | It is possible that the disease may have [...] spread from one shed to [...] the other by contaminated gloves or clothing if this worker failed to properly clean and disinfect his outer gloves or change his clothing before entering other sheds. legco.gov.hk |
由於哨兵雞全都位於各排籠子的末 端,而這些籠子的末端全部朝向 9 號禽舍的側 門,一旦有一隻 哨兵雞受到感染,病毒可能會迅速複製及大量增殖,並傳染給 其他哨兵雞。 legco.gov.hk | As the sentinels were all placed at the ends of each row of cages and the ends of these cages all face the side entrance of shed no. 9, once a sentinel was infected, the virus load could have quickly amplified and spread to other sentinels. legco.gov.hk |
6.9 個別工人未有嚴格遵守生物保安措施,可能造成「生物保安漏 洞」,並可能助長疫情從一個禽舍擴 散 到另一個。 legco.gov.hk | 6.9 Inconsistent observance of biosecurity by individual workers may have created “biosecurity breaks” and possibly helped spread the disease from one shed to another. legco.gov.hk |
(iii)禽舍中發 現小型野鳥(如麻雀)及齧齒動物的蹤跡,牠們 可能是病毒的短期帶菌者及/或污染物的傳播媒介,將病 毒及污染物帶入禽舍並在禽舍之間 傳播。 legco.gov.hk | (iii) Small [...] wild birds (e.g. sparrows) and rodents were both found in poultry sheds and could have acted as short term carriers of the virus and/or mechanical transfer agents of contaminated material into and between sheds. legco.gov.hk |
6.5 疫情爆發前數日刮大風可能令病毒傳入受感染 的 禽舍 , 但 不能 完全排除其他傳播途徑,包括齧齒動物、捕禽員、雞場人員手 [...] 部/手套或衣物受到污染,以及小型野鳥等。 legco.gov.hk | 6.5 The strong winds that prevailed a few days before the outbreak might have [...] contributed to the introduction of the [...] virus to the poultry in the infected sheds although [...]other routes could not be totally [...]eliminated including rodents, bird catchers, contaminated hands/gloves or clothing of farm staff and small wild birds. legco.gov.hk |
此外,儘管已使用防鳥網,但雞場及 禽舍 內 仍 發 現有野鳥蹤跡,顯示須進一步加强防鳥工作。 legco.gov.hk | In addition, wild birds were detected on [...] the farm premises and within the poultry sheds, despite the [...]use of bird protection nets. legco.gov.hk |
具有高排风量的V型皮带驱动的风扇,用于您 的 禽舍 的 最 佳通风。 bigdutchman.de | Big Dutchman has a wide range of types available – for an optimum house climate control! bigdutchman.de |
然而 在該雞場,因為未接種疫苗而較易受感染的哨兵雞聚集在受 感染禽舍的入 口附近,當病毒傳入令哨兵雞受感染後,這個 佈局使病毒的數量迅速倍增。 legco.gov.hk | However, the concentration of susceptible unvaccinated sentinel chickens near the entrances to the infected sheds in this farm would have resulted in significant amplification of the virus once it was introduced and infection occurred in these birds. legco.gov.hk |
畜禽舍设计与重建 cigr.org | Design and reconstruction of farm buildings for animal keeping cigr.org |
它可将禽舍内当前状况的可视化显示在农场控制器上。 bigdutchman.de | Visualization of the present [...] situation inside the poultry house on the farm [...]controller. bigdutchman.de |
(i) 由於雞場及其附近範圍有大型水禽及其他鳥類出沒,在 兩間受感染禽舍入口 附近的樹木和露天滲水池又會招 引這些水禽和雀鳥,因此野鳥可能是一個感染源。 legco.gov.hk | (i) Wild birds could be a potential source of infection given that large aquatic birds and other birds were found on and around the farm and were attracted to uncovered soak away pits and trees at the entrance to the two infected sheds. legco.gov.hk |
檢查人員從受感染禽舍的飼料槽 及飼料房收集了 11 份飼料樣本,但未有驗出任何 H5 病毒。 legco.gov.hk | Eleven feed samples were collected from feed troughs in affected sheds and the feed store and no H5 virus was found in the samples. legco.gov.hk |
喷雾降温系统喷出的水雾可保证在任 何 禽舍 内 高 效地降温、保持稳定的空气湿度以及避免灰尘形成。 bigdutchman.de | Thanks to a micron aerosol fog, the Fogging Cooler ensures efficient cooling, constant air humidity and reduced dust [...] formation in every poultry house. bigdutchman.de |
(i) 由於所有雞隻均飲用供水系统的自來水,而且在 2008 年 12 月 8 日僅兩間禽舍有雞 隻死亡,因此雞隻從飲用 水感染的可能性極低。 legco.gov.hk | (i) Since all chickens are supplied with reticulated water as drinking water and only two sheds experienced mortality on 8 December 2008, the possibility that the infection was related to drinking water appears to be extremely low. legco.gov.hk |
調查期間,發現有麻雀在受感染雞場的若 干 禽舍 內 , 而雞場 工人在接受查問時亦透露,過去亦曾發生類似情況。 legco.gov.hk | Sparrows were seen [...] within some of the poultry sheds on the infected [...]farm during the investigation visits and farm workers [...]in their interviews suggested that this also occurred in the past. legco.gov.hk |
排风烟囱安装在家禽房舍的屋 顶,并保证 家 禽舍 的 精 确通风。 bigdutchman.de | The exhaust air chimneys are integrated [...] into the poultry house roof and ensure accurate poultry house ventilation. bigdutchman.de |
接獲報告後,漁護署人員立即檢查該 雞場,發現附近一個禽舍(9 號禽舍)的兩批雞隻中,有部分 哨兵雞及少量疫苗雞亦已死亡或處於垂死狀態(死亡雞隻的分 布情況見圖 1),而有關雞隻的主要徵狀為精神萎靡、呼吸困 難、雞冠和肉垂紅腫,以及有黃色濃稠的鼻分泌物。 legco.gov.hk | In response to the report, a team of AFCD staff immediately conducted an inspection at the farm and found other sentinel chickens from two batches in a nearby chicken shed (shed no. 9) were also dead or dying along with smaller numbers of vaccinated poultry (see distribution of dead chickens in Figure 1). legco.gov.hk |
当蛋鸡和种鸡在禽舍里站 立或休息的时候,Integra塑料地板可为他们提供 最佳的舒适度。 bigdutchman.de | The Integra plastic slats offer optimum comfort to layers and breeders when they are sitting or standing in the poultry house. bigdutchman.de |
通过这个用户友好的农业管理和控制系统,您可以在世界上的任何地方通过网络实现数据永久采集 、 禽舍 内 各个生产环节的实时控制和监测。 bigdutchman.de | The user-friendly Agro Management and Control System allows permanent data acquisition, real-time control and monitoring of each and every process in the house from virtually any location in the world via internet, smartphone or tablet. bigdutchman.de |
野鳥理論上亦可成為將受污染物質傳 入 禽舍 的 媒體,但在其 他疫情案例中,從未證實野鳥作為污染物質的媒體是一個感 [...] 染源頭。 legco.gov.hk | It is also theoretically possible for wild birds to [...] act as mechanical carriers of [...] contaminated material into poultry sheds but this has [...]never been proved as a source of infection in any other outbreaks. legco.gov.hk |
污染物可能在禽舍一角 聚集,而 該處也是初步出現較高家禽死亡率的地方。 legco.gov.hk | These contaminated materials could then have gathered at the corner of the shed where the initial high mortality in poultry occurred. legco.gov.hk |
联合通风-用于禽舍的智 能型气候控制方案 bigdutchman.de | Poultry housing systems: intelligent poultry climate control [...] thanks to CombiTunnel ventilation bigdutchman.de |
这样就可以根据不同的禽舍规模安排不同的进风量。 bigdutchman.de | The equipment with easy-access laying nests, perches arranged on several levels and sufficient space for scratching allows the birds to follow their natural behavioural patterns. bigdutchman.de |
(1) 修改 17 號禽舍的結構,擴大頂棚使禽舍完全 被頂棚覆蓋,並 在北面加建一道實質屏障,以避免大風的影響。 legco.gov.hk | (1) Modify the structure of shed no. 17 so that the shed area is fully covered by its roof and not directly exposed to the tree and add a solid partition on the side facing north to protect against wind gusts. legco.gov.hk |