

单词 万人空巷

See also:

External sources (not reviewed)

根据 直接预测,在双年度结束时,该拨款项目开支将会出现 340 万美元的亏空,这不包括总部外工人 员今后更替或调动的开支。
Without considering future turnover or staff movement in the field, a linear forecast of expenditure at the end of the biennium for this line would indicate a deficit of $3.4 million.
如在 施工時發現未有列入記錄的公用設施,情況會變得更為 複雜,因為在 村屋之 間的巷內, 可供改移公用設施空 間 往往有 限 。
This was further complicated by the
presence of uncharted
[...] utilities and space is often limited for utility diversion in those narrow alleys between village houses.
害怕別人拍攝到人空巷的場面 嗎?
Is it afraid of other people taking video footages of a sea of people?
不应该让儿童迫不得已 在洒满玻璃碎片空地或 到处是垃圾的 巷 或 受化 学废物污染的场地活动。
Children should not be
[...] forced to play in vacant lots littered with broken glass, or in alleys choked [...]
with trash or fields
contaminated by chemical waste.
葡萄牙Sidérale Scafusia腕表不仅有着人注目 的表盘,其刻有 空 和 万 年 历 的底部亦同样吸引。
The Portuguese Sidérale Scafusia is
not only an impressive
[...] sight from the front, but also from the reverse side, with its imprinted night sky and perpetual [...]
在傳統的農村社會,市集中的街巷 議 是 人 民 互通信息和交流意見的主要渠道。
In traditional agricultural societies, gossiping in the market place was the primary channel for people to share information and exchange views.
此外,威胁、挑战和改革问题高级别小组的报告(A/59/565)以及秘书长题 为“大自由:实人人共享 的发展、安全 人 权 ” 的报告(A/59/2005)向冲突 地区和冲突后地区的千万妇女 和女孩提出了一些至关重要的倡议,包括:设立 建设和平委员会;加强对预防冲突的重视;负责保护民众免遭灭绝种族罪、战争 [...]
Furthermore, the report of the High-level Panel on Threats, Challenges and Change (A/59/565) and the report of the Secretary-General “In larger freedom: towards development, security and human
rights for all”
[...] (A/59/2005) proposed a number of initiatives of vital importance to millions of women and girls in conflict and post-conflict areas, including: [...]
the creation of a Peacebuilding
Commission; increased focus on conflict prevention; the responsibility to protect populations from genocide, war crimes, ethnic cleansing and crimes against humanity; more effective protection of human rights; and enhanced rule of law.
[...] 潜在增加,对再生能源有更多的要求,保护内陆渔业资源和依赖于 此的数万人的生计将更具挑战。
Where there is a convergence of impacts of climate change on hydrological balances, potential increases in related extraction demands for agriculture and other sectors, and greater calls for renewable energy, the case for
defending inland fisheries resources and the
[...] livelihoods of many millions of dependent [...]
people becomes more challenging.
要注意的是,這391.5公頃土地當中,仍有不少形狀不規 則的地塊(例如建築物間空隙、後 巷 , 以 及現有發展、公 路或其他設施邊旁的狹窄地塊),並非全部適合作房屋發展 [...]
It must be pointed out that amongst the 391.5 hectares of land, there are still a number
of sites with irregular
[...] shapes (e.g. empty space between buildings, back lanes and narrow strips [...]
of land alongside existing
developments, highways or other amenities), and not all of them are suitable for housing development.
所需资源估计数计入了以下部分:军事特遣队预 计减少 3 820 万美元,主要是因为 1 674 人将在 2010 年 7 月底前任满回国;预计联合国志愿人员增加 80 万美元,一般临人员增 90 万美元,空运增加 3 290 万美元,用于追加 13 架飞机分发选民登记材料。
The estimated resource requirements included a projected decrease of $38.2 million for military contingents, primarily related to the repatriation of 1,674 troops by the end of July 2010,
and projected increases of
[...] $0.8 million for United Nations Volunteers, $0.9 million for general temporary assistance and $32.9 million for air transportation [...]
for the deployment of
13 additional aircraft to distribute voter registration materials.
那个时代的可怕后果是万人 被处决,数万人被监禁。
The terrible toll of those days was tens of thousands of persons executed and hundreds interned.
和平、民主和增人民权能有着千 万 缕 的 联系;和平 人 道 发 展的组成部 分;全球和平是地方和区域和平之和;不消除压迫、不平等和贫困的一切根源, 和平就无从谈起;在富裕的世界上,不减缓并最终消除贫困及经济差距,和平就 [...]
真正地从政治、经济和社会三方面增强妇女权能,和平就无从谈起;不具备世俗 的心态,不维护多样性和多族裔性,和平就无从谈起;不把边缘化的群体包括进 来,和平就无从谈起;不创造就业机会,和平就无从谈起;政府没有透明度,不 对公民负追究责任,不全面尊重法治,和平就无从谈起。
that peace, democracy and empowerment of the people are inextricably linked; peace is integral [...]
to humane development; global
peace is the sum total of local and regional peace; peace is impossible without the removal of all sources of repression, inequality and deprivation; peace is impossible without alleviation and eventual eradication of poverty and economic disparity in a world of opulence; peace is impossible without institution-building on human rights, constitutional rights and justice; peace is impossible without true empowerment of women, political, economic and social; peace is impossible without a secular mindset and embracing diversity and multi-ethnicity; peace is impossible without including the marginalized; peace is impossible without job creation; peace is impossible without transparency and accountability of Governments to citizens and a total respect for the rule of law.
即使在 21 世纪的今天,在世界上的许多城市,唯一固定或可靠的废物收集 服务(如果存在的话)是由靠一辆卡车走街 巷 的 非法企业来提供的;青少年和他 们年幼的弟妹把垃圾场当作游乐场和捡拾物品换取零用钱的地方;冒着健康和安 全风险回收废物的非正规企业主未受赞扬和嘉奖,反遭迫害和刑事定罪;管理有 害工业材料的最安全方法便是由人 进 行 露天焚烧并呼吸有毒气体。
Even now, in the twenty-first century, there are many urban areas in the world where the only regular or reliable waste collection services (if they exist at all) are provided by illegal one-truck businesses run from people’s homes; where adolescents and their small sisters and brothers see the dump site as a playground and a source of materials to sell for pocket money; where informal entrepreneurs who risk their health and safety to recycle are persecuted instead of praised, criminalized instead of commended; where the safest way of managing hazardous industrial materials is for workers to burn them openly and breathe in the toxic fumes?
[...] 門工作時,我曾經過一條由屯門市中心至輕鐵站的天橋,這條天橋在最近數 年間變成了“人巷”, 每逢星期日,兩旁擠滿了易拉架,很多年青的推銷 [...]
Every Sunday, both sides of the footbridge would [...]
be lined with easy-pull display stands and at this location, many young
promoters would market telephones, telecommunication services, pay television services, and so on.
有關當 局其後證實該部分巷 位 於一個人地段 範 圍 內 , 應該由該地 段 的 業 主 負責。
It was confirmed that
[...] the rear lane concerned was within a private lot and therefore [...]
the responsibility of the property owners themselves.
有人認為人巷式的 拉票活動可以製造氣氛,增加投票意欲。
Some people believe that this kind of polling activity can create the atmosphere and raise people's intention to vote.
(b) 亚太空间合作组织、多民族玻利维亚国的市立圣西蒙大学遥感研究和 服务中心、多民族玻利维亚国农村发展和土地部及教育部科学和技术副部、欧 空局、泰国地球信息学空间技术发展署、埃及赫 万 大 学 (通过 空 间 气象 监测中心)、国际宇航科学院、宇航联、全球导航卫星系统国际委员会(通过 其执行秘书处)、日本九州大学、埃及高等教育和科学研究部、尼日利亚国家 [...] [...]
空间研究与发展署和奥巴费米⋅阿沃洛沃大学、尼日利亚航空航天测量区域培训 中心、日本宇宙航空研究开发机构和美国航天局。
(b) APSCO, the Centre for Research and Remote Sensing Services (CISTEL) of the Universidad Mayor de San Simon of the Plurinational State of Bolivia, the Ministry of Rural Development and Land and the Vice-Ministry of Science and Technology of the Ministry of Education of the Plurinational State of
Bolivia, ESA,
[...] Geo-Informatics and Space Technology Development Agency of Thailand, Helwan University of Egypt (through its Space Weather Monitoring [...]
Centre), International
Academy of Astronautics, IAF, International Committee on Global Navigation Satellite Systems (ICG) (through its Executive Secretariat), Kyushu University of Japan, the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research of Egypt, National Space Research and Development Agency and Obafemi Awolowo University of Nigeria, Regional Centre for Training in Aerospace Surveys in Nigeria, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) and NASA.
鑒於出現上述情況的巷大數多屬 人 業 權 範圍,政府務必制訂相 關的對策解決問題。
In view of the fact that
[...] most of the alleys in which the abovementioned situation can be seen are mostly within the precincts of private properties, it is necessary [...]
for the Government
to formulate a counter strategy to solve the problem.
这里是全球首屈一指的天文研究中心,让 人 有 机 会一睹难以窥见的 空 夜 象 ,难怪 I W C 万 国 表 选于这个独特环境,首度展示这款标志着品牌制表里程的非凡腕表。
No wonder IWC decided to premiere this watchmaking milestone in such unusual surroundings: after
all, ESO’s
[...] world-leading astronomical research facilities located here provide nightly views of deepest space which no human [...]
eye has ever seen before.
有房子的四周,但因为Java是在世界1. 36 亿 人人 口 最 多的岛屿生活在那里,57印尼的 万 三 千 七百五十〇点〇〇 万 总 计 %,和房 空 间 是 一个溢价。
There are houses all around, though, because Java is
[...] the most populous island in the world—136 million people live there, 57% of Indonesia’s total of 237.5 million—and space for housing is at a premium.
在 2020 年前底以前,空公司将支出 1.5 万亿美元购买 新飞机。
Airlines will spend $1.5 trillion on new aircraft by 2020.
全球的电视新闻节目 都播放了教科文组织提供的电视录像,在黄金时段观 看此节目的观众达上万人。
Television news programmes all around the planet used the video footage provided by
[...] UNESCO, reaching tens of millions of viewers on prime time.
1999 年 9 月 , 油尖旺 民政事務處 亦 勸諭背 向 該人 後 巷 的 大 廈 ( 包括展 望 大 廈 )的 業 主立案 法 團 應 與後巷 的 業 主 聯絡, 並 根據 有關的 大 廈 公 契 及 香港法例第 344 章《 建 築 物 管 理條例》所 賦 予 的權力 , 採取行 動 清 拆 該等僭 建 物 。
In September 1999, the YTMDO also advised the Owners' Corporations of the buildings backing onto the private rear lane (including Prospect Building) to contact the owners of the rear lane to take action to remove the unauthorized structures under the powers conferred on them according to the respective Deeds of Mutual Covenant and the Building Management Ordinance (Cap. 344).
正如發展局於二○一二年十月十七日在網頁上公布的未批租或撥用的政府土地地圖所顯示,扣除道路/通道 人 造 斜坡、簡易臨時撥地和,零碎地塊(面積小於0.05公頃的地塊)後,在「住宅」及「商業/住宅」地帶用地內餘下的391.5公頃政府土地中,仍有不少形狀不規則的地塊(例如建築物間 空 隙 、 後 巷 , 以 及現有發展、公路或其他設施邊旁的狹窄地塊),未必適合作房屋發展之用。
According to the location maps of unleased or unallocated government land released by the Development Bureau on its website on October 17, 2012,
excluding roads/passageways, man-made slopes, land allocated under the Simplified Temporary Land Allocation (STLA) procedures and fragmented sites (sites less than 0.05 hectares in area), among the remaining 391.5 hectares of government
[...] land in the "Residential" and "Commercial/Residential" zones, there are still a number of sites with irregular shapes (e.g. empty space between buildings, back lanes and narrow strips of land alongside existing developments, highways or other amenities), which may not be suitable for housing [...]
要注意的是,上述391.5公頃"住宅"及 "商業/住宅"地帶內未經
[...] 批租或撥用的政府土地,當中仍然有為數不少形狀不規則的地 塊 (例如建築物間空隙、後巷,以及現有發展、公路或其他設 施邊旁的狹窄地塊),未必適合作房屋發展之用。
It must be pointed out that amongst the above 391.5 hectares of unleased or unallocated land under "Residential" and "Commercial/Residential" zonings, there remain a number
of sites with irregular
[...] shapes (e.g. empty space between buildings, back lanes and narrow strips [...]
of land alongside existing
developments, highways or other amenities) and they may not be suitable for housing development.
大会在同一决议第五节第 11 段中请秘书长寻求更加有效的战略,及时填补 所有工作地点现有和未来的语文员 空 缺 , 表示注意到秘书长关于会议时地分配 办法的报告(A/63/119 和 Corr.1)第 92 段,又请秘书长尽早举行该段提及的语文 工人员竞 争性征聘考试和 2009 年后的其他考试,以便及时填补所有工作地点 现有和未来的语文员空缺, 并向大会第六十四届会议通报这方面的努力。
In section V, paragraph 11, of the same resolution, the General Assembly requested the Secretary-General to seek a more effective strategy to
fill current and future
[...] language post vacancies at all duty stations in a timely manner, took note of paragraph 92 of the report of the Secretary-General on the pattern of conferences (A/63/119 and Corr.1), and also requested the Secretary-General to hold the competitive examinations for the recruitment of language staff referred to in that paragraph, as well as other examinations beyond 2009, well in advance so as to fill current and future language post vacancies at all duty stations [...]
in a timely manner,
and to inform the Assembly at its sixty-fourth session of efforts in that regard.
[...] 织的需求评估报告指出,阿拉伯叙利亚共和国有 100 万人需要 人道主义援助,但 过去数周就接触需要援助的人或增加在实地的各组织人员进行的谈判没有取得 [...]
Meanwhile, on the issue of humanitarian access, while the United Nations and the Organization of
Islamic Cooperation needs assessment
[...] report identified 1 million people in need of [...]
humanitarian assistance in the Syrian
Arab Republic, no substantive progress has been achieved over the past weeks of negotiations on access to those in need, or in increasing the capacity of organizations on the ground.




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