

单词 集餐



Tricon Global Restaurants (incl. Pizza Hut and KFC)

See also:

classifier for meals

External sources (not reviewed)

南京1912”是南京市新崛起的高尚休闲商业区之 一集餐饮、 娱乐、休闲、观光、聚会为一体,东西 方时尚交融汇聚,古典与现代文化前后传承。
Nanjing 1912” is one of the new luxurious leisure and commercial districts with catering, entertainment, leisure and tourism; a fusion of Eastern and Western fashion; classical and modern culture.
配套商业楼附设大堂、餐饮、会议、休闲等商业功能并营造一 集餐 饮 、健身、游泳、休闲为一体的高档商务服务中心。
Supporting commercial building attached
[...] to the lobby, restaurant, conference, [...]
leisure and other commercial functions and
create a set of dining, fitness, swimming, leisure as one of the high-end business services center.
國泰航空飲食服集團因機餐 銷量增加而錄得滿意的中期溢利,但價格面對相當大 的壓力,導致邊際利潤下降。
However the profit margin declined due to considerable pressure on prices.
酒店距广州火车东站仅 5 分钟路程,离广州国际展览中心也只有 15 分钟之遥,旁边即是集 750 多间店铺餐厅的正佳广场。
We're just 5 minutes from the Guangzhou East Railway Station & 15 minutes from Guangzhou International
Exhibition Centre, Hotel is right next to the
[...] Grandview Mall, where you'll delight in more than750 shops & restaurants.
南京信雅达通信工程有限公司是中兴通讯南京授权培训中心,负责中兴通讯技术类和管理类培训,作为中兴通讯学院的优势延伸,为了更有效的整合校企的培训资源、提供更专业的培训组织与教学服务、达到学习型酒店的要求,公司自成立起共投资3000多万建设酒店和改造升级相关教学设施,信雅 集 学 习 、 餐 饮 、 住宿、娱乐为一体的现代化培训机构。
A total investment of more than 30 million was used in building hotels and upgrading the teaching facilities to improve the service quality of learning, catering, accommodation and entertainment.
该项目由一个包含所有公共空间加酒店客房的主楼及六个独立式的私人别墅组成, 集 豪 华 娱乐 餐 饮 、康体、客房为一体的服务中心。
The Resort is a new destination within
the High Tech
[...] Industrial Development Zone of Qingdao and comprises entertainment, food and beverage, [...]
spa and luxury accommodation;
an oasis to meet greet and relax.
同时,周围遍布了许多五星级酒店,如凯悦、万豪和黄龙, 集 了 众 多高 餐 厅 , 咖啡厅及大型购物商场,许多世界知名品牌一应俱全。
The local area is full of five star hotels
such as the Hyatt JW Marriot and the
[...] Golden Dragon, top restaurants, cafes and shopping [...]
malls full of the world's most prestigious brands.
而在市区,您则可以到贝尔法斯特的拉甘峡谷地区公园里走走看看,这 集 公 园, 野 餐 地 和 野生动物栖息地于一身,还拥有一座史前纪念碑,是放松身心的好去处。
In the city, you can lose yourself in
Belfast’s Lagan Valley Regional Park, a
[...] mixture of public parks, picnic areas and wildlife [...]
sanctuaries, as well as a pre-historic monument.
社區營造計畫Photoville強調是「夏日娛樂去處」,去年夏天設置在紐約布魯克林區,使用舊貨櫃打造相片村,共使用超過30個貨櫃,以及布魯克林大橋公園中心逾六萬英呎空間,Photoville舉辦演講、實作工作坊、夜間投影、相機溫室(為互動式裝置藝術,共有超過3000朵人工「相機花朵」(相機藏身在盛放的鬱金香、百合、向日葵等十多種花朵裡),還 集 許 多 餐 車 , 形成夏季露天啤酒屋。
Occupying over 30 shipping containers and more than 60,000 sq. feet in the heart of Brooklyn Bridge Park, Photoville featured lectures, hands-on workshops, night-time projections, a camera greenhouse (an interactive art installation featuring over 3,000 fabricated “camera flowers,” with cameras blooming out of
tulips, lilies, sunflowers myriads, and over a dozen other kinds of flowers),
[...] and a summer beer-garden with food trucks.
晚上在巴塞罗那的Hardrock Café 餐厅集合, 学徒们在这里享用格罗茨-贝克特的免费晚餐。
The meeting point in the evening was the Hardrock Café in Barcelona, where Groz-Beckert paid for the apprentices' supper.
在会议前夕,各国部长举办由高级代表 集 的 工作 晚 餐, 并 特别邀请瑞士外交部长参加,以就瑞士关于禁止建造新的清真寺尖塔举行民众 投票的后果交换意见。
On the eve of the Conference, ministers held a working dinner convened by the High Representative, at which the Minister for Foreign Affairs of Switzerland was the special guest, to exchange views on the aftermath of the popular initiative on the ban of new minarets in Switzerland.
Traders Hotel, Kuala Lumpur, provides a fine
[...] selection of restaurants to satisfy your [...]
every culinary requirement.
LG电子美国公司旗下的LG电子企业解决方案公司面向数字标牌、系 集 成 、 住宿 餐 饮 、 卫生保健、教育、政府和工业市场为客户提供服务。
The LG Electronics Business Solutions division of LG Electronics USA, serves customers in the digital signage, systems integration, lodging and hospitality, healthcare, education, government and industrial markets.
19世纪的时候这里曾经是纽约市的中心海港,后来随着Pier 17的转型变成了商店餐馆的集中地 域。
South Street Seaport  Once the heart of
the 19 th century Port of New York City , it has been revived by the transformation
[...] of Pier 17 into shops and restaurants.
上海新辦事處場所比之前大了22%,以后還能進一步擴張,新辦事處位于浦東嘉里城寫字樓,該寫字樓是一處2百萬平方英尺面積的多功能綜合體 集 居 住 、零售 餐 飲 服 務及商業辦公于一體。
The new Shanghai location, which is 22% larger than the previous facilities and allows for future expansion, is located in the Kerry Parkside office development, a 2 million square feet mixed-use complex that encompasses residential, retail, food service and commercial office space.
最后,我们在每星期天烧烤!味觉和饮料的其他客人! 餐 不 包 括 集 体 宿 舍。
Breakfast is not included for dormitory room.
除上文所述的用途以外,我们有意使用 阁下的姓名及联络资料作促销丶研究丶推广及客户关系管理之用途,包括向 阁下发送有关下列各类集团公司的产品和服务资讯: 酒店推广餐厅推广(包集团公 司的 餐 厅 ) 丶水疗推广丶太古酒店博客和通讯丶活动丶有关我们的服务的调查和问卷丶会员俱乐部或其他奖励计划(包括航空公司飞行里数计划)及与其他品牌的合作(时装/慈善/信用卡)(「促销标的类别」)。
In addition to the purposes set out above, with your consent, we intend to use your name and contact details for our marketing, research, promotional and customer relationship management purposes including sending you information relating to the Group Companies' products and services in the following
categories: hotel
[...] promotions, restaurant promotions (including new restaurants of the Group Companies), [...]
spa promotions, Swire
hotels blog and newsletter, events, research and questionnaires about our services, membership clubs or other reward programmes (including airline mileage programmes) and joint collaboration with different brands (fashion / charity / credit cards) ("Classes of Marketing Subject").
全长约100m的「博多港口塔」,咖啡店 餐 馆 密 集 的 娱乐设施「BAYSIDEPLACE博多」所在的区域被称为福冈的WATER FRONT。
This waterfront area has the Hakata Port Tower of 100 meters tall and Bayside Place Hakata, an amusement facility housing a lot of cafes and restaurants.
快餐車在舊金山頗為盛行,多數都專賣某種料理,如印度式、日本式、墨西哥式等,但無論提供何種美食,都會運用當地、當季與有機食材,而 餐 車 能 移動至人群 集 處 , 例如 餐 時 段 停靠在辦公區,晚上移至夜店酒吧區,也能隨特殊活動或節慶出現。
Unlike a fixed food stand, trucks can
go to where the
[...] people are –  near places of work at lunchtime, close to where there is more nightlife [...]
in the evening,
and even off to feed the hungry goers of special events or festivals.
餐飲集團Ca fe Deco Group於中環雲咸街新開設的酒吧,再度為喜愛夜蒲的你帶來驚喜。
Cafe Deco Group once again brings [...]
the night to life with the opening of a new trendy bar and lounge on Wyndham Street.
其實,關於快餐店的設施問題,我在一年多之前接獲殘 疾人士團體的投訴後,已曾發信給所有 餐集 團 ,當時並沒有得到甚 麼回應。
As a matter of fact, I had received complaints from organizations representing persons with disabilities more than a year ago.
馮檢基議員剛才提及昨天某餐集團 公 布的數字,其實它公布的 工資加幅,正正是20%......
Regarding the figures published yesterday by a certain fast-food chain, as mentioned by Mr Frederick FUNG just now, the rate of wage increase published is precisely 20
位於歌劇院區的歐斯曼大道世界聞名,坐落於拉斐特百貨大樓對面,比鄰巴黎國家歌劇院、星級酒店、時 餐 廳 , 諸多國 集 團 雲 集 於 此
It is situated opposite to Galeries Lafayette, close to Paris'
national Opera, prestigious hotels
[...] and fashionable restaurants. Many international groups are located [...]
in this famous district.
这种餐会可以起集思广 益会议的作用,研究主席想要强调的某一个具 体问题,不管是冲突局势还是专题问题。
This could serve as a brainstorming session on a particular [...]
question that the President would like to highlight, be it a
specific conflict situation or a thematic issue.
特别活动:部长级圆桌会议(1);部长级 餐 圆 桌 会议(1);国家协调中心讲习班(2); [...]
推动实施新的行动纲领的伙伴关系开放论坛会议(2);非政府组织论坛(1);关于新的 行动纲领的执行、监测和后续机制的部长级审查会议(1);机构间咨询小组会议(2);
关于加强认识议会在实施新的行动纲领中的作用的讲习班 (1);支持促进最不发达国 家发展的全球商业伙伴关系论坛(1);关于最不发达国家相关问题的记者招待会(4); 在一些经选出的最不发达国家举办关于实施新的行动纲领最佳做法和所面临挑战的 讲习班(6)。
(iv) Special events: ministerial round table
[...] (1); ministerial breakfast round table (1); [...]
workshops for national focal points (2);
meetings of the Open Forum on Partnerships to further the implementation of the new programme of action (2); non-governmental organization forum (1); ministerial review meeting on the implementation, monitoring and follow-up mechanisms of the new programme of action (1); inter-agency consultative group meetings (2); workshop on awareness-raising on the role of parliaments in implementing the new programme of action (1); support to the Global Business Partnership Forum for the development of the least developed countries (1); press conferences on issues relating to the least developed countries (4); workshops in selected least developed countries on best practices and challenges faced in the implementation of the new programme of action (6).
葡萄酒在索契與選擇的葡萄酒, DÛTI 弗雷亞在索契、克拉斯諾達爾地區與定期客戶最富有的是合同的供應,傳遞從一瓶交貨時間的 15 分鐘,所以酒吧餐館做 不一定分數倉庫酒精、 照顧的存儲、 存儲管理法規已足以有一個實例,在生產銷售的情況下執行庫存立即重新排序"免稅"為 DÛTI--當然這項服務是對所有酒餐廳 及 商店不可用但只是為客戶提供高容量銷售但是它提供給很大的競爭優勢為所有合作夥伴- DÛTI-"免稅"索契。
Wine in Sochi and choice wines in DÛTI FREYA in Sochi, the richest in the Krasnodar region, with regular customers are the contract for the supply, delivery from one
bottle-delivery time of 15
[...] minutes, so the bars and restaurants do not necessarily score warehouses alcohol, take care of storage, storage regulations is sufficient to have one instance and in the case of the sale of the produce performs inventory reordering immediately, DÛTI-"duty-free"-of course this service is not available on all bars restaurants and shopsbut only [...]
to customers with high
volume sales but it gives great competitive advantage for all partners- DÛTI-"duty-free" in Sochi.
(e) 確實表明新近實施的非符合資格人士產科餐服務 收費以配偶是香港居民的內地孕 婦為對象,會否構成種族歧視,因為該等 孕婦主要是華裔人士,與配偶同樣為香港 居民的其他種族的孕婦比較,此項安排對 前者有欠公平。
(e) confirm whether the implementation of the new Obstetric Package Charge for Non-eligible Persons whose spouses were Hong Kong residents would constitute racial discrimination, given that it would have the effect of putting these persons who were predominantly Chinese at a disadvantage as compared with pregnant women of other races whose spouses were also Hong Kong residents.




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