

单词 血污

See also:

External sources (not reviewed)

Solah 的家人在发现尸体有严血污之后 声称,警察将他们的亲人殴打致 死。
Solah’s family alleged that the police beat
their relative to death after the body
[...] was found severely bloodstained – but police claimed [...]
that they released him thirty-six
hours before he was discovered and denied responsibility.
(一 ) 身體穿孔對 健 康 構 成 危險,是由於使 用 未 經 消毒的儀器 , 或該儀 器血液或污染。
(a) The health risks related to
body piercing are caused by the use of unsterilized
[...] equipment or equipment contaminated by infected blood and body fluids.
所有㆟體組織和動物屍體(不論其有否受到感染),以及 血 或 血 產 物嚴 重污的物品。
All human tissues and animal carcasses, whether infected or not,
[...] and items heavily contaminated with blood or blood products
为避免水血清带来的污染,对血清 应进行支原体检测,配好的培养基要进行污染测试。
To avoid the contamination caused by water or serum, the serum [...]
should be checked for mycoplasma, and tested for contamination.
第二位是胡佳,他本來 只關注愛滋病,卻揭發了農民因貧窮 血 而 被 受 污 染 的 針筒傳染愛滋 病。
Originally, he was only concerned about the problem of AIDS but he
exposed the fact that farmers were infected by
[...] AIDS due to contaminated syringes when selling their blood due to poverty.
如边缘连接器意外血液或其他污染 物 沾 污 了 , 或当EQC、温度测试 或传感器出错码指出可能受到污染时,必须清洁它。
Clean the edge connector only if it is
[...] accidentally contaminated with blood or other contaminants, [...]
or when EQC, Temp Test, or sensor error
codes indicate possible contamination.
V. 赔偿 大多国家政府和行业集团起初并不愿意 血 液 供 应 污 染 承 担责任。
Most governments and industry groups were initially reluctant to accept
[...] responsibility for their role in blood supply contamination.
一些国家曾发生血液供应受污染事件,其艾滋病 血 友 病 组织具有相关的处理经验,他们也应该 为中国同行提供技术和资金支持。
[...] AIDS and hemophilia associations with experience in HIV blood supply outbreaks [...]
in their own countries should
provide technical and financial support to grassroots AIDS and hemophilia organizations in China.
中国专家,以及具血液供应污染相 关处理经验的国际专家, 应该组成一个国际委员会,对中国的问题进行评估,并设计解决方案。
Chinese experts and experts from countries with personal
[...] experience of AIDS blood supply disasters should [...]
form an international commission to assess
the problem and design solutions.
在这种背景之下,我们现在按时间顺序来看一下美国、日本、法国和加拿大 血 液 供 应 污 染 事件, 然后再看一下,面对着与中国类似的问题,他们有什么样的经验。
With this background in mind, we
now turn to a chronological examination
[...] of HIV outbreaks in blood supplies in the United [...]
States, Japan, France and Canada,
before moving on to see what light their experiences may shed on similar problems in China.
血液供应污染事 件的受害者最 初通过国家的司法系统寻求正义和赔偿。
The victims of these blood scandals initially [...]
sought justice and compensation through their national legal systems.
本文讨论的这些国家都不愿去面对各自血液供应污染事 件,但由于来自基层非政府组织,大量的诉讼,和负面媒体报道的压力,而最终 [...]
All the countries discussed here were reluctant to
[...] confront their own AIDS blood transmission disasters, [...]
and ultimately did so only because
of pressure from grassroots NGOs, a torrent of litigation, and embarrassing, negative media reports.
此外,尽管有强有力的证据表血液 供 应受 污 染 , 但日本政府官员并没有 承认或公开血友病人有感染艾滋病毒的危险。
Furthermore, Japanese officials failed to
acknowledge or
[...] publicize the danger to hemophiliacs of contracting HIV/AIDS, [...]
even after there was strong evidence of contamination of the blood supply.
在八十年代末,浙江有四名血友病患者因为使用第八因子感染了 艾滋病毒,他们最后全都死于艾滋病。101
[...] 九十年代,由于中国禁止从外国进口血液和血液制品, 血友病患者只能使用国产的第八因子,而中原地区 血 成 风 ,受 污 染 的 血 液 制品导致一些血友病 患者感染艾滋病毒。
In the late 1980s, four hemophiliacs in Zhejiang became infected with HIV after receiving transfusions of blood clotting factor VIII, and all four died of AIDS.46 In the 1990s, because China had banned imports of blood and blood products from other countries, hemophiliacs relied on
domestically-produced clotting factor VIII, some
[...] of which was infected with HIV through blood and plasma donors [...]
in the central provinces.
如果事先不对血液进行严格的检测,只要一个人 的血液携有艾滋病毒,那么血液的汇集过程则会让成百上千个单位 血 液 制 品受 污 染。
If blood is not carefully screened beforehand, the pooling
process allows one person’s
[...] HIV-positive blood to be spread into hundreds and even thousands of units of blood product.
虽然以上所讨论的都是最大最著名 血 液 供 应 污 染 事 件,但如表一所示,几乎所有的发达国家,以 及许多发展中国家都有因输血感染艾滋病的情况发生。
Although the cases discussed above were among the largest and best-publicized, as Table One shows, the infection of individuals with HIV positive-blood has occurred in almost all other developed countries, as well as many developing ones.
而且,美国对血液供 应的管理不够迅速和强劲,导致污 染 的 血 液 销 往其他国家,造成了灾难性的后果。
And the U.S.’s moves to regulate the blood supply were not swift or robust
[...] enough to prevent contaminated blood from being distributed [...]
to other countries, with disastrous results.
血友病患者依靠不断输用 血液制品来维持生命,因此,他们一生都要面对 污 染 的 血 液 制 品的威胁。
Hemophiliacs, who rely on numerous injections of blood products over the
course of their lifetime, have been at an increased risk of HIV infection
[...] through exposure to contaminated blood products.
131 德国:德国的赔偿计划是这样的,基金主要由药物保险公司提供,为每个感染者提供一笔最高数额
[...] 为367724美元的赔偿,同时也有对配偶的赔偿和丧葬费用补偿。132 澳大利亚:其他国家血液供应污染 事 件的受害者提供赔偿基金,但拒绝将这些基金看作是赔偿。
A new fund was then created and funded to provide additional lump sum payments of up to $417,377 per victim.7 Germany: Germany’s scheme, which was largely funded by pharmaceutical insurers, provided a maximum lump sum payment of $367,724 to each person infected, as well as compensation to spouses and compensation for funeral
expenses.8 Australia: Other countries have
[...] provided funds for AIDS blood transmission victims, [...]
but have refused to identify these funds as compensation.
全国有众多的国家和地方机构监督血站的 工作,但我们并不清楚哪个机构是否会对每次献血进行跟踪或对所有血站的采血资格进行鉴定审 查。112
[...] 制定更加集中有效的血液供应管理计划,有助于避 血 液 供 应受 污 染 , 同时也使经济窘 迫的医院很难在这样的制度体系中非法买卖血液。
Blood collection stations are overseen by a multitude of national and local agencies, and it is not clear if any central facility tracks each blood donation or accredits all blood stations.6 Creating a plan that would move the blood supply toward a more
centralized and efficient system of control
[...] would help to avoid contamination of the supply, and [...]
would also make it more difficult
for cash-strapped hospitals to introduce illegally purchased blood into the system.
的供词,以及对另一名共同被告人住所的搜查结果,6 警方在搜查中 发现了五瓶污染的血浆。
The prosecution relied on the confessions of the author and one of the co-defendants,5 and the result of the
search of the residence of another co-defendant,6 where police had
[...] discovered five contaminated bottles of blood plasma.
People infected while
[...] receiving HIV-contaminated blood transfusions were [...]
widely diffused among the population.
124 基于上述种种原因,诉讼往往不能作为一个国家解 血 液 供 应 污 染 问 题的理想手段。因为诉讼结果 一般都会令受害者非常失望,也因为大量的诉讼会给法院和政府造成负担,因此多数国家最终决定 建立一个全国性的赔偿基金,血液 供 应 污 染 事 件受害者提供帮助。
Because of the generally unsatisfying
results of litigation for victims, and
[...] because of the burden that a torrent of lawsuits can create for courts and government, most countries have ultimately decided to create a national compensation fund as a mechanism for responding to the suffering and providing for the needs of victims of tainted blood supplies.
148 这使公众更加同情血友病患者,但同时也强化了对艾滋病的歧视和污名化。由于这种策略 和美国非政府组织之间缺少联合,美国的赔偿政策歧视经由血液传播感染艾滋病的患者,不为采集 和分配污染的血液供 应而给他们提供任何赔偿。
As a result of this tactic and the lack of unity between US NGOs, the US’ compensation policy discriminated
against those who contracted
[...] HIV/AIDS from blood transfusions by not awarding them any compensation for the collection and distributions of a HIV/AIDS tainted blood supply.
早在调查之初,我就答应过,要听取那些由于输用 污 染 的成 份 血 或 血 制 品而感染艾滋病 或乙肝的人的陈述,还有他们的家庭成员,他们希望和我分享他们的经验。
Early in the Inquiry, I undertook to hear from any person in Canada who had been infected with HIV or with the
virus causing hepatitis C as a
[...] result of contaminated blood components or blood products, or from [...]
members of their families,
who wished to relate their experiences to me.




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