

单词 温故而知新

See also:




a close friend over many years

External sources (not reviewed)

而学习是一个循环往复而非线性的 过程,因此,教师在日常教学活动中就要有能力做 温故而知新。
Learning is cyclical rather than linear, so teachers need to be able to revisit partially understood ideas as they try them out in their everyday contexts.
比如“故而知新”、 “三人行必有我師焉”、 “學而不思則罔,思 而不學則怠”等,經過歲月考驗,依然是教育界的至理名言。
For instance, with the
[...] passage of time, Confucius' words of wisdom, such as "gaining new insights through revising [...]
old material",
"if three of us are walking together, at least one of the other two is good enough to be my teacher", "learning without thought means labour lost; thought without learning is perilous", and so on, still hold true to the education profession today.
除了温故知新,培 训老师所展现出来的爱心与耐心也大大激励了所有参与的志工与家长。
They were not only very happy with the support and guidance given by staff and teachers of REACh Penang but also came home highly motivated.
新加入的第 4A 條,把知而故意提供虛假或誤導性的資料定為罪行, 一經定罪,可處第 2 級罰款和監禁 6 個月。
New clause 4A provides that a person who knowingly or deliberately [...]
supplies false or misleading information shall commit
an offence and is liable to a fine at level 2 and to imprisonment for six months.
三四月和十月十一月的天气十分舒适,白 温 暖 而 清 新 , 夜 晚气温也十分宜人。
The weather in March-April and
[...] October-November is delightful, with clear, warm days and mild nights.
例如,如果发生电故障,或者温 不 够 ,显示屏将 知 您。
For example if a power
[...] failure has occurred or the water temperature was insufficient, the unit will [...]
tell you.
影片和多媒体科将发展成为一个视频制作室,定向制作信息丰富 的、引人入胜的内容,包括采访新 闻 内 容、纪录片 知 识 产 权成 故 事 和 宣传点。
The Film and Multimedia Section will evolve into a video-centered production studio, which will produce targeted,
informative and engaging content, including
[...] interviews, news content, documentaries, IP success stories and promotional spots.
由於證明"明知而故意"的 舉證責任很 高,檢控甚為困難,故政府當局在《公司條例草案》中參考英 國《2006年公司法》,引入"責任人"的 新 表 述,以取代"失責高 級人員"。
As prosecution is difficult given that the evidential burden for proving "knowingly and wilfully" is very high, the Administration has introduced a new formulation of "responsible person" in the [...]
CB, which is modelled
on the UK Companies Act 2006 ("UKCA 2006"), to replace "an officer who is in default".
根据提议,今后三年将对 4 个地方配方厂家提供技术援助,用于使 新 的 全球 升温 潜能 值低的替代技术(主要是 FEA-1100、HBA-2、AFA-L1、甲酸甲酯和甲基醛)制造定 制化配方,而确保无法参与第一阶段的下游企业能够获得成本效益高的替代品,这样它 们就能做好充分准备,在第二阶段进行技术转换。
Technical assistance to four local systems houses is
proposed for customizing
[...] formulations using new and emerging low-GWP alternative technologies (mainly FEA-1100, HBA-2, AFA-L1, methyl formate and methylal) during the next three years to ensure availability of cost effective alternatives to the downstream enterprises [...]
that are unable
to participate in stage I, so they are adequately prepared to undertake conversion during stage II.
新表述中刪除了舉證責任甚高的"明 知而故 意 ",藉 此 確 保公司的高級人員不能為避免承擔法律責任而蓄意漠視《公司 條例草案》所訂他們應盡的義務、職責及責任。
By removing the high
[...] evidential burden of "knowingly and wilfully", the new formulation will ensure [...]
that officers of a company
will not be able to deliberately turn a blind eye to their obligations, duties and responsibilities under the CB so as to avoid liability.
169.根據本章程細則按其登記地址發送或寄送或送交予任何股東之任何通告或文 件,儘管該股東當時已故,不 管本公司是 知 悉 有 關其 故 , 應 視為已向單獨或 連同其他人士聯名登記持有任何股份之股東作出送達,直至其姓名在股東名冊上股 份持有人一欄被若干其他人士取代為止;另就本章程細則所有目 而 言 ,該等送達 方式將視為已向該股東之遺產代理人及所有擁有任何該等股份權益之聯名持有人 (如有)發送、寄送或送交充分通知。
Any notice or document delivered or
sent by post or
[...] left at the registered address of any member in pursuance of these presents, shall notwithstanding that such member be then deceased and whether or not the Company has notice of his decease be deemed to have been duly served in respect of any registered shares whether held solely or jointly with other [...]
persons by such member until
some other - 40 person be registered in his stead as the holder or joint holder thereof, and such service shall for all purposes of these presents be deemed a sufficient service of such notice or document on his personal representatives and all persons (if any) jointly interested with him in any such shares.
由 于 通 过 O 型圈的渗透、泄漏率温度 的而增大
The leak
[...] rate increases as temperature increases due to permeation [...]
through the O-ring.
举例来说,有迹象显 示,在而温暖的湖泊、许新的淹 没地区甲基汞的形成增加。
For example, there are indications of increased formation of
[...] methylmercury in small, warm lakes and in many newly flooded areas.
这时,可通过优化设计结晶装置的冷阶 温 度 和阶 段而充分 利用现有吸附式装置的产能。
In this case, the crystallization
unit design may be optimized with
[...] respect to cold stage temperature and number of stages [...]
to make maximum use of the existing adsorption unit capacity.
(a) 经常不断温习和更新知识,提高能 力和技能
(a) continuous
[...] review and updating of knowledge, competencies and skills
(a) 刪除"明知而故意"旨在降低檢控 門檻,"責任人"的新提述方式將 確保公司董事不能蓄意漠視條 例草案所訂他們應盡的義務及 責任,從而有助加強香港的企業 管治
(a) the removal of "knowingly and wilfully" aimed at lowering the prosecution threshold and the new formulation of "responsible [...]
person" would
ensure that directors of a company would not be able to deliberately turn a blind eye to their obligations and responsibilities under the Bill, which would help enhance corporate governance in Hong Kong
当电动机构中温度重新超出极限值之后,事件自应 答。
The event
[...] acknowledges itself once the temperature in the motor-drive [...]
unit has exceeded the limit again.
由於參考年度上限總額計算的各項適用百分比率(溢利比率除外)均少於 5% , 故 根據新產品供應協議及經更新供應總協議擬進行的持續關連交易僅須遵守申報、公告 及年度審核規定而豁免 遵守上市規則第14A.34條的獨立股東批准規定。
Since each of the applicable percentage ratios (other than the profits ratio) calculated with reference to the Aggregated Annual Caps is less than 5%, the continuing connected transactions contemplated under the Renewed Product Supply Agreement and Renewed Master Supply Agreement are only subject to the reporting, announcement and annual review requirements and exempt from the independent shareholders’ approval requirement under Rule 14A.34 of the Listing Rules.
根据细则交付或邮寄或留置于股东登记地址的任何通知或其他文件,尽管 该股东当时已身故或破产或已发生任何其他事件,及不论本公司是否 知 悉 该 身 故或 破 产或其他事件,均视为已就以该股东作为单独或联名持有人名义登记的股份妥为送 达或交付(除非在送达或交付通知或文件之时其姓名已从股东名册删除作为股份持有 人),而且该送达或交付就所有目而 言 , 均视为已向所有拥有股份权益(不论共同或 透过该股东申索)的人士充分送达或交付该通知或文件。
160. (1) Any Notice or other document delivered or sent by post to or left at the registered address of any Member in pursuance of these Articles shall, notwithstanding that such Member is then dead or bankrupt or that any other event has
occurred, and whether or not
[...] the Company has notice of the death or bankruptcy or other event, be deemed to have been duly served or delivered in respect of any share registered in the name of such Member as sole or joint holder unless his name shall, at the time of the service or delivery of the Notice or document, have been removed from the Register as the holder of the share, and [...]
such service or delivery
shall for all purposes be deemed a sufficient service or delivery of such Notice or document on all persons interested (whether jointly with or as claiming through or under him) in the share.
如果发生转让, 最初的有担保债权人通常并不希望必须继续处理查询人员要求提供信息的请 求而新的有担保债权人则希望确保其能收到与其担保权有关的任何 知 或其 他通信。
In the event of an assignment, the original secured creditor will usually not wish to have to continue to deal with requests
[...] information from searchers and the new secured creditor will wish to ensure that it receives any notices or other communications [...]
relating to its security right.
因为这些改革,不仅需要修订大量 细则和行政知,而且, 各方要求获得更多关于解释和实 新 细 则 和政策的咨询 意见。
These reforms have not only required revisions to
numerous rules and
[...] administrative issuances, but have prompted a growth in the demand for advice on the interpretation and implementation of new rules and policies.
儘管任何股東其時已身故或破產或發生任何其他事項,且不論本公司是 知 悉其故、破 產或有關其他事項,任何依據細則傳送或以郵遞方式寄往或送交有關 股東註冊地址或其就收取通告或文 而 提 供 之地址的 知 或 文 件,概被視為已就 該名股東單獨或與其他人士聯名持有的任何登記股份妥為送達,直至其他人士取 代其登記為有關股份的持有人或聯名持有人為止,且就細則而言,有關送達被視 為已充分向所有於股份擁有權益(不論為聯名或聲稱透過其或由其持有)的人士 送達該通知或文件。
Any notice or document delivered or sent by post or left at the registered address or the address
supplied by him for the
[...] sending of notices or documents to him of any member in pursuance of the Bye-Laws shall, notwithstanding that such member be then deceased or bankrupt or that any other event has occurred and whether or not the Company has notice of his death, bankruptcy or such other [...]
event, be deemed
to have been duly served in respect of any registered shares whether held solely or jointly with other persons by such member until some other person be registered in his stead as the holder or joint holder thereof and such service shall for all purposes of the Bye-Laws be deemed a sufficient service of such notice or document on all persons interested (whether jointly with or as claiming through or under him) in the share.
雖然官員不肯加上“知而故意”這個檢控門檻,但對於當局最後 聽取我的意見,刪除“沒有採取一切合理步驟防止”,我認為可以接受。
Although officials have refused to add the prosecution
[...] threshold of "knowingly and wilfully", I have found [...]
it acceptable for the authorities
to listen to my view finally to delete the limb of "fails to take all reasonable steps to prevent".
除了提供故障更新机制以外,IGEL 还支持随时恢复所中断 的新,而不存在发生技术问题的风险,这对于 BCS 这种在 广大地区中分布有多家办事处的组织来说是一个非常有用的 工具。
In addition the fail-safe update mechanism provided by IGEL enables interrupted updates to be resumed at any time without the risk [...]
of technical problems,
which is a very useful tool for an organization such as BCS, with thin clients at multiple offices across a wide area.
履行机构还欢迎该研 讨会的报告,以及与会者就改进专家咨询小组今后的培训研讨会及其培训资料提 出的建议。履行机构鼓励专家咨询小组在举办其余的国家温室气体清单区域培训 研讨会及新温室气体相关培训资料时考虑这些建议。
The SBI encouraged the CGE to take into account those recommendations in the conduct of the remaining CGE regional training workshops on national GHG inventories and the update of its GHG training materials.
在-30°C (-22°F)或更低的温度下,埃佳特™弹性体在聚丙烯基热塑性烯烃(TPO)共混物中仍具有延展性,提供了吸收高能量冲 而 不 产 生破 故 障 的 低 温 弹 性
With ductility at -30°C (-22°F) or below in polypropylene-based thermoplastic olefin (TPO)
compounds, Exact plastomers
[...] provide the low-temperature flexibility to absorb high-energy impacts without brittle failure.
此外,作为本组织为开发一个对有效实施计划至关重要的有效信息 知 识 管 理系统所 做的整个努力的组成部分,将考虑从一些中央业务和行政部门抽调一些职位,为负责该系统 开发、维护和监测工而新设立的“首席信息官”(D-2)职位提供充分的支持。
Furthermore, as part of the Organization’s overall efforts to
develop an effective
[...] information and knowledge management system vital for effective programme implementation, consideration will be given to providing adequate support to the newly created position of Chief Information Officer (D-2), responsible for the development, maintenance and monitoring of such a system, through the transfer of posts from Central Services and Administration.
可以采取的纠正措施包括下列措 施:调整采购程序使之符合采购法、采购条例或其他适用规则;已作出接受某 一提交书的决定,而事实表明应当接受另一提交书的,不向最初选定的供应商 或承包商发出接受知,而是接 受该另一提交书;或者取消采购程序,启新 的程序。
Possible corrective measures might include the following: rectifying the procurement proceedings so as to be in conformity with the procurement law, the procurement regulations or other applicable rules; if a decision has been made to accept a particular submission and it is shown that another should be
accepted, refraining from
[...] issuing the notice of acceptance to the initially chosen supplier or contractor, but instead to accept that other submission; or cancelling the procurement proceedings and commencing new proceedings.




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