

单词 苦因

See also:


bitter adj

bring suffering to

External sources (not reviewed)

这是将这种不带家属苦因素纳 入现有艰苦条件津贴办法的 另一个理由。
This was a further reason to integrate a recognition of non-family hardship into the existing hardship scheme.
由于妇女的秉性非常关注其所爱之人的 苦 , 因此 可通过设计一些方式,恰当承认这类痛苦及其复原能力的个人方面。
Given women’s predisposition to focus on the pain of their loved [...]
ones, it would be interesting to devise ways to duly recognize
the individual dimension of such suffering and resilience.
那些沒有加薪的人便要受加租苦,因為政 府再不會考慮他們的負擔能力,沒有了租金與入息比例中位數一 成的考慮,完全沒有這個考慮。
These people who do not have a pay rise will have to bear with the hardship of a rent increase.
雖然是體力勞動,但阿宝並不覺得 苦 , 「 因 為 可 以為環保出一分力」。
Still, Mr Hui is enthusiastic about his work, which he considers a labour of love.
委员会认为,把在不带家属工作地点工作看作为另一个 苦因 素 , 这么做 比采取一种新的单独津贴做法具有几方面优势:(a) [...]
它有助于达到简化和透明目 标;(b) 不构成一项单独津贴,不需要单独的调节机制;(c) 在不带家属工作地 点工作的补偿问题被划归委员会处理并在大会总体职权范围内,这正是它应有的
位置,确保了未来所有变化都将保持统一;(d) 正如主席在开场白中所说,这将 具体切实地支持“一体行动”的概念。
The Commission considered that the proposal to view
service in a non-family duty station as
[...] another aspect of hardship offered several [...]
advantages compared with the introduction
of a new, separate allowance: (a) it contributed towards the goals of simplicity and transparency; (b) not being a separate allowance, it would not require a separate adjustment mechanism; (c) it placed the question of compensation for service in non-family duty stations where it belonged, with the Commission and within the overall purview of the General Assembly, and ensured that all future changes would remain harmonized; and (d) it would give practical, concrete support to the notion of “Delivering as one”, as noted by the Chairman in his opening statement.
专栏作者Al Maeena这样结论:“巴 林的提议如获接受,将向目前居住海湾国家的 1 400 万移徙者发出一个明确信 号,就是现在是他们考虑其他选择的时候了,对一些移徙者来说,这个可能情 况令人苦因为他 们已把家庭带到一个海湾国家,并把这个国家当作自己选定 的家园”。
The columnist Al Maeena concluded as follows: “That would send a message to the 14 million or so expatriates currently living in the Gulf Cooperation Council that it is time now to consider other options.
尤其是土著人民,他们的苦是因为 对土地和资源的权利未获承认,这种 权利即使存在,也不能得到执行。
Indigenous peoples in
[...] particular have suffered from lack of recognition [...]
of their rights over land and resources, as well
as from lack of enforcement of such rights when they exist.
200 萬 元 限 額 的 基 線是 在㆒九八㆓ 年 釐 定,鑑於 目 前 物 業 價格節節㆖ 升 , 即使在新市鎮 的 物 業 價格也如 是,因此,現 在正 是將繳 付 遺產 稅的 限 額 基 線 提高的時候,比 方 說:提 高至 250 萬元 以 便 減輕對㆗㆘ 入 息家 庭 的苦,因 為這可能是 他們在困 境 時 唯 ㆒的財產。
The amount of $2 million is still there and it was decided, I believe, in 1982. With the property prices now rising high in even the new towns, it is time to lift that baseline to, say, $2.5 million and therefore alleviate hardship to the middle income class whose family may have only one major asset in time of crisis to be able to escape estate duty.
根据所 收 到 的 资料, 前 一群体往往比 后者承 受更大的心 理苦,因为他们必须承 受长期的大量 侵害,然 后 才 到达目的地国,因此可 能需要 长期的支持。
From information received, the former group is often more traumatized than the latter, as they have to endure a myriad of abuses for a long time before reaching the destination country, and may thus need long-term support.
由于巴勒斯坦人民的权利持续遭到侵犯,并在长达 40 多年的时间内忍受着被强行占领的 苦 , 因 此联 合国应该以保护责任的名义参与解决该问题。
Given the persistent violation of Palestinians’ rights and the hardships they had endured during more than 40 years of occupation, it was incumbent on the United Nations to exercise its responsibility to protect.
背 景 每个人在规模前所未有的全球危机面前都不可幸免,而受到最严重打击的还是穷人和 处于社会边缘的人们,他们中很多人在前些年和经济增长的数十年间已在 苦 , 因 为 全 世界 不均的现象始终存在着。
The global crisis, of unprecedented scale, affects everyone but hits hardest the poor and marginalized populations
many of which already
[...] suffered during previous years and decades of economic growth because of persistent inequalities [...]
throughout the world.
他请 对这些决议草案投反对票的代表团站在巴勒斯坦被 占领土和被占领叙利亚戈兰上的阿拉伯平民的立场
[...] 上仅一天,去体会他们在野蛮的定居者手上遭受的恐苦难,因为这些定居者的行动将使公正和全面和平 [...]
He invited delegations that had voted against any of the draft resolutions to put themselves in the position of the Arab civilians in the Occupied Palestinian Territory and the occupied Syrian Golan
for just one day in order to understand
[...] their terrible suffering at the hands of [...]
barbaric settlers whose actions would eliminate
any hope of a just and comprehensive peace.
[...] 民人口日益增加的需求,这种急剧的费用攀升毫无必要地增加了这些机构的财政 负担,而加沙平民人口的苦也因以 色列的非法围困和政策而继续加深。
Such a steep rise in costs will needlessly add to the financial burden of international aid organizations already struggling to cope with the increasing needs
of the civilian population in
[...] Gaza, whose hardship continues to intensify because of Israel’s illegal [...]
siege and policies.
俞伯牙在当时很受欢迎,但他却时常感到孤 苦 闷 , 因 为 他 觉得没人真正懂得他的音乐,或者说,尽管有很多人欣赏他的音乐技巧,但没人懂得他音乐中的内涵。
As a famous musician of his time, Yu Bo Ya was very popular among uppertendom, but he often felt lonely and depressed, for he thought nobody really understood his music, or more exactly, although there were a lot admiring his music skills but none of them understood his musical prowess.
由于无法核查这些武器的来源,又由于这些武器 易于使用和运输,正如科菲·安南指出的,这些造成 极度苦的驱动因素无处不在。
Because the source of such weapons cannot be verified, and because they
are easy to use and can be easily transported, as Kofi Annan has said, those
[...] engines of untold suffering are everywhere.
在一个所有东西都可以被当作“信息”流传的社会里,我 苦 于 “ 信息过量” 因 此 为 了自我保护,我们就降低能力让自己“视而不见”。
In a society where everything can be
[...] circulated as “information,” we suffer from “information overload” [...]
and so by degrading our ability
to the level of “seeing, but not seeing,” we have learned to protect ourselves.
夹在武装冲突中的平民以及那因邻 居 受 苦 受难 而遭受痛苦的人都希望,能够运用《联合国宪章》序 言所载宗旨和原则保护今世后代免遭战争祸害。
Civilians trapped in armed conflicts and
[...] those who suffer because their neighbours are suffering [...]
hope that the purposes and principles
enshrined in the preamble of the Charter of the United Nations will be applied to safeguard current and future generations from the scourge of war.
没有idiomatum可能解释这一论断的距离通信中的 苦 的 神 性的 因 为 它 不仅是神性(在hypostasis感)的钉在十字架上的儿子据说已经消失,语言附加到一个调用的三位一体3倍。
There is no possibility of explaining away
[...] this assertion of the suffering of the Divine Nature [...]
by the communicatio idiomatum, for
it is not merely the Divine Nature (in the sense of hypostasis) of the Son which is said to have been crucified, but the words are attached to a three-fold invocation of the Trinity.
1972 年, 高夫• 惠特拉姆(Gough Whitlam) 以反对党领袖的身份访问北京,当时澳大利亚总理Billy McMahon 对此极力苦,惠特拉姆因此被 指责为同情共产主义利益并危及澳大利亚与华盛顿盟国的关系。
When Gough Whitlam visited Beijing as Leader of the Opposition in 1972, his visit was derided by then Prime Minister Billy McMahon and Whitlam was accused of sympathising with communist interests and endangering Australia’s relations with its Washington allies.
因此, 有时是由于有充分的预防和 准备工作以及有效地减轻灾害行动,当地造成的生命损失有限,但还是引起了巨 大的人类苦和危 难,并严重破坏了社会的运转,这样的情况依然包含在条款草 案范围。
Accordingly, cases where an event has resulted in relatively localized loss of life, owing to adequate prevention and preparation, as well as effective mitigation actions, but nonetheless has caused severe dislocation resulting in great human suffering and distress which [...]
seriously disrupt
the functioning of society, would be covered by the draft articles.
然后按照Anamimnesis(“记住因此他 的 苦 难 和 死亡和复活,回到天上,他今后的第二次来...”),本Epiklesis或调用(“送你的圣灵,见证主耶稣的苦难对这一牺牲,那他可能会改变这种面包的基督的身体,这对你的血液在你的杯子基督...“),以及一连串的排序(大调解)为教会,神职人员,天皇,和种种男人条件,其中三一颂结束了,“所有的人说:阿门。
Then follow the
[...] Anamimnesis ("Remembering therefore His suffering and death and resurrection [...]
and return to heaven and His
future second coming …"), the Epiklesis or invocation ("sending Thy Holy Spirit, the witness of the sufferings of the Lord Jesus to this sacrifice, that He may change this bread to the body of thy Christ and this cup to the blood of thy Christ …"), and a sort of litany (the great Intercession) for the Church, clergy, the Emperor, and for all sorts and conditions of men, which ends with a doxology, "and all the people say: Amen.
這項殊榮應歸功於全球 Seagate 員工因為是這些苦功高的員工將本公司無以計數的硬碟機放入各式各樣的應用系統:從筆記型電腦和 PC 到伺服器、音樂播放器、電視、遊戲主機、數位相機及汽車,種類繁多,不勝枚舉。
This accolade is a tribute to the thousands of Seagate employees around the world who have worked to put hundreds of millions of our hard drives in everything from notebook computers and PCs to servers, music players, TVs, gaming consoles, digital cameras and cars," said Bill Watkins, Seagate president and chief executive officer.
鑒於本地的石油產品價格經常加快減慢及各油商調整價格 的步伐趨於一致,而石油產品零售價格往往又未能真確地反 映入口成本價,本會促請政府積極考慮在石油行業引入公平 競爭法及其他有效措施,包括要求競爭政策諮詢委員會關注 本港石油市場可能出現的不公平競爭模式,並委託該委員會 就有關情況作出監察和研究,以增加石油行業的競爭性和提 高產品價格的透明度,從而避免寡頭壟斷,促進公平競爭和 保障商戶及市民免受高油價苦。
That, as the adjustments of local oil product prices are always quick in going up but slow in coming down and the pace of price adjustments by various oil companies tends to be synchronized, while oil product pump prices often fail to truly reflect import costs, this Council urges the Government to actively consider introducing a fair competition law and other effective measures for the oil industries, including requesting the Competition Policy Advisory Group to take heed of any unfair mode of competition that may emerge in the local oil market, and entrusting the Group to monitor and study the situation, with a view to increasing competition in the oil industries and enhancing the transparency of product prices, thereby avoiding oligopoly, promoting fair competition and safeguarding commercial clients and the public against high oil prices.
[...] 务的严重侵入,何况是官员所属国本身希望调查,并在正当的情况下起诉本国官 员,或者国家想尽快援引豁免,以免其官员陷入过分的尴尬或者 苦。
It was noted, however, that it had to be recognized that there were times when immunity may be invoked to avoid the possibility of a serious intrusion into the internal affairs of a State, not to mention that the State of the official might itself wish to investigate and, if warranted, prosecute its own official or a
State may wish to invoke immunity quickly, in order to avoid undue
[...] embarrassment or suffering on the part of its [...]
我今天重申,尽管在所有方面均面临严峻的现 实,但巴勒斯坦领导层依然充分致力于和平和积极参
与以商定框架为基础的可信和平进程,目的是最终结 束以色列的占领,以便使巴勒斯坦人民能够在他们以 东耶路撒冷为其首都、以 1967 年以前边界为基础、 和平、安全地与以色列毗邻共处的独立国家行使自己
[...] 的自决权,并根据国际法和联合国决议公正解决巴勒 斯坦难民的苦。
I reaffirm today that, despite the harsh reality that prevails on all fronts, the Palestinian leadership remains fully committed to peace and to engaging in a credible peace process based on the agreed terms of reference, with the aim of definitively bringing an end to the Israeli occupation in order to allow the Palestinian people to exercise their right to selfdetermination in their independent State, with East Jerusalem as its capital, living side by side with Israel in peace and security on the basis of the
pre-1967 borders, and achieving a just resolution
[...] of the plight of the Palestine [...]
refugees in accordance with international law
and United Nations resolutions.
入了一个国家集团的集团立场,不接受阿尔及利亚和许多其他国家关于加入一项 核心人权文书,即《保护所有移徙工人及其家庭成员权利国际公约》的建议,虽
[...] 然葡萄牙历来是一个移徙工人的发源地国,完全可以理解移徙者受到的 苦 和屈 辱,它建议葡萄牙在这方面起带头作用。
Algeria was saddened that joining the block position of a group of countries, Portugal had not accepted the recommendation of Algeria and many other countries to adhere to a core human rights instrument, the International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families, although Portugal had long been a country of
origin of migrant workers and was well placed to
[...] understand the suffering and indignity [...]
to which migrants were exposed.
關於對藝團的資助,委員普遍認為,政府當局必須(a) 確保撥款資源在演藝團體之間得到合理而公平的分配;(b)檢討當 局資助主要演藝團體的現行模式,以免窒礙沒有接受資助的商業 藝團的發展;(c)提供更多資助以支援中小型藝團及新進藝術家; (d)探討有何方法可盡量減少在營辦藝術活動方面的員工和行政開 支,以便把節省下來的款項重新撥作藝術發展用途;(e)研究現行 撥款政策在達致各項政策目標方面的成效,例如鼓勵藝術與文化 作多元均衡發展的政策目標;及(f)考慮增加文化藝術方面的整體 撥款因為現 時有迫切需要實現西九文化區計劃的願景。
Regarding funding support for the arts groups, members in generally considered that the Administration should (a) ensure a reasonable and fair distribution of funding resources amongst arts groups; (b) review the existing mode of subsidy for the major performing arts groups to avoid stifling the development of non-subvented commercial arts groups; (c) provide more funding for the support of small and medium sized arts groups and budding artists; (d) explore means to minimize staffing and administrative expenses in the operation of arts programmes so that the savings could be re-allocated to the use of arts development; (e) examine the effectiveness of the current funding policy in achieving the policy goals, such as encouraging diversified and balanced development of arts and culture; and (f) consider increasing its overall allocation of funding for culture and the arts, given the imminent need to achieve the vision of the West Kowloon Culture District project.
在医务科,拟新设 15 个本国员额(6 个本国干事和 9 个本国一般事务人员), 因为该科在过去数年里已经扩大了它所提供的服务,这些服务包括联科行动总部 诊所不间断地运作,该诊所现在为强化一级诊所,而不是以前的一级诊所;病人 从三级医院出院后在他们家里对其进行追踪观察;定期对阿比让以及西区和东区 的 11 家三级医院的病人进行探访;区总部的医生开展外联活动,一周两次访问 地处偏远的办公室;在重要的活动期间向政府和作为联合国综合框架一部分的联 合国国家工作队提供支助;拟议在库马西后勤基地每天提供八小时的医疗支助, 而不是目前的两小时。
In the Medical Services Section, the establishment of 15 additional national posts (6 National Officers and 9 national General Service staff) is proposed, as the Section has over the past years expanded the services it provides, which include round-the-clock operation of the UNOCI headquarters clinic, which is now functioning at level I-plus rather than the previous level I; patients are followed up at their homes after discharge from level III hospitals; patients are regularly visited in the 11 level III hospitals in Abidjan and in Sector West and Sector East; doctors in the regional headquarters perform outreach activity by visiting remote offices twice a week; support is provided to the Government during important functions and to the United Nations country team as part of the United Nations integrated framework; and medical support is proposed to be provided eight hours a day at the logistics base in Koumassi as opposed to the current two hours a day.
[...] 報表有關的內部監控,以確保並無重大錯誤陳述(不論是 因 欺 詐 或錯誤引起);選擇及應用適當之會計 [...]
This responsibility includes designing, implementing and maintaining internal control relevant to the preparation and the true and fair presentation of financial
statements that are free from material
[...] misstatement, whether due to fraud or error; [...]
selecting and applying appropriate accounting
policies; and making accounting estimates that are reasonable in the circumstances.




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