

单词 胡志强

See also:


ambition n
aspiration n
record n

External sources (not reviewed)

由于有将胁迫国志强加于它的行为,才使得它除了遵守胁迫国的愿望 行事以外,别无选择。
Nothing less than conduct which forces the will of the coerced State will suffice, giving it no effective choice but to comply with the wishes of the coercing State.
胡志偉議 員批 評當局落實以商業發展為重點的起動九龍東措 [...]
施,會加快業主出售工業大廈,從而亦會迫使更多 藝術及文化機構遷出。
Mr WU Chi-wai criticized that, [...]
with a focus on commercial development, the implementation of the EKE initiative would expedite
the selling of the industrial buildings by their owners, hence forcing more arts and cultural establishments to move out.
胡志明市 南部130公里外,湄公河三角洲上一条名叫Vinh Kim的小村庄,每逢十一月便会长出大量越南奶果。
Around the small village of Vinh Kim, located in the Mekong delta 130 km south of Hô-Chi-Minh City, the vu sua tree produces a large quantity of fruits in the month of November.
例如,五个最发达省份和五个最落受省份的贫困率 之差,胡志民市的低于 2% 到 Lai Chau 的 [...]
For example, the poverty rate between the top five and bottom five provinces ranges from less
[...] than 2% in Ho Chi Minh City to more [...]
than 76% in Lai Chau.
谷、巴塞罗那、柏林、北京、布里斯班、布里斯托尔、 布鲁塞尔、布达佩斯、伦敦中心区、成都、重庆、大连、
[...] 爱丁堡、欧洲地区、法兰克福、格拉斯哥、广州、杭州胡志明市、雅加达、香港、印度、日本、吉隆坡、卢森 [...]
堡、马德里、曼彻斯特、墨尔本、米兰、南京、纽卡斯 尔、巴黎、波兰、布拉格、青岛、罗马、首尔、上海、
沉阳、深圳、新加坡、斯德哥尔摩、悉尼、台北、天津、 乌克兰、华沙、武汉、西安。
Coverage includes Asia Pacific, Bangkok, Beijing, Berlin, Brisbane, Bristol, Brussels, Budapest, Central London, Chengdu, Chongqing, Dalian,
Edinburgh, Europe, Frankfurt, Glasgow,
[...] Guangzhou, Hangzhou, Ho Chi Minh City, Hong [...]
Kong, India, Jakarta, Japan, Kuala Lumpur,
Luxembourg, Madrid, Manchester, Melbourne, Milan, Nanjing, Newcastle, Paris, Poland, Prague, Qingdao, Rome, Seoul, Shanghai, Shenyang, Shenzhen, Singapore, Stockholm, Sydney, Taipei, Tianjin, Ukraine, Warsaw, Wuhan, Xian.
安全理事会这些决议都是目的明确、重点突出 强 有 力 的决议,所有决 议除其他规定外,都重申《日内瓦第四公约》适用于自 1967 年以来被 以色列占领的包括东耶路撒冷在内的巴勒斯坦领土;对占领国以色列从 巴勒斯坦被占领土上驱逐巴勒斯坦平民深感遗憾、痛惜和谴责(第 468(1980)号、第 469(1980)号和第 484(1980)号决议都具体涉及(希布 伦)哈利勒市市长、哈胡勒市 市长和(希布伦)哈利勒市伊斯兰教法官 的驱逐问题);呼吁以色列撤销驱逐巴勒斯坦平民的命令;呼吁以色列 确保那些已被驱逐的人安全和立即返回被占领土并立即停止驱逐任何 其他巴勒斯坦平民。
These Security Council resolutions are clear, focused and strong, and all of them, among other provisions, reaffirm the applicability of the Fourth Geneva Convention to the Palestinian Territory occupied by Israel since 1967, including East Jerusalem; deeply regret, deplore and condemn the deportation by Israel, the occupying Power, of Palestinian civilians from the Occupied Palestinian Territory (resolutions 468 (1980), 469 (1980) and 484 (1980) specifically concern the deportation of the Mayors of Al-Khalil (Hebron) and Halhoul and the Sharia Judge of Al-Khalil (Hebron)); call upon Israel to rescind the orders to deport Palestinian civilians; and call upon Israel to ensure the safe and immediate return to the Occupied Territory of those already deported and to desist forthwith from deporting any other Palestinian civilians.
报告最后建议,为了使基金有足够的可 强 度 , 避免“ 胡 椒 粉 ”式现象,要制定明 确的介入规则.14 。
The report recommends defining clear operational rules to keep the Fund’s profile sufficiently high and to avoid “piecemeal activities”.14 14.
胡志偉議 員問及在5 年檢核期完結前經核 證招牌的展示面有所更改的情況,屋宇署副署長證 [...]
實,新的擁有人須向屋宇署遞交新的檢核申請,以 保留該已核證招牌。
In response to Mr WU Chi-wai's enquiry on [...]
the scenario where the display surface of a validated signboard had been changed
before the end of the five-year validation period, DD of B confirmed that the new owner had to make a fresh validation submission to BD for retaining the validated signboard.
一支由德勤中国领导人组成并由德勤全球副首席执行官Brian Derksen、德勤跨境投资中心主席及美财政部原副部长Robert Kimmitt、德勤亚太区首席执行官志强 、 德勤中国主席劳建青和德勤中国首席执行官卢伯卿带领的高级代表团出席了年会,与企业领导人、政界要人、和学术领袖等共同探究在欧美债务危机的影响下,与亚洲各经济体保稳定、谋发展的相关主要议题。
A senior delegation of Deloitte partners led by Global Deputy CEO, Brian Derksen, Chairman of Deloitte Center for Cross-Border Investment & Former Deputy Secretary of the Treasury, USA, Robert Kimmitt, Asia Pacific CEO Chaly Mah, China Chairman Joseph Lo and China CEO Chris Lu participated to discuss with other business leaders, politicians and intellectuals on topics related to maintaining a stable environment and promoting continuous development in Asia amid economic uncertainty arising from international debt crises.
其宗 旨是提高人们对志愿服务成就的认识,进一步 强志 愿 人员活动的潜力,鼓励更 多的人参与志愿服务,增加能力和资源以促进通过志愿服务进行有效参与,促使 各界和各阶层人民参与。
The aims are to generate increased awareness of the achievements of volunteerism and further enhance the potential of volunteer activity; encourage more people to volunteer; enhance capacities and resources to augment effective participation through volunteerism; and engage all population sectors.
至於九龍東的選情,23%選民表示會投票予工聯會及民建聯的陳婉嫻、林文輝及鄧家彪,表示會投民主黨的李華明 胡志 偉 及何偉途一票的,則為數15%。
Regarding the candidates' strength in Kowloon East, 23% of the voters would vote for
Chan Yuen Han, Lam Man Fai, Tang Ka Piu of FTU and DAB while 15% would
[...] vote for Li Wah Ming, Wu Chi Wai, Ho Wai To of DP.
欧巴马总统胡主席曾强调, 在我们两军之间建立持续和可靠的关系是加强我们两个国家更广泛关系——一种包括触及几乎所有我们公民生活的正在深化的经济、教育和文化纽带的关系——不可缺少的一部分。
Both President Obama
[...] and President Hu have stressed that building [...]
a sustained and reliable relationship between our two
militaries is an indispensible part of strengthening our two nations’ broader relationship – a relationship that consists of deepening economic and cultural ties that touch the lives of virtually all our citizens.
2012 年 6 月 3
[...] 日,在根据新宪法举行第一次议会立法会议之际,共和国总统 在议会发表讲话,强调胡拉大 屠杀的恐怖,并指出它已被最卑鄙地用作反对叙 [...]
In his speech before Parliament on 3 June 2012, on the occasion of the first legislative session of Parliament
under the new constitution, the President of
[...] the Republic highlighted the horror of [...]
the Hula massacre and pointed out that it
had been used in the most abject manner for propaganda against Syria
实际上,这些国家试图垄断核武器及和 平利用核技术,从而将其志强加给 国际社会;这同 样违背了《条约》精神,公然违反《条约》的规定。
In fact, those States sought to monopolize
both nuclear weapons and peaceful uses of
[...] nuclear energy in order to impose their [...]
will on the international community; that,
too, ran counter to the spirit of the Treaty and was in flagrant violation of its provisions.
联伊援助团重申伊拉克政府有权对阿什拉夫营行使权力,营地居民有义务充 分守法并尊重伊拉克政府的权威,同时仍然主张居民应不受阻碍地获得人道主义
[...] 性质的货品和服务,并有权得到保护,免于在违反普遍接受的不驱回原则的情况 下被肆意地大规模迁移,或违反他们的 志强 行 遣 返。
UNAMI, while reiterating the right of the Government of Iraq to exercise its authority over Camp Ashraf and the obligation of the camp’s residents to fully respect the law and the authority of the Government of Iraq, has continued to advocate for the residents’ unhindered access to goods and services of a humanitarian nature, as well as for their
right to be protected from arbitrary mass
[...] displacement or forced repatriation [...]
against their will in violation of the universally
accepted principle of non-refoulement.
如果联合国志愿人员组织方案的较高知名度,包括其执行协调员的级别得 到适当认可,联合国志愿人员组织成功响应秘书长行动议程及与其他联合国实体
[...] 一起参与全系统的政策及方案优先事项设定的能力将得到 强 — — 志 愿 服 务对 和平与发展的贡献将得到优化。
The ability of UNV to respond successfully to the Action Agenda of the Secretary-General and engage along with other United Nations entities in systemwide policy and programme priority setting would be strengthened – and the contributions of volunteerism to peace
and development optimized – if the
[...] higher profile of the UNV programme, including [...]
the level of its Executive Coordinator,
were appropriately acknowledged.
[...] 挥催化作用,志愿人员方案正力求扩大该基金,以便进一步探究、扩大和 强志 愿服务的作用及其对发展的贡献。
Given the catalytic role of resources from the Special Voluntary Fund, the UNV programme is seeking to
augment the fund so as to further
[...] explore, expand and strengthen the role of volunteerism [...]
and its contributions to development.
交通便利:LJIP 距胡志明市 中心、西贡港、协福港约 50 km ,距 Bourbon 港约 35 km,使进出口的货物可从LJIP运输到各地十分便捷,由于新建设 胡志 明 市-中良高速公路使交通无有阻塞。
With a distance of about 50 km to HCM city center, Saigon seaport, Hiep Phuoc seaport, and about 35km to Bourbon port, transportation of goods to/from LJIP for import/export is so convenient without traffic congestion, thanks to the newly-built HCM city – Trung Luong Highway.
Following the dispute - filled early years Jacob Hutter's strong leadership from 1533 to 1536 consolidated this Anabaptist form.
人居署支持了若干国家项目,这些项目旨在改善支持包容型城市规划、管理 和治理的政策、立法和战略,包括:为伊拉克巴士拉省制订当地发展规划和省级
[...] 发展战略;制定非洲大湖区的城市发展战略;编制越南广南省 胡志 明 市 的城市 发展战略;以及为科索沃制定两性平等和安全战略。
UN-Habitat has supported a number of country projects intended to improve policies, legislation and strategies supportive of inclusive urban planning, management and governance, including: local area development planning and provincial development strategy formulation for Basra, Iraq; formulation of city development strategies in the Great Lakes region of Africa; preparation of provincial
and city development strategies in Quang Nam
[...] Province and Ho Chi Minh City, Viet [...]
Nam; and development of a gender and security strategy for Kosovo.
David、John、Paul及Richard Seton四人正在组织本田67大骑行活动(The Great Honda 67 Ride)(www.honda67ride.com),他们将沿历史久远 胡志 明 小 道,骑着迄今已风靡45年之久的摩托车,从越南北方的首都河内,一路骑行至南端 胡志 明 市
David, John, Paul, and Richard Seton are leading The Great Honda 67 Ride
(www.honda67ride.com) on
[...] 45 year old motorcycles along the historic Ho Chi Minh Trail from the northern capital of Hanoi to Ho Chi Minh City at the southern tip of the South East [...]
Asian country.
公司亦加開航班前往 阿姆斯特丹、峇里、法蘭克福胡志 明 市 、約翰尼斯 堡、名古屋及珀斯,並於本年稍後時間,開辦前往阿 特蘭大和達拉斯的貨機服務。
A new freighter service to Atlanta and Dallas will be introduced later this year.
胡志明市 平盛郡,2012年4月11日——早上7点,平盛郡社区医疗中心人声鼎沸。
BINH THANH TRUNG, Viet Nam, 11 April 2012 – It is 7 a.m. and Binh Thanh Trung commune’s health centre is buzzing.
当晚,著名环保人士苏珊与大卫•洛克菲勒与著名企业家 志强 先 生 (阿拉善SEE生态协会重要发起人之一)及众多嘉宾亲临活动现场,共同观看由苏珊•洛克菲勒女士最新执导的《美人鱼的使命》(Mission [...]
of Mermaids)纪录片,将艺术、文化、环境与人文精神完美交融,并深入探讨海洋酸化、过度捕捞以及海洋污染等环境问题,以启示并倡导公众参与到海洋生态保护的积极行动中。
Event panelists Susan and David
Rockefeller, together with Chinese
[...] entrepreneur Mr. Ren Zhiqiang (one of the co-founders [...]
of Alashan Society of Entrepreneurs
and Ecology) engaged in a roundtable discussion about the inter-connections between the arts, culture, the environment and the state of the human spirit, in an exchange of ideas on how to solve environmental issues such as ocean acidification, overfishing and pollution.
2013年3月2日,博爱医疗集团林志程主席在越 胡志 明 接 受了当地媒体的访问,期间主要谈论了如何为癌症患者带来最好的治疗方法。
On Feb. 10, the medical staff of Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou delivered blessings and gifts to the patients staying in hospital for Lunar New Year, and hoped that they can recover early.
结果表明所建方法分离效果好、快速简易,可以弥补中国药典中离子对色谱法(IPLC)平衡时间过长的缺陷,适用 胡 芦 巴 药材 强 极 性 胡 芦 巴 碱的测定,为胡芦巴的质量控制提供了有效的方法。
The results indicate that the method is simple and rapid for the determination of strong polar trigonelline in Trigonella foenum-graecum L. Furthermore, it significantly reduces the equilibration time compared with ion-pair liquid chromatography (IPLC) recorded in the Pharmacopoeia of China.
在来自丹麦基础计量院(DFM)的Knud Rasmussen教授,以及来自Brüel &
[...] Kjær的Erling Frederiksen的帮助下,郝豫川、志强 先 生 以及他们的团队很快就能完成稳定的校准。
With the help of Professor Knud Rasmussen from Danish Fundamental Metrology and
Erling Frederiksen of Brüel & Kjær, Mr.
[...] Yuchuan Hao and Mr. Zhiqiang Pu, together with [...]
their team, were very quickly making consistent calibrations.
过去抵制选举的伊拉克人参加选举,表明了对选 举这种关键的民主机制的坚定信念,而不是使用暴力 把一方的志强加于人。
The participation of Iraqis who boycotted the elections in the past reflected a firm belief in elections as key mechanisms of democracy, as opposed to the use of violence to impose the will of one party on others.
[...] (于2011年2月被认可)、越胡志明市 实验室 (于2011年5月被认可)、及刚于6月份荣获认可的香港实验室后,成为必维的第四所获取于2011年12月通过的新法例要求的婴儿床测试的认可实验室。
This site joins the Buffalo, New York lab, (accredited
[...] February 2011), Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam [...]
lab (accredited May 2011), and Kowloon Bay,
Hong Kong lab (accredited June 2011) as being certified. Shenzhen is the fourth Bureau Veritas lab to be approved for crib testing under the new regulations passed in December 2010.




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