单词 | 胡扯八溜 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 胡扯八溜—talk nonsenseSee also:胡扯—nonsense chatter blather
另外,还有人拉扯他的头发和胡须,而这是违背他的教规的。 daccess-ods.un.org | In addition, his hairandbeard werepulled which is against [...] his religion. daccess-ods.un.org |
(c) 如何监察蛇店,以确保蛇店采取适当措施,防止蛇溜出店舖,对附 近居民造成滋扰? legco.gov.hk | (c) how snake shops are monitored to ensure that [...] appropriate measures are adopted by these shops to [...] preventsnakesform sneaking out [...]of shop premises and causing nuisance to the residents nearby? legco.gov.hk |
这种说法骤眼看来好像言之成理,但想深一层,其 实是胡说八道。 legco.gov.hk | At a glance, this view seems to be reasonable but if we give more thoughts to it, it is nonsense indeed. legco.gov.hk |
我现在拒绝收听商业电台的节目,因 为真的不知道他们在乱说甚麽,经常只是在胡说八道。 legco.gov.hk | Now I refuse to listen to the programmes of Radio Television Hong Kong, because we really do not know what they are raving and ranting about, for what they said is alwaysincomprehensible gibberish. legco.gov.hk |
亦 有人提述先前所关注的问题,即莫礼时教授续约一事可能与合并问题扯上关系。 legco.gov.hk | Reference was also made to the previous concerns regarding the possibility that the re-appointment of Professor Morris had become entangled with the merger issue. legco.gov.hk |
发出牌 照後,该处㆟员会定期视察有关舖位,确保围封物能够防止蛇溜走,并依 照规定标准维修。 legco.gov.hk | Thereafter, they are subject to regular inspections which ensure that the enclosures are escape-proof and maintained to the required standard. legco.gov.hk |
我是一个唯物主义者,我不相信有鬼神,但我确信,如果 [...] 你们真的想和解,而如果亡魂他们在泉下看到谭作人先生无须因为揭露 [...] “豆腐渣”工程而被捕;刘晓波先生无须因为发动《零八宪章》而被捕;胡佳先生无须因为揭露爱滋病是由於贪官而蔓延;赵连海先生无须为争 [...]取自己的小儿子和其他小孩的健康而被拘捕的话,我确信,当天舍生取 [...]义、无畏於坦克和机枪的死者是愿意和解的。 legco.gov.hk | However, I am convinced that if you really want to reconcile and if the souls of the dead could see that Mr TAN Zuoren had not been arrested for exposing tofu-dreg projects, Mr LIU Xiaobo had not [...] been arrested for initiating the [...] 08 Charter, Mr HU Jia had not been arrested forexposing [...]the fact that the spread of AIDS [...]was attributable to corrupt officials and Mr Zhao Lianhai had not been arrested for campaigning for the health of his own young son and that of other children, I believe the deceased who chose righteousness instead of their lives, fearless of the tanks and guns, would have been willing to reconcile. legco.gov.hk |
审 议 结论》 中 的 建 议是否无的 放矢, 多此一举,胡说八道呢? legco.gov.hk | Could the Secretary also inform this Council why the recommendation was brought up again in the Concluding Observations; and [...] whether the recommendations put forward in the Concluding Observations are pointless, [...] superfluous and complete nonsense? legco.gov.hk |
主席,有辩才不代表可以强词夺理,说话流利亦不代表可以胡说 八道。 legco.gov.hk | President, being eloquent does not equal to being allowed to argue fallaciously; and being articulate does not equal to being allowed to talk nonsense. legco.gov.hk |
缅甸黄金、宝石、铜和其他丰富矿产资源的 开采牵扯到没收土地、强迫劳动以及侵犯良好环境权和水权。 daccess-ods.un.org | In Myanmar the mining of gold, gemstones, copper and other plentiful mineral resources has been linked to land confiscation, forced labour, and violations of the right to a healthy environment and the right to water. daccess-ods.un.org |
当我准备走下美国驻华大使的位置,我离开这个国家时比以往任何时候都更加肯定,世界上没有任何关系象这个关系一样如此充满潜力,如果我们集中我们的精力,就有潜力发挥好的作用,如果我们让这一机会溜走,就有潜力带来损害。 embassyusa.cn | As I prepare to step down as U.S. Ambassador to China, I leave this country more certain than ever before that there is no relationship anywhere in the world, that is so full of potential as this one- potential to do good if we focus our energies, potential to do harm if we let this opportunity pass us by. eng.embassyusa.cn |
高刚性与高韧性同时要求的零件,如 脚踏车刹车把手、溜冰鞋底座、脚踏 车轮框。 npc.com.tw | For example, brake lever of bicycle, road roller frame, wheel frame, etc. npc.com.tw |
特首为了应急,於是便在议事堂里胡说八道,我们不可以 将之当作真实的。 legco.gov.hk | For the sake of expediency, the Chief Executive made lots of gibberish in this Chamber and such gibberish must not be taken seriously. legco.gov.hk |
但是,这个版本的使用不当的解释,其标题和基督教的救世主,并最终打动犹太人本身在英语(见,例如,第贝内特,“重要谈话的授权版本,”伦敦, 1834年,塞利格纽曼,“加班Emendations的授权版本的催产素”伦敦,1839年,本杰明马库斯“(喷泉的生命)难易之旅:顺口溜,更正和解释说:”都柏林,1854年)。 mb-soft.com | But the impropriety of the use of this version, with its Christian headings and its Messianic interpretations, did in the end impress itself upon the English Jews (see, for example, S. Bennett, "Critical Remarks on the Authorized Version," London, 1834; Seelig Newman, "Emendations of the Authorized Version of the OT" London, 1839; Benjamin Marcus, " (Fountain of Life): Mistranslations and Difficult Passages of the OT Corrected and Explained," Dublin, 1854). mb-soft.com |
这真是胡说八道!可是,有些议员也中了这些毒。 legco.gov.hk | However, some Members are "poisoned" by this view. legco.gov.hk |
在七月和八月,胡安·莱斯销活着一天二十四小时与众多的夜总会和现场音乐表演场所,并为那些想整天在沙滩上和党的整个晚上,这是一个理想的基地。 leapfrog-properties.com | In July and August, JuanLes Pins is alive [...] twenty four hours a day with its numerous night-clubs and live music venues and [...]this is the ideal base for those that want to be on the beach all day and party all night. leapfrog-properties.com |
但是,无论民主派要求落实双普选的诉求如何合情合理,中央政府 和特区政府同样无视香港人对民主普选的热切诉求,还要在这些所谓普 选的定义上,弄虚作假、胡说八道。 legco.gov.hk | However, no matter how rational and reasonable the democratic camp's aspiration for implementing dual universal suffrage is, both the Central Authorities and the SAR Government have simply turned a blind eye to the keen aspiration for democratic universal suffrage by the people of Hong Kong. legco.gov.hk |
行政长官经常说,球是圆的,还指这话是伍晃荣说的,其实不 是的,这证明他经常胡说八道。 legco.gov.hk | This is actually not true, and it proves that he always talks nonsense. legco.gov.hk |
总体上,手动调整涉及到大笔款项,产生了切实的财务影响,因为牵扯到多方面 的转账:资产负债账目之间,收入账目与日常费用账目之间,资产负债账目与盈亏差额账目 之间。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Their accounting impact is real since they result in transfers between balance sheet accounts, between revenue and current expense accounts, and between balance sheet accounts and profit and loss accounts. unesdoc.unesco.org |
於是,王先生问规划及行政科总监 可否在七月十八日与胡女士会面。规划及行政科 总监表示会向胡女士转达王先生的要求,然後回 [...] 覆他。 legco.gov.hk | Mr Wong asked DPA if he could meet her on 18 July and DPA [...] said he would letMs Wuknow of Mr Wong’s [...]request and get back to him. legco.gov.hk |
地产霸权如狼似 虎,不管开设工厂、商店或经营零售还是建筑业务,无论任何场合或 任何关系,均有可能会与某一、两个地产霸权扯上紧密关系,又或因 为政策上的得失而必然会影响部分生意的经营。 legco.gov.hk | These real estate hegemonies are ruthless and no matter if we run a factory, shop or in the retail or construction business and no matter when it comes to any occasion or relationship, we are bound to have dealings with one or two of these real estate hegemonies. legco.gov.hk |
缔约国重 申,风险评估是单独进行的,不牵扯申诉人对社会的危 害问题,证据只涉及风险问题。 daccess-ods.un.org | The State party reiterated that the evaluation of risk was undertaken independently to the question of the threat the complainant posed to society, and the proof in question related only to the issue of danger posed. daccess-ods.un.org |
所以,说有钱而不能够革命,就是胡说八道。 legco.gov.hk | In my opinion, there are many types of revolutions. legco.gov.hk |
现在政府终於安装了一 部 “电子鼻”, “电子鼻”是否证明了将军澳居民不是敏感、不是胡说八道,该处的确是有臭味? legco.gov.hk | Has the "e-nose" proved that Tseung Kwan O residents are neither over sensitive nor talking nonsense, and that a bad smell has enveloped the district? legco.gov.hk |
我亦被人骂过,他们说,这个“长毛”甚麽也不懂,在胡说八道。 legco.gov.hk | They said that this "Long Hair" knows nothing and is talking nonsense. legco.gov.hk |
所以,我希望大家也明白今天的投票......凡认为制衡或监察特首的权 力过大会造成宪制性问题或这个那个的,便完全是胡说八道,八道胡说,说八胡道,道八说胡(计时器响起)...... legco.gov.hk | Therefore, I hope that all of us understand clearly about today's voting …… those who believe that too much authority in monitoring or exercising checks and balances on the Chief Executive will result in a constitutional issue, or this or that, are just talking stuff and nonsense, nonsense and stuff (The buzzer sounded) legco.gov.hk |
我不知道那名筹款主任是胡说八道还是真有其事,他告诉 报章的记者只要有人捐钱,他便可以安排捐款者与特首进餐 ⎯⎯ 不 是特首,是首相。 legco.gov.hk | I am not sure if that officer was telling the truth or not. He told the press that he could arrange any party donors to dine with the Chief Executive …… not the Chief Executive, it should be the Prime Minister. legco.gov.hk |
当有议员胡说 八道,在完全没有事实根据之下,凭藉《立法会(权力及特权)条例》 赋予的特权在这里信口雌黄,我认为既不公道,也不合理。 legco.gov.hk | If a Member speaks irresponsibly without any factual basis here, or by virtue of the privileges conferred by the Legislative Council (Power and Privileges) Ordinance to wag their tongues too freely, I think this is neither fair nor reasonable. legco.gov.hk |
这边厢 说要争取言论自由 有些民主派议员把甚麽问题都跟言论自由 拉上关系 亚视的王征在政府总部跳舞有甚麽问题呢,让大家笑 笑而已,盛品儒在胡说八道有甚麽所谓,大家可以评论他们,但为甚 麽要吊销亚视的牌照呢? legco.gov.hk | I find this proposal extremely ridiculous. On the one hand, they claim to fight for the freedom of expression ― some Members of the Democratic Party would invariably relate every issue with the freedom of expression ― but what is the big deal about ATV's WANG Zheng dancing in the Central Government Offices or James SHING talking nonsense, which are just some laughing stock for the public? legco.gov.hk |