

单词 绝境



fall into impasse


desperate straits
impossible situation

See also:

by no means
cut short

External sources (not reviewed)

因此,受灾国有责 任根据条款草案保护其领土上的个人,同时有权 绝境 外 的 援助。
Accordingly, the affected State had the duty to protect
individuals on its territory in accordance with the draft articles, while retaining
[...] the right to refuse assistance from abroad.
总干事室应 加强对流动性和汇绝境的预测工作,确保现金晴雨表时时得到更新。
The Directorate should strengthen the liquidity and exchangedeficit forecasting functions and ensure that cash-flow projections are updated constantly for that purpose.
经济上 处绝境的家 庭可能会强迫女孩早婚,以此作为对付办法。
Girls may
[...] also be forced into early marriages [...]
as a coping strategy in economically desperate households.
如果他们能够得到可靠的金融服 务,就将拥有一定的抵御可使贫困家庭陷 绝境 的 突发事件的能力。
If they have financial services on
which they can rely, they will also have a buffer against sudden emergencies that can push
[...] poor households into destitution.
帮助中小公司在陷绝境前找 到变革之法。
It helps to find a way to improve or change the strategy if required before companies fall in the ditch.
此外,我们呼吁安全理事会和所有当事方作出必 要的努力和致力于确保切实执行该决议,以便结束所 有军事活动和暴力;解决加沙地带长期遭受以色列非 人道封锁的巴勒斯坦平民的人道主义和经济需要;并 帮助各方摆脱危机将我们带绝境的 局 面,重新回到 和平的道路上来。
Moreover, we call on the Security Council and all concerned parties to make the necessary efforts and work to ensure the effective implementation of the resolution in order to bring an end to all military activities and violence; to address the serious humanitarian and economic needs of the Palestinian civilian population in the Gaza Strip, who for too long have been under Israel’s inhumane siege; and to help the parties return from the precipice to which this crisis has brought us and back to the path of peace.
[...] 而且疾病可能扩散,因此迫切需要加紧作出更多的努 力,以缓解数百万灾民的不幸困境,其中一些人处绝 境,亟需援助。
As the scope of the disaster unfolds, with the threat of more rain and the potential spread of disease and illness, there is an urgent need for more intensified efforts to alleviate
the sad plight of the millions of people affected by this disaster, some of
[...] whom are desperate and in dire need of aid.
许多受害者,尤其是生下“维和婴儿”又被婴儿的父亲抛弃的人,都在经济 上处绝境。
Many victims, especially those who have “peacekeeper babies ” and who have been abandoned by the fathers, are in a desperate financial situation.
我们也希望我们的支持能够继续帮助那些地震遇难者,他们面 绝境 时 坚强,自尊并果敢。
We also hope that our support will continue to help the earthquake victims, who have responded with strength, dignity and determination to the difficult situations facing them after the quake.
据罗兰贝格咨询公司日前发布的一项新研究显示,亚洲高速火车的急剧增多和美国对货运机车需求的日益上升,已帮助一度濒 绝境 的 铁 路供应行业开创了繁荣局面。
High-speed train developments in Asia and rising US demand for freight locomotives are helping to create boom conditions in the railway supply industry, according to Roland Berger.
然而,一旦他们的经营战略发生偏颇,则很容易陷 绝境。
Any loose strategy will let the company fall in the ditch.
大部分越过南非边境的津巴 布韦人根据《公约》的规定来说并非难民,而是逃 离经济陷绝境的本国。
The majority of the Zimbabweans who had crossed the border into South Africa were not refugees in the sense of the Convention but were fleeing their country, where the economic situation was desperate.
它审查了教科文组织 是否可能面临周转基金储备金无法解决的现 绝境 , 为 了预防这一风险还可使用哪些手段。
To that end, it examines the questions of whether UNESCO is likely to be faced with a cashflow deficit that could not be met by the Working Capital Fund and whether other means could be used to avert such a risk.
作为一个无望获得独立的殖民地,波多黎各及 其经济陷入绝境,失 业率高﹑公共债务沉重﹑犯 罪和贩毒活动猖獗﹑家庭暴力普遍。
As a colony, with no prospect of independence, Puerto Rico and its economy were in dire straits, with high unemployment, heavy public indebtedness, rampant crime and drug trafficking and widespread domestic violence.
过去三十年来,过度的专制统治、镇压政策、系统性的严重侵犯人权、大规 模战争,以及国际社会根据《联合国宪章》第七章实施的制裁使伊拉克陷绝 境,伊拉克共和国期待走出困境。
The Republic of Iraq looks forward to getting out of the impasse in which the country has been trapped for the past three decades owing to the excesses of dictatorial rule, repressive policies, grave and systematic human rights violations, major wars and the international sanctions imposed on Iraq under Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations.
我们是在海地遭受真正毁灭性地震一年多后的 今天举行会议的。地震持续了 47 秒钟,但却造成逾 22 万人死亡,无数人受伤和陷绝境。
We are meeting today a little more than a year after Haiti was struck by a truly devastating earthquake — a blow that lasted just 47 seconds but killed more than 220,000 human beings and left countless more wounded and desperate.
加强国际合作,绝境外走私盗版电影光盘流入中国 z 加强与东南亚国家和地区,尤其是香港、台湾、泰国警方以及司法机构的密切合作,绝境外走 私盗版电影光盘流入中国大陆。
Southeast Asian countries and regions, especially those of Hong Kong, Taiwan and Thailand, to stop pirated movie optical discs from being smuggled into mainland China.
边防卫兵通 过热成像摄像机发现四名外籍人试图进入西班牙境内并下令制止他们时,即已启 动绝入境的行 政程序,但这一程序未能延续。
At the time that the border guards were alerted by thermal imaging cameras of the attempt being made by four foreign nationals to enter Spanish territory and gave the order to stop them, the administrative procedure for denial of entry was initiated, but was not continued.
上述国家法律文书,以及理事会 2010/413/CFSP 号决定和(欧共体)理事会第 539/2001 号决定为绝入境和拒绝签证 提供依据。
The said national legal instruments, together with Council Decision 2010/413/CFSP and Council Regulation (EC) No. 539/2001, provide the legal basis for the refusal of admission and denial of requests for a visa.
法国外国人入境和居留法典第 L.554-1 条规定,“外国人留置期限以其境绝对必要时间为限。
Article 554-1 of the Code on the Entry and Stay of Aliens in France provides that “an alien may not be placed or held in detention for longer than is strictly necessary for his departure.
然而,欧洲的经营环境却并未被视为最易应对的操作 境 , 绝 大 多 数被访者均表示遇到经营层面的问题。
The European operating environment is not, however, [...]
regarded as particularly easy to navigate; with the majority of respondents
reporting encountering operational obstacles.
(b) 阻止这些个人境或过境,但 本段的规 绝 不 强 制任何国家 绝 本 国国 民境或要 求本国国民离境,本段也不适用于为履行司法程序而必须入境或过境 的情况,或委员会经逐案审查认定有正当理由入境或过境的情况,包括直接关系 到支持阿富汗政府努力促进和解的情况
(b) Prevent the entry into or transit through their territories of these individuals, provided that nothing in [...]
this paragraph shall oblige any State to deny entry or require the departure from
its territories of its own nationals and this paragraph shall not apply where entry or transit is necessary for the fulfilment of a judicial process or the Committee determines on a case-by-case basis only that entry or transit is justified, including where this directly relates to supporting efforts by the Government of Afghanistan to promote reconciliation
每个会员国都有 权禁止人员入境,但正如最近第 1904(2009)号决议第 1 段(b)所重申的,旅行禁 令并不强制要求“任何国家绝本国 国民 境 或 要 求本国国民离境”。
Every Member State has a right to forbid entry to its territory, but the travel ban, as most recently reiterated in paragraph 1 (b) of resolution 1904 (2009), does not oblige “any State to deny entry or require the departure from its territories of its own nationals”.
关于复员遣返方案,技术评估团建议联刚特派团加 强联合国的多层面战略,以处理我在上次的报告(S/2009/623)中概述的卢民主力
[...] 量问题,包括考虑实行一项指挥官奖励方案,奖励那些与刚果民主共和 境 内种绝行为 没有牵连或未被控犯有针对平民的暴行的卢民主力量中高级指挥官。
With regard to disarmament, demobilization, repatriation, resettlement or reintegration, the mission recommended that MONUC enhance the United Nations multidimensional strategy to address FDLR outlined in my last report (S/2009/623), including by considering a commander incentive programme targeting mid- to
high-level FDLR commanders who are
[...] not implicated in the genocide or accused of having [...]
committed atrocities against civilians
in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
国际法庭问题非正式工作组设立于2000年6月,处理有关起诉应对1991年以来前南斯拉夫境内所犯严重违反国际人道主义法行为负责者的国际法 庭(前南问题国际法庭)的地位的具体问题,随后被授权处理有关前南问题国际法庭及起诉应对1994年1月1日至12月31日期间在卢旺 境 内 的 种族 绝 和 其 他严重违反国际人 道主义法行为负责者和应对这一期间邻 境 内 种族 灭 绝 和 其 他这类违法行为负责的卢旺达公民的国际刑事法庭(卢旺达问题国际法庭)的其他法律问题。
The Informal Working Group on International Tribunals was established in June 2000 to deal with a specific issue pertaining to the statute of the International Tribunal for the Prosecution of Persons Responsible for Serious Violations of International Humanitarian Law in the Territory of the Former Yugoslavia since 1991 (ICTY) and subsequently mandated to deal with other legal issues pertaining to ICTY as well as the
International Criminal Tribunal
[...] for Rwanda for the Prosecution of Persons Responsible for Genocide and Other Serious Violations of International Humanitarian Law Committed in the Territory of Rwanda and [...]
Rwandan Citizens Responsible
for Genocide and Other Such Violations Committed in the Territory of Neighbouring States between 1 January 1994 and 31 December 1994 (ICTR).
起诉应对 1994 年 1 月 1 日至 12 月 31 日期间在卢旺境内的种族绝 和其 他严重违反国际人道主义法行为负责者和应对这一期间邻 境内 种绝和其他这类违法行为负责的卢旺达公民的国际刑事法庭的报 告。
Report of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Prosecution of Persons Responsible for Genocide and Other Serious Violations of International Humanitarian Law Committed in the Territory of Rwanda and Rwandan Citizens Responsible for Genocide and Other Such Violations Committed in the Territory of Neighbouring States between 1 January and 31 December 1994.
又回顾《国际法院规约》第三十二条和大会关于国际法院法官、起诉应对 1991 年以来前南斯拉夫境内所犯严重违反国际人道主义法行为负责者的国际法庭法 官以及起诉应对 1994 年 1 月 1 日至 12 月 31 日期间在卢旺境内的种族绝和 其 他严重违反国际人道主义法行为负责者和应对这一期间邻 境 内 种族 灭 绝和 其 他这类违法行为负责的卢旺达公民的国际刑事法庭法官的服务条件和报酬的 有关决议
Recalling also Article 32 of the Statute of the International Court of Justice, as well as relevant resolutions of the General Assembly that govern the conditions of service and compensation for the members of the International Court of Justice and the judges of the International Tribunal for the Prosecution of Persons Responsible for Serious Violations of International
Humanitarian Law
[...] Committed in the Territory of the Former Yugoslavia since 1991 and the International Criminal Tribunal for the Prosecution of Persons Responsible for Genocide and Other Serious Violations of International Humanitarian Law Committed in the Territory of Rwanda [...]
and Rwandan Citizens Responsible
for Genocide and Other Such Violations Committed in the Territory of Neighbouring States between 1 January and 31 December 1994
改善一个 相对较差的体制境绝不是 一个线性过程,往往需要在多方面付诸努力,需要集中精 力减少重大问题,与此同时为日后更加有利的变化创造条件。
It often requires efforts on several fronts, focusing on alleviating acute problems while creating the conditions for more favourable change over time.




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