单词 | 蜿蜒 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 蜿蜒—windingless common: meander snaking wriggle zigzag 蜿蜒adjective—sinuousadjExamples:(河流)蜿蜒v—twistv See also:蜿—move (as snake) 蜒—slug
在海的远端,您会发现一座岛屿,这里河流平静 蜿蜒、湖泊与运河风景如画,最适合独木舟、行船和游泳。 discoverireland.com | Beyond the sea, you’ll find an island rich with tranquil waterways with meanderingrivers, picturesque canals andpeaceful lakes – perfect places to canoe, sail and swim. discoverireland.com |
本项目设计灵感来自河流的蜿蜒离合所创造的连续而感性的动作,就像一股流体穿越雅鲁藏布江。 chinese-architects.com | The project design was [...] inspired by the sinuous courseof the [...]river that is split into several streams that diverge and unite [...]to create a continuous and sensual movement; a flow through the Yarlungtzangbu River. chinese-architects.com |
该州主要的河流是墨雷(Murray)河和达伶(Darling)河,它们在平原上向西 蜿蜒流淌。 studyinaustralia.gov.au | The major rivers are the Murray and the Darling, which [...] meander westward across theplains. studyinaustralia.gov.au |
湖面在基地北面体育馆外形成一道蜿蜒的柔和边界,而在露天泳池的南面形成一 段笔直的边缘。 chinese-architects.com | This produces a softly curving shore on the north side round the circular stadiums and a straight edge on the south side for the open-air pool. chinese-architects.com |
随之而来的一个高潮的追逐场面在蜿蜒的岩石道路,导致大峡谷,两人再次智胜军队。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | A climactic chase scene ensues on winding rock passages that lead to the Grand Canyon where the two again outsmart the Army. seekcartoon.com |
Jacob Ballas儿童花园拥有娱乐区、戏水区、 蜿蜒曲折的迷宫以及带滑梯的树屋,业已成为孩子们最钟爱的景点。 shangri-la.com | With play area, water play area, mazes and tree houses with slides, Jacob Ballas Children’s Garden is a favourite attraction among kids. shangri-la.com |
无论是采用蜿蜒式、竖琴式或双竖琴式结构的吸收器,都可以很方便地使用铝来替代目前的管材。 hydro.com | Whether producing single harp absorbers or double harp absorbers, aluminium can easily substitute currently used tube materials. hydro.com |
我们驾车经土路来到了坎 帕拉村和 Nyasi 村,路两边都是茂密的丛林,蜿蜒的小路通入密林深处。 daccess-ods.un.org | We travelled the dirt road to Kampala and Nyasi villages; there was impenetrable jungle on both sides, with narrow paths leading into the forest. daccess-ods.un.org |
该地图是由着名安特卫普版画师海欧纳莫斯·考克刻版,他在其中添加了很多艺术元素,包括三大对手强国的盾徽、 蜿蜒在南 美洲北部的蛇形亚马逊河、海洋中的美人鱼和神秘的海怪以及非洲西海岸上的大象、犀牛和狮子。 wdl.org | The map was engraved by the famous Antwerp engraver Hieronymus Cock, who added numerous artistic flourishes, including the coats of arms of the three rival powers, a snake-like Amazon River that winds across the northern part of South America, mermaids and mythical monsters at sea, and an elephant, rhinoceros, and lion on the western coast of Africa. wdl.org |
但随着地铁系统不断发展,每天持续载运数百万旅客,牺牲地理距离的真正代价日益显着,尽管路线 蜿蜒,贝 克依然使用直线呈现;各站之间在地图上几乎等距,可是有些车站其实极为相近,导致许多乘客习惯换乘路线才抵达目的地,却不知道步行其实更快,或是搭乘在地图上看似最短的路线,实则并非最便捷的选项。 thisbigcity.net | Beck used straight lines in place [...] of the city’s snaking routes, and almost [...]equidistant spacing between stations when some [...]are strangely close to one another. The end result is that many London Underground users change lines to reach their destination when walking would be much quicker, or take routes that appear shortest on the map, but in fact aren’t the most speedy option. thisbigcity.net |
这环回路径可能真的专为自行车而设计,因为穿过群岛的 蜿蜒路径 ,特别鼓励司机慢慢地驾驶,速度比芬兰本土的主要道路更慢。 visitfinland.com | The circular route might have been made for cyclists as thewinding roads that cross the archipelago encourage drivers to drive more slowly than they might on the main roads of the mainland. visitfinland.com |
瓦尔塞尼拥有欧洲最长的绿色运行,“”田螺“是10公里长的 蜿蜒穿过树林,从2 100米到1400米。雪纪录非常好,很大程度上要归功于为主的北阳坡,森林提供了壮观的风景秀丽的滑雪和对恶劣天气条件下的保护。 leapfrog-properties.com | There is a good range of runs for all abilities to ski from the top of the resort which is at an altitude of 2 800 m. Val Cenis boasts the longest green run in Europe, ‘L’Escargot’ is 10 km long winding through the trees from 2 100 m down to 1 400 m. The snow record is very good thanks largely to the predominantly north facing slopes, the forest provides spectacular scenic skiing and protects against adverse weather conditions. leapfrog-properties.com |
迷人的,红色的,狭窄的铁路在盘旋的桥梁和陡峭的山谷中 蜿蜒通行– 这一着名的风景图点缀了很多瑞士的旅游小册子。 swissworld.org | A quaint, red, narrow-gauge railway trundling over vertiginous bridges and breathtaking gorges is a familiar image that graces the cover of many a Swiss tourist brochure. swissworld.org |
两条清澈的河流蜿蜒流过城市,整个桂林都置身于喀斯特山脉的环绕之中,拥有奇异嶙峋的山石造型和洞穴。 shangri-la.com | Two crystal-clear rivers meander through the city, which is encircled by hills with unusual and bizarre rock formations and caves. shangri-la.com |
这条车流较少的公路蜿蜒穿行 在科茨沃尔德青翠丘陵间,您将欣赏到林地、遍地野花的草地、绵羊牧草地和完美无瑕的英国村庄美景。 visitbritain.com | This lesser-used road winds through the green [...] hills of the Cotswolds, so get ready for views of woodland, meadows full of [...]wildflowers, sheep pasture and picture-perfect English villages. visitbritain.com |
2010年,在墨西哥着名的尤卡坦半岛蜿蜒31英里的Dos Ojos灰岩坑,Carlos Coste不携带任何呼吸辅助装备,水下闭气潜游150米,创造了新的吉尼斯世界纪录。 oris.ch | In 2010, Carlos Coste established a new Guinness World Record for freediving, by completing a 150 metre underwater swim using no apparatus through Dos Ojos, a colossal cenote that twists for 31 miles under Yucatan, Mexico. oris.ch |
经过一个多世纪对铜矿的稳定开采,El Teniente矿场下面蜿蜒着大约2,400公里的隧道,这里位于智利中部兰卡瓜地区,距离首都圣地亚哥约80公里。 solidgroundmagazine.com | After more than a century of steady copper excavation, the El [...] Tenienteminefeatures some 2,400 kilometres [...]of tunnels sprawling below the Rancagua [...]region in central Chile, about 80 kilometres from Santiago, the country’s capital. solidgroundmagazine.com |
复员,这个聪明的设计师,其使命的重要自然相信,在1923年提出了自动上弦手表的专利可以从中间 蜿蜒干,由于建筑抵御灰尘的侵入,并的影响,引起轰动。 zh.horloger-paris.com | Demobilized, this clever designer, convinced of the vital nature of its mission, in 1923 filed a patent for a self-winding watch can thanks to a construction from winding stem through the middle, to resist intrusion of dust, and impact, splash. en.horloger-paris.com |
对於电缆行业的行为在蜿蜒的测试是至关重要的。 zh-tw.developmentscout.com | For the cable industry's behavior in the winding test is crucial. en.developmentscout.com |
举目望去的每条蜿蜒小径,每座葱葱山头,每片开阔海景都是让人精神为之一振的视觉盛宴,让您回味无穷。 discoverireland.com | Dive headlong into a wealth of adrenalin-boosting activities from fast-paced watersports to rock climbing all complemented by the panoramic backdrops of some of the world’s most beautiful landscapes. discoverireland.com |
一个有着太多蜿蜒迂回的路线图不能为我们指明方向。 daccess-ods.un.org | A road map with too many roundabouts and detours gives us no direction. daccess-ods.un.org |
布里斯托也是英格兰西南地区的文化和商业中心,这里有保持原始风貌的乡村, 蜿蜒崎岖的海岸线以及着名的古代纪念碑,例如巨石阵。 englishuk.com | Bristol is also the cultural and commercial centre of the South West of England with its unspoiled countryside, rugged coastline and famous ancient monuments like Stonehenge. englishuk.com |
江水将在竹林“工厂”中得到净化,而洁净的饮用水将在美术馆中 蜿蜒前行,供参观者品尝、赏玩或盛入一个特别设计的奥塔水瓶中,作为艺术纪念品带走。 shanghaibiennale.org | It will be purified in the bamboo ‘factory’ and the clean drinking water will snake around the museum for the visitors to taste, enjoy and take away as a souvenir artwork in a specially designer souvenir OrtaWater bottle. shanghaibiennale.org |
沿着蜿蜒不尽 、波光粼粼的金色海滩边,包括世界着名的冲浪者天堂(Surfers Paradise),到处都是国际主题公园、世界级高尔夫球场、一流的餐厅、高档酒吧和热闹的夜总会。 australia.com | Along with endless stretches of glittering golden beaches, including the world-famous Surfers Paradise, there are international theme parks, world-class golf courses, award-winning restaurants, up-market bars and lively nightclubs. australia.com |
Apt镇在吕贝隆地区是世界上最大的,是一种功能性的集镇,其主要的吸引力在于,在老城区中心,其狭窄的街道 蜿蜒过去中世纪的鲁伯隆财产。 leapfrog-properties.com | The town of Apt is the largest in the Luberon area and is a functional market town whose main attraction lies is in the old town centre whose narrow streets wind their way past medieval Luberon property. leapfrog-properties.com |
实现他的作品所需要的技术十分简单和迅速,集中一些废弃的旧木板,连同木板的碎屑和旧木器上的古色光泽,在其中的一面刷一层色泽较暗淡的漆,用粉笔画出之后需要雕刻的夸张的线条,有时只是轻轻的掠过表面,有时则需要有力度和技巧性的刀法刻出 蜿蜒曲折的纹路。 laplantation.cn | To achieve his work require echnology very simple and quick, focused some of the old wood waste, together with the wood debris and old glossy patina on the wood,brush a layer of dark print on the side of it,then paint all the exaggerated lines which need to be carved by the chalk, sometimes only lightly swept surface, and [...] sometimes you need to have strength and skill of [...] the knife carve meandering lines,here,the [...]vitality and spontaneous it’s part of artistic inspiration. laplantation.cn |
在若干因素的推动下,支助费用会增加,这 些因素包括:行动区的地理面积扩大;气候条件;缺乏安全保障;基础设施薄弱; 要求作战部队灵活机动;难以在战争环境中使用平民承包商;无法在索马里南部 (例如基斯马尤)短期就近使用海港,从而不得不靠 蜿蜒曲折的季节性陆地走廊运 输供给。 daccess-ods.un.org | The increase in support costs will be driven by several factors, including the larger geographical area of operations; climatic conditions; lack of security; weak infrastructure; mobility requirements of a dynamic combat force; the difficulty of using civilian contractors in a war environment; and lack of access in the short term to a proximate seaport in southern Somalia, suchas Kismaayo, necessitating the use of circuitous and seasonal land corridors for supply lines. daccess-ods.un.org |
奇迹 万里长城 绵延无尽的土城墙历 经数千年的风吹日晒蜿蜒横卧于无垠的 旷野 大草原和荒漠之上 四周不见一棵 树木 城墙某些地方开有公路通道 在其 他地方 你会发现建在这个世界奇迹旁边 的农舍和马厩 netzhammerbreiholz.de | the living conditions in the yanchi Region villages are basic: in winter a fire is lit in the oven under the bed on which the whole family keeps warm. netzhammerbreiholz.de |
从意大利着名的阿马尔菲海岸至蜿蜒的阿尔卑斯山,都是超过一个世纪以来赛车手喜爱的赛道,细腻的欧洲文化启发了INTERMEZZO今个春夏系列的设计灵感。 trinitygroup.com | From the sparkling blue waters of Italy’s famed Amalfi Coast to the winding Alpine roads that have drawn racing enthusiasts for more than a century, sophisticated European style is the inspiration behind the INTERMEZZO spring/summer collection. trinitygroup.com |