

单词 矫形外科

See also:

外科 adj

surgical adj

外科 n

neurosurgery n
ophthalmology n


surgery (branch of medicine)

External sources (not reviewed)

SILPURAN® 2410 A/B适用于鞋垫、 足跟垫、 绷带支垫等低模矫形外科用产 品的生产。
SILPURAN® 2410 A/B lends itself to soft and elastic orthopedic products, such as shoe insoles, heel cushions and truss pads.
住院治疗天数延长到 21 天后,能够 管矫形外科服务
With the hospitalizing days extended to 21 days,
[...] able to manage orthopaedic surgery services.
太平洋康复医院每年为5500多名中风、脑损伤、脊椎损伤 矫形外科 损 伤 、运动损伤患者和需要一般康复治疗的患者提供治疗服务。
Each year, REHAB treats more than 5,500 patients recovering from strokes, brain injury, spinal cord injury, orthopedic injuries, sports injuries and those individuals requiring general rehabilitation.
例如, 采用分层浇注工艺, 可制成正反两面硬度不同矫形外科 用 产 品。
Consequently, orthopedic products that are harder on the front than on the back (and vice versa) can be built up by casting in layers, for example.
In a new study presented today at
the 2013 Annual Meeting of the American
[...] Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS), researchers [...]
reviewed existing literature
on smoking and the healing of fractures involving long bones (bones that are longer than they are wide).
这种有机硅的硬度可通过改变A、 B组分的混合比来进行调节, 能够帮矫形外科产品及假肢生产商灵活调整产品, 降低生产成本。
The hardness of the silicone can be varied by altering the relative mixing proportions of the two components A and B. Benefits for manufacturers of orthopedic and prosthetic devices include greater versatility and lower production costs.
一些在本市场上遥遥领先 的企业往往已经打入了当地的市场并已经取得了丰硕的成果,而上述
[...] 博览会的共同筹办商 LMI 则着重于协助国际中小型矫形外科 和 康 复 技术企业进驻颇具吸引力的俄罗斯市场。
Whilst market leaders are often already on the spot and reporting good business, co-organiser LMI also wants to do
more to support small and medium-sized
[...] companies in the orthopaedic and rehabilitation [...]
technology sector as they enter the attractive Russian market.
总部设在德国慕尼黑市的瓦克化学集团在今年欧洲医疗设备设计与技术展览会(MEDTECH EUROPE 2013)上将展示一种新的可根据需要调节硬度 矫形外科 及 假 肢用硅橡胶。
WACKER, the Munich-based chemical group, will be unveiling a new silicone rubber of variable hardness for orthopedic and prosthetic applications at this year's MEDTEC Europe.
04 , 05, 06 ] 在赫里奥斯巴特施 瓦尔陶的Agnes Karll医院,38名医生 每年为4500位病人提供以下方面治 疗:麻醉和疼痛治疗、外科、妇科、 五官科、内科、口腔颌面部外科、神外科、矫形外科和事故外科、整容 外科、泌尿科和牙科。
04, 05, 06 ] At theHELIOS Agnes Karll hospital in Bad Schwartau, 38 physicians treat some 4,500 inpatients a year in departments for anesthesia and palliative care, surgery, gynecology, otolaryngology, internal medicine, oral and maxillofacial surgery, neurosurgery, orthopedics and casualty surgery, plastic surgery, urology and dentistry.
该项服务包含必要的产 品以提高患者的生活质量或自理能力,具体包 外科 移 植 、 外 部 假 肢、轮椅矫 形器及特殊整形矫正。
They include the elements necessary for improving patients' quality of life and
autonomy and
[...] consist in concrete terms of surgical implants, external prostheses, wheelchairs, [...]
orthoses and special orthoprostheses.
根据 2008
[...] 年工作组的决定和认可,秘书处制定了一份议题文件,界定了四个经 加强的二级强化单元,包矫形、妇 科 、 附 加内科和附加诊断成像单元。
Based on the decision and endorsement of the 2008 Working Group, the Secretariat developed an issue paper and defined the
four level II plus enhancement modules,
[...] including orthopaedic, gynaecology, additional [...]
internal medicine, and additional diagnostic imaging modules.
(e) 专题研讨会:围绕各种有关外层空间研究和利用的问题,采取双边或多形式,吸收科学家、外交官 以及军事和技术专家参加。
(e) Thematic workshops on various outer space research and use issues,
organized on a bilateral or multilateral basis, with
[...] the participation of scientists, diplomats, military and technical [...]
(a) 二级医院视需要增矫形和妇科单元作为附加能力单元(见本报告附件 6:经加强的二级医疗设施附加能力单元的定义与构成)
(a) When
[...] required, the orthopaedic and gynaecology modules be [...]
added to level II hospitals as additional capability modules
(see annex 6 to the present report
医疗工 作分组同意关于界矫形单元和妇科 单 元 治疗能力、人力和装备需求的提议。
The medical sub-working group agreed with the proposal
[...] of defining the orthopaedic module and gynaecology module in terms [...]
of treatment capability,
manpower and equipment requirements.
在所有 16 个医院设置各单元每 年所带来的财务影响估计最多为:每 矫形 单元 15 003.60 美元;每个科单元 2 832 美元。
The maximum annual financial impact with the instalment
of the modules in all 16 hospitals is estimated
[...] at $15,003.60 per orthopaedic module and $2,832 per gynaecology module.
公共体系负责提供一些辅助服务,包括 矫形 假 肢 、急救和预约患者的交通服 务、复合食疗和上门输氧治疗。
The public system provides the following complementary services: prosthetic devices, emergency and programmed transportation, complex dietary treatments, and home-based oxygen therapy.
形外科和创 伤服务因得不到双手关节修复假体而受到影响,这种假肢普遍 [...]
Orthopaedic and trauma services [...]
are impacted by the lack of access to prosthesis for the joints of hands, commonly used
for patients with rheumatoid arthritis.
9) 在 JECFA 已进行了一项安全性评估但
[...] CCFACCCFA/CCCF 或食典委确定有必要提 供外科学指导的形下,CCFACCCFA/CCCF 或食典委可向 JECFA [...]
提出一项更加 具体的要求,以获得作出一项危险性管理决定所必需的科学指导。
9) In cases where JECFA has performed a safety
assessment and CCFAC CCFA/CCCF or the CAC
[...] determines that additional scientific guidance is necessary, [...]
make a more specific request to JECFA to obtain the scientific guidance necessary for a risk management decision.
[...] 汗,残疾部门协调小组之下设立了获得服务无障碍委员会;在波斯尼亚和黑塞哥 维那,莫斯塔尔开设了一家新的 形外科 中 心 ;在几内亚比绍,比绍的热内卢身 体康复中心改装了设备,即将重新开张;在约旦,启用了机构和方案的国家认证 [...]
散化;塔吉克斯坦发布了供相关部委工作人员遵行的“地雷幸存者心理社会支持 准则”和“医学和社会诊断准则”;泰国正在为从业人员拟订全面指南;乌干达 已制定、启用和散发了服务无障碍标准。
Examples of initiatives undertaken include: in Afghanistan, a Physical Accessibility committee was established under Disability Sector Coordination
Group; in Bosnia and
[...] Herzegovina, a new orthopaedic centre opened in Mostar; [...]
in GuineaBissau, the Janeiro Physical Rehabilitation Centre in Bissau
has been re-equipped and will soon reopen; in Jordan, national accreditation standards for institutions and programmes were launched; in Nicaragua, the number of physicians in remote areas has been increased; in Peru, the decentralisation of rehabilitation services is underway; in Tajikistan, a “Guideline on psycho-social support for landmine survivors” and a “Medical and Social Diagnostic Guideline” for staff of relevant ministries and agencies were published; in Thailand, a comprehensive guide for practitioners is being developed; and, in Uganda, accessibility standards were developed, launched and disseminated.
[...] 措施包括附加在视网膜上能改善视力的纳米 级传感器、能改善听力的电子耳蜗、供运动员 使用的运动增强技术以及新型 形外科 术。
Such enhancements run the gamut from nanoscale sensors that might be added to the retina that improve sight to
cochlear implants that improve hearing to performance enhancement technologies
[...] for athletes to new forms of plastic surgery.
III 中 肺部呼吸器、隱形眼鏡消毒劑、 形外科 植 入 物、 X 光機、激光器等。
III Medium Lung ventilator, contact lens
[...] disinfectants, orthopaedic implants, X-ray [...]
machine, laser, etc.
在为地雷受害者提供适当服务方面,塞尔维亚报告说, 塞尔维亚共和国已将该国所有幸存者纳入了国家各级医疗系统,为他们提供的服
[...] 务,包括急诊服务、治疗、理疗和康复,以及提供假肢 矫形 器 械 等。
With respect to the availability of and accessibility to appropriate services for landmine victims, Serbia reported that all survivors in the Republic of Serbia are integrated within the country’s health care system at all levels
including in emergency medical care, treatment, physical therapy and rehabilitation, and
[...] supplying prosthetic and orthotic aids.
除了安全部队人员的培外,中 心目前 矫 治 服 务机构的代表、律师、医务 工作者、培训员、教养院院长及服务机构领导提供教育和培训。
In addition to the training for security service staff, the Centre now provides education [...]
and training for the representatives
of correctional service, lawyers, health-care workers, trainers, directors of correctional institutions and heads of services.
获得这类津贴的权利在住院单位收留病人实施假肢 矫形 手 术 的整个过程 中提供。
The right to such type of allowance is given for the whole duration of the in-patient unit internment for
[...] prosthesis or orthopaedic intervention.
地 震前海地的主要器材中心(“海地救难之手”)遭到了大部分的毁坏,这就更加需要 国际社会的介入,在假肢矫形支架方面给予帮助。
Haiti’s main source of prosthetic devices before the disaster (Healing Hands for Haiti) was largely
destroyed, rendering international assistance with the provision of
[...] prosthetic and orthotic devices all the [...]
more necessary.
根据秘书长 所述:2011/12 年期间部署到目前外地 16 个二级医院中的半数的形外科单元 的特遣队所属装备新增费用估计数为 120 000 美元,其计算依据是每月湿租费 1 250.30 美元(见 A/C.5/65/16,附件 5.2);2011/12 [...]
年期间部署到目前外地 16 个二级医院中的半数的妇科单元的特遣队所属装备新增费用估计数为
22 656 美 元,其计算依据是每月湿租费 235.99 美元(见 A/C.5/65/16,附件 5.2);内科单 元不涉及新增装备费用,将依靠现有二级医院特遣队所属装备。
According to the Secretary-General, the additional estimated cost of
contingent-owned equipment of
[...] $120,000 for the orthopaedic modules deployed to 50 per cent of the 16 level II hospitals currently in the field in the 2011/12 [...]
period was calculated
on the basis of a monthly wet-lease rate of $1,250.30 (see A/C.5/65/16, annex 5.2); the estimated cost of contingent-owned equipment of $22,656 for gynaecology modules deployed to 50 per cent of the 16 level II hospitals currently in the field in the 2011/12 period was calculated on the basis of a monthly wet-lease rate of $235.99 (see A/C.5/65/16, annex 5.2); and the internal medicine module did not imply additional equipment costs, as it would rely on existing level II contingent-owned equipment.
紫外線影像輔助皮膚分析 接受整形或美容手術、皮膚護理及美容治療前,請 先預約中心之形外科醫生 ,經面診、評估分析及 解釋治療方案後,便可預約接受治療。
Ÿ UV Photography for Skin Analysis Please make an appointment with our doctors for consultation and assessment.
本中心有 賴醫院各部悉心協助,由經驗豐富的 形外科 醫生 提供「一站式」的醫療顧問、激光治療及 形外科 手術服務。
All consultations, treatments, laser therapies and surgeries are conducted by a dedicated and experienced team of plastic & reconstructive surgeons within the Centre to offer patients a one-stop service.
在医科,拟新设 15 个本国员额(6 个本国干事和 9 个本国一般事务人员), 因为科在过去数年里已经扩大了它所提供的服务,这些服务包括 科 行 动总部 诊所不间断地运作,该诊所现在为强化一级诊所,而不是以前的一级诊所;病人 从三级医院出院后在他们家里对其进行追踪观察;定期对阿比让以及西区和东区 的 11 家三级医院的病人进行探访;区总部的医生开 外 联 活 动,一周两次访问 地处偏远的办公室;在重要的活动期间向政府和作为联合国综合框架一部分的联 合国国家工作队提供支助;拟议在库马西后勤基地每天提供八小时的医疗支助, 而不是目前的两小时。
In the Medical Services Section, the establishment of 15 additional national posts (6 National Officers and 9 national General Service staff) is proposed, as the Section has over the past years expanded the services it provides, which include round-the-clock operation of the UNOCI headquarters clinic, which is now functioning at level I-plus rather than the previous level I; patients are followed up at their homes after discharge from level III hospitals; patients are regularly visited in the 11 level III hospitals in Abidjan and in Sector West and Sector East; doctors in the regional headquarters perform outreach activity by [...]
visiting remote offices
twice a week; support is provided to the Government during important functions and to the United Nations country team as part of the United Nations integrated framework; and medical support is proposed to be provided eight hours a day at the logistics base in Koumassi as opposed to the current two hours a day.
出现这些偏差的原因,包括海关干事训练不足,与津巴布韦臭氧办公室缺乏沟通 (2011 年,该国未获得臭氧办公室的必要批准或许可,却允许进口甲基溴项;但情况 早已矫正),外加一 个种植者人数急剧增加的产业需要进一步培训;在埃及,化学替 代品的登记过程缓慢而困难(见相应案例研究的说明);在肯尼亚,项目实施多次延迟, [...]
生产青菜豆,这是一个新兴行业,在不断扩大,只在最近才对该行业实施替代做了研究, 7 该行业可用的化学替代品登记的很少。
Reasons for these deviations include insufficient training of customs officers and lack of communication with the Ozone Office in Zimbabwe (imported MB was allowed into the
country in 2011 8 without
[...] the required validation or permit from the Ozone Office, but situation has since been corrected), plus [...]
a requirement for further training
in an industry where the number of growers has increased dramatically; in Egypt, a slow and difficult registration process for chemical alternatives (as described in the corresponding case study); in Kenya, delays in project implementation and additional time needed to make adjustments to silos so grain can be treated with phosphine; in Morocco, MB is mainly used in the production of green beans, a new and expanding sector where research on the implementation of alternatives has only been conducted very recently and for which few chemical alternatives are registered.




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