

单词 新起点

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External sources (not reviewed)

背景情况:1990 年在宗滴恩通过的《世界全民教育宣言》标志着全球力求普及基础教 育和扫除文盲的一新起点。
Background: The World Declaration on Education for All (EFA),
adopted at Jomtien in
[...] 1990, marked a new start in the global quest for universal basic education and the eradication [...]
of illiteracy.
2004 年 11
[...] 月在布宜诺斯 艾利斯举办的儿童和青年国际电影节上, 新起点 》 也获得特别荣誉奖。
The third International Children’s and
Young People’s Film Festival, held in Buenos Aires in November 2004, also awarded a
[...] Special Mention to “The New Beginning”.
我们认为,联合国在这一历史时刻必须 走在新现实的前头,带领人类走向积极 新起点。
We believe that at this historic moment the United Nations must stay
[...] ahead of the new realities and lead humankind to positive new beginnings.
但是您会发现它是以一种 新的方式思考政策的一个充满启迪 新起点 : 我 们不 能冒险地认为自然提供服务是理所当然的。
But you may find it an
[...] inspiring starting point for thinking policy in a new way: We cannot [...]
risk taking nature for granted.
它亦在美国为重新安居的难民提 新起点 , 并 代表 流离失所者和背井离乡者倡导全球政策变革。
It also provides a new start in the United States [...]
for resettled refugees and advocates for global policy change on behalf
of the displaced and uprooted.
随着总统选举这个重要但艰难的里程碑结束, 阿富汗达到一新起点,肩 负着使阿富汗人民更接 近实现掌握自己的未来这一目标的五年使命。
With the conclusion of the presidential elections — an
important but difficult milestone —
[...] Afghanistan has reached a new beginning, defined by a [...]
five-year mandate to bring Afghans closer
to taking control of their own future.
组建新一届阿富汗政府是这新起点 中 重 要的 第一步。
The formation of a new Afghan Government is an important first step in this new beginning.
我相信,几年后,我 们将对参与了苏丹和南苏丹新起点 工 作 感到骄傲。
I am convinced that, in a few years from now, we will be proud to have
[...] been part of this new beginning for the Sudan [...]
and South Sudan.
[...] 员会(COMEST)第三次会议提出“里约 科技伦理宣言”,标志着地区重视促进国 际科技伦理辩论的一个成功新起点。
A third session of the World Commission on Ethics of Scientific Knowledge and Technology (COMEST), held in Brazil, came up with the Rio Declaration on Ethics in Science and
Technology and signify a successful
[...] starting point for new regional emphasis to [...]
promote the international debate on ethics science and technology.
2010年,中国经济即将迈入十一五规划的最后一年,同时也将迎来新一轮的“五年规划”,历经三十余年变革的国有企业正站在 新起点 ” 整 装待发。
China is stepping into the last year of the 11th Five-Year Plan and will usher in the new round of Five-Year Plan after
2010. Chinese state-owned enterprises(SOE) have experienced reforms over 30 years and
[...] now are ready for a brand new start.
The declaration thus marks a new beginning for the people [...]
of Libya.
2010年初,阿联酋大学(UAEU)推出了标志着这所国立大学的历 新起点 的 博 士生计划。
UAE University (UAEU) launched its PhD programme early
[...] in 2010 marking a new beginning in the National [...]
Univeristy’s history.
我们深知,通过“ISO9001:2000国际质量管理体系认证”、“国家强制性3C产品质量认证”,荣获“国家建设部推荐陶瓷建材生产企业”,“中国名优产品”、“质量信得过产品”、“全国用户满意企业”、“绿色环保产品”、“中国驰名品牌”等诸多荣誉,只是我们事业的又 新起点。
Passing ISO9001:2000 international quality system authentication and “national compulsory 3C products quality authentication”; being awarded of honor titles of  “national Ministry of Construction recommended ceramic material production enterprise”, “ Chinese Brand name products”, “ Quality Trustworthy Product”, "National Customer
Satisfaction Enterprise", “ Green Environmental Products” and "Chinese famous brand”; all these
[...] are our brilliant starting point.
议定的初级商品工作方 案,包括体制安排,标志着贸发会议初级商品方面工作的继续 新 的 起点 或振 兴。
The agreed work programme on commodities, including
institutional arrangements, marks both a
[...] continuation and a new departure – or revival [...]
– of work on commodities in UNCTAD.
我们希望,2009 年 将是和平进程的一新起点,使 我们能严肃和以诚意 处理最重要的问题,即以色列对阿拉伯领土的占领和 [...]
We hope that 2009 will mark a new beginning for the peace process [...]
that will enable us to address seriously and sincerely
the most important problem — the Israeli occupation of Arab territories and its rejection of the establishment of a Palestinian State.
[...] 案,包括体制安排,既表示贸发会议在初级商品方面工作的继续,也标志着一新的起点,即 这方面的工作将再次兴起。
The agreed work programme on commodities, including
institutional arrangements, marks both a
[...] continuation and a new departure – or revival [...]
– of work on commodities in UNCTAD.
这些展览与位于“犹太胡同(Judengasse)”的博物馆分馆一起,展示了法兰克福犹太人社区的历史以及社会和宗教生活:始于十二世纪的犹太人聚居区、法兰克福犹太人居住区的终结以及争取社会融合的斗争和1945年之后犹太人社区 新起点。
Together with the branch of the museum in Judengasse, the exhibitions explain the history and the social and religious lives of the Jewish communities in Frankfurt; the beginnings of Jewish settlement in the 12th century, the end of
the ghettos in Frankfurt, the struggle
[...] for integration into society and the recreation of [...]
Jewish communities after 1945.
[...] 题,逐步地商讨拟订并编纂成法律是一项十分耗时的任务,整个过程中的每一步 骤既是一项工作最终成果,而同时又是始终持续开展的工作 新起点。
As one member had pointed out during the discussion of his second report, the progressive development and codification of any topic in international law was a timeconsuming task, each step
along the way being at once the culmination yet at
[...] the same time a new beginning in what was [...]
always a work in progress.
通过卡尔扎伊总统的国家议程所描绘 新起点, 而且在国际社会一如既往的帮助下,在这个第一年, [...]
也就是我们重新调整重点的这一年里,我们作出了辛 勤的努力,获得了显著的进展。
With our fresh start, as mapped out by [...]
President Karzai’s national agenda, and with the consistent help of the international
community, this first year — our year of refocus — was marked by hard work and rewarded by notable progress.
部分原因是该国转型初起点较低 ,以 新 的 保 健系统未能成功逆转部分 趋势。
This is in part due to the country’s low
[...] startingpoint at the beginning of the transition, and to the fact that the new health care system [...]
has not succeeded in reversing some of the trends.
会议起因是 在卡萨芒斯的塞内加尔地区战火 新点燃 以 及据报两国分界线沿线的界桩被人移动了。
The meeting was prompted by renewed fighting in the Senegalese region of Casamance, and the reported displacement of border markers along the demarcation line between the two countries.
卡扎菲政权的倒台是利比亚人民历史进程的一 个转折点,也是民主新利比亚的一 起点 , 民新利比 亚将尊重人权,并支持所有那些权利受到 侵犯的人,无论他们身在何处。
The fall of the Gaddafi regime had been a watershed
moment in the history of the
[...] Libyan people and the point of departure for a new, democratic Libya that [...]
would respect human rights
and would support all those whose rights were violated, wherever they might be.
因此,大 家普遍认为,教科文组织应该同时支持和促进新”的 和“传统”的媒体(印刷文字、广播、 电视),因为这些传统的媒体在加强言论自由和 多元化方面发挥着重要作用,也是进入信息社会起点。
There was therefore general agreement that UNESCO
should continue to support
[...] and promote both “new” and “traditional” media (print, radio and television), which played a fundamental role in the consolidation of the freedom of expression and pluralism and constituted an entry point to the information society.
无 论是在我们位于欧洲的码头还是位于拉美 的码头,Bromma 都能做到这点,这就 是 Grup TCB 近期为 TCB (Barcelona) 的新 起重机 ,以及为在建的欧洲和拉美码头的 新型船岸起重机采购 [...]
Bromma 吊具的另一 个原因。
This is true both in our European terminals as well as in our Latin America ones, which is another reason why Grup TCB has recently
acquired Bromma
[...] spreaders for our current cranes in TCB (Barcelona) as well as for new ship-toshore cranes under [...]
construction for our
European and Latin American terminals.
介绍性报告处理了一些问题,其中包括:术语问题;嗣后协定和惯例在条 约解释中的一般意义;演变解释与嗣后协定和惯例之间的相互关系;时际法问 题;嗣后协定和惯例的各种要素;包括:可能发生这一现象的有关期间 起点和 终 点、确定各当事方的共同谅解或协议,包括沉默的可能作用、将行为归于国家 的问题;以及嗣后协定和惯例作为条约修改的可能手段。
The introductory report addressed a number of questions including: terminological issues; the general significance of subsequent agreements and practice in treaty interpretation; the question of inter-temporal law; the relationship between evolutionary interpretation and subsequent agreements and practice; the various elements of subsequent agreements and practice, including: the beginning and the end of the relevant period within which this phenomenon may take place, the identification of a common understanding or agreement by the parties, including the potential role of silence, questions of attribution of conduct to the State; as well as subsequent agreements and practice as a possible means of treaty modification.
翻译工作需要如此长的时间,特别是自我辩护上诉人的情况下,对此本应作 出更多解释,然而本报告限于篇幅而不能做此解释,但可以说的是,正在作出努 力,以更有效地与会议和语文支助事务科主管不断联系,以评估进展情况并确定 是否需要对具体的翻译要求分轻重缓急,并 新 探 讨会议和语文支助事务科的内 部要求,即判决书翻译的审校工作必须整体 起 完 成 ,而不是分卷完成(这样做 可以逐步公布翻译好的部分)。
The inordinate length of translation times, especially in cases of selfrepresented appellants, calls for greater explanation than suitable for a report of this size, but it can be said that efforts are under way to more effectively liaise with the supervisors in the Conference and Language Services Section on a continual basis in order to assess progress and determine the need for requesting prioritization of specific translations, and to readdress the internal requirement of the Conference and Language Services Section that the revision process for translation of a judgement must be accomplished as a whole, rather than volume by volume (which would allow for gradual release of translated portions).
国家中央局还进行其他具体工 作,例如任命反恐联络员;把刑警组织的 I-24/7 计算机系统同各警察单位联起来, 使移徙和移民事务总局能够进入刑警组织的固定网络数据库和机动网络数 据库,检查国际机场旅客名单,以防止恐怖分子入境和过境; 新 丢 失 和被盗护 照数据库;以及调查和登记希望在萨尔瓦多活动的各国际基金会。
The National Central Bureau carried out other specific work such as appointing the terrorism liaison official; linking the INTERPOL I-24/7 computer system and police units, giving the General Directorate of Migration and Immigration access to the Fixed Interpol Network Database and Mobile Interpol Network Database (FIND/MIND) to check passenger lists at the international airport in order to prevent terrorists from entering and passing through the country; updating the database of lost and stolen passports; and investigating and registering international foundations that wanted to operate in the country.
然而,其中一些建议由于之后的活动和新的 所需条件的出现,尤其是业务连续性中央管理股的设立而时过境迁,该
股的目的是在全联合国更广泛的基础上处理业务连续性问题,同时考虑 到预防大流行病规划和其他非信息和通信技术方面(见 A/64/472 和本补 编第
[...] A/64/7/Add.8 号文件),以及在因基本建设总计划而 起 迁 移 的情 况下建立 1 个新的二级数据中心的需要(见 A/64/346/Add.1)。
However, some of those proposals have been superseded as a result of subsequent events and the emergence of new requirements, in particular the establishment of a central business continuity management unit to address business continuity issues on a broader, Organization-wide basis, taking into account pandemic planning and other non-information and communications technology aspects (see A/64/472 and document A/64/7/Add.8 in the present
supplement), as
[...] well as the requirement for a new secondary data centre in the context [...]
of the relocations due to the capital
master plan (see A/64/346/Add.1).




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