

单词 开闭幕式

See also:

开幕 v

open v

开幕 adj

inaugural adj


lower the curtain
the curtain falls
come to an end (of a meeting)

External sources (not reviewed)

在奥体中心现场,山东人民广播电台还采用SOUNDCRAFT全新数字调音台Si3作开闭幕式及田 径赛事现场转播系统核心。
In the Olympic site, Shandong People's Radio also
uses a digital mixer
[...] SOUNDCRAFT new Si3 as the opening and closing ceremonies and track and field [...]
events live heart of the system.
为将这一体育盛事,更完美的呈现在观众面前,全国多家电视台进驻IBC, 为观众带来精彩开闭幕式和赛 事转播。
To this sporting event, more perfect presentation in front of an audience, a number
of TV stations nationwide presence IBC, bring to the
[...] audience exciting opening and closing ceremonies and event coverage.
在本届全运会开闭幕式上使 用了2500盏特效灯,这个数目超过2004年雅典奥运会开幕式, 数量与北京奥运会相近。
At the current
[...] National Games opening and closing ceremonies of the 2500 special [...]
effects using light, this number more than
2004 Athens Olympic Games opening ceremony, numbers, and close to the Beijing Olympic Games.
温哥华的 BC Place 体育馆是 2010 年冬季奥运开闭幕式典礼 的举办地点,也是温哥华市加拿大橄榄球队 BC 雄狮队和 [...]
MLS 足球队以及温哥华白帽队的主场。
place in Vancouver was the
[...] location of the opening and closing ceremonies for the 2010 Olympic [...]
Winter games and it is the
home arena to the city’s Canadian Football Team, the BC Lions, and themls Soccer Team, The Vancouver Whitecaps.
大会高级别会议的六次全体会议、一般性辩论各次会议、和评估在处理小岛 屿发展中国家脆弱性方面的进展情况的高级别审 开闭幕式 会 议 以及作为对国 际生物多样性年的贡献的高级别会 开闭幕式 会 议 均将在大会堂举行。
The six plenary meetings of the High-level Plenary Meeting of the General Assembly, the meetings of the general debate and the opening and closing plenary meetings of both the high-level review to assess progress made in addressing the vulnerabilities of small island developing States and the high-level meeting as a contribution to the International Year of Biodiversity will be held in the General Assembly Hall.
作为东北地区第一辆高清电视转播车,它的投入使用为第六届亚冬会 开 、 闭幕式 及 自由式滑雪等各项赛事的转播工作提供了强有力的设备支持和技术保障,全面确保亚冬会顺利播出。
As a northeast of China first HD OB Van, it is
put into use for the sixth
[...] Asian Winter Games opening and closing ceremonies and various events [...]
such as freestyle skiing
to provide a strong technical support, comprehensive to ensure the smooth Asian Winter Games broadcast.
论坛将包括六次会议开幕式和闭幕 式 全 体会议各一次,还有四次专题会议;每次专 题会议都先举行介绍情况的全会,而后分工作小组讨论。
The Forum will comprise six
[...] meetings: an opening and closing plenary meeting, [...]
and four thematic sessions, each comprising
an introductory plenary meeting followed by working groups.
The guests of honour
[...] for the official Opening Ceremony and Closing Ceremony are Prime [...]
Minister Lee Hsien Loong and Minister
Mentor Lee Kuan Yew respectively.  Our distinguished speakers come from many countries and regions around the world, including political leaders and renowned entrepreneurs representing a broad spectrum of trades and industries.
正式代表的注册费包括所有会议的参会许可,展览区、 海报展区的参观许可,参开幕式、 闭幕 式 、 欢迎宴、文 化晚宴的许可,还包括参观一家图书馆(据情况而定)。
The registration fee for regular delegates includes entry to all sessions, the
exhibition area, the poster
[...] area, the Opening Ceremony, the Closing Session, the Exhibition Opening Party, the [...]
Cultural Evening and one
library visit (based on availability).
闭幕式由儿 童权利委员会主席李洋熙女士宣开会, 她赞赏地指出在这两天期间就一系列广泛问题展开了极为积极深入、有启 发性和有成效的讨论。
The closing session was opened by Ms. Yanghee Lee, Chairperson of the Committee [...]
on the Rights of the Child, who noted with
appreciation the extremely engaging, provocative and productive discussions that had taken place on a wide range of issues in the two days.
在本届国际教育大会所采取的创新措施方面,应当指出是,大量使用了视听 手段和信息传播技术:开幕式和 闭幕 式 上 播放介绍情况的录像资料;分别在六个专题 [...]
讨论小组开始讨论之前,播放在国际教育局的青年专业人员项目(BRIDGE)范围内制作 的“成功作法”录像资料;在当地“兰色莱芒湖”电视台的协助下,录制了一期(部长
圆桌会议)电视节目;在国际教育大会因特网址上介绍了百项“成功作法”;次日即可 在因特网上查询前一天的会议讨论概要等。
Among the innovations marking this session of the Conference was the substantial use of audiovisual and information and
communication technology: an introductory
[...] video at the opening and closing meetings; videos [...]
on good practices produced under IBE’s
BRIDGE project (young professionals) to introduce each of the six workshops; the recording of a television programme (round table of ministers) with the assistance of the local television station “Léman bleu”; the presentation of some 100 good practices on the Conference’s website; summaries of the proceedings accessible on the Internet the following day, and so on.
第四十七届国际教育大会同上届会议一样,大量使用了音像和信息传播技术:开幕 式和闭幕式上 播放介绍情况的录像资料;分别在每个专题讨论小组开始讨论之前,播放“良 [...]
As during the previous session, the 47th session of the ICE was marked by the substantial use of audiovisual devices and information and communication
technologies: an introductory video
[...] document at the opening and closing meetings; video [...]
documents on good practices to introduce
each of the workshops; summaries of the proceedings accessible daily on the Internet, and so forth.
2010 年 9 月 22
[...] 日星期三下午的会议将有 20 个发言时段,因为最后一个小时将专 门用于举行高级别全体会闭幕式。
The afternoon meeting on Wednesday, 22 September
2010, will have 20 speaking slots, since the last hour will
[...] be devoted to the closing of the High-level [...]
Plenary Meeting.
第十三届贸发大会的各种会议( 开幕式和闭幕式、 高级别段会议、一般性辩 论、圆桌会议和新闻发 布 会 ) 在以下网址直播和点播: [...]
www.un.org/webcast/ unctad。
Various proceedings of the UNCTAD
[...] XIII Conference (opening and closing ceremonies, high-level segments, [...]
general debates, round
tables and press conferences) will be available live and on-demand at the following website: www.un.org/webcast/unctad.
第十三届澳门国际烟花比赛汇演的十支队伍,分别来自菲律宾、韩国、澳洲、泰国、葡国、台湾、英国、日本、中国、瑞士,各队均具特色,其中泰国、韩国、葡国和瑞士的参赛队伍,曾经参加过澳门的国际烟花比赛汇演,并取得佳绩,而韩国的队伍曾负责1988年奥林匹克运动会及1986年的亚洲运动会 开幕式 和 闭幕 式 的烟花表演,各参赛队伍都有着丰富的经验和独特的烟花制造技术,定必为观众带来惊喜,令喜庆节日平添色彩。
The ten teams participating in the 13th Macau
[...] International Fireworks Display Contest are from the [...]
Philippines, South Korea, Australia,
Thailand, Portugal, Taiwan, United Kingdom, Japan, China and Switzerland, each possessing their own uniqueness.
会议主席随后正式宣开始本 届会议的最后一次会议,以听取对综合报告的 介绍,通过第四十六届国际教育大会产生的《结论和行动建议》,以及举行这届会议闭幕式。
The President then officially opened the Conference’s last meeting, which was devoted to the submission of the general report, the adoption of the “Conclusions and proposals for action” deriving from the 46th session of the ICE, and the closing ceremony proper.
鉴于上述关于行动的呼吁,提出以下问题供两个互 式 专 题小组审议,这两 个小组将在全体会议开幕和闭幕期 间 举行为期一天的高级别会议,主题是“在 可持续发展和消除贫穷背景下处理荒漠化、土地退化和干旱问题”。
With these calls for action in mind, the following questions are suggested for consideration at the two interactive panels that will constitute the one-day high-level meeting of the General Assembly on the theme “Addressing desertification, land degradation and drought in the context of sustainable development and poverty eradication”, between the opening and closing plenary meetings.
(b) 出席会议,包括登记开幕式、谈 判和工作组以 闭幕式
(b) Participation in the conference, including
[...] registration and the opening ceremony, negotiations and working groups, and the closing ceremony
(a) 决定评估通过执行《关于进一步执行小岛屿发展中国家可持续发展行动 纲领的毛里求斯战略》处理小岛屿发展中国家脆弱性的进展情况高级别审查的安 排如下:2010 年 9 月 24 日上午 9 时至 11 时 30 分举行全体会开幕式,下 午 1 时至 6 时举行第 1 次圆桌会议;2010 年 9 月 25 日上午 10 时至下午 1 时举行第 2 次圆桌会议,下午 3 时至 6 时举行关于各区域观点的互动对话,下午 6 时至 7 时 举行全体会闭幕式
(a) Decides that the high-level review to assess progress made in addressing the vulnerabilities of small island developing States through the implementation of the Mauritius Strategy for the Further Implementation of the Programme of Action
for the Sustainable Development of Small Island Developing States will
[...] consist of an opening plenary meeting from 9 a.m. to 11.30 a.m. and round table 1 from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. on 24 September 2010; and round table 2 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., an interactive dialogue on cross-regional perspectives from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. and a closing plenary meeting [...]
from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. on 25 September 2010
剩余的资金现在主要用开展全 球 宣传活动、文件翻译、出版物、组织培训讲习班、研讨会 闭幕 会 议
The study indicated the significant role of education in primary prevention and this should serve as a basis for future UNESCO programming.
(a) 决定此次会议将在现有资源范围内举办,具体安排是,先举 开幕式全 体 会议,上午举行一次互动式小组讨论,主题与高级别会议相同,下午举行第二 次互动式小组讨论,最后举闭幕式 全 体 会议
(a) Decides that the meeting will be organized within
existing resources and
[...] structured around an opening plenary meeting, followed by one interactive panel in the morning, on the same theme as the high-level meeting, followed by a second interactive panel in the afternoon, followed by a closing plenary meeting
该法 案规定,开放式设施 可准许其囚犯享有与家人共处的时间, 闭式 设 施 必须预 留一间单人牢房,供按有关条款安排的配偶定期探监时使用。
Under the bill,
[...] inmates in semi-open facilities may be given permits to spend time with their families and a cell must be set aside in closed facilities [...]
for regular spousal visits
that are to be organized in accordance with the relevant regulations.
[...] 的国家元首和政府首脑级大会高级别会议以纪念《德班宣言和行动纲领》通过十 周年,以“种族主义、种族歧视、仇外心理和相关不容忍行为的受害者:承认、 正义与发展”为专题,活动内容包括一 开幕 全 体 会议、连续的圆桌会议/专题 小组会议和一闭幕全体会议(第 65/240 号决议)。
At the same session, the General Assembly decided to hold a one-day high-level meeting of the Assembly to commemorate the tenth anniversary of the adoption of the Durban Declaration and Programme of Action, at the level of Heads of State and Government, on the second day of the general debate of the sixty-sixth session, on the theme “Victims of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance: recognition, justice
and development”,
[...] consisting of an opening plenary meeting, consecutive round tables/thematic panels and a closing plenary meeting [...]
(resolution 65/240).
AERODIUM在全世界诸多场地和仪式中表演,包括2006年奥运会在托里诺举行 闭幕式 , 同 年意大利“超人归来”的首映,2007年迪拜世界赛马比赛决赛,2008年土耳其黑海奥林匹克运动 开幕式 , 2009年在莫斯科红色广场的索契奥林匹克运动会会标展示,近期刚刚闭幕的中国上海拉脱维亚馆AERODIUM循环风洞展示。
AERODIUM  has performed at various venues all over the world
including 2006
[...] Olympics in Torino closing ceremony, the premiere of ‘Superman Returns’ in Italy the same year, Dubai World Cup horse race finals in 2007, Black Sea Olympic Games opening ceremony in Turkey in 2008, [...]
and Sochi Olympic games
logo presentation in the Red Square in Moscow in 2009.
2011 年 9 月 20 日将举行为期一天的高级别会议, 其中包括一次全体会开幕式、上午和下午的互动式 小组讨论以及一次全体会闭幕式, 高 级别会议动用 大会津贴在上午 10 时至下午 1 时以及下午 3 时至 6 时举行两次会议,并使用六种正式语文为这次高级别 [...]
The one-day high-level meeting to be
held on 20 September
[...] 2011, comprising an open plenary meeting, morning and afternoon interactive panels and a closing plenary would use [...]
the entitlement of the
General Assembly for two meetings from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. and from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m., with interpretation services in all six official languages and verbatim records for the plenary portion of the high-level meeting, provided that there were no parallel meetings of the General Assembly during the same time period.
[...] 对毒品使用的高质非刑罪化”(2009 年)、与欧洲和地中海警察部队和具军事地位 宪兵部队协会举办的首届犯罪和社会学研讨 闭幕式 ( 2 0 06 年)、“恐怖主义受害 者:安全部队的心理社会反应”(2006 年),此外还有部长理事会主席团制止毒品 委员会举办的关于吸毒上瘾问题的研讨会(2001 [...]
的关于刑法系统中毒品使用者和违法者问题的研讨会的毒品和吸毒者问题小组 主席(1998 年)。
Participated in a number of meetings, including “Deterrence model of intervention — quality decriminalization of drug use” at the National Congress of the Institute on Drugs and Drug Addiction (2009), the closing ceremony of the first Criminal and Social
Sciences Seminar with
[...] the Association of the European and Mediterranean Police Forces and Gendarmeries with Military Status (FIEP) (2006), “Victims [...]
of terrorism: the
response psychosocial of the security forces” (2006), in addition to seminars on drug addiction by the commissions for the drug deterrence of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers (2001); Chair of the panel on drugs and drug addicts at a seminar on drug users and offenders in the penal system, organized by the Pompidou Group of the Council of Europe, Strasbourg (1998).
根据这一程序,总干事已向按上述指示保持业务关系的非政府组织以及保持 式 关系 的基金会及其它类似机构通报了召开大会第三十三届会议事宜,给它们寄去了大会临时议程 并请它们至迟于大会届开幕之日 起前一个月内告知他是否希望派观察员列席会议,同时请 它们说明其代表希望参加哪些议程项目的审议工作。
In compliance with that procedure, the Director-General informed the non-governmental organizations (NGOs) maintaining operational relations under the aforementioned directives, and also the foundations
and similar
[...] institutions maintaining official relations, of the holding of the 33rd session of the General Conference, sent them the provisional agenda and invited them to notify him at least one month before the opening of the session if [...]
they wished to be represented
at it by observers, requesting them to indicate to him at the same time the agenda items in whose consideration their representatives would like to participate.
然而,重视闭式框架 协议第一阶段的激烈竞争,意味着应当对适用 开 招 标的除外情形进 行认真审查,尤其要考虑到框架协议程序中存在的不利于竞争的风险以及适合 框架协议的采购类型(关于有哪些风险,见上文本章介绍第**段 [**超级链 [...]
However, the importance of rigorous
competition at the
[...] first stage of closed framework agreements means that the application of exceptions to open tendering should [...]
be carefully scrutinized,
particularly in the light of the competition risks in framework agreements procedures and types of purchases for which framework agreements are appropriate (as to which, see paragraphs** of the Introduction to this Chapter above [**hyperlink**]).
当天晚上,在金边和平宫举行开幕 仪 式 , 出 席 开幕仪 式的有 柬埔寨首相洪森、联合国开发计划署署长海伦·克拉克、柬埔寨首相特使 兼柬埔寨地雷行动管理局副局长普拉克·索克宏恩阁下和地雷幸存者、青年活动 [...]
In the evening an opening ceremony took place at the Peace Palace [...]
in Phnom Penh featuring the participation of Cambodian
Prime Minister Hun Sen, the Administrator of the United Nations Development Programme Helen Clark, Minister Attached to the Prime Minister of Cambodia and Vice President of the Cambodian Mine Action Authority Prak Sokhonn, and landmine survivor and youth activist Song Kosal.
在会开幕式上,我的个人特使请双方和邻国的代表团认真 考虑席卷中东和北非区域的抗议浪潮对西撒哈拉问题谈判进程的影响,并建议双 [...]
方不妨认真着手谈判,以尽量减少抗议浪潮对所在次区域的威胁,而邻国可以为 谈判进程提供更多的援助。
In opening this round, my Personal Envoy asked [...]
the delegations of the parties and of the neighbouring States to reflect
on the implications for the Western Saharan negotiating process of the protest movements sweeping across the Middle East and North Africa and suggested that, to minimize the dangers to their own subregion, the parties would do well to begin negotiating seriously, while the neighbouring States could lend still greater assistance to the process.




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