单词 | 殪 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 琪—fine jade殪—exterminateExamples:杜琪峰—Johnnie To (1955-), Hong Kong film director 珣玗琪—type of ancient jade 斯沃琪n—Swatchn
对於业界代表的意見,冯宇琪医生說,中心考虑另外举行会议与业界代表深入讨論 有关“食物安全「诚」諾"的安排。 cfs.gov.hk | In response to views of trade representatives, Dr. Anne FUNG said that a separate meeting would be considered to discuss with trade representatives in details on the arrangement for the Charter. cfs.gov.hk |
我不否认斯沃琪集团的意志,我明白其中的逻辑。 zh.horloger-paris.com | I do not deny the will of the Swatch Group, I understand the logic. en.horloger-paris.com |
1981年在佩斯大学修完MBA毕业,之后他在美国担任过多种职位,在1988年进入斯沃琪集团出任美国副总裁。 hamburg-summit.com | He graduated with an MBA from Pace University in 1981 after which he held various positions in the US, joining Swatch Group as its US Vice President in 1988. hamburg-summit.com |
在另一方面,这是很有道理的斯沃琪集团的决定,特别是其子公司ETA,然後逐渐减少至停止提供机械机芯的外部标记。 zh.horloger-paris.com | On the other hand, it is justified by the decision of the Swatch Group, specifically its subsidiary ETA, then gradually decrease to stop the delivery of mechanical movements to external marks. en.horloger-paris.com |
尽管许多成员琪,sthe大以及小,教师以及学生,都提到的各种说法和决策的作者,由于参加的讨论和争议,部分学者认为其中一些是值得的记录单一句话帐户,背景的犹太法典,或者说对这些元素,其作者是关于发言的背景下,成立了由这些谁生产,工作辛劳的团结努力。 mb-soft.com | Although many members of the academie-sthe great as well as the small, teachers as well as pupils-are mentioned as the authors of various sayings and decisions, and as taking part in the discussions and controversies, some of them being deemed scholars worthy of record on account of a single remark, the background of the Talmud, or rather the background for those elements regarding whose authorship statements are made, was formed by the united efforts of those who labored to produce that work. mb-soft.com |
香港特别行政区教育局副秘书长陈嘉琪博士 (前排左三);香港大学教育学院副院长及教育资讯科技中心总监罗陆慧英教授 (前排右四);联合国教育、科学及文化组织总监 Dr Gwang-Jo Kim (後排左一);欧盟委员会「未来科技研究学院」高级科学家 Dr Yves Punie (後排左五);香港大学教育学院院长颜哲思教授 (後排左六);香港大学「科学专题策划研究」会议召集人程介明教授 (後排右一)及嘉宾。 xn--pssu7cv61a...xn--wcvs22d.hk | Dr K K Chan, Deputy Secretary of Education Bureau of HKSAR (first row left 3); Professor Nancy Law, Director of CITE and Associate Dean of Faculty of Education of HKU (first row right 4); Dr Gwang-Jo Kim, Director of UNESCO, BKK (second row left 1); Dr Yves Punie, Senior Scientist of Institute for Prospective Technology Studies of European Commission (second row left 5); Professor Stephen Andrews, Dean of Faculty of Education of HKU (second row left 6); Professor Cheng Kai Ming, Co-Convenor of Strategic Research Theme on Science of Learning of HKU (second row right 1) and our honorable guests. xn--pssu7cv61a...xn--wcvs22d.hk |
冯宇琪医生补充说,外国通常公布不合格样本的详情,部分国家会在接获查询时 向查询人提供合格样本的详情。 cfs.gov.hk | Dr. Anne FUNG supplemented that overseas countries normally announced details of samples tested with unsatisfactory result and some provided details on those with satisfactory result to the enquirer upon enquiry. cfs.gov.hk |
1991年,Alfred Hofkunst设计的斯沃琪波普蔬菜三部曲让我在Bucherer钟表店门前苦守了一整夜,就为了第二天早上变成少数的几名幸运者可以拥有限量的艺术钟表。 iontime.ch | Back in 1991, the Pop Swatch vegetables trilogy by Alfred Hofkunst made me stay in front of a Bucherer watch shop all night, just to be among the lucky few and get the limited art specials in the morning. iontime.ch |
这一方式的其他例子是:特德·特纳通过联合国基金公司进行捐助;Cisco 系统公司通 过网络援助基金会联合王国有限公司向开发计划署进行捐助;金星公司(南韩)和斯沃琪公 司(瑞士)等通过联合国五十周年基金会向联合国提供捐助。 unesdoc.unesco.org | through which Cisco Systems made its contribution to UNDP; the Foundation for the United Nations fiftieth anniversary through which, inter alia, Goldstar (South Korea) and Swatch (Switzerland) channelled their contributions to the United Nations. unesdoc.unesco.org |
拥有传讯及不同创意行业资历的我,在参与提升社会关注年青癌症病患者的社区工作数年後,加入了Maggie's(铭琪)癌症关顾中心。 maggiescentre.org.hk | With a background in communications and various creative industries, I joined Maggie's after several years of community work raising awareness for young adults living with cancer. maggiescentre.org.hk |
有见及此,Academie法国爱琪美坚持着其一贯「治标治本」的理念,为大家研发出全新的「智能导航」新成份,以极微细的份子穿梭皮肤,彷如追踪仪般利用导航方法创出美肌新一页。 hk.eternal.hk | In view of this, Academie has been finding ways to tackle the “underlying causes"", and that has triggered the birth of this newly invented “intelligent navigation” ingredient, allowing the very fine particles to penetrate into the skin and act like a tracker-like navigation. hk.eternal.hk |
2012年9月7日,广州:第三届中国临空经济国际高峰论坛于9月5日广州正式召开,罗兰贝格管理咨询高级合伙人、全球监事会成员吴琪先生受邀参加,在论坛上,吴琪与中国民用机场协会秘书长陈晓宁一起发布了《2012中国民用机场发展报告》,并与现场专家一起就临空经济区规划与商业模式构建进行了交流,展望机场业与临空经济的现状与趋势。 rolandberger.com.cn | Guangzhou, September 7, 2012: Wu Qi, Senior Partner and Member of the Supervisory Board of Roland Berger Strategy Consultants, was invited to present the 2012 Chinese Civil Airport Development Report at the 3rd China Airports Economy Summit in Guangzhou on September 5. Mr. Wu presented the report with Chen Xiaoning, Secretary General of the China Airports Association (CAA), and afterwards exchanged views with other experts on the planning of airport economic zones and business models and anticipated the current situation and development trends of the airport industry and economy. rolandberger.com.cn |
坐北朝南,结构合理,设施齐备:地热,空调,HRV空气循环系统,6向监控系统, 中央吸尘,实木地板,整屋实木门,黑珍珠大理石台面,顶级德国miele电器,砂岩壁炉,施瓦洛施琪水晶吊灯, 冲浪浴缸,手工雕刻墙饰,汉斯科洛依水龙头,科勒卫浴品,HRV 全屋换风系统,采用最现金的采暖和热水炉设备,节省30%的能源,外墙采用华丽Limestone石材。 homewithtyra.com | This custom quality-built stunning one-of-a-kind home offers the best layout of 6B5B,AC,radiant heat,HRV,engineering cherrywood floor,black pearl granite countertop,sand stone fireplaces, 6-way security camera system,hand-made wall carving decors, all through hardwood doors,swarovski crystal chandelier,Miele appliances in both kitchens, hansgrohe faucets & shower, Kohler bathroom products,best boiler and hotwater tank saving 30% up energy,gorgeous limestone exterior walls,and so much more. homewithtyra.com |
着名香港艺人薜凯琪小姐为代言人的暗疮膏推广网站。 smartinfo.com.hk | A online advertising campaign work for the product. smartinfo.com.hk |
同样位 於碧琪箕的多层住宅大厦Asia,共有123 个单位,兴建 工程正在进行中,预计於二零零七年上半年落成。 swirepacific.com | Work is underway at Asia, a 123-unit condominum tower also on Brickell Key scheduled for completion in the first half of 2007. swirepacific.com |
若有变更住址,去年通讯錄有错误,或不愿意将地址刊登在通讯錄的家长们,烦请至办 公室或 E-mail 至陈晓琪的电子信箱 tcchen85@cox.net 作更改及登记。 clsphoenix.org | If there is a change in your address, any error on last year's student directory, or you wish to hide your address from the student directory, please contact Terry Chen in the office or email tcchen85@cox.net clsphoenix.org |
为了庆祝公司成立160周年及品牌与标识使用125周年,斯沃琪集团的创始人兼总裁Nicolas G. Hayek和浪琴表总裁Walter von Känel在企业所在地圣耶米主持浪琴表博物馆的开幕典礼,该博物馆专门开辟了一间大厅以追溯公司的发展历程。 longines.cn | To celebrate the 160th anniversary of its existence and 125 years of the use of its brand name and logo, Nicolas G. Hayek, founder and president of Swatch Group, and Walter von Känel, president of Longines, inaugurate the Longines Museum at the company’s headquarters in Saint-Imier, with a gallery retracing the company’s history. longines.com |
借参加2011年七月于上海举行的世界游泳锦标赛的机会,十四次奥运会金牌得主、欧米茄长期的代言人Michael Phelps莅临了位于斯沃琪和平酒店艺术中心里的欧米茄旗舰店。 spla-t.com | As part of his time in Shanghai for the FINA World Aquatic Championships in Shanghai in July of 2011, 14-time Olympic gold medalist and longtime Omega spokesman Michael Phelps visited the Omega flagship store housed within the Swatch Art Peace Hotel. spla-t.com |
在随后的几年中,SMH,这绝对收购了在1998年斯沃琪集团的名称,进行了历史的瑞士钟表品牌(欧米茄手表/天梭,浪琴和雷达表在80年,宝玑一系列收购'90),以及实施世界领先的钟表生产国。 watches-jewels.com | In subsequent years, the SMH, which has finally acquired the name of the Swatch Group in 1998, continues a series of acquisitions of historic Swiss watch brands (Omega Watches / Tissot, Longines and Rado in the 80s and Breguet years '90) as well as imposing the world's leading producer of watches. watches-jewels.com |
维琪奥港的真正发展因旅游和令人难以置信的是靠近山,辛辣的香味的马基斯和粉红色的村,皮亚纳。 leapfrog-properties.com | Porto-Vecchio has really developed due to tourism and is incredibly well situated close to the mountains, spicy scented maquis and the pink village of Piana. leapfrog-properties.com |
当晚出席的众明星包括动作巨星甄子丹先生及汪诗诗女士伉俪、着名影星舒淇小姐、钟楚红小姐、李美凤小姐、林熙蕾小姐、和韩国明星崔始源先生,另外,亦有一众城中名人嘉宾包括文华酒店集团首席执行官倪德祈(Edouard Ettedgui)先生及Sylviane Ettedgui女士伉俪、何超琼女士、何超凤女士、谢玲玲女士、梁安琪女士、陈法蓉小姐、王爱伦小姐、王瑞勋先生及杨婉仪女士伉俪、陈浥萍小姐、Julien Lepeu先生及Kathy Lepeu女士伉俪、蒋怡小姐、邱杨宝春女士、利瓦伊达医生及邝霭慧医生伉俪、Andrew Kinoshitae先生及Lunmen Kinoshita女士伉俪、Stephen Hung先生及Deborah Hung女士伉俪、Gioia Van der Reijt女士、林雨生先生及Tais Lam女士伉俪等均应邀出席晚宴。 piaget.com.cn | Amongst the star-studded list of guests were action star Mr Donnie Yen and his wife Ms Cissy Wang, celebrated actress Ms Shu Qi, Ms Cherie Chung, Ms Elizabeth Lee and Ms Kelly Lin, Korean actor Mr Choi Siwon, as well as the city’s most notable and stylish socialites and VIPs including Mr Edouard Ettedgui, Group Chief Executive of Mandarin Hotel Group and Mrs Sylviane Ettedgui, Ms Pansy Ho, Ms Daisy Ho, Ms Lynn Hsieh, Ms Angela Leong, Ms Monica Chan, Ms Ellen Wong, Mr and Mrs Simon and Winnie Wong, Ms Monica Chen, Mr and Mrs Julien and Kathy Lepeu, Ms Coco Chiang, Mrs Teresa Yau, Dr and Dr Walton and Ava Li, Mr and Mrs Andrew and Lunmen Kinoshita, Mr and Mrs Stephen and Deborah Hung, Mrs Gioia Van der Reijt, Mr and Mrs Gordon and Tais Lam and many more. en.piaget.com |
在其过往的咨询生涯中,吴琪管理过的项目包括以下行业:民航、航运、物流、旅游、金融、耐用消费品、设备、IT、贸易、政府,以及以下领域:发展战略、组织管理、销售影响(尤其是品牌战略)、并购后融合、全球化以及国际并购。 rolandberger.com.cn | During his consulting career, he has managed projects in aviation, shipping, logistics, tourism, finance, durable consumer goods, equipment, IT, trade, government industries and development strategy, organization management, sales & marketing (especially brand strategy), post M&A integration, globalization and international M&A. Wu Qi has a wealth of experience in developing and implementing reform strategies for China's large state-owned enterprises (SOE), proven by his extensive list of successful project references. rolandberger.com.br |
大赦国际称对戚兰琪的指控违反了言论自由,并呼吁要 求泰国当局取消对他的指控。 crisisgroup.org | Amnesty International has called on Thai authorities to drop charges against Jiranuch, arguing the prosecution infringes on freedom of expression. crisisgroup.org |
集团进行了一系列利润丰厚且有助于建立品牌形象的活动,包括成为2008年北京夏季奥运会的赞助商,邀请各界名人进行代言——从泳坛健将Michael Phelps, 足球明星Michael Owen到天后级女演员章子怡,再到当红电视主持人蔡康永,斯沃琪集团的各个品牌都在奢侈品行业内保持高端的形象并掌握着最大的市场份额。 spla-t.com | After lucrative and brand-building deals such as sponsorship of the 2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing and celebrity spokespersons and fans who range from swimmer Michael Phelps and footballer Michael Owen to actress Zhang Ziyi and television presenter Kevin Tsai (蔡康永), brands under the Swatch Group enjoy some of the highest profiles and largest market shares in the ever-growing Chinese luxury goods industry. spla-t.com |
所以斯沃琪正对我的胃口,很快我就购买了最初的几只斯沃琪表-其中包括斯沃琪Grey Markers和传奇款Jelly Fish(无银色内表圈款)。 iontime.ch | So Swatch was perfect for me and soon after its launch, I bought my first Swatch watches – among them a Swatch Grey Markers and the legendary Original Jelly Fish – the one without silver ring inside. iontime.ch |
近年陈少琪多次获邀为内地及香港的重要大型活动创作歌曲,如2007年香港特区成立十周年主题曲《始终有你》、2008北京奥运会一周年倒数主题曲《We Are Ready》及2009东亚运动会主题曲《冲出世界》等。 cash.org.hk | In recent years, he has been invited to write lyrics for theme songs of major events of Hong Kong and the Mainland China such as ‘Just Because You Are Here’ (for HKSAR 10th Anniversary celebration in 2007), ‘We Are Ready’(for 2008 Beijing Olympic Games one-year countdown celebration), ‘You Are The Legend’ (for 2009 East Asian Games held in Hong Kong). cash.org.hk |
随后,毕业生、家长、教师一起出席了毕业庆祝午宴,陈琪雯和黄子键首先致辞恭喜所有的毕业生,Hubert Gaca和Archana Sharma之后共同切开了庆祝毕业的蛋糕,最后所有的学生为教师献上礼物来表达他们的感激之情。 ycis-bj.com | Finally, the ceremonial cake was cut by Hubert Gaca and Archana Sharma, and every student presenting their thank-you gift to their teachers for all the support they had given them over the years. ycis-bj.com |
图一:十位康宏代言人包括(由左起):康宏理财服务有限公司联席董事吴炜龙(Nick Ng)、助理联席董事卢艳萍(Agnes Lo)、联席董事梁子琪(Eva Leung)、助理联席董事罗金祥(Enoch Lo)、副总监傅惠贤(Zuriel Fu)、联席董事卓啓雄(Franky Cheuk)、联席董事吴婉奇(Christine Ng)、联席董事张言铭(Edwin Cheung)、助理联席董事梁惜君(Morise Leung)以及助理联席董事林正宏(Perseus Lam)。 convoyfinancial.com | Photo 1: 10 Convoy spokespersons including (from left to right): Mr. Nick Ng, Associate Director of Convoy Financial Services Limited; Ms. Agnes Lo, Assistant Associate Director of Convoy Financial Services Limited; Ms. Eva Leung, Associate Director of Convoy Financial Services Limited; Mr. Enoch Lo, Assistant Associate Director of Convoy Financial Services Limited; Mr. Zuriel Fu, Deputy Director of Convoy Financial Services Limited; Mr. Franky Cheuk, Associate Director of Convoy Financial Services Limited; Ms. Christine Ng, Associate Director of Convoy Financial Services Limited; Mr. Edwin Cheung, Associate Director of Convoy Financial Services Limited; Ms. Morise Leung, Assistant Associate Director of Convoy Financial Services Limited; and Mr. Perseus Lam, Assistant Associate Director of Convoy Financial Services Limited convoyfinancial.com |
黄芝琪的深度和灵活性的演出,让她赢得了好莱坞王牌电影(预定於发行2012)中一个扣人心弦的女打仔的角色,和制作人兼导演的RZA、罗素克洛和刘玉玲等一同演出。 tc.alivenotdead.com | Grace flexes her acting talent by selectively choosing challenging film roles - from the delicate and vulnerable ballerina in the American romantic drama "Lost for Words" starring Sean Faris, to the hard as nails fighter in "The Man with the Iron Fists", directed by the RZA, produced by Quentin Tarantino and starring Russell Crowe, Pam Grier and Lucy Liu. alivenotdead.com |