

单词 固有词



proper noun

See also:


strong adj
hard adj


word n
speech n

classical Chinese poem

External sources (not reviewed)

在东北,「春天HANAMI(赏花),秋天IMONIKAI(甘薯总汇大锅汤)」已成 固有 名 词 , 这 项秋季的游乐项目,或是公司或是团体为单位,或是好友们聚集时皆会举办这项活动。
In Tohoku, “imoni” party is equally popular as hanami (a picnic under the cherry blossoms in spring) and many locals organize gatherings with colleagues, neighbors, or friends who usually occupy riverside areas.
18 “固有”一词 强调 了这一权利的根本重要性,而“受法律保护”则意味着这一权利不仅受国家 [...]
18 The word “inherent” underscores the fundamental [...]
importance of this right, while “protected by law” implies not only protection
by the State from infringement by other members of society, but also respect by agents of the State.
(d) 对证人在刑事司法诉讼程序各阶段所作的 有 陈 述或 证 词 提 供 准确的 口译和笔译。
(d) All statements or testimony given by the witness at all stages of the criminal justice process are accurately interpreted and translated.
这一准则所确立的原则是对条约的继承这个概 固有 连 续性的 逻辑后果,而不论继承是依照法律自动发生还是因继承通知而发生。
This guideline sets out this principle, which follows logically from the idea
[...] of continuity inherent in the concept [...]
of succession to a treaty, whether it occurs
ipso jure or by virtue of a notification of succession.
在拒绝债 务人的主要利益中心是以色列的论点时,地区法院指出,债务人(i)离开以色列近 10 年后外国代表才寻求承认外国程序,(ii)在德克萨 有固 定 的职业和住所,(iii) 将其财务专门保持在得克萨斯州,并表示无意返回以色列,鉴于返回可能对债务 人或其家庭成员带来危险的词,法院认定此点可信。
In rejecting the contention that the debtor’s COMI was Israel, the district court noted that the debtor (i) left Israel nearly a decade before the foreign representative sought recognition of the foreign proceeding, (ii) established employment and residence in Texas, (iii) maintained his finances exclusively in Texas, and indicated no intention to return to Israel, which the court found credible in light of testimony that return could be dangerous for the debtor or his family members.
但是也有与会者指出,“优质教育” 词有 过 于宽泛之嫌,使得对结果进行评估或对 成果进行评价十分困难,需要有一个公认的界定。
A few participants, however pointed to a danger that the term “quality education” tended to become too broad complicating any assessment of outcomes or measurement of results, and that an agreed-to definition was warranted.
本校本着公平、誠實和遠見這三個原則,繼 固有 引 以 爲榮的優良傳統 :力爭上游,追求卓越,成績優異,果實累累。
Through equity, integrity and vision, Alamo continues to demonstrate its
[...] proud tradition of solid results, high [...]
achievement and academic excellence.
会议还建议,粮农组织应在以下五个优先领域开展技术性工作,协助各国 和区域渔业管理组织实施第 61/105 号和第 64/72 号决议以及《粮农组织准则》: ㈠ 改进确认脆弱海洋生态系统的标准,并将其适用范围扩大到珊瑚、海绵、海 峰和热液喷口以外;㈡ 拟有关减 轻影响措施以及拟订和适用遭遇脆弱海洋生 态系统规则方面最佳做法的指南,特别是由区域渔业管理组织拟订;㈢ 拟订关 于应收集哪些信息以及如何收集信息的指南,以促进执行各项旨在控制渔业对脆 弱海洋生态系统影响的措施;㈣ 界定某些词,以 助澄清如何实施《粮农组织 准则》;以及㈤ 拟订关于评估最佳做法的指南。
It was also suggested that FAO should undertake technical work in the following five priority areas to assist States and RFMOs implement resolutions 61/105 and 64/72 and the FAO Guidelines: (i) improving and expanding application of the criteria for the identification of VMEs beyond corals, sponges, seamounts and hydrothermal vents; (ii) developing guidance on impact mitigation measures and best practices for developing and applying encounter protocols relevant to VMEs, particularly by RFMOs; (iii) developing guidance on what and how information should be collected to implement measures for managing fishery impacts on VMEs; (iv) defining certain terms that could clarify implementation of the FAO Guidelines; and (v) developing guidance on best practices for conducting assessments.
委员会随后注意到起草委员会暂时通过的四条草案,分别涉及灾害应对工 作的人道主义原则、每个固有的人 类尊严、尊重受灾者的人权的义务、受灾国 [...]
The Commission subsequently took note of four draft articles provisionally adopted by the Drafting Committee, relating
to the humanitarian principles in
[...] disaster response, the inherent human dignity of [...]
the human person, the obligation to respect
the human rights of affected persons, and the role of the affected State, respectively (A/CN.4/L.776) (chap. VII).
经讨论后,工作组商定,对该事项的进一步审议将 包括下列方面(A/CN.9/717,第 143 段):㈠关于保护仲裁过程完整性的条文是 应当采用笼统词的形 式,还是应当载列意在具体指明的特定实例;㈡保护仲 裁过程完整性与《贸易法委员会仲裁规则》关于此问题 有 的 规 定之间的关 系;以及㈢如何根据保护仲裁过程完整性的需要确定透明度限制的门槛。
After discussion, the Working Group agreed that the questions for further consideration on that matter would include (A/CN.9/717, para. 143): (i) whether a provision on protection of the integrity of the arbitral process should be in the form of a general formulation or should contain specific instances that were meant to be specifically addressed; (ii) the interplay between the protection of the integrity of the arbitral process and the provisions in the UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules already dealing with that issue; and (iii) how to determine the threshold for a limitation to transparency based on the ground of the need to protect integrity of the arbitral process.
因此,他建议删除(a)项 第 四行“主要利益的核心”之后的 有词 句。
He therefore
[...] suggested deleting all the words following “centre [...]
of main interests” in the fourth line of subparagraph (a).
这其中有许多社会因素,包括少女怀孕、女孩需照料生病的亲人、 早婚以固有的观 念,认为让男孩受教育比让女孩受教育更具有投资效益,因为 女孩结婚后将离开家庭,不再对家庭做出贡献。
This is attributable to many social factors including teenage pregnancies, the girl child bearing the burden of looking after sick relatives, early marriages and the belief that educating the boy child is a better investment than educating the girl child because the girl will leave the family on marriage and not contribute to the family.
各国应确保提供日托包括全日制学校和临时照料,以使父母能够更好地履行 其对家庭的整体责任,包括在照料有特殊需要儿童方 固有 的 额 外责任。
States should ensure opportunities for day care, including all-day schooling, and respite care which would enable parents better to cope with their overall
responsibilities towards the family, including additional
[...] responsibilities inherent in caring for [...]
children with special needs.
这八项原则是:缔约国对于在其 管辖下登记或开展业务的私营军保公司的军事和安全活动负有责任;私营军保公 司应尊重法治;私营军保公司要尊重国家主权;缔约国有义务禁止私营军保公司 直接参与敌对状态、恐怖主义行为和违反国际法的军事行动;禁止将国家 固有 职能 外包给私营军保公司,包括使用某些具有过度或过分伤害性的武器;禁止私 营军保公司及其人员非法取得、占有或贩运武器和弹药。
The eight principles are: that the State party bears responsibility for the military and security activities of PMSCs registered or operating in their jurisdiction, respect for the rule of law by PMSCs, respect of State sovereignty by PMSCs, the State party’s obligation to prohibit PMSCs from directly participating in hostilities, terrorist acts and military actions in violation of international law, the prohibition on outsourcing inherently State functions to PMSCs, including the use of certain weapons of a nature to cause superfluous injury or unnecessary suffering and the prohibition on PMSCs and their personnel with regard to illegally acquiring, possessing or trafficking in arms and ammunitions.
我們同時深信衛星在電視廣播、互聯網主幹連接及流動電話方面相對地面傳輸系統所具備固 有優勢 ,將會推動長遠的市場增長,特別是亞洲發展中國家政府致力提升較偏遠地區的通訊基 礎設施,藉此改善當地人民的福祉。
We also believe that the inherent advantages satellite has over terrestrial systems in broadcast, internet backbone connections and mobile telephony will drive growth in the long term, particularly as the governments of developing nations look to enhance communications infrastructure in the more remote areas for the benefit of their citizens.
尽管固有的危险,但许多人认为危险程度是 渔民选择风险的结果,例如捕鱼的天气、使用的船、能够获得的休息时间和携带 的安全网具。
Although it is inherently dangerous, many would argue that the degree [...]
of danger is a function of fishers’ choices about
the risks they take, such as the weather they fish in, the boats they use, the rest they obtain, and the safety gear they carry.
词没有协商 一致的定义,并且,这个词的使用可能意味着那些强化各经济体之间 不平等的概念被合法化,使贸易保护主义合理化,使新形式的条件被加入进来, [...]
进一步助长大自然的商品化和金融化,以及推行那些不符合地球峰会确定的谨慎 原则的所谓新的“绿色”技术。
There is no
[...] consensus on the definition of the term, and use of [...]
the term may mean legitimizing concepts that reinforce inequalities
among economies, rationalize trade protectionism, involve new forms of conditionalities, promote further commodification and financialization of nature, and push new supposedly “green” technologies that do not conform to the Precautionary Principle established at the Earth Summit.
其 他被认为是造成资源诅咒的因素包括有自然资源收固 有的波动性以及资源使用方面的不良管理或是腐败。
Other factors that are thought to contribute to the resource curse include the volatility inherent in natural [...]
resource revenues and
mismanagement or corrupt use of resources.
这 类证词不得作为定罪证据,只能证明那些警察见证的信息和事实,例如供认有 发生,以及词是在 什么情况下作出的。
Such testimony must not be treated as incriminating evidence, but solely as evidence of information and facts witnessed by those officers, such as the fact that the confession took place and the circumstances in which the statement was made.
开幕式在国民大会堂举行,首先由安哥拉联合国教科文组织全国委员会的一名委员介 绍会议的宗旨,然后由青年人致和平 词 , 有 青 年 和儿童伴唱。
The Opening Ceremony which took place at the National Assembly started with a presentation of the objectives of the meeting by a member of the Angolan National Commission for UNESCO, followed by a message of peace by young people, and was accompanied by a chorale of young people and children.
然而,难点源于有些国家在立法上模糊 词 , 有 时 在 公共秩序和公共安全 的理由之外又加上“公共安宁”,不清楚能否将其与公共秩序方面的理由真正区 分开来。
The difficulty, however, stems from terminological inconsistencies in certain domestic laws, which sometimes add the ground of “public nuisance” to those of public order and public security, without indicating clearly that it can truly be distinguished from the ground of public order.
此外,我们将会与一所社会企业共同举办一项教育活动 计划,期望透过工作坊、体验活动及学界比赛,让学生和青少年对残疾人士的不 同能力有着正确认识,并学习尊重差异和残疾人士 固有 尊 严 ,从而培养无歧视 的文化,并鼓励他们共同建立无障碍的社会。
In addition, we will organise an education programme jointly with a social enterprise with a view to enabling students and youths to have a correct understanding of various capabilities of persons with disabilities, and learn to respect differences and the inherent dignity of persons with disabilities through interesting workshops, experiential activities and inter-school competitions, so as to foster a discrimination-free culture and encourage them to work together to create a barrier-free society.
关于他的身体另一方面话语的塞维鲁这使得基督的苦难自愿许可,造成相当的治疗比自然有必要,或许可以辩解的考虑,从工会和随之而来的至福直观的基督的灵魂,将congruously接踵而来一个灵魂封圣的身体和精神化的,因为实际上是复活的情况后,从这个角度来看,的确是人性的可能性是自愿的(即,神颁布的意愿),而不是由于它在该州是 固有 的 联盟后,虽然人的本质是它自己的性质passible)除了联盟(圣托马斯,三,问:十四,答:1,广告2。
On the other hand utterances of Severus which make Christ's sufferings voluntarily permitted, rather than naturally necessitated by the treatment inflicted on His Body, might perhaps be defended by the consideration that from the union and consequent Beatific Vision in the Soul of Christ, would congruously ensue a beatification of the Soul and a spiritualizing of the Body, as was actually the case after the Resurrection; from this point of view it is true that the possibility of the Humanity is voluntary (that is, decreed by the Divine will) and not due to it in the state which is connatural to it after the union; although the Human Nature is of its own nature passible apart from the union (St. Thomas, III, Q. xiv, a. 1, ad 2).
17 著作权保护机制的基本原理与专利权大同小异,尽管从历史上来说,与激励作用相比,人 们更重视具有创造性的艺术家的创作应获取公平报酬 固有 权 利
17 The rationale for copyright protection is not dissimilar to that of patents, although historically greater weight has been given to the inherent rights of creative artists to receive fair remuneration for their works than to the incentive effects.
根據擬議的《入境條例》(第 115條 )第 37U條,"酷刑"
指為向某人或第三者取得情報或供狀;某人或第三者所作或被懷 疑所作的行為,處罰該人;或恐嚇或威脅某人或第三者;或基於
[...] 任何一種歧視的理由,蓄意使該人在肉體或精神上遭受劇烈疼痛 或痛苦的任何作為,而這種疼痛或痛苦是在公職人員或以官方身 份行使職權的其他人所造成的,或是在其唆使、同意或默許下造 成的(純因法律制裁而引起或法律制裁 固有 或 隨附的疼痛或痛苦 則不包括在內)。
Under the proposed section 37U of the Immigration Ordinance (Cap. 115) ("IO"), "torture" is defined to mean any act by which severe pain or suffering, whether physical or mental, is intentionally inflicted on a person for such purposes as obtaining from that person or a third person information or a confession; punishing that person for an act which that person or a third person has committed or is suspected of having committed; intimidating or coercing that person or a third person; or for any reason based on discrimination of any kind, when such pain or suffering is inflicted by, or at the instigation of, or with the consent or
acquiescence of, a public official or other person
[...] acting in an official capacity, excluding pain or suffering arising only from, inherent in or incidental [...]
to lawful sanctions.
关切地指出,所提议的词有可能 表明被要求提供的信息可以包括成本方面的 [...]
信息,而这与经工作组第二十一届会议修正(A/CN.9/745,第 20 段)的指南草 案其后各段的侧重点是有矛盾的。
Concerns were expressed that
[...] the suggested wording might indicate [...]
that the information sought could include information
on costs, contrary to the thrust of the subsequent paragraphs of the draft Guide as amended by the Working Group at its twenty-first session (A/CN.9/745, para. 20).
申诉人的词有不一致之处:在她同法官见面的 过程中她表示,她没有向突尼斯法律机构提出申 诉,但她随后再三表示,她通过律师提出了申 诉,而在审理过程中她事实上没有认出律师。
Contradictions in the complainant’s testimony to the extent that she stated in her interview with the judge that she had not made a complaint before the Tunisian legal authorities and her subsequent insistence that she made it through her lawyer, who she did not in fact recognize during the hearing.
同样值得注意的是,在头两章的Berakot对某些段落塔木德文本的部分版本中指定的单词“pisḳa”(部分),这 词有 时 也发现在其他部分的文本耶路莎米。
It is likewise noteworthy that in the first two chapters of Berakot the sections of the Talmudic text on some of the paragraphs are designated in the editions by the word "pisḳa" (section), a term found occasionally also in other portions of the text of Yerushalmi.
代表团关切 地注意到,在违反行政规定方面,存在 “将贫穷定为刑事犯罪”的现象,因为根 据听取的词,有钱支付规定罚金的人不会遭到拘留。
The delegation noted with concern that there is a “criminalization of poverty” in relation to administrative infractions, since, according to the testimony heard, people who had the financial wherewithal to pay the required fines were not detained.




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