

单词 喜新厌旧

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愤怒的讨厌的人::塔兰泰拉顿的僵尸导演返回,说服Bagges明星在他 新 的 情 景 喜 剧 愤 怒的 厌 的 人
Angry Nasty People: Benton Tarantella, the zombie director returns to convince the Bagges to star in his latest sitcom Angry Nasty People.
新流体冲掉旧流体 ,或者用兼容溶剂冲 旧 流 体, 然后引新流体
Flush out old fluid with new fluid, or flush out old fluid with a compatible solvent before introducing new fluid.
就像在您的祖国一样,本地文化中也定会有为您 喜 和 所 厌 的 部 分。
Just like at home, there are aspects of the local culture that you will enjoy, and others that you won’t.
但是,在2007年之前,我感觉厌阅读 新 闻,我找到原因了,因为之前没有办法找到一个很有效率的途径来获取 喜 欢 的 新 闻。
But before 2007, I felt like I hated reading news, I figured it was because I couldn't find an efficient way to get news that I like directly to me.
一些国家的贪得厌和新殖民 主义野心是对世 界上平民、人类生命及自然的最大威胁。
The boundless avarice and neo-colonialist ambition of some countries are the greatest threats to civilians, human life and nature in the world.
For many years now, STU has said that it is not the
[...] regulations (old or new) that are at fault, [...]
but that poor staff management in UNESCO
stems from the non-observance of the texts.
我们的宿舍是位于交通便利,靠近所有主要的公共交通,在一个传统的邻里基多呼吁 新旧 之 间 的边界圣布拉斯镇。
Our hostel is conveniently located near all major public
transportation, inside a traditional neighborhood of Quito called San Blas, in the
[...] border between the Old and New Town.
通过收集并记住您的爱好有关信息,网站应用程序可根据您的需要 喜 好 和 厌 恶 将 其操作进行量身定制。
The web application can tailor its operations to your
[...] needs, likes and dislikes by gathering and [...]
remembering information about your preferences.
想一想自己的长处与强项、 短处与弱项喜好与厌恶、 兴趣、价值观各是什么。
Think about your strong points and what you are good at, your weak points and what you are not good at, and your preferences, interests, and values.
同样,如果厌倦了新外观 ,你也可以还原至以前的外观。
In the same way, if you become tired of the style you have, you make return to the style you had before.
剩余 1 233 000 美元的估计数将用于执行办公室代表管理事务部
集中管理的按信息和通信技术厅确定的标准服务级别协定计算的信息技术设备 保养和维修费用(465 000
[...] 美元)、按根据过去支出格局推算的中央信息技术基础 设施(信息储存和备份、应用程序托管服务、部门的服务器)费用中的支助账户份 额(471 000 美元)以及购新标准 信息技术设备和取 旧 设 备的费用(297 000 美 元)。
The estimate of $1,233,000 would cover requirements, centrally administered by the Executive Office on behalf of the Department of Management, for the maintenance and repair of IT equipment based on standard service-level agreements established by the Office of Information and Communications Technology ($465,000) and the support account share ($471,000) of central information technology infrastructure costs (information storage and backup, application hosting,
departmental servers)
[...] derived from past expenditure patterns as well as the acquisition of new and replacement [...]
standard information technology equipment ($297,000).
提出这些提议的目的在于帮助今日的儿童,使 他们成长为摆脱基于种族、文化或宗教的仇恨 厌恶 的新一代
The goal of these proposals is to help today’s children grow into a generation free
[...] from hatred and loathing based on race, [...]
culture or religion.
我们在观察中发现,我国当代居民大多 旧喜 爱 庭 院,因为它能在一个小 范围内让人同时享受到室内外空间各自的优点,像室内的舒适方便与室外的亲近自然。
We have observed that today’s Chinese people still enjoy the courtyard that, within a short distance, provides users both the comfort and convenience in a room and the refreshment of nature.
然而,一些评论解释了反对的原因:“ 喜 欢 旧 的 标 识:他看上去就像超级英雄胸口的符号”、 新 的 彩 色设计看上去很女性化”,或者“这完全是让人过目就忘的无趣设计”。
Others think it is finally time for Much to
[...] come up with a different logo, as it was often seen as old-fashioned and as a music sticker from the 90’s. However [...]
several comments
explain the rejection: “I like the old logo: it looks like a symbol that would be on a superhero’s chest”, “the new multi-color design looks feminine”, or “It is completely forgettable and boring”.
这种办法在许多情况下显示出令人鼓 舞的结果,捕鱼业往喜好转到完 新 的 网 具类型和捕鱼方式,这种替代有许多 不确定性和更高经济风险。
This approach has shown promising results in
many cases and is
[...] often preferred by the fishing industry over transitioning to a completely new gear type and fishing [...]
practice, which
is an alternative that has many more uncertainties and higher economic risks.
环境取样在《禁产条约》下是没有用处的,也许新旧设施 而言都是如此,除非样本分析方面的新技术可以使我们确定检测到的 [...]
Environmental sampling would be useless under an FMCT,
[...] probably at both old and new facilities, unless new technologies [...]
for sample analysis could allow
the dating of detected particles.
由于教育程度以及居住地风俗等 原因,这些人在正式场合以及在家里 旧喜 欢 讲 瓜拉尼语。
However, depending on the level of education attained and on whether or not they live in a
rural area, they may continue to speak only one language, preferring to
[...] use Guaraní in both formal and informal [...]
[...] 贷款条件改善,但也因为现有标准公寓人格陡涨,缩小 新旧 住 所 的人格差。
This was due to rise in income, cheaper credit opportunities and better loan conditions, but also due to a
sharp rise in the prices of existing standard flats which reduced the price difference
[...] between older and newer dwellings.
2010 年古巴经济和古巴人口必须面对一 新旧 挑 战
There are a number of new and old challenges that [...]
the Cuban economy — and the Cuban population — must meet in 2010.
该打印机使用了供墨系统(也称色带盒系统(CRS)),可以 自动检测所装色带新旧情况,以及所有色带的属性。
Using an ink delivery system called the Cartridge
Ribbon System (CRS), the printer can
[...] automatically detect when a new or used ribbon is [...]
loaded, and all ribbon properties.
联 叙监督团人员发现了大炮、迫击炮和坦克炮直接和间接攻击在各村庄建筑物上留 下新旧痕迹以及炮弹弹片,包括 23 毫米 ZU-23 式高射机枪和 122 毫米榴弹炮 炮弹弹片。
UNSMIS personnel identified both recent and potentially older impact marks on village buildings from direct and indirect artillery, mortar and tank fire, along with pieces of shrapnel from those shells, including 23 mm ZU-23 anti-aircraft cannons and rounds from a 122 mm howitzer.
要实现先进的新型计算应用,接口技术必须支持更高的速度,提供良好的信号完整性,扩展核心功能并实 新旧 标 准 接口的桥接。
To enable new and advanced computing applications, interface technology must
support higher speeds, provide excellent signal integrity, extend core
[...] functionality, and bridge old standards with the new.
最后,重大计划 V 树立了一个喜的榜 样,它拿出了正常预算资金的至少 20%用于跨 部门活动,并且特别侧重于艾滋病毒和艾滋病、气候变化(包括可持续发展教育和科学教 育)、新知识的获取方法(包括信息与传播技术的强化学习、媒体和信息扫盲)、多样性和相互 了解(包括使用多种语言和遗产保存),以及对于冲突后国家和受灾国家的支持。
Finally, Major Programme V has set a welcome example by earmarking at least 20% of its regular budget resources for intersectoral
engagement, with particular
[...] focus on HIV and AIDS; climate change (including education for sustainable development and science education); new knowledge acquisition processes (including ICT-enhanced learning; media and information literacy); diversity [...]
and mutual understanding
(including multilingualism and heritage preservation); and support to countries in post-conflict and post-disaster situations.
汉斯格雅经典系列展现了在19世纪到20世 新旧 交替阶段涌现出来的各种富有现代感的经典设计元素。
Hansgrohe Classic reflects modern classic design elements from the turn of the 19th to the 20th century.
对文件中 若干章节进行了调整,以使信息更加流畅,并简化了关键用途提名程序;删除 了有关行为守则的章节,因为委员会认为其不属于该文件范畴;更新了提名表
[...] 格,以便各缔约方在申请有关土壤、工厂设施和商品用途方面 新旧 提 名 时可 以使用同一表格。
Selected sections had been moved within the document to facilitate information flow and simplify the critical-use nomination process; the section relating to the code of conduct removed, as the Committee did not consider that it belonged in the document; and the nomination
forms updated so that only one form was
[...] proposed for both new and continuing nominations, [...]
for both soils and structures and commodities.
本會促請政府肯定紡織及製衣業對香港整體經濟的貢獻,並就紡織品 配額制度即將在 2005 年取消,以及即將推行“內地與香港更緊密經 貿關係安排"而可能帶來的新商機 或在各方面造成的影響,及早作 出部署,同時亦應積極研究及制訂策略,包括盡快成立“邊境工業 區"和“時裝及設計中心",以協助香港發展成為“亞太區時裝中 心",提升業界整體競爭力,推動行業增長,並為本港提供更多就業 機會,尤其是年青喜愛的就業機會。
That this Council urges the Government to affirm the contributions of the textile and clothing industry to Hong Kong's overall economy, and to make early preparations in
[...] of the impending abolition of the textile quota system in 2005 and the forthcoming implementation of the "Mainland/Hong Kong Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement" which may bring about new business opportunities or have impact in various respects; at the same time, the Government should also actively explore and formulate strategies, including setting up expeditiously a "border [...]
zone" and a "fashion and design centre" to help Hong Kong develop into the "Fashion centre of Asia Pacific", enhance the overall competitiveness of the industry and promote its growth, as well as to provide more employment opportunities, in particular those popular with young people, in Hong Kong.
过度厌的规则能使可 行的生意在经济上无利益。
Overly cumbersome regulations can make an otherwise viable business economically unprofitable.
中试设备能与 R2S 厌氧中试设备组合使用,以在实际条件下现场测试工业规模石灰捕集器的运行情况。
The pilot plant can be used to test the operating
[...] behavior of an industrial-scale lime [...]
trap on site under realistic conditions, such
as in combination with the R2S anaerobic pilot plant.
Oggy,内容和懒惰,虽然很温柔的脂肪的蓝色猫,通常会花他的日子,看电视和烹饪 - 如果它是不适合在家庭中的三个厌 的 蟑螂展示中心:乔伊,迪迪和马。
The show centers on Oggy, a content and lazy, albeit very tender fat blue cat, who would usually spend his days watching TV and cooking - if it wasn't for the three pesky roaches in the household: Joey, Dee Dee and Ma...
据报道,使用 LMA™ 气道的不良反应包括: 气 道 阻 塞 、 杓 状 软 骨 脱 位 、 吸 入 、 出 血 、 憋气、支气管痉挛、咳嗽、牙齿/义齿损伤、 口干/咽干、构音障碍、吞咽困难、发声困 难、节律紊乱,耳痛、窒息、胃扩张/充气/ 破裂、声门闭合、头部和颈部水肿、听力损 伤、呃逆、声音嘶哑、唾液增多、舌下神经麻 痹、缺氧、喉血肿、喉痉挛、舌神经麻痹、口
腔溃疡、心肌缺血、恶心、腮腺肿胀、咽部感 觉迟钝、咽部溃疡、肺水肿、喉返神经损伤、 反胃、干呕、下巴疼痛、口腔疼痛、喉咙疼
[...] 痛、喘鸣、颌下腺肿大、颞下颌关节脱位、组 织创伤(厌、喉 、唇、口腔、后咽壁、软 腭、悬雍垂、扁桃体)、舌头发紫、舌头肿 [...]
Adverse events reported with LMATM airway use include airway obstruction, arytenoids dislocation, aspiration, bleeding, breath holding, bronchospasm, coughing, dental/denture damage, dry mouth/throat, dysarthria, dysphagia, dysphonia, dysrhythmia, ear pain, gagging, gastric dilatation/insufflation/rupture, glottic closure, head and neck edema, hearing impairment, hiccup, hoarseness, hypersalivation, hypoglossal nerve paralysis, hypoxia, laryngeal hematoma, laryngeal spasm, lingual nerve paralysis, mouth ulcer, myocardial ischemia, nausea, parotid gland swelling, pharyngeal dysesthesia, pharyngeal ulcer, pulmonary edema, recurrent laryngeal nerve injury, regurgitation, retching, sore jaw, sore mouth, sore throat, stridor, submandibular gland
swelling, temporomandibular joint dislocation,
[...] tissue trauma (epiglottis, larynx, lip, mouth, [...]
posterior pharyngeal wall, soft palate,
uvula, tonsils), tongue cyanosis, tongue macroglossia, vocal cord paralysis, and vomiting.




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