

单词 喜庆

喜庆 adjective ()

joyous adj


喜庆的 adj

jubilant adj

See also:


like v
delight v

be happy
be fond of
feel pleased



happiness n

External sources (not reviewed)

在很多场合,特 别是喜庆或哀伤的场合,这些宗教的忠实信徒坐到 一起,展示他们的喜悦和同情。
On many occasions, in
[...] particular during joyous or unhappy events, [...]
the faithful of those religions find themselves sitting
side by side to express their joy or to show their compassion.
In the sparkling Christmas atmosphere, guests were able to admire the different pieces of this poetic collection which embodies, on a small scale, the infinite breadth of nature.
所以,西欧和其它国家集团认为今天的会议不止 是一喜庆的纪念会。
That is why the countries of the Western European and Others Group see this event
[...] today as more than just a festive commemoration.
2010 年2月14日,一个充满浪喜庆的日 子,大发娱乐场2010年第二个老虎机累积大奖诞生了。
February 14 - Chinese New Year and Valentines Day -
[...] was a triple celebration for Mr. Zhao [...]
of China.
Jubilant melody
Decorated in a festive Big Top theme this is a paradise for fans of the most popular American games.
其他参赛队伍同样有着丰富的经验和独特的烟花制造技术,并屡夺地区及国际性奖项,相信他们的烟花表演定能为观众带来 喜 , 令 喜庆 节 日 平添色彩。
Other participating teams, with their rich experiences and unique features, will surely bring audiences a colorful and memorable time.
第七条 法官不得向当事人及其委托律师索取或者收取礼品、金钱、有价证券等;不得借婚 喜庆 事 宜向律师索取或者收取礼品、礼金;不得接受当事人及其委托律师的宴请;不得要求或者接受当事人及其委托律师出资装修住宅、购买商品或者进行各种娱乐、旅游活动;不得要求当事人及其委托的律师报销任何费用;不得向当事人及其委托的律师借用交通工具、通讯工具或者其他物品。
A judge is not allowed to party and lawyer extort or collect gifts, money, securities, etc. Not by festival to extort or lawyer charged gifts, gift, Not accept party and lawyer banquets, May require or accept party and lawyer contributive buy goods or decorate house, various entertainment, tourism activities, Entrusted by the parties shall not require any fee reimbursement lawyer, Entrusted by the parties shall not to use transportation, communications, lawyer tools and other articles.
月到中秋分外明,在喜庆团圆 的日子里,我谨代表新加坡中华总商会,感谢黄永宏部长在百忙中出席今天的中秋联欢晚会,感谢各国外交使节、各界朋友的盛情参与。
The Chinese always believe that the moon is at its brightest and roundest at the height of mid-autumn.
第十三届澳门国际烟花比赛汇演的十支队伍,分别来自菲律宾、韩国、澳洲、泰国、葡国、台湾、英国、日本、中国、瑞士,各队均具特色,其中泰国、韩国、葡国和瑞士的参赛队伍,曾经参加过澳门的国际烟花比赛汇演,并取得佳绩,而韩国的队伍曾负责1988年奥林匹克运动会及1986年的亚洲运动会的开幕式和闭幕式的烟花表演,各参赛队伍都有着丰富的经验和独特的烟花制造技术,定必为观众带来 喜 , 令 喜庆 节 日 平添色彩。
The ten teams participating in the 13th Macau International Fireworks Display Contest are from the Philippines, South Korea, Australia, Thailand, Portugal, Taiwan, United Kingdom, Japan, China and Switzerland, each possessing their own uniqueness.
他解 釋,除了成本方面的考慮外,聯播音樂節目事實上亦切合深宵 聽眾的需要,因為他們大喜歡輕 音樂。
He explained that apart from cost consideration, merged broadcasting of music programmes in fact catered for the needs of the listeners in these late hours who mostly preferred soft music.
[...] 头――来获得信息、传播信息和交流信息;有权以少数民族语言组织大众媒体, 出版文学作品;决定其宗教理念庆 祝 其 民族节日和纪念其历史性事件,参加其 [...]
本族的仪式活动、尤其是使用其民族符号;以其母语所接受的形式使用自己的 姓、名和教名(包括在公务行为中)。
Persons belonging to national minorities have the right to free use of their mother tongue, both in written and orally, to have access to information in this language, to disseminate it and to exchange information; the right to organise mass media, to publish literature in the language of national
minorities; to determine their attitude
[...] towards religion; to celebrate their national [...]
holidays and commemorate their historical
events, to participate in the exercise of the rituals of their nations, to use in particular their national symbolic; to use their family name, given name and patronymic, including in official acts, in the form accepted by the mother tongue.
加纳:办事处帮助开展了众多活动,包括对联发援框架的中期审查、各种联合国日庆祝活 动(世界新闻自由日、世界水日、世界文化多样性促进对话和发展日、贩卖黑奴及其 [...]
Ghana: The Office contributed to the mid-term review exercise of the
[...] UNDAF, to the celebration of various United [...]
Nations days (World Press Freedom Day,
World Water Day, World Day for Cultural Diversity and Development, World Day for the Remembrance of Slavery and its Abolition, World Teachers’ Day, World Women’s Day) and led the preparation and publication of a joint United Nations study on the response of the education sector to HIV and AIDS in Ghana.
14 个拟设员额的任职者将负责一般设施管理职能,包括地面维护、垃圾收
[...] 集和处置、办公室之间的家具和设备搬运、道路标志的维护,以及支持用于举行 “全体员工”会议和正庆祝活 动的设施的布置。
The incumbents of the 14 proposed posts would be responsible for general facilities management functions, including grounds maintenance, garbage collection and disposal, movement of furniture and equipment between
offices, maintenance of road signs and support for the set-up of facilities for “town hall”
[...] meetings and formal celebrations.
5 月 3 日世界新闻自由日庆祝和该日在斯里兰卡科伦坡举行的关于“媒体、发展和消除贫 [...]
困”的国际会议的成果重申了表达自由和新闻自由的基本原则,同时强调指出,新闻自由是基于人 权的发展和消除贫困方式议程的组成部分,正如《联合国千年宣言》和“千年发展目标”所阐明 的。
The celebration, on 3 May, of the [...]
World Press Freedom Day, and the outcomes of the international conference on “Media, Development
and Poverty Eradication” held on that day, in Colombo, Sri Lanka, reaffirmed the fundamental principles of freedom of expression and press freedom, while highlighting that press freedom is part of the agenda for a human-based rights approach to development and poverty eradication as elaborated in the United Nations Millennium Declaration and the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).
(2) 代表委任表格及授權簽署該表格之授權書或其他授權文件(如有)或經公證人證明之該等 授權文件之認證副本,最遲須於大會或其任何續會之指定舉行時間48小時前送達本公司之 總辦事處及主要營業地點(地址為香港新界葵涌 喜 街 1-11號達利國際中心11樓),方 為 有效。
(2) To be valid, forms of proxy and the power of attorney or other authority (if any) under which it is signed or a notarially certified copy of that power of attorney must be deposited at the head office and principal place of business of the Company at 11th Floor, High Fashion Centre, 1–11 Kwai Hei Street, Kwai Chung, New Territories, Hong Kong not less than 48 hours before the time appointed for holding the meeting or any adjournment thereof.
最后,重大计划 V 树立了一个喜的榜 样,它拿出了正常预算资金的至少 20%用于跨 部门活动,并且特别侧重于艾滋病毒和艾滋病、气候变化(包括可持续发展教育和科学教 育)、新知识的获取方法(包括信息与传播技术的强化学习、媒体和信息扫盲)、多样性和相互 了解(包括使用多种语言和遗产保存),以及对于冲突后国家和受灾国家的支持。
Finally, Major Programme V has set a welcome example by earmarking at least 20% of its regular budget resources for intersectoral engagement, with particular focus on HIV and AIDS; climate change (including education for sustainable development and science education); new knowledge acquisition processes (including ICT-enhanced learning; media and information literacy); diversity and mutual understanding (including multilingualism and heritage preservation); and support to countries in post-conflict and post-disaster situations.
本會促請政府肯定紡織及製衣業對香港整體經濟的貢獻,並就紡織品 配額制度即將在 2005 年取消,以及即將推行“內地與香港更緊密經 貿關係安排"而可能帶來的嶄新商機或在各方面造成的影響,及早作 出部署,同時亦應積極研究及制訂策略,包括盡快成立“邊境工業 區"和“時裝及設計中心",以協助香港發展成為“亞太區時裝中 心",提升業界整體競爭力,推動行業增長,並為本港提供更多就業 機會,尤其是年青喜愛的就業機會。
That this Council urges the Government to affirm the contributions of the textile and clothing industry to Hong Kong's overall economy, and to make early preparations in anticipation of the impending abolition of the textile quota system in 2005 and the forthcoming implementation of the "Mainland/Hong Kong Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement" which may bring about new business opportunities or have impact in various respects; at the same time, the Government should also actively explore and formulate strategies, including setting up expeditiously a "border industrial zone" and a "fashion and design centre" to help Hong Kong develop into the "Fashion centre of Asia Pacific", enhance the overall competitiveness of the industry and promote its growth, as well as to provide more employment opportunities, in particular those popular with young people, in Hong Kong.
这种办法在许多情况下显示出令人鼓 舞的结果,捕鱼业往喜好转 到完全新的网具类型和捕鱼方式,这种替代有许多 不确定性和更高经济风险。
This approach has shown promising results in many cases and is often preferred by the fishing industry over transitioning to a completely new gear type and fishing practice, which is an alternative that has many more uncertainties and higher economic risks.
委员会通过了题为“《2002 年马德里老龄问题国际行动计划》第二次审查和 评估的方式”、“与青年有关的政策和方案”、“进一步促进由残疾人、为残疾人、 同残疾人一起创造均等机会并将残疾问题纳入发展议程主流”、“筹备 庆 祝 国际 家庭年二十周年”和“非洲发展新伙伴关系的社会层面”的决议草案。
The Commission adopted draft resolutions entitled “Modalities for the second review and appraisal of the Madrid International Plan of Action on Ageing, 2002”, “Policies and programmes involving youth”, “Further promotion of equalization of opportunities by, for and with persons with disabilities and mainstreaming disability in the development agenda”, “Preparation for and observance of the twentieth anniversary of the International Year of the Family” and “Social dimensions of the New Partnership for Africa’s Development”.




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