

单词 喜怒无常

See also:


ghost taking away the soul after death
pass away
impermanence (Sanskrit: anitya)

External sources (not reviewed)

如果一个信徒忧郁、喜怒无常、或 懒散,或 怀有苦毒,那么他的见证就不会有果效。
If the believer is gloomy, moody, dowdy, or bitter, his witness will not be effective.
社会的纹章发挥之间的英超联赛 (曼城) (切尔西)
[...] 足总杯冠军,据称,这是一个令人兴奋的五个目标问题,市上升 3 2 所喜怒无常的阿根廷卡洛斯 · Tévez 指出该地段的最佳目标。
The coat of arms of the community is played between the champions of the Premier League (Manchester City), FA Cup (Chelsea) and, in what allegedly was an
exciting issue of five goals, City went up 3-2 with the best goal of
[...] the lot noted by his temperamental Argentine [...]
Carlos Tévez.
对于平喜欢的活动和事情,均完全丧失兴趣,而且 常 感 到 易 怒 、 不 平静和为微小的事情而忧虑。
She may lose interest in what she uses to enjoy, and is often irritable, restless and anxious about minor things.
您的用户将常喜欢其用户友好以及类似Office 2007的用户界面,因无需花费大量的时间以评估和浏览您的软件产品。
Your customers will highly appreciate user-friendly and Office 2007 styled interface, as they won’t need much time to evaluate and explore your software product.
如果您常大喜大怒、多 疑善虑、用脑过度,那么这就可能是导致您亚健康状态的原因。
If you are prone to experiencing extreme emotions, they may be the cause of your sub-health.
本种常存在 于对,但会大量聚集在一起,琳琅满目的 喜 欢 的 水果 无 花 果
This species is usually found in pairs, but will gather in large numbers to feast on its favorite fruit, the fig.
莫教授說,羅太常憤怒,並說了這句話, “沒有真憑實據就提出指控,這個人不是真正的學者,不配當教 [...]
Professor Mok said
[...] Mrs Law was very angry and commented, “Someone [...]
who made accusations without proof was not a real academic
and did not deserve to be a professor.
大家知道他們常很憤怒, 但今㆝竟然變得很現實。
We all know that they are
[...] always filled with indignation and yet, today, [...]
they all become surprisingly realistic.
共同制度工作人员顾问团体的一位代表在委员会发言,解释了经常面临压 力对人的精神的影响:睡眠问题;情绪变 无常 ; 疲 倦; 怒 ; 容 忍力降低;人 际关系紧张;冲突。
A representative of the common system staff counsellors’ group addressed the Commission and explained the impact of constant exposure to stress on
the human mind: sleeping
[...] problems; frequent mood swings; fatigue; irritability; reduced tolerance; [...]
tense interpersonal relationships; and conflicts.
现在您可以在路上欣赏您喜欢的 音乐 无 论 是来自手机还是您 喜 欢 的 电台。
Now you can listen to your favorite tunes from your phone or your favorite radio station [...]
while you’re on the go.
任何人假 如當時曾喜 怒哀樂 過 的,而 今 天 卻 好像甚 麼也忘 記 了 , 甚 至 忘 [...]
記 了 這 件事,那麼他 的 血 性 可 能已經 消 失了, 或是已 經 出 賣 了 。
For a person
[...] who did experience joy, anger, sorrow and happiness [...]
at that time but appears to have forgotten everything today
or even forgotten about this incident, his sense of righteousness might have disappeared or have been sold.
在留澳期间,许多留学常常喜欢与 国籍和文化背景与自己相同的学生及人员呆在一起。
Many international students spend time hanging out with other students and people from their own country and culture while they’re in Australia.
它使积极使用"非音乐"的声音或噪音等吹、 多风的声音、 模拟动物的声音,以及没有声音或附注 (马),这是常重要的元素,在性能和象征着空虚无私、 Komuso"来自地方,"会无处可喜欢风 的人生格言的基础之间的沉默。
It makes active use of "non-musical" sounds or noise such as blowing, windy sounds, simulated animal sounds, as well as no sound, or the silence
between the notes (ma),
[...] which is a very important element in performance and symbolizes emptiness, selflessness, the basis of the life motto of the Komuso "Coming from nowhere, going to nowhere like the wind".
当紧迫的需求隐约出现,或主要危机来袭时 无 论 喜 欢 还 是不喜欢,世界的目光都转向美国和中国。
When urgent needs loom or major crises strike, like it or not, the eyes of the world turn to the United States and China.
仲裁员被要求 把别人视作某种神圣事物无论愤怒 或 任何理由,在未经同意下,都不得以 [...]
任何方式予以侵害,如果侵害,则可视为一种引起赔偿的行为,赔偿应与侵 害的精神和性质及受害人的品质成比例。
The umpire has been told to regard the person [...]
of another as something to be held sacred, and that it could not be touched
even in the lightest manner, in anger or without cause, against his consent, and if so done it is considered an assault for which damages must be given commensurate with the spirit and the character of the assault and the quality of the manhood represented in the individual thus assaulted.
政府這種「掩耳盜鈴、自欺欺㆟」的說話,使已經或面臨失業的工㆟ 感到常憤怒。
These selfdeceiving words of the Government infuriate those workers [...]
who are already unemployed or facing unemployment.
其它的症状可能包括:主诉生理症状,比如头痛、胸痛、恶心和腹泻;与家人和朋友相处有问题;行为变化,比如变得脾气暴燥、无 无 故 的 愤 怒 或 无 端 哭 泣;退化或行为举止不适龄;睡眠模式失调;沟通障碍或个性变化;不耐烦。
Other symptoms may include: physical complaints such as headaches, chest pain, nausea and diarrhea; problems getting along with family and friends; changes
in behavior such as developing a
[...] short temper, unexplained anger, or crying for no reason; [...]
regression or behavior that is
not age-appropriate; dysfunctional sleeping patterns; difficulty communicating or personality changes; impatience.
愤怒的讨厌的人::塔兰泰拉顿的僵尸导演返回,说服Bagges明星在他最新的情 喜 剧 愤 怒 的 讨 厌的人。
Angry Nasty People: Benton Tarantella, the zombie director returns to convince the Bagges to star
[...] in his latest sitcom Angry Nasty People.
可是,如果我們沒有這 些 良
好 的 監 察 措施, 以為只 要由基 金 經理告訴我們應 購 買哪些 基
[...] 金 或投資在 哪 類 生 產 線 上 , 便 已 經 盡 了我們地球 村村民的責任, 我相信 很 多 時 候 , 當大 家 在知道 真 相後,是會常 憤怒的 。
However, if we do not put in place such a sound monitoring mechanism, thinking that we can already discharge our duty as an inhabitant of the global village simply by following fund managers' advice on purchasing certain funds and
investing in certain production lines, I am
[...] sure that very often, when we learn of the truth, we will certainly be very angry.
主席先生,當日的問題是由本㆟所提出,當時我感到 常 憤 怒 , ㆗ 國政府㆔番㆕次發出這 些恐嚇,而政府郤不肯面對事實。
The Chinese Government has been making these threats time and again, yet the Government refuses to face the reality.
最后,重大计划 V 树立了一个喜的榜样,它拿出了 常 预 算 资金的至少 20%用于跨 部门活动,并且特别侧重于艾滋病毒和艾滋病、气候变化(包括可持续发展教育和科学教 [...]
Finally, Major Programme V has
set a welcome example by
[...] earmarking at least 20% of its regular budget resources for intersectoral [...]
engagement, with particular
focus on HIV and AIDS; climate change (including education for sustainable development and science education); new knowledge acquisition processes (including ICT-enhanced learning; media and information literacy); diversity and mutual understanding (including multilingualism and heritage preservation); and support to countries in post-conflict and post-disaster situations.
对于出现通货膨胀、资本流入变 无常 和 财 政赤字不断上升等共同的 宏观经济挑战,他强调发展区域监控和预警系统以及对换安排十分重要。
With regard to common macroeconomic [...]
challenges, such as inflation, volatile capital inflows and rising fiscal deficits,
he emphasized the importance of developing regional surveillance and warning systems, as well as swap arrangements.
没有委员会委员国的合作与奉献精神,没有极大促进委员会工作的秘书处官员们忘 我的投入、精诚合作和相互接受, 无 法 取 得 喜 人 的 成绩。
The results accomplished would not have been possible without the cooperation and devotion of all the Committee members and the constant availability, cooperation and receptiveness of the Secretariat officials, who greatly facilitated the Committee’s work.
不 过,由于业务上的紧急性和难民署的动态性质, 常无 法 做 到既保持 218 个员额 职等分布不变,又不超过总付的总预算最高限额。
However, owing to operational exigencies and the dynamic nature of UNHCR, it was not always possible to keep
a static distribution of the 218 posts in
[...] terms of levels while adhering to the [...]
total budgetary ceiling for the lump sum.
由于男 性因此常愤怒,妇 女不得不依赖少量男性渔民而获得苗种和饲料,从而增加了 [...]
交易和投入品成本12。 这个例子明确说明,对当地社会文化动态的干预活动应当以具体的背景情况 和基本问题为出发点,包括社区内的性别分离情况。
The resultant anger among the men added [...]
transaction and input costs as women had to rely on a small number of male fishers
for seedstock and feedstuffs.12 The clear message here is that interventions within the local sociocultural dynamics should base their interventions on the specific context – including the gender segregation within a community – and the underlying problem.
咨询委员会还获悉,往往需要咨询人 为公务员制度委员会的研究提供在共同制度 常常无 法 获得的专门知识。
The Committee was further informed that consultants are often
required to provide the expertise for ICSC research and
[...] studies, which is often not available within the common system.
雖然警方 說他們在2008年時,已經有指引訂明如何處理一些被虐待動物的初步程 序,但有義工向我投訴,他們在北區拯救了一隻貓,那隻貓被砍掉了一 隻腳,他們在報案時,警務人員竟然問他們,那隻貓是否做完手術後自 行到街上玩耍,這令他們感到常憤 怒。
Although the police said they have put in place guidelines on the initial procedures for handling cases of cruelty to animals in 2008, some volunteers complained to me that they had rescued a cat with a leg cut off in the North District, and when they reported to the police, surprisingly the police officer asked them if the cat could play in the street after an operation.
我们从生理上、心理上和情感上都更适合和适应生活在小群体中, 喜怒 安 乐、生老病死等等自然而然的发生,并遵循生命的节奏、季节的变换、昼夜的交替。
We are physically, psychologically, and emotionally programmed for a much different lifestyle – more suited to live together with a small number of people, to experience our feelings as natural tools of awareness, and to follow the rhythms of life, from the seasons, to the phases of the moon, to the acceptance of life and death.
该分计划的主要成果是:提高了对支配水文系统的物理和生物过程的了解和改进了旨 在减少与水有关的冲突、危害和灾害及确定各地区气候变化和反 无常 的 影响的能力培养。
The major results of the subprogramme are the enhanced understanding of the physical and biological processes that control the hydrological system and the improvement of capacity-building in order to mitigate water-related conflicts, risks and disasters and identify the impacts of climate change and variability in various zones.




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