单词 | 喜悦 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 喜悦 verb —delight v喜悦 —joyous喜悦 noun —happiness n喜悦 adjective —happy adjSee also:喜 v—like v • delight v 喜—glad • be happy • be fond of • feel pleased 悦—pleased 喜 n—happiness n
朝鲜人希望并期望将曾给国家带来耻辱和痛苦的朝鲜西海存在争议水域变 成和平与繁荣水域,给国家带来荣耀 和 喜悦 , 但这并未变成现实。 daccess-ods.un.org | But the expectation and hope of the Koreans of seeing the disputed waters in the West Sea of Korea which brought disgrace and pain to the nation [...] turn into waters of peace and prosperity adding [...] to the pride and joy of the nation have [...]not been translated into reality. daccess-ods.un.org |
二战后,当戴明博士开始在美国宣传他的理论时,美国朝野还停留在战后的胜 利 喜悦 中, 鲜有人理会戴明的说教。 12manage.com | When Dr. Deming first began speaking in America, America was still riding along on the post-war victory wave. 12manage.com |
双人设计师在KENZO的使命是为品牌注入真情至性的生 之 喜悦 和 焕 然一新的清新创意, 继续推出令人惊艳的作品,颠覆时尚“丛林”。 lvmh.cn | Their mission at KENZO is to [...] instill a real joy of living and convey [...]a new freshness to the brand, while at the same time [...]continuing to surprise and to shake up the ‘jungle’ of fashion. lvmh.com |
我爱斯宾诺莎创立的喜悦和悲 伤的影响之说。 shanghaibiennale.org | I love Spinoza’s [...] invention of affects of joy and affects of [...]sadness. shanghaibiennale.org |
特里,隐蔽小丑的喜悦蜂鸣 器,提供了一个震惊的小丑的脖子,破坏芯片,恢复他的老自已添,破坏小丑永远。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Terry, having covertly [...] retrieved the Joker’s joy buzzer, delivers [...]a shock to the Joker’s neck, destroying the chip, reverting [...]Tim to his old self, and destroying the Joker forever. seekcartoon.com |
乍一看,他摆出的姿势让人以为他沉浸在胜利 的 喜悦中 —— 其实,他身后烟雾弥漫,周围都是从工业国家输出的有害高科技废品。 unicef.org | Only at first glance does his pose seem [...] triumphant; on closer look, he is standing against curtains of smoke, surrounded [...]by the hazardous high-tech waste of industrialized countries. unicef.org |
我们将每一项任务都视为新的挑战,满 怀 喜悦 地 投 入工 作,为自己是一个博世人而倍感骄傲。 bosch.com.cn | We experience our tasks as challenging, we are dedicated to our work, and we are proud to be part of Bosch. bosch.com.cn |
在很多场合,特 别是在喜庆或哀伤的场合,这些宗教的忠实信徒坐到 一起,展示他们的喜悦和同情。 daccess-ods.un.org | On many occasions, in particular during joyous or unhappy [...] events, the faithful of those religions find themselves [...] sitting side by side to express their joy or to show their [...]compassion. daccess-ods.un.org |
游戏的 喜悦令人 难忘,足以使妇女们在社区中继续玩。 daccess-ods.un.org | The brief [...] reminder of the joy of games is enough [...]for women to continue playing in their communities. daccess-ods.un.org |
我们讨论的将是我们各 国人民过上有尊严的生活的喜悦之情 。这样,我们将 能超越社会福祉问题,不仅会缩小不同群体之间的距 离,而且也会弥合经济、领土、环境和文化方面的鸿 沟。 daccess-ods.un.org | With that, we would move beyond social well-being, not merely reducing the distances between human groups but also bridging enormous economic, territorial, environmental and cultural chasms. daccess-ods.un.org |
紧接着所带来的数目 增加和新教会发展的结果是美好又讨 神 喜悦 的。 sallee.info | Resulting growth in numbers and new churches is subsequently good and pleases God. sallee.info |
在最早的这个“主日”(阿摩司书5:18 - [...] 20)显着提到对于希望如此急切地斥责以色列人,因为它会带来不轻 与 喜悦 ( 他 们希望),但黑暗和哀悼。 mb-soft.com | In the earliest significant mention of this "day of the Lord" (Amos 5:18 - 20) the Israelites [...] are rebuked for desiring it so eagerly because it will [...] bring not light and joy (as they hope) [...]but darkness and mourning. mb-soft.com |
品尝令人惊叹的咸肉和香肠、农家奶酪和奇特的烟薰鲑鱼,想要感受更多爱尔兰美食带来 的 喜悦 , 那 就来尽情享受美食之旅(gourmet [...] food tour)吧。 discoverireland.com | Feast on fabulous cured meats and sausages, farmhouse cheeses and [...] exceptional smoked salmon and learn more about Ireland’s [...] gastronomic delights with a wonderfully [...]indulgent gourmet food tour. discoverireland.com |
起初,他们摆脱了他们的鞋子和运行进入海湾水域,重返纳尼亚的乐趣 和 喜悦。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | At first they cast off their shoes and run into the waters of the bay, [...] for fun and the joy of returning [...]to Narnia. seekcartoon.com |
拉马姆拉先生(以法语发言):主席先生,首先, 请允许我表达在你主持下的安理会代表非洲联盟委 员会及其主席让·平先生就促进非洲大陆和平、安全 与稳定的重大问题发言的喜悦之情。 daccess-ods.un.org | Mr. Lamamra( spoke in French ): Mr. President, allow me at the outset to say what a pleasure it is to address the Security Council under your presidency on behalf of the African Union Commission and its Chairperson, Mr. Jean Ping, on a question of great importance for the promotion of peace, security and stability on the African continent. daccess-ods.un.org |
Martinu 的作品表现了喜悦的心情,使这些作品强调过去被压 抑的希望或安慰所带来的戏剧性效果。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Martinu’s work [...] evinces obvious joy, adding touches of hope or consolation to his most dramatic [...]works, which are never melancholy. unesdoc.unesco.org |
字里行间吐露了牛顿的个人情感历程,即从绝望到和平以及宽恕带来 的 喜悦。 wdl.org | Its words express Newton’s personal journey from despair to [...] peace and joy through the [...]gift of grace. wdl.org |
作为阿富汗的近邻,我们同我们阿富汗兄弟姐妹 [...] 有着深厚的历史、宗教和文化上的联系,如同我们与 他们分享成功的喜悦一样,也对他们在艰难时日中经 受的痛苦感同身受。 daccess-ods.un.org | As an immediate neighbour with deep historical, religious and cultural ties with our [...] Afghan brothers and sisters, we share and feel their pain in their difficult times as [...] we share their joys in their successes. daccess-ods.un.org |
地段是一个非常具有历史意义的地区,伟大的纪念碑,将 惊 喜 和 喜悦 都 散 落各地的部门,如罗马式教堂,城堡,宫殿和修道院的土地,高耸入云的悬崖峭壁及以上的河流很多很神奇的感觉。 leapfrog-properties.com | Lot is a very historic region- great monuments that [...] will surprise and delight are strewn all around [...]the department such as Romanesque [...]churches, castles, palaces and abbeys that soar above the land on escarpments and over rivers giving Lot a quite magical feel. leapfrog-properties.com |
然而,他的地位取决于他以讨法老 喜悦 的 方 式来管理法老 的事务的忠心。 sallee.info | However his position depended on his faithfulness to administrate the affairs of Pharaoh in a manner that pleased Pharaoh. sallee.info |
卡索拉继续发挥他的精彩表现,在他们这场2-0获胜的比赛中,他制造了一次成功的射门机会并且攻入了第二个进球,同时收获了他们取得第一场胜利 的 喜悦。 sportsbook.dafa-bet.net | Santi Cazorla continued his great form, making one and scoring another in their 2-0 win, and on top of the delight of collecting their first win, they look so solid at the back, and they are the only side left in the league yet to concede a goal. sportsbook.dafa-bet.net |
Ladefoged的肖像摄影捕捉到了人们端坐时平静、优雅的一面,他的旅行录像则记录下了人们看清楚后的欢乐 和 喜悦 之 情。 ba-repsasia.com | While the portraits show people [...] sitting still and refined, their visible [...] reactions of the joy and awe of being [...]able to see clearly are captured in Ladefoged’s video footage. ba-repsasia.com |
综上考虑,我认为利物浦能够在本周比赛中取得他们的第一场胜利,考虑到接下来的几周他们对战曼联的比赛——他们会想把胜利 的 喜悦 带 入接下来的比赛中。 sportsbook.dafa-bet.net | With all things considered I’m going for Liverpool to kick-start their season and get their first win of the campaign, as considering the following weeks clash against Manchester United – they will want to go into the game with a win under their belt. sportsbook.dafa-bet.net |
接过奖杯的一刻,梅西表示﹕“我无法用言语去表达第四次获奖 的 喜悦 , 这 一切其在令人难以相信。 audemarspiguet.com | Upon receiving the trophy, Leo said “to tell you the truth this is really quite unbelievable, the fourth award that I have had is just too great for words”. audemarspiguet.com |
游戏是因其自身而存在的活动,是为了能够享受做游戏时的快乐 和 喜悦 而 进行 游戏(Pellis and Pellis [...] 2009)。 ipaworld.org | It is primarily behaviour for its own sake, for [...] the pleasure and joy of being able to [...]do it (Pellis and Pellis2009 ). ipaworld.org |
亚历山大街 (Aleksanterinkatu) 的圣诞饰灯,和圣托玛斯圣诞集市 (Tuomaan Markkinat) 的热哄哄购物情景,都散发着渗满 喜悦 的 暖 意。 visitfinland.com | Christmas lights on the city’s main street Aleksanterinkatu and the bustle of shoppers in St Thomas’ Market exude a cheering warmth. visitfinland.com |
珠海,中国一月20号,2007)当一些车队和车手还沉浸在圣诞和新年 的 喜悦 中 的时候,FRD决定在珠海国际赛车场组织一场特别的冬季比赛。 old.frdsports.com | ( Zhuhai , China ¨CJanuary 20, 2007)While some the teams and drivers are still enjoying their Christmas and New Year winter break, FRD decided to organize a special winter race at Zhuhai International Circuit, the Formula Renault Winter Race in January so to provide an opportunity for the drivers to maintain their racing condition and prepare for the season to come. old.frdsports.com |
(澳门,2012年5月12日)– 為与澳门本地社区一同分享澳门金沙开业八周年志庆 的 喜悦 , 金 沙中国关怀大使与澳门扶康会在星期六 (5月12日) 於金沙酒店的银映池畔聚首,携手制作天然香薰肥皂及享用特色自助午餐。 cn.sandsmacao.com | (Macao, May 12, 2012) – The Sands China Care [...] Ambassadors shared the joy of Sands Macao’s eighth anniversary with the local community Saturday (May 12), as they joined [...]the Fuhong Society of [...]Macau to make natural aroma soaps and enjoyed a special buffet lunch together at Reflections poolside lounge at Sands® Macao. ko.sandsmacao.com |