单词 | 喜形於色 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 形形色色—all sorts ofall kinds ofevery (different) kind of喜形于色—face light up with delight (idiom); beam with joySee also:形于色—show it in one's face show one's feelings 喜色—happy expression cheerful look
双向、定制扬声器和低音单元被巧妙地放置在屏幕下方,以形象生动的可替换织物覆盖,用户还可以选用喜爱的颜色。 bang-olufsen.com | The two-way, custom-built speaker and bass units are positioned [...] discreetly below the screen, [...] covered by a vibrant fabric that is replaceable and available in a range of striking colours. bang-olufsen.com |
这个部分最後一条问题是关於被访者是否喜欢香港发展成为一个环保绿色城市。 hkupop.hku.hk | The last [...] question in this section asked whetherpeople likedtheidea of developing Hong Kong into [...]an environmental friendly green city. hkupop.hku.hk |
这种罕见而珍贵的盐在250万年前於原 始海域形成 ,并在喜玛拉雅山山麓的古海床取获。 sfgourmet.com | Formed in theprimal seas over 2.5 million years ago, this rare and precious Himalayan salt is harvested from the ancient sea beds in the Himalayan foothills [...] near Pakistan. sfgourmet.com |
此阶段的幼儿,喜欢教他们认颜色、形状、字母、声音和数 字的简单的智能玩具和软件。 cpsc.gov | Children in this age group find simple smart toys [...] and software thatteach colors, shapes, letters and sounds, and [...]numbers enjoyable. cpsc.gov |
GIF图形交换格式是一种图形文件 格式,此格式能支援8位色,於单一图像的调色板中有256种颜色,而这些颜色是於24位RGB色彩空间中拣选出来的。 nw-imedia.com.hk | GIF, Graphics Interchange Format, is a bitmap image format. This format supports up to 8 bits per pixel, allowing a single image to reference a paletteof up to [...] 256 distinct colors [...]chosen from the 24-bit RGB color space. nw-imedia.com |
点击“添加直线”、“添加矩形”、“添加填充的矩形”、“添加椭圆”、“添加填充的椭圆”分别可以在页面上绘制直线、矩形、 椭圆图形,默认情况下填充颜色为黑色,通过右下角的“填充颜色”属性夹可以调整红、绿、蓝三色的滑杆,选择喜好的颜色。 oapdf.com | Click the "Add Line", "Add rectangle", "add the filling of the rectangular," "Add an oval," "Add fill the Oval", respectively, can [...] draw a straight line on the page, [...] rectangular,ovalgraphics,default fill color isblack, through the lower right corner of the "Fill color" folder attributes can adjust the red, green, and blue of the slider,thecolor of choice. oapdf.com |
我喜欢比赛,我喜欢的颜色和形状,但 我不再是孩子了。 luxe-immo.com | Ilovegames,Ilovethe colours and shapesbut I am no longer [...] a child. luxe-immo.com |
汞主要是以 甲基汞这种有机形态积存於鱼類体内。 cfs.gov.hk | Methylmercury is the organic formpresent predominantly [...] in fish. cfs.gov.hk |
适合喜欢创意及敢於冒险的人 这类型的创业是最具弹性及自由度,百分之百是由创业者自己控制,十分适合敢於创新而 又肯冒险的人士,这种创业形式甚 至可以带给创业者很大的满足感及成功感。 gemconsortium.org | Suitable for Creativeand Adventurous People — This is the most flexible and freest method to start business. gemconsortium.org |
心形皮盒内18-20支你喜欢顔色的郁金香, 另加醉人的有名比利时酒心朱古力Ducd'O, 让人会心微笑。 givegift.com.hk | Heart shaped leatherbox with 18 to 20 tulips,with a color of yourchoice, [...] together with the renowned liquer chocolate [...]Ducd'O in wooden box, get ready to loosen up your special someone. givegift.com.hk |
自选办公室配置」方面,Smart Office不再受限於传统办公室的沉闷色调,客人不但能挑选自己喜欢的办公室家俬颜色,更 可选择喜爱的墙纸和地毯颜色,真正拥有一个「专属」办公室。 ipress.com.hk | Traditional office gives people an [...] image ofdull colour tones, but Smart Office will jump out of this frame. Clients can :Make their own office; by choosingthe coloursof wallpaper, [...]carpet and furniture all by themselves. ipress.com.hk |
给您的windows,对话框,窗体一个全新的样子,用您最喜欢的形状,3D效果、界面、结构、位图、光标、动画、声音、颜色和字体。 evget.com | Give a new fresh look to your windows, dialog [...] boxesand forms, using your preferredshapes,3D effects, surfaces, textures, bitmaps, cursors, animations,sounds, colors and fonts. evget.com |
2012年3月27日] 第36届香港国际电影节於今天(3月27日)假香港文化中心呈献世界首映系列之一《低俗喜剧》,电影由黑色幽默大师彭浩翔执导,杜汶泽、詹瑞文、郑丹瑞、Da Da (陈静)、田蕊妮、邵音音、叶山豪、邹凯光、谷德昭、麦玲玲、陈逸宁及周俊伟等担纲演出。 society.hkiff.org.hk | 27 March, 2012 -The Hong Kong International [...] Film Festival Society [...] (HKIFFS) proudly launches Gala Premieres today (27 March) at Hong Kong Cultural Centre at the 36th Hong Kong International Film Festival (HKIFF): Vulgaria, directed by the masterof blackhumour, Pang [...]Ho-cheung, starring [...]Chapman To, Jim Chim, Lawrence Cheng, Dada Chan, Kristal Tin, Susan Siu, Hiro Hayama, Matt Chow, Vincent Chiu, Mak Ling Ling, Isabel Chan and Lawrence Chou. society.hkiff.org.hk |
货号:A169154 颜色分类:美国变形金刚蓝色, 喜羊羊19蓝(原价298元与商场同步上 款), [...] 851蓝色原价328元, 迪士尼米妮9057粉色, 喜羊羊19粉(原价298元与商场同步上款), 851玫红原价328元, 芭比169154, [...]芭比881原价328元, 迪士尼公主74 (原价288元与商场同步上款), 迪士尼米奇9057蓝色, 美国变形金刚黑色 按价格展示:100元-150元 品牌:迪士尼 所在地:四川成都 是否有导购视频:无视频 迪士尼书包系列:米奇米尼系列 适用年龄:6岁以上 书包图案:芭比 tw.70900.com | Item: A169154 colorclassification:the U.S. Transformers [...] blue, Pleasant 19 Blue (original price 298 yuan sync with the [...]mall on paragraph), 851 blue original price of 328 yuan, Disney Minnie 9057 pink, Pleasant 19 powder (the original price of 298 yuan mall synchronization preceding paragraph), 851 Rose original price of 328 yuan, Barbie 169154 Barbie 881 of the original 328 yuan, Disney Princess 74 (the original price of 288 yuan and mall synchronization preceding paragraph), Disney Mickey 9057 blue display the U.S. Transformers Black Price: 100 yuan -150 yuan Brand: the Disney location: Chengdu, Sichuan Are there shopping guide video: no Disney schoolbag series of video : Mickey the of Flamini series applicable Age: 6 years schoolbag pattern: Barbie 70900.com |
他们喜欢尝试所有形形色色的食物及挑战新开幕的餐厅、餐车和小吃店。 cn.asiafriendfinder.com | They love tryingall types of food as well as trying new restaurants, food trucks and hole-in-the-walls. asiafriendfinder.com |
至於第二 种形式的警 诫,则 是 在 某 人 被 控 犯 某 项 罪 行 或 获 通 知 他 可 能 会 被 检 控 某 项 罪 行 时 施 行 , 而 在 此 之 後 , 与 该 项 罪 行 有 关 的 问 题 只 限 於 特 殊 情 况 之 下 方 可 提 出 , 这 些 情 况 是 〆 问 题 是 为 求 防 止 对 任 何 人 或 公 众 造 成 伤 害 或 损 失 或 减 轻 此 伤 害 或 损 失 而 有 必 要 提 出 的,又 或 者 是 为 求 澄 清 旧 有 答 案 或 陈 述 中 的 [...][...] 含 糊 之 处 而 有 必 要 提 出 的 。 hkreform.gov.hk | Thereafter questions relating to the offence can be put only in exceptional cases, where they are necessary for the purpose of preventing or minimising harm or loss to any person or to the public or for clearing up an ambiguity in a previous answer or statement. hkreform.gov.hk |
一个突出的例子是在游戏的玛莎和杜罗,其中,最年轻的球员移动到一个新的水平,它是必要来解决算术和拼写简单的任务,但他们这是不是无聊,所有的童话,自己喜欢的角色的形式提 供的。 vn.yayoye.com | A striking example is the game Masha and the Douro, where the youngest players to move to the next level, it is necessary to solve simple tasks in [...] arithmetic and spelling, but to them it was not boring, all [...] furnished inthe form offairy tales with theirfavorite characters. vn.yayoye.com |
BeoLab 15 可依据您的喜好,安装於耳部高度以上或以下的墙面位置,无需担心技术上的限制,提供出色的平 衡音效,让您在最佳聆听位置享受完美的聆赏体验。 bang-olufsen.com | BeoLab 15 can be wall-mounted above orbelow ear height according to your taste without worrying about technical restrictions, giving you great balanced sound that hits the acoustic sweet spot of a perfect listening experience. bang-olufsen.com |
(2) 代表委任表格及授权签署该表格之授权书或其他授权文件(如有)或经公证人证明之该等 授权文件之认证副本,最迟须於大会或其任何续会之指定举行时间48小时前送达本公司之 总办事处及主要营业地点(地址为香港新界葵涌葵喜街 1-11号达利国际中心11楼),方 为 有效。 equitynet.com.hk | (2) To be valid, forms of proxy and the power of attorney or other authority (if any) under which it is signed or a notarially certified copy of that power [...] of attorney must be [...] deposited at the head office and principal placeof business of the Company at 11th Floor, High Fashion Centre, 1–11 Kwai Hei Street, Kwai Chung, New Territories, Hong Kong not [...]less than 48 hours [...]before the time appointed for holding the meeting or any adjournment thereof. equitynet.com.hk |
奇林杰所提,引人注目的基督教的传道是根据「叙事神学」 (recital theology) [...] -详述上帝所为我们、给我们、通过我们做的事-并且可能以「叙事形成社群」为特色3,於是我们必须了解如此形成的信仰团体总是超乎其本身,受召进入对话式见证和调和性事工中更大的世界。 ttcs.org.tw | If, as John Killinger has suggested, effective Christian preaching is grounded in a "recital theology"a recitation of the things God has done for us and [...] to us and through us and may be [...] characterizedas a "rehearsal-to-form-the-community," 3 then we must [...]understand that the [...]faith community so formed is always called beyond itself into the larger world in dialogical witness and reconciliatory service. ttcs.org.tw |
倘本公司认定,有必要或适宜以其他形式进行交易(如安排或合并计划),据此,本公司或本公 司附属公司可於同期相约时间,按经济条款及其他条款及条件(包括(但不限於)税务处理及形式以及每股普通股的代价金额)及结果对Anvil及Anvil股东而言属相等於或有利於拟进行交易的情 况下有效收购全部普通股(「替代交易」),则Anvil同意支持以与要约相同的方式完成替代交易, [...] 并将以其他方式就该替代交易履行其於支持协议的契诺,惟任何替代交易将不会受到融资条件的 规限。 mmg.com | If the Company concludes that it is necessary or desirable to proceed with another form of transaction (such as a plan of arrangement or amalgamation) whereby the Company or a Company Subsidiary would effectively [...] acquire all of the Common [...] Shares within approximately thesame time periods and on economic terms and other terms and conditions (including, without limitation, tax treatmentandform and amount of [...]consideration per Common [...]Share) and having consequences to Anvil and the Anvil Shareholders that are equivalent to or better than those contemplated by the Support Agreement (an “Alternative Transaction”), Anvil agrees to support the completion of such Alternative Transaction in the same manner as the Offer and will otherwise fulfil its covenants contained in the Support Agreement in respect of such Alternative Transaction, provided any such Alternative Transaction will not be subject to a financing condition. mmg.com |
结合与仪器一起开发并拥 有专利之演算及数据处理技术结构,GMW 感应器将提供更完备之天气预测(对龙卷 风、飓风及台风等恶劣天气之预测尤其出色)及用於建立 气候模型的数据。 asiasat.com | Together with the proprietary algorithms and data processing architecture which have been developed with the instrument, the GMW Sensor will provide greatly improved weather forecasting (and in particular for severe weather suchas tornadoes, hurricanes and typhoons) and data for climate modeling. asiasat.com |
(i) 倘以邮递形式送达,则於载有该通告或其他文件之信封或封套邮寄投递翌 日视作已经送达;在载有该通告之信封或封套已妥为预付邮资、注明地址 [...] 并邮寄投递(倘由香港可以空邮投递之香港境外地址,则须预付空邮邮 资),且由本公司秘书或董事会委任之其他人士签署,书面证明有关载有 [...]该通告或其他文件之信封或封套已填妥该地址及邮寄投递後,即为已经送 达之不可推翻之证据 hongkongfoodinvestment.com.hk | (i) if served by post, shall be deemed to have been [...] served on the day following that on which the envelope or wrapper containing [...]the same is posted and in proving such service it shall be sufficient to prove that the envelope or wrapper containing the notice was properly prepaid, addressed and posted (in the case of an address outside Hong Kong by air-mail postage prepaid where air-mail posting from Hong Kong to such place is available) and a certificate in writing signed by the Secretary or other person appointed by the Board that the envelope or wrapper containing the notice or other document was so addressed and put into the post shall be conclusive evidence thereof hongkongfoodinvestment.com.hk |
采用华丽的设计与温暖丰富的色调,DOM Lounge 的特色在於簇绒垫墙面和 LED 照明吧台,宾客可在华丽的麂皮沙发和典雅的皮革沙发上或舒适的休息区内自在放松,针对希望拥有私人空间的贵宾,还提供了高墙隔间,内有 [...] 19 世纪初俄国文艺复兴风格的空灵壁画。 hk.marinabaysands.com | Opulently [...] designed andhued inwarm, richcolours,DOMLounge features tufted cushion [...]walls and LED lit bars where guests [...]may retreat comfortably on glamorous suede and classy leather sofas, cozy seating areas or for VIPs seeking privacy - high-walled booths with ethereal wall murals borrowing influences from early 19th century Russian Renaissance. marinabaysands.com |