

单词 不重视

See also:

重视 (...) v

value v
emphasize v
take sth. into account v

External sources (not reviewed)

[...] 科学和技术部例行公事地把大部分资金拨给了高等教育,非 不重视 科 学 和技术。
Among the findings was the fact that the then Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology
routinely allocated the bulk of its resources to higher education,
[...] with minimal attention paid to science and [...]
不幸的是,它们通常没被赋予这一 作用,或者是它们不感兴趣不重视 这 方 面的作用。
Unfortunately, this role has too often either not been accorded to the institution or been neglected or given a low priority by it.
相对于技能与管理培训,大多数公司 不重视 语 言 培训,这虽然与工作性质有关, 却不利于解决外籍员工与客户沟通存在的障碍。
Compared to skills and management training, the majority of employers
[...] did not attach importance to language training, [...]
though it is related to the nature of work.
根据公民资格原则,在共 和国成立时,就以领土(而非血缘)为基础,采用了关于国民和良心的共同特征的 定义,所不重视公民 的人种或种族背景。
No importance is attached to a citizen’s racial or ethnic background since the definition of a common identity on the nationhood and
conscience on
[...] territorial (and not on blood) basis in line with the principle of citizenship has been adopted with [...]
the establishment of the Republic.
这并不意味着澳大利亚的医不重视 您 的 身心健康。
This doesn't mean that Australian doctors don't think
[...] your health and wellbeing is important.
监督厅还强调不重视财产管理增 加了资产消失的风险。
OIOS also stressed that the lack of attention to property management increased the risk of assets disappearing.
传统增长只要求令人满意的经济回报 不重视 投 资 去处, 而绿色增长十分注重确保资金用于为今后更强的可持续发展成效奠定基础。
And where traditional
[...] growth is indifferent to where investment goes, [...]
as long as financial returns are satisfactory, green
growth is strongly concerned with ensuring that finance is used to lay the foundations for higher sustainable development performance in the future.
但是这些问题都将在2013有望缓解,各品牌将将不再有借 不重视 自 己 在移动网络中的表现。
However as these challenges look set to subside in 2013, brands have no more excuses not to step up their mobile presence.
对预算的担忧使得许多教育机构负责管理施工合同的官员不 不重视 初 始 材料的成本和管道系统的使用寿命,对于较大的公立学校而言更是如此。
Constant budgetary concerns for many
[...] institutions mean that initial material cost and the longevity of installed plumbing systems are important to officials [...]
in charge of construction
contracts, especially in the case of large public schools.
有的时候,救灾机构不象灾民那样重视生计问题,例如,Bam 的救灾干预不重视重 建果 园的灌溉系统,将它排在避难场所、学校和饮用水之后。
This was the case in Bam where interveners gave a low priority to irrigation for orchards, ranking such support lower than shelter, schools and drinking water.
在打击暴力行为时,必须区分性别暴力和一般形式的暴力,因为如 不重视 性别 暴力的人际性质(男女之间),就将无法解决土著社区中暴力侵害土著妇女和 [...]
In combating violence, it is important to distinguish gendered forms of violence from
general manifestations of violence
[...] because if there is no focus on the interpersonal [...]
nature of gender violence — between
a man and a woman — there will be a failure to address the endemic levels of violence against indigenous women and girls in indigenous communities.
在确认苏丹传达的信息的同时,他强 调新加坡动议的合法性,该动议旨在使委员会就一 些国家反对执行部分第 1 段的情况采取行动,因为 决议的提案不重视这一情况。
Confirming the information provided by the representative of Sudan, he stressed that the motion proposed by Singapore was perfectly legitimate: it would allow the Committee to take note of the opposition of a number of countries to the wording of paragraph 1, which was something that the sponsors of the draft resolution had failed to do.
虽然许多国 家已适当调整破产法的重点,转而给尽早采取行动提供更多选项,以便利企业 的拯救和重组,但仍然不重视给董事使用这些选项提供适当的动力,通常是 由于董事未及时采取行动,而任由债权人决定究竟是采取这些选项还是启动正 式程序。
Often, it is left to creditors to pursue those options or commence formal proceedings because the directors have failed to act on a timely basis.
人道主义空间的缩减是由于与目前冲突有关的 很多行为体都不遵守人道主义原则 不重视 人 道 主 义人员的安全,有些国家出于国家主权的原因,拒 绝人道主义机构进入,有些国家利用民事领域和军 事领域的界限变得模糊,彻底地破坏人道主义行动。
The shrinking of humanitarian space was due to the fact that a multiplicity of actors in current conflicts had no respect for humanitarian principles or the safety of humanitarian staff; that some countries, on the ground of national sovereignty, did not allow humanitarian organizations to operate in their territory; and that the blurring of the lines that had once clearly separated the civilian and military spheres had been exploited by some to undermine the very foundations of humanitarian action.
不重视经济 、社会和文化权 利会抑制政策制定者的能力,使其无法评估在城乡、种族和种族等级制、和不同 [...]
的社会经济群体内处于不同地位的妇女是如何经历与暴力侵害妇女交织在一起的 不同形式的歧视的。
Less attention to economic, social, [...]
and cultural rights inhibits policymakers’ abilities to assess how differently positioned
women within urban and rural contexts, racial and ethnic hierarchies, and within different socioeconomic groups are experiencing forms of discrimination as they intersect with violence against women.
近年来对发展目标重视不够, 需要更加重视发展目标。
Development objectives needed to be given greater priority than they had received in recent years.
20 项建议中大部分的直接原因是:资金不可预测/资金不足、规划不足、管重视不足, 以及一些工作地点的工作条件恶劣/艰苦/困难。
The immediate causes of most of the 20 recommendations were: unpredictability of funding/inadequate funding; insufficient planning; inadequate management attention; and harsh/tough/difficult working conditions in some duty stations.
这一领域面临的挑战包括:普 重视不 同 合 作伙伴,如媒体、政府当 局和议员,的对话;解决媒体部门面临的金融危机的影响;重组网络空间的视听部门。
Challenges encountered in this area include maintaining dialogue among different partners, namely the media, governmental authorities and parliamentarians; dealing with the impact of the financial crisis that the media sector is facing and the restructuring of the audiovisual sector in the context of cyberspace.
他强调指出,目前高粮价及长期 饥饿人口数量居高不下的现实主要是过去三十年里对农 重视不 足 造 成的,因此必 须提高官方发展援助量及各国对农业的预算投入。
He emphasized that the present situation of high food prices and continuing high number of chronic hungry
was largely a result
[...] of the low priority given to agriculture in the last three decades, and therefore stressed the importance of increasing [...]
official development
assistance and the proportions of national budgets allocated to agriculture.
如果对不同形式的结构性暴力现 重视不 够 , 就很容易忽视 一些权利是如何被赋予特权而优于其他权利的,以及这如何又反过来对妇女产生 负面影响的。
When insufficient attention is paid to different forms of structural violence it is easy to ignore the ways [...]
that various rights are
privileged over other rights, and how this, in turn, negatively impacts women.
我们认为,对于中层管理人员在实施注 重结果的管理上所发挥的重要作 重视不 够。
In our view, not enough attention has been given to the key role that middle management will have to play in implementing results-based management.
该报告确定了若干必须加以促进的广泛政策 方向,具体如下:(a) 政府应越来越多地在城市中发挥更为重要的发展作用;(b) 经 过改革的城市规划系统必须充分和明确地应对当前和正在出现的城市挑战,包括 气候变化、快速城市化和贫穷不断 缩 小的城市、老龄化、城市的多元文化组成、 非正规性和安全;(c) 各国应制定国家城市政策,以更加系统地应对城市挑战和 预期;以及(d) 应高度优先重视并根 据现实标准发展很多发展中国家缺乏的强 制执行城市规划监管的能力。
It identified a number of broad policy directions that must be promoted, as follows: (a) Governments should increasingly take on a more central development role in cities; (b) reformed urban planning systems must fully and unequivocally address the current and emerging urban challenges, including climate change, rapid urbanization and poverty, shrinking cities, ageing, multicultural composition of cities, informality and safety; (c) countries should formulate national urban
policies in order to address
[...] urban challenges and prospects more systematically; and (d) capacity to enforce urban planning regulations, which is seriously lacking in many developing countries, should be given very high priority and should be developed on the basis of realistic [...]
在大多数会员国看来,“促进人权和反对 视 ” 不 应 成 为教科文组织的一个新的横向 专题,它们强调指出,教科文组织的相对优势在于人权教育,因此 不 应 该 重 复 联 合国其他 组织的工作,特别是人权事务高级专员办事处的工作。
In the opinion of most Member States, the “promotion
of human rights and
[...] struggle against discrimination” should not be designated as a new cross-cutting theme for UNESCO, stressing the fact that UNESCO’s comparative advantage was on human rights education and that its action should not duplicate work done by other [...]
United Nations bodies,
and in particular, the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights.
秘书长的报告以及今天的通报都强调了以下一 些重要而明显的要素:阿富汗未来需要一种明智而现 实的政治愿景以及实现这一愿景的可靠政治进程;尽 管单靠军事努力无法解决阿富汗冲突,但我 不 能忽 视安全 保障对于确保在其他领域,例如在治理、发展 和人权领域取得进展的重要性;必须使阿富汗政府本 身成为一个能够提供基本服务和采取反腐行动的可 靠、有效伙伴;此外,显然需要高 重视 发 展阿富汗 的能力,以便朝阿富汗人发挥主导作用方向过渡。
The Secretary-General’s report and today’s briefings underline some crucial and evident factors: the need for an intelligent, hard-headed political vision for Afghanistan’s future and a credible political process to achieve that vision; the fact
that while military
[...] efforts alone will not resolve Afghanistan’s conflict, we cannot lose sight of the importance of security to making progress in other areas, such as governance, development and human rights; the indispensability of a credible and effective partner in the Afghan Government itself that can provide basic services and take action against corruption; and the obvious need to give priority to developing [...]
Afghan capabilities
in order to transition to Afghan ownership.
这份报告已经表明,洪都拉重视保 护印第安人以及洪都拉斯黑人的土生 土长的文化,为此,国家出台专项法律并设立相关机构,目的是保 不 同 的 国家 文化表现形式,并最终使这些原住民融入一个团结的社会,使他们的民族起源和 文化起源得到尊重。
This report demonstrates the concern of Honduras for the protection and conservation of indigenous and Afro-Honduran native cultures, as reflected in the establishment of special [...]
units and laws to protect the various manifestations
of the national culture, which will result in the full integration of these peoples into a properly consolidated society that respects their ethnic and cultural origins.
最后,我要重申,波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那极重 视在冲突后重建社会时伸张正义和实行法治,视之为 旨在实现和解、稳定与持久不可逆转和平的建设和 平战略的一种全面做法的组成部分。
Finally, I would like to reiterate the importance that Bosnia and Herzegovina attaches to justice and the rule of law in rebuilding post-conflict societies, as parts of a comprehensive approach to peacebuilding strategies aimed at achieving reconciliation, stability and lasting, irreversible peace.
尽管某个发达国重视从其它发达国家进口的可能性,但欧盟的观点 不固 定 ,而美国与基于研究的药品行业一样,只愿意进口来自发展中国家的产品。
One developed country favours the possibility of import from developed countries, but the EU has no fixed views and the US favours supply from developing countries only, as does the research-based pharmaceutical industry.
阿富汗代表团十重视《布 鲁塞尔行动纲领》 的最后审查,并希望第四次联合国 不 发 达 国家问 题会议的成果文件能为可持续发展和经济增长提供 一个新的伙伴关系框架,以使这些国家逐步融入世 界经济。
His delegation attached great importance to the final review of the Brussels Programme of Action and hoped that the [...]
outcome of the fourth United Nations
Conference on the Least Developed Countries would provide a new framework for partnership for sustainable development and economic growth so as to enable those countries to integrate progressively into the world economy.
宣言》强调指出,为了促进发 展,应当同重视并应 立即考虑落实、增进和保护公民权利、政治权利,以及经 济、社会和文化等权利,因此,增进尊重和享受某些人权和基本自 不 能 成 为剥 夺其他人权和基本自由的理由。
The Declaration emphasizes that, in order to promote development, equal attention and urgent consideration should be given to the implementation, promotion and protection of civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights and that, accordingly, the promotion of, respect for and enjoyment of certain human rights and fundamental freedoms cannot justify the denial of other human rights and fundamental freedoms.
越南特重视即将召开的 2010 年不扩散 核武器 条约(不扩散条约)缔约国审议大会,并且认为,促进 核裁军与核不扩散的最佳途径是提高《不扩散条约》 [...]
的效力,因为该条约是核裁军、核不扩散与和平利用 核能的基石。
Viet Nam attaches special importance to the upcoming 2010 Review [...]
Conference of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear
Weapons (NPT) and is of the view that the best way to advance nuclear disarmament and nuclear non-proliferation is to enhance the effectiveness of the NPT, which is the cornerstone of nuclear disarmament, nuclear non-proliferation and peaceful uses of nuclear energy.




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